As the rest of Europe lives under lockdown, Sweden keeps calm and carries on

Sweden reporting 29 deaths so far today.

First of all: nothing what Sweden is doing is really comparable with the stupid ideas in context "Corona" of Trump, Johnson, Bolzenaro, Orban, Erdogan or other extreme nationalists and/or autocrats.

In case of Sweden some little differences come because of another concept of the leading virologist of Sweden and because of a totally different tradition of the people in Sweden. Swedes trust in their government - what other nations are not able to do in a similar way. Swedes don't let their longship sink and "brotherhood" or "solidarity" are in Sweden more a kind of natural force. A Swede - I guess all other Scandinavians as well - takes "automatically" care for others, without to threaten anyones freedom.

And Swedes report not 29 but 1511 people, who died because of Corona. If you caculate "* 33" then this will give for the USA an equivalent number. Today (data from yesterday) this number is "49,863" - and this could be the # of dead US-Americans, if you would be able to be like Swedes. You seem to be better in the moment (But not to forget: Sweden fights longer and all real numbers are also always higher than the reported numbers. It exist always unknowns.) Nevertheless: Today Johns Hopkins University reports about 35,000 (and not about 50,000) dead US-Americans in the moment. That's a factor of 0.7, what's very good. But is this a reason to be proud? I fear you will pass Sweden, because of the much higher inertia moment of the big USA compared with little Sweden.

Sweden reporting 29 deaths so far today.

First of all: nothing what Sweden is doing is really comparable with the stupid ideas in context "Corona" of Trump, Johnson, Bolzenaro, Orban, Erdogan or other extreme nationalists and/or autocrats.

In case of Sweden some little differences come because of another concept of the leading virologist of Sweden and because of a totally different tradition of the people in Sweden. Swedes trust in their government - what other nations are not able to do in a similar way. Swedes don't let their longship sink and "brotherhood" or "solidarity" are in Sweden more a kind of natural force. A Swede - I guess all other Scandinavians as well - takes "automatically" care for others, without to threaten anyones freedom.

And Swedes report not 29 but 1511 people, who died because of Corona. If you caculate "* 33" then this will give for the USA an equivalent number. Today (data from yesterday) this number is "49,863" - and this could be the # of dead US-Americans, if you would be able to be like Swedes. You seem to be better in the moment (But not to forget: Sweden fights longer and all real numbers are also always higher than the reported numbers. It exist always unknowns.) Nevertheless: Today Johns Hopkins University reports about 35,000 (and not about 50,000) dead US-Americans in the moment. That's a factor of 0.7, what's very good. But is this a reason to be proud? I fear you will pass Sweden, because of the much higher inertia moment of the big USA compared with little Sweden.

29 for the day.

What for are the data of a single day interesting?
Sweden reporting 29 deaths so far today.

First of all: nothing what Sweden is doing is really comparable with the stupid ideas in context "Corona" of Trump, Johnson, Bolzenaro, Orban, Erdogan or other extreme nationalists and/or autocrats.

In case of Sweden some little differences come because of another concept of the leading virologist of Sweden and because of a totally different tradition of the people in Sweden. Swedes trust in their government - what other nations are not able to do in a similar way. Swedes don't let their longship sink and "brotherhood" or "solidarity" are in Sweden more a kind of natural force. A Swede - I guess all other Scandinavians as well - takes "automatically" care for others, without to threaten anyones freedom.

And Swedes report not 29 but 1511 people, who died because of Corona. If you caculate "* 33" then this will give for the USA an equivalent number. Today (data from yesterday) this number is "49,863" - and this could be the # of dead US-Americans, if you would be able to be like Swedes. You seem to be better in the moment (But not to forget: Sweden fights longer and all real numbers are also always higher than the reported numbers. It exist always unknowns.) Nevertheless: Today Johns Hopkins University reports about 35,000 (and not about 50,000) dead US-Americans in the moment. That's a factor of 0.7, what's very good. But is this a reason to be proud? I fear you will pass Sweden, because of the much higher inertia moment of the big USA compared with little Sweden.

Sweden reporting 29 deaths so far today.

First of all: nothing what Sweden is doing is really comparable with the stupid ideas in context "Corona" of Trump, Johnson, Bolzenaro, Orban, Erdogan or other extreme nationalists and/or autocrats.

In case of Sweden some little differences come because of another concept of the leading virologist of Sweden and because of a totally different tradition of the people in Sweden. Swedes trust in their government - what other nations are not able to do in a similar way. Swedes don't let their longship sink and "brotherhood" or "solidarity" are in Sweden more a kind of natural force. A Swede - I guess all other Scandinavians as well - takes "automatically" care for others, without to threaten anyones freedom.

And Swedes report not 29 but 1511 people, who died because of Corona. If you caculate "* 33" then this will give for the USA an equivalent number. Today (data from yesterday) this number is "49,863" - and this could be the # of dead US-Americans, if you would be able to be like Swedes. You seem to be better in the moment (But not to forget: Sweden fights longer and all real numbers are also always higher than the reported numbers. It exist always unknowns.) Nevertheless: Today Johns Hopkins University reports about 35,000 (and not about 50,000) dead US-Americans in the moment. That's a factor of 0.7, what's very good. But is this a reason to be proud? I fear you will pass Sweden, because of the much higher inertia moment of the big USA compared with little Sweden.

29 for the day.

What for are the data of a single day interesting?

For watching to see how it rates against previous days and if it displaying any kind of trend.
Sweden reporting 29 deaths so far today.

First of all: nothing what Sweden is doing is really comparable with the stupid ideas in context "Corona" of Trump, Johnson, Bolzenaro, Orban, Erdogan or other extreme nationalists and/or autocrats.

In case of Sweden some little differences come because of another concept of the leading virologist of Sweden and because of a totally different tradition of the people in Sweden. Swedes trust in their government - what other nations are not able to do in a similar way. Swedes don't let their longship sink and "brotherhood" or "solidarity" are in Sweden more a kind of natural force. A Swede - I guess all other Scandinavians as well - takes "automatically" care for others, without to threaten anyones freedom.

And Swedes report not 29 but 1511 people, who died because of Corona. If you caculate "* 33" then this will give for the USA an equivalent number. Today (data from yesterday) this number is "49,863" - and this could be the # of dead US-Americans, if you would be able to be like Swedes. You seem to be better in the moment (But not to forget: Sweden fights longer and all real numbers are also always higher than the reported numbers. It exist always unknowns.) Nevertheless: Today Johns Hopkins University reports about 35,000 (and not about 50,000) dead US-Americans in the moment. That's a factor of 0.7, what's very good. But is this a reason to be proud? I fear you will pass Sweden, because of the much higher inertia moment of the big USA compared with little Sweden.

Sweden reporting 29 deaths so far today.

First of all: nothing what Sweden is doing is really comparable with the stupid ideas in context "Corona" of Trump, Johnson, Bolzenaro, Orban, Erdogan or other extreme nationalists and/or autocrats.

In case of Sweden some little differences come because of another concept of the leading virologist of Sweden and because of a totally different tradition of the people in Sweden. Swedes trust in their government - what other nations are not able to do in a similar way. Swedes don't let their longship sink and "brotherhood" or "solidarity" are in Sweden more a kind of natural force. A Swede - I guess all other Scandinavians as well - takes "automatically" care for others, without to threaten anyones freedom.

And Swedes report not 29 but 1511 people, who died because of Corona. If you caculate "* 33" then this will give for the USA an equivalent number. Today (data from yesterday) this number is "49,863" - and this could be the # of dead US-Americans, if you would be able to be like Swedes. You seem to be better in the moment (But not to forget: Sweden fights longer and all real numbers are also always higher than the reported numbers. It exist always unknowns.) Nevertheless: Today Johns Hopkins University reports about 35,000 (and not about 50,000) dead US-Americans in the moment. That's a factor of 0.7, what's very good. But is this a reason to be proud? I fear you will pass Sweden, because of the much higher inertia moment of the big USA compared with little Sweden.

29 for the day.

What for are the data of a single day interesting?

For watching to see how it rates against previous days and if it displaying any kind of trend.

Okay. In a sea of data and a sea of unknown data and a sea of fake data you take one single number which justifies you to say the USA is like Sweden? Give me all data wich you compare and tell me what's your conclusion out of this data.
Norway and Denmark have as many cases as Sweden (population adjusted). ...

If you had read, what I wrote, then you would know that Norway has much less dead people than Sweden. Norway 2.5 per 100k. Sweden 13 per 100k (data from yesterday). The factor is 1:5. Denmark has about 6 and Germany about 5.
If it would a be football game then
Norway wins 5:1 against Sweden
Germany wins 3:1 against Sweden
Denmark wins 2:1 against Sweden.

But it is not a game. Dead people are really dead.

And Sweden never had the "to do less than nothing"-system, which Trump (USA) and Johnson (UK) tried to install in their countries with an arrogant ignorance. Could be Boris Johnson is now cured from such stupidities - while Trump ... while Trump ... what for heavens sake to say about Donald Trump now any longer in this context? This man is far from anything what I could call "sane mind". His "liberate"-slogans help no one to fight together against Corona.

Why don’t you start some spread sheets?

I trust in the ability to think. Pictures lie. Statistics lie. And data are not so easy comparable. In England for example don't count people who die at home - and the situation in old people's home seems partially (or in total) very dramatic - but without effect in statistics. In Germany for example (we make an unbelievable amount of tests ) everyone dies on Corona, who was tested positive - even if died in a car accident for example. In Fiji they have no tests - or not enough tests. They start to diagnose Corona after someone has fever. And so on. And so on.

I do not have good data for the USA.
For German data I use the data from the Robert Koch Institute: RKI - Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 - COVID-19: Fallzahlen in Deutschland und weltweit
For the EU including GB: Situation update for the EU/EEA and the UK, as of 18 April 2020
For the world: WHO COVID-19 Dashboard

The UK figures are massively under reported. The daily figures do not include deaths outside of hospitals and that data is proving difficult to access for obvious reasons. I.E. It makes the government look bad.

I understand that this is also true in the US.

The UK figures are also inaccurate because deaths over the weekend are not recorded for a couple of days. |So on a Monday the figure is low and on a Tuesday it jumps up. Weekly figures are more accurate. But not much better.
Sweden reporting 29 deaths so far today.

First of all: nothing what Sweden is doing is really comparable with the stupid ideas in context "Corona" of Trump, Johnson, Bolzenaro, Orban, Erdogan or other extreme nationalists and/or autocrats.

In case of Sweden some little differences come because of another concept of the leading virologist of Sweden and because of a totally different tradition of the people in Sweden. Swedes trust in their government - what other nations are not able to do in a similar way. Swedes don't let their longship sink and "brotherhood" or "solidarity" are in Sweden more a kind of natural force. A Swede - I guess all other Scandinavians as well - takes "automatically" care for others, without to threaten anyones freedom.

And Swedes report not 29 but 1511 people, who died because of Corona. If you caculate "* 33" then this will give for the USA an equivalent number. Today (data from yesterday) this number is "49,863" - and this could be the # of dead US-Americans, if you would be able to be like Swedes. You seem to be better in the moment (But not to forget: Sweden fights longer and all real numbers are also always higher than the reported numbers. It exist always unknowns.) Nevertheless: Today Johns Hopkins University reports about 35,000 (and not about 50,000) dead US-Americans in the moment. That's a factor of 0.7, what's very good. But is this a reason to be proud? I fear you will pass Sweden, because of the much higher inertia moment of the big USA compared with little Sweden.

Sweden reporting 29 deaths so far today.

First of all: nothing what Sweden is doing is really comparable with the stupid ideas in context "Corona" of Trump, Johnson, Bolzenaro, Orban, Erdogan or other extreme nationalists and/or autocrats.

In case of Sweden some little differences come because of another concept of the leading virologist of Sweden and because of a totally different tradition of the people in Sweden. Swedes trust in their government - what other nations are not able to do in a similar way. Swedes don't let their longship sink and "brotherhood" or "solidarity" are in Sweden more a kind of natural force. A Swede - I guess all other Scandinavians as well - takes "automatically" care for others, without to threaten anyones freedom.

And Swedes report not 29 but 1511 people, who died because of Corona. If you caculate "* 33" then this will give for the USA an equivalent number. Today (data from yesterday) this number is "49,863" - and this could be the # of dead US-Americans, if you would be able to be like Swedes. You seem to be better in the moment (But not to forget: Sweden fights longer and all real numbers are also always higher than the reported numbers. It exist always unknowns.) Nevertheless: Today Johns Hopkins University reports about 35,000 (and not about 50,000) dead US-Americans in the moment. That's a factor of 0.7, what's very good. But is this a reason to be proud? I fear you will pass Sweden, because of the much higher inertia moment of the big USA compared with little Sweden.

29 for the day.

What for are the data of a single day interesting?

For watching to see how it rates against previous days and if it displaying any kind of trend.

Okay. In a sea of data and a sea of unknown data and a sea of fake data you take one single number which justifies you to say the USA is like Sweden? Give me all data wich you compare and tell me what's your conclusion out of this data.

I said the U.S.A. was like Sweden ?

I don't claim I didn't....but there would need to be context.
Norway and Denmark have as many cases as Sweden (population adjusted). ...

If you had read, what I wrote, then you would know that Norway has much less dead people than Sweden. Norway 2.5 per 100k. Sweden 13 per 100k (data from yesterday). The factor is 1:5. Denmark has about 6 and Germany about 5.
If it would a be football game then
Norway wins 5:1 against Sweden
Germany wins 3:1 against Sweden
Denmark wins 2:1 against Sweden.

But it is not a game. Dead people are really dead.

And Sweden never had the "to do less than nothing"-system, which Trump (USA) and Johnson (UK) tried to install in their countries with an arrogant ignorance. Could be Boris Johnson is now cured from such stupidities - while Trump ... while Trump ... what for heavens sake to say about Donald Trump now any longer in this context? This man is far from anything what I could call "sane mind". His "liberate"-slogans help no one to fight together against Corona.

Why don’t you start some spread sheets?

I trust in the ability to think. Pictures lie. Statistics lie. And data are not so easy comparable. In England for example don't count people who die at home - and the situation in old people's home seems partially (or in total) very dramatic - but without effect in statistics. In Germany for example (we make an unbelievable amount of tests ) everyone dies on Corona, who was tested positive - even if died in a car accident for example. In Fiji they have no tests - or not enough tests. They start to diagnose Corona after someone has fever. And so on. And so on.

I do not have good data for the USA.
For German data I use the data from the Robert Koch Institute: RKI - Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 - COVID-19: Fallzahlen in Deutschland und weltweit
For the EU including GB: Situation update for the EU/EEA and the UK, as of 18 April 2020
For the world: WHO COVID-19 Dashboard

The UK figures are massively under reported. The daily figures do not include deaths outside of hospitals and that data is proving difficult to access for obvious reasons. I.E. It makes the government look bad.

Yes and no. All numbers are more or less wrong. The important thing is to be able to see the dynamic force of the numbers in a realistic way.

I understand that this is also true in the US.

The UK figures are also inaccurate because deaths over the weekend are not recorded for a couple of days.

I'm a German - and that's nearly the same here. But this is not so important. Every action needs 2-3 weeks until we are able to find out whether it works or not. We try to go slowly step by step and try to make only clear changes. If a change shows a good result then comes the next change.

So on a Monday the figure is low and on a Tuesday it jumps up. Weekly figures are more accurate. But not much better.

I hope you will find a good way. The problem from Johnson and others is the idea to do nothing will cause herd immunity. With this idea Johnson - and GB - lost a lot of time. Everything will cause herd immunity. The problem are the costs in economic issues and lost lifes.
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Sweden reporting 29 deaths so far today.

First of all: nothing what Sweden is doing is really comparable with the stupid ideas in context "Corona" of Trump, Johnson, Bolzenaro, Orban, Erdogan or other extreme nationalists and/or autocrats.

In case of Sweden some little differences come because of another concept of the leading virologist of Sweden and because of a totally different tradition of the people in Sweden. Swedes trust in their government - what other nations are not able to do in a similar way. Swedes don't let their longship sink and "brotherhood" or "solidarity" are in Sweden more a kind of natural force. A Swede - I guess all other Scandinavians as well - takes "automatically" care for others, without to threaten anyones freedom.

And Swedes report not 29 but 1511 people, who died because of Corona. If you caculate "* 33" then this will give for the USA an equivalent number. Today (data from yesterday) this number is "49,863" - and this could be the # of dead US-Americans, if you would be able to be like Swedes. You seem to be better in the moment (But not to forget: Sweden fights longer and all real numbers are also always higher than the reported numbers. It exist always unknowns.) Nevertheless: Today Johns Hopkins University reports about 35,000 (and not about 50,000) dead US-Americans in the moment. That's a factor of 0.7, what's very good. But is this a reason to be proud? I fear you will pass Sweden, because of the much higher inertia moment of the big USA compared with little Sweden.

Sweden reporting 29 deaths so far today.

First of all: nothing what Sweden is doing is really comparable with the stupid ideas in context "Corona" of Trump, Johnson, Bolzenaro, Orban, Erdogan or other extreme nationalists and/or autocrats.

In case of Sweden some little differences come because of another concept of the leading virologist of Sweden and because of a totally different tradition of the people in Sweden. Swedes trust in their government - what other nations are not able to do in a similar way. Swedes don't let their longship sink and "brotherhood" or "solidarity" are in Sweden more a kind of natural force. A Swede - I guess all other Scandinavians as well - takes "automatically" care for others, without to threaten anyones freedom.

And Swedes report not 29 but 1511 people, who died because of Corona. If you caculate "* 33" then this will give for the USA an equivalent number. Today (data from yesterday) this number is "49,863" - and this could be the # of dead US-Americans, if you would be able to be like Swedes. You seem to be better in the moment (But not to forget: Sweden fights longer and all real numbers are also always higher than the reported numbers. It exist always unknowns.) Nevertheless: Today Johns Hopkins University reports about 35,000 (and not about 50,000) dead US-Americans in the moment. That's a factor of 0.7, what's very good. But is this a reason to be proud? I fear you will pass Sweden, because of the much higher inertia moment of the big USA compared with little Sweden.

29 for the day.

What for are the data of a single day interesting?

For watching to see how it rates against previous days and if it displaying any kind of trend.

Okay. In a sea of data and a sea of unknown data and a sea of fake data you take one single number which justifies you to say the USA is like Sweden? Give me all data wich you compare and tell me what's your conclusion out of this data.

I said the U.S.A. was like Sweden ?

I don't claim I didn't....but there would need to be context.

What for heavens sake do you try to speak about? What is your problem?
Sweden reporting 29 deaths so far today.

First of all: nothing what Sweden is doing is really comparable with the stupid ideas in context "Corona" of Trump, Johnson, Bolzenaro, Orban, Erdogan or other extreme nationalists and/or autocrats.

In case of Sweden some little differences come because of another concept of the leading virologist of Sweden and because of a totally different tradition of the people in Sweden. Swedes trust in their government - what other nations are not able to do in a similar way. Swedes don't let their longship sink and "brotherhood" or "solidarity" are in Sweden more a kind of natural force. A Swede - I guess all other Scandinavians as well - takes "automatically" care for others, without to threaten anyones freedom.

And Swedes report not 29 but 1511 people, who died because of Corona. If you caculate "* 33" then this will give for the USA an equivalent number. Today (data from yesterday) this number is "49,863" - and this could be the # of dead US-Americans, if you would be able to be like Swedes. You seem to be better in the moment (But not to forget: Sweden fights longer and all real numbers are also always higher than the reported numbers. It exist always unknowns.) Nevertheless: Today Johns Hopkins University reports about 35,000 (and not about 50,000) dead US-Americans in the moment. That's a factor of 0.7, what's very good. But is this a reason to be proud? I fear you will pass Sweden, because of the much higher inertia moment of the big USA compared with little Sweden.

Sweden reporting 29 deaths so far today.

First of all: nothing what Sweden is doing is really comparable with the stupid ideas in context "Corona" of Trump, Johnson, Bolzenaro, Orban, Erdogan or other extreme nationalists and/or autocrats.

In case of Sweden some little differences come because of another concept of the leading virologist of Sweden and because of a totally different tradition of the people in Sweden. Swedes trust in their government - what other nations are not able to do in a similar way. Swedes don't let their longship sink and "brotherhood" or "solidarity" are in Sweden more a kind of natural force. A Swede - I guess all other Scandinavians as well - takes "automatically" care for others, without to threaten anyones freedom.

And Swedes report not 29 but 1511 people, who died because of Corona. If you caculate "* 33" then this will give for the USA an equivalent number. Today (data from yesterday) this number is "49,863" - and this could be the # of dead US-Americans, if you would be able to be like Swedes. You seem to be better in the moment (But not to forget: Sweden fights longer and all real numbers are also always higher than the reported numbers. It exist always unknowns.) Nevertheless: Today Johns Hopkins University reports about 35,000 (and not about 50,000) dead US-Americans in the moment. That's a factor of 0.7, what's very good. But is this a reason to be proud? I fear you will pass Sweden, because of the much higher inertia moment of the big USA compared with little Sweden.

29 for the day.

What for are the data of a single day interesting?

For watching to see how it rates against previous days and if it displaying any kind of trend.

Okay. In a sea of data and a sea of unknown data and a sea of fake data you take one single number which justifies you to say the USA is like Sweden? Give me all data wich you compare and tell me what's your conclusion out of this data.

I said the U.S.A. was like Sweden ?

I don't claim I didn't....but there would need to be context.

What for heavens sake do you try to speak about? What is your problem?

Where did I say the U.S.A. was like Sweden ?
And for all the crying about Sweden

Belgium has 3X the deaths of Sweden. Are they locked down or not ?

The Netherlands is on pace with Sweden too (population adjusted).
Norway and Denmark have as many cases as Sweden (population adjusted). ...

If you had read, what I wrote, then you would know that Norway has much less dead people than Sweden. Norway 2.5 per 100k. Sweden 13 per 100k (data from yesterday). The factor is 1:5. Denmark has about 6 and Germany about 5.
If it would a be football game then
Norway wins 5:1 against Sweden
Germany wins 3:1 against Sweden
Denmark wins 2:1 against Sweden.

But it is not a game. Dead people are really dead.

And Sweden never had the "to do less than nothing"-system, which Trump (USA) and Johnson (UK) tried to install in their countries with an arrogant ignorance. Could be Boris Johnson is now cured from such stupidities - while Trump ... while Trump ... what for heavens sake to say about Donald Trump now any longer in this context? This man is far from anything what I could call "sane mind". His "liberate"-slogans help no one to fight together against Corona.

Why don’t you start some spread sheets?

I trust in the ability to think. Pictures lie. Statistics lie. And data are not so easy comparable. In England for example don't count people who die at home - and the situation in old people's home seems partially (or in total) very dramatic - but without effect in statistics. In Germany for example (we make an unbelievable amount of tests ) everyone dies on Corona, who was tested positive - even if died in a car accident for example. In Fiji they have no tests - or not enough tests. They start to diagnose Corona after someone has fever. And so on. And so on.

I do not have good data for the USA.
For German data I use the data from the Robert Koch Institute: RKI - Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 - COVID-19: Fallzahlen in Deutschland und weltweit
For the EU including GB: Situation update for the EU/EEA and the UK, as of 18 April 2020
For the world: WHO COVID-19 Dashboard

The UK figures are massively under reported. The daily figures do not include deaths outside of hospitals and that data is proving difficult to access for obvious reasons. I.E. It makes the government look bad.

Yes and no. All numbers are more or less wrong. The important thing is to be able to see the dynamic force of the numbers in a realistic way.

I understand that this is also true in the US.

The UK figures are also inaccurate because deaths over the weekend are not recorded for a couple of days.

I'm a German - and that's nearly the same here. But this is not so important. Every action needs 2-3 weeks until we are able to find out whether it works or not. We try to go slowly step by step and try to make only clear changes. If a change shows a good result then comes the next change.

So on a Monday the figure is low and on a Tuesday it jumps up. Weekly figures are more accurate. But not much better.

I hope you will find a good way. The problem from Johnson and others is the idea to do nothing will cause herd immunity. With this idea Johnson - and GB - lost a lot of time. Everything will cause herd immunity. The problem are the costs in economic issues and lost lifes.

Johnson has no interest in the true figures getting out.
Norway and Denmark have as many cases as Sweden (population adjusted). ...

If you had read, what I wrote, then you would know that Norway has much less dead people than Sweden. Norway 2.5 per 100k. Sweden 13 per 100k (data from yesterday). The factor is 1:5. Denmark has about 6 and Germany about 5.
If it would a be football game then
Norway wins 5:1 against Sweden
Germany wins 3:1 against Sweden
Denmark wins 2:1 against Sweden.

But it is not a game. Dead people are really dead.

And Sweden never had the "to do less than nothing"-system, which Trump (USA) and Johnson (UK) tried to install in their countries with an arrogant ignorance. Could be Boris Johnson is now cured from such stupidities - while Trump ... while Trump ... what for heavens sake to say about Donald Trump now any longer in this context? This man is far from anything what I could call "sane mind". His "liberate"-slogans help no one to fight together against Corona.

Why don’t you start some spread sheets?

I trust in the ability to think. Pictures lie. Statistics lie. And data are not so easy comparable. In England for example don't count people who die at home - and the situation in old people's home seems partially (or in total) very dramatic - but without effect in statistics. In Germany for example (we make an unbelievable amount of tests ) everyone dies on Corona, who was tested positive - even if died in a car accident for example. In Fiji they have no tests - or not enough tests. They start to diagnose Corona after someone has fever. And so on. And so on.

I do not have good data for the USA.
For German data I use the data from the Robert Koch Institute: RKI - Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 - COVID-19: Fallzahlen in Deutschland und weltweit
For the EU including GB: Situation update for the EU/EEA and the UK, as of 18 April 2020
For the world: WHO COVID-19 Dashboard

The UK figures are massively under reported. The daily figures do not include deaths outside of hospitals and that data is proving difficult to access for obvious reasons. I.E. It makes the government look bad.

Yes and no. All numbers are more or less wrong. The important thing is to be able to see the dynamic force of the numbers in a realistic way.

I understand that this is also true in the US.

The UK figures are also inaccurate because deaths over the weekend are not recorded for a couple of days.

I'm a German - and that's nearly the same here. But this is not so important. Every action needs 2-3 weeks until we are able to find out whether it works or not. We try to go slowly step by step and try to make only clear changes. If a change shows a good result then comes the next change.

So on a Monday the figure is low and on a Tuesday it jumps up. Weekly figures are more accurate. But not much better.

I hope you will find a good way. The problem from Johnson and others is the idea to do nothing will cause herd immunity. With this idea Johnson - and GB - lost a lot of time. Everything will cause herd immunity. The problem are the costs in economic issues and lost lifes.

Johnson has no interest in the true figures getting out.

Johnson has now on his own big problems with his health. The Corona-2 virus blocks the micro circulation of blood in the lung and also in other organs of the body. Yesterday I heard a young German say he had given up, when the nurses and doctors had not motivated him. He saw no chance to survive - but he survived. By the way: As far as I know we have in the moment free capacities in the fight against Corona in our clinics.
This is the oddest chart I've seen for any country. I wonder if it is a reporting issue.


I remember very early on that Sweden wasn't gonna go postal on reporting like the rest of the world........and that they would only cite specifics known.................

Given what we are learning .........Most get it and don't know they have had it. Those below 50 will walk through this for the most part and will be done..........

In the USC study........28 to 50 times those tested for anti bodies had already had the virus........but was never confirmed.

With about 19k having it in Sweden ...confirmed the 28 times rate puts the whole number of infected at almost 600k Swedes have gotten this virus.................HOWEVER....since they left schools open that number is probably even higher...........quit probably over a million or 10% of their population ............which is a theory via math and Statistics on other given studies..........

The only number that will matter in a the ENDING NUMBER in a country. Sweden really isn't getting hit as hard as many other countries early on.......not really..........and more of their people are catching the bug because they didn't the herd is getting immunity.....and the long term damage will be lessened.

That is my opinion we only prolong the pain by shutting down.
Sweden is at 2 deaths today.

See if it holds up.

Holland at 77

Belgium at 168

How's that lockdown working out for them ?
It's not too hard for Sweden to close it's borders and the fact that it's winter pretty much all year long makes it easy for the sparse pop to endure lockdown.

I realize that.

I was just posting this to let folks know that there was a different approach being taken.

While I agree with it in some ways, I do think they should be working on some precautions.
According to some articles I read in a thread on this a day or two ago, Sweden has some precautions in place. They made sure the at risk population could literally stay home completely, with delivery of any goods and whatever other assistance they need. They are recommending social distancing measures which are being followed, but not closing schools or businesses or ordering people stay home.
It's not too hard for Sweden to close it's borders and the fact that it's winter pretty much all year long makes it easy for the sparse pop to endure lockdown.

I realize that.

I was just posting this to let folks know that there was a different approach being taken.

While I agree with it in some ways, I do think they should be working on some precautions.
According to some articles I read in a thread on this a day or two ago, Sweden has some precautions in place. They made sure the at risk population could literally stay home completely, with delivery of any goods and whatever other assistance they need. They are recommending social distancing measures which are being followed, but not closing schools or businesses or ordering people stay home.

You are correct.

1. People are working from home.
2. They do encourage social distancing....but people are pretty lax about it.
3. Even restaraunts are open.

Their biggest issue was that workers in rest homes didn't take precautions and infected quite a population of elderly....hence the high death rate.

It is not growing in terms of fact it has almost flatlined.
Sweden is at 2 deaths today.

See if it holds up.

Holland at 77

Belgium at 168

How's that lockdown working out for them ?

I do not count single days - this makes not a big sense.

Sweden 22 deaths per 100k
Netherlands 26 deaths per 100k
Belgium 61 deaths per 100k

Norway 3.6 deaths per 100k
Finland 3.4 deaths per 100k
Iceland 2.8 deaths per 100k
Denmark 7.2 deaths per 100k
Germany 6.8 deaths per 100k

The state Hesse in Germany reported a short time ago that they don't see an excess mortality in the death data compared with the year before Corona came. In such an information see some people for example a reason to do nothing (=alibi argument: "herd immunity"). But such a conclusion is wrong! Because of the fight against Corona also other infections cause less victims. In Germany died for example 5640 + x people because of Corona (data from 4/26/2020 0:00 o'clock, Robert Koch Institute) and no one knows how many did not die because of other infections.

In theory - it makes not a big sense to try to verify this now, because the fight against Corona is a priority ... again: In theory it is possible that in 2020 will die less people in Germany because of infections in total, although many people die on covid-19. The reason: What we do to prevent Corona helps also to prevent other viruses. In a worst case scenario in Sweden will not only die more people on Corona but also more people on other infections than in Germany. So the data of Sweden compared with Germany means under comparable conditions: while less than one German dies will die more than 3 Swedes. The reason for is only a difference in philosophy - and for only some thoughts it is a relativelly high price, which Sweden pays in the moment.

And Sun Devil 92, I doubt about that you take yourselve serios. You lie - and you know that you lie. You take only a look at the data which support your own ideas, about this, what others should do for you - even if this means others have to die for you and your ideas. From my point of view you try to block the will of the citizens of the USA to defend the country against Corona. That's not good.

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Sweden is at 2 deaths today.

See if it holds up.

Holland at 77

Belgium at 168

How's that lockdown working out for them ?

I do not count single days - this makes not a big sense.

Sweden 22 deaths per 100k
Netherlands 26 deaths per 100k
Belgium 61 deaths per 100k

Norway 3.6 deaths per 100k
Finland 3.4 deaths per 100k
Iceland 2.8 deaths per 100k
Denmark 7.2 deaths per 100k
Germany 6.8 deaths per 100k

The state Hesse in Germany reported a short time ago that they don't see an excess mortality in the death data compared with the year before Corona came. In such an information see some people for example a reason to do nothing (=alibi argument: "herd immunity"). But such a conclusion is wrong! Because of the fight against Corona also other infections cause less victims. In Germany died for example 5640 + x people because of Corona (data from 4/26/2020 0:00 o'clock, Robert Koch Institute) and no one knows how many did not die because of other infections.

In theory - it makes not a big sense to try to verify this now, because the fight against Corona is a priority ... again: In theory it is possible that in 2020 will die less people in Germany because of infections in total, although many people die on covid-19. The reason: What we do to prevent Corona helps also to prevent other viruses. In a worst case scenario in Sweden will not only die more people on Corona but also more people on other infections than in Germany. So the data of Sweden compared with Germany means under comparable conditions: while less than one German dies will die more than 3 Swedes. The reason for is only a difference in philosophy - and for only some thoughts it is a relativelly high price, which Sweden pays in the moment.

And Sun Devil 92, I doubt about that you take yourselve serios. You lie - and you know that you lie. You take only a look at the data which support your own ideas, about this, what others should do for you - even if this means others have to die for you and your ideas. From my point of view you try to block the will of the citizens of the USA to defend the country against Corona. That's not good.

You are full of shit.

Your accusation is a base projection of your own desires.

Your conclusion isn't rooted in anything more than a bulk statistic. And while others are want to use those same statistics to prove their point, they'll make all kinds of excuses for the fact that if 3 Swedes die for every German, than 9 Belgiums will die for every German.

That is from the data you listed above.

I have only recently stated that I like what Sweden did and is doing.

Up until then, it was simply looking at the data.

As for your final statement, I have only pointed out from the start that people have not been following the lockdown (including the people of New York) therefor any conclusions drawn from the idea that the lockdown is doing something is somewhat suspect. Whole sections of the country are going about business (not as ususal), with many of the same day to day routines.

Get a grip.
Sweden is at 2 deaths today.

See if it holds up.

Holland at 77

Belgium at 168

How's that lockdown working out for them ?

I do not count single days - this makes not a big sense.

Sweden 22 deaths per 100k
Netherlands 26 deaths per 100k
Belgium 61 deaths per 100k

Norway 3.6 deaths per 100k
Finland 3.4 deaths per 100k
Iceland 2.8 deaths per 100k
Denmark 7.2 deaths per 100k
Germany 6.8 deaths per 100k

The state Hesse in Germany reported a short time ago that they don't see an excess mortality in the death data compared with the year before Corona came. In such an information see some people for example a reason to do nothing (=alibi argument: "herd immunity"). But such a conclusion is wrong! Because of the fight against Corona also other infections cause less victims. In Germany died for example 5640 + x people because of Corona (data from 4/26/2020 0:00 o'clock, Robert Koch Institute) and no one knows how many did not die because of other infections.

In theory - it makes not a big sense to try to verify this now, because the fight against Corona is a priority ... again: In theory it is possible that in 2020 will die less people in Germany because of infections in total, although many people die on covid-19. The reason: What we do to prevent Corona helps also to prevent other viruses. In a worst case scenario in Sweden will not only die more people on Corona but also more people on other infections than in Germany. So the data of Sweden compared with Germany means under comparable conditions: while less than one German dies will die more than 3 Swedes. The reason for is only a difference in philosophy - and for only some thoughts it is a relativelly high price, which Sweden pays in the moment.

And Sun Devil 92, I doubt about that you take yourselve serios. You lie - and you know that you lie. You take only a look at the data which support your own ideas, about this, what others should do for you - even if this means others have to die for you and your ideas. From my point of view you try to block the will of the citizens of the USA to defend the country against Corona. That's not good.

You are full of shit.

ts ts ts ts ts

Your accusation is a base projection of your own desires.

Nevertheless I'm sure you lie and you know this.

Your conclusion isn't rooted in anything more than a bulk statistic.

Exactly. I compared the numbers of most countries around Sweden (except GB).

And while others are want to use those same statistics to prove their point, they'll make all kinds of excuses for the fact that if 3 Swedes die for every German, than 9 Belgiums will die for every German.

"For" means "in relation". And I am by the way not satisfied with Germany, when I take a look at the data of Norway. We could be better.

That is from the data you listed above.

I have only recently stated that I like what Sweden did and is doing.

I do not think you know a lot about Sweden. Do you know Carl Michael Bellmann for example? Don't worry: He did not die on covid-19 - he died on tubercolosis in 1795 AD. If I would be a Swede, then Carl Michael would be a reason for me not to be satisfied with the current situation in Sweden.

Anyway: What you like is something else. You fight for the idea "herd immunity" - or with other words a careless politics of many autocrats in the world - including Trump (USA) and Johnson (UK). This darwinistic idea ("do nothing - nature will select"!) is fascinating for lots of people in the world because it is the most easy way ...(indeed it is no way at all but only a result) ... as long as they are not a member of a risk group on their own. But Sweden is not a good example for the success of this "method" (="do nothing") - specially because they do not use this method. It's more complex what Sweden is doing. But herd immunity is part of this concept and as far as I can see in the moment it is an astonishing sad concept. Could be much more better.

By the way: Yesterday died a German on covid-19 after weeks of intensive care. 26 years old with not any pre-existing disease. A tragedy ... and this was not the only tragedy yesterday. I remember in this context also the death of a 97 years old man - he died long years ago on cancer, but was not ready to die. It makes no difference: Who is not ready to die, is not ready to die. Not with 26 years and not with 97 years. Death is bullshit.

Up until then, it was simply looking at the data.

As for your final statement, I have only pointed out from the start that people have not been following the lockdown (including the people of New York) therefor any conclusions drawn from the idea that the lockdown is doing something is somewhat suspect. Whole sections of the country are going about business (not as ususal), with many of the same day to day routines.

Get a grip.

I have the feeling you try to say to me with this words, because the USA is helpless and has not any chance to win a war against this virus, it's better to surrender. Perhaps you are right. Who fights will often be wounded. But I am a German with Jewish roots. I do not live now because anyone gave up. One day I will give up - better to say I will go home - but this day is not today.

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