As the U.S. becomes ‘browner’ and ‘gayer’ are we becoming better? Dems, what do you have in mind for America’s future?

One thing Democrats want is for Republicans to quit making out like we are the party of deplorables. The Republicans seem to have a high standard and only whites and successful minorities are allowed to camp with them. Their party's efforts are directed to the people of the camp and they are hoping the white working class will have economic anxiety and cast vote for them. You have to stop and ask yourself, in the words of Prez Reagan are you better off today than you were four years ago?

Then stop supporting the abuse of refugees on the Southern Border, the abuse of blacks in the inner cities, and the scapegoating of racial minorities, or denying that they're happening. These things you've supported are deplorable. When you stop voting in favour of crimes against humanity, the rest of us will stop calling you "deplorable".

"The Republicans seem to have a high standard and only whites and successful minorities are allowed to camp with them." This is utter bullshit. Republicans have NO standards. Successive Republican administrations have ended in charges of corruption, criminal charges, convictions, and exposure of schemes to thwart the will of the voters. 3 of the last 4 Republican Presidents have crashed the economy, in addition to running administrations rife with bribery, corruption, and abuse of the public trust.

Higher standards!!!! The entitled arrogance of the white male Republican.
diversity is inevitable.

Yes, "diversity is inevitable" under Mexicrat rule....This thread poses the question...."Is a darker America better" if it is, can you prove it with statistics available today?
Are we richer as individuals than we were 60 years ago?

Try that one on.

It's not about riches...Americans seek quality of life.
Sure, did we have microwave ovens in 1960? Color TV's?
The poorly educated trump Nazis still have their right-wing nut belief they are born with the knowledge of all things. For this reason the know climate change is a hoax, and they know more than the scientists, medical personnel, and the virologists trying to control COVID-19 (which is also a hoax). And the list goes on.

Under your scientist Gore, we should've been dead 10 years ago. I see you're still alive, bummer.
Give it time, your trump Nazi denial will keep the country dependent on fossil fuels and keep Big Oil in control of your poor miserable lives. Since you trump Nazis will remain poorly educated and possessing limited skills.

And the horse and buggy skills you do have, will be of little use as technology makes you obsolete.

I'll stick with gas, you use only green energy and you will freeze to death like a few in Texas did.
The gas froze in Texas too dumbass.
Oh really? Did you know it has to be -40 to -200 degrees to freeze gasoline?
Didn’t freeze the gas idiot. Froze the water pipes used in it’s production.

Bunghole has been pointed out to you many times....the leftwingers are taking steps to foist a totalitarian system of government on America.

What can we do? What is the best way to resist this democratic attack on the American way of Life?

That would be the expected interpretation from any of you RWNJs.

However, the fact is, veterans and off duty police officers participated in the deadly clown show their weasel-in-chief orchestrated intending it to be a coup. Sadly, this makes members of the National Guard, or any branch of the service, suspect of being prepared to violate their oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

The weasel-in-chief violated his when he incited the insurrection. So, it's proven the oath taken by some is meaningless to them. So, why not protect certain National Guard personnel from themselves, and remove them from a situation of temptation?

Many are young fathers, and joining in the treason committed by their weasel-in-chief would be a mistake that could destroy their families, and be regretted by them for the rest of their lives.

(Only a weasel would throw the insurgents he sent to the Capitol to attempt his coup, under the bus by blaming them for everything, AND saying they should be severely punished.)

diversity is inevitable.

Yes, "diversity is inevitable" under Mexicrat rule....This thread poses the question...."Is a darker America better" if it is, can you prove it with statistics available today?
Are we richer as individuals than we were 60 years ago?

Try that one on.

It's not about riches...Americans seek quality of life.
Sure, did we have microwave ovens in 1960? Color TV's?
The poorly educated trump Nazis still have their right-wing nut belief they are born with the knowledge of all things. For this reason the know climate change is a hoax, and they know more than the scientists, medical personnel, and the virologists trying to control COVID-19 (which is also a hoax). And the list goes on.

Under your scientist Gore, we should've been dead 10 years ago. I see you're still alive, bummer.
Give it time, your trump Nazi denial will keep the country dependent on fossil fuels and keep Big Oil in control of your poor miserable lives. Since you trump Nazis will remain poorly educated and possessing limited skills.

And the horse and buggy skills you do have, will be of little use as technology makes you obsolete.

I'll stick with gas, you use only green energy and you will freeze to death like a few in Texas did.
The gas froze in Texas too dumbass.
You said gas froze dumbass.
diversity is inevitable.

Yes, "diversity is inevitable" under Mexicrat rule....This thread poses the question...."Is a darker America better" if it is, can you prove it with statistics available today?
Are we richer as individuals than we were 60 years ago?

Try that one on.

It's not about riches...Americans seek quality of life.
Sure, did we have microwave ovens in 1960? Color TV's?
The poorly educated trump Nazis still have their right-wing nut belief they are born with the knowledge of all things. For this reason the know climate change is a hoax, and they know more than the scientists, medical personnel, and the virologists trying to control COVID-19 (which is also a hoax). And the list goes on.

Under your scientist Gore, we should've been dead 10 years ago. I see you're still alive, bummer.
Give it time, your trump Nazi denial will keep the country dependent on fossil fuels and keep Big Oil in control of your poor miserable lives. Since you trump Nazis will remain poorly educated and possessing limited skills.

And the horse and buggy skills you do have, will be of little use as technology makes you obsolete.

I'll stick with gas, you use only green energy and you will freeze to death like a few in Texas did.

There really is no cure for stupid. It was 0 F here last night yet I can walk one block from my house and make a video of the wind turbines working in the cold. The only time those things shut down was when the wind gets too high.

Texas has a problem because their grid was built cheap, and not for winter temperatures. It wasn't "green energy" that did in the Texas electrical grid, it was Republican energy standards which put profits ahead of a strong electrical grid. Now that this has become a problem that is killing Texans, Greg Abbott is on FOX News blaming Democrats.

diversity is inevitable.

Yes, "diversity is inevitable" under Mexicrat rule....This thread poses the question...."Is a darker America better" if it is, can you prove it with statistics available today?
Are we richer as individuals than we were 60 years ago?

Try that one on.

It's not about riches...Americans seek quality of life.
Sure, did we have microwave ovens in 1960? Color TV's?
The poorly educated trump Nazis still have their right-wing nut belief they are born with the knowledge of all things. For this reason the know climate change is a hoax, and they know more than the scientists, medical personnel, and the virologists trying to control COVID-19 (which is also a hoax). And the list goes on.

Under your scientist Gore, we should've been dead 10 years ago. I see you're still alive, bummer.
Give it time, your trump Nazi denial will keep the country dependent on fossil fuels and keep Big Oil in control of your poor miserable lives. Since you trump Nazis will remain poorly educated and possessing limited skills.

And the horse and buggy skills you do have, will be of little use as technology makes you obsolete.

I'll stick with gas, you use only green energy and you will freeze to death like a few in Texas did.

There really is no cure for stupid. It was 0 F here last night yet I can walk one block from my house and make a video of the wind turbines working in the cold. The only time those things shut down was when the wind gets too high.

Texas has a problem because their grid was built cheap, and not for winter temperatures. It wasn't "green energy" that did in the Texas electrical grid, it was Republican energy standards which put profits ahead of a strong electrical grid. Now that this has become a problem that is killing Texans, Greg Abbott is on FOX News blaming Democrats.

It is tested and failed.
Are we trying to become better or worse?
As Democrats continue to encourage, manifest and foster a browner gayer nation are they sure they are pushing our nation on the right trajectory given the data?

View attachment 364618
They are starting Sodom and Gomorrah.
We were under Trump, that's for sure. Oh wait, you probably believe Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because "the gays" right? Boy are you wrong...

If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, shake off the dust from your feet as you leave that house or town. Truly I tell you, it will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town.
Where do ya think the word "Sodomy" comes from? AIDS was a warning. Eventually Gods Justice will be served and the EVIL will atone!

Yes, I know in the passage of time, gays got the bad rap for what allegedly went down, but the bible gives pretty clear indication what those cities were destroyed for...and it wasn't consenting adult gay relationships.

And isn't it a little screwed up that gays ended up the "bad guy" in that story when it was Lott who first offered up his virgin daughter to be raped and then hid in the mountains and fucked her himself?
They were in no danger since all the men were homos.
That doesn’t strike you as at all suspect? Not even in San Francisco, the gayest town in the world, are all the man gay.

They were in danger from their FATHER who had SEX with them...but somehow gays ended up the villain in this particular, fucked up, fairytale.
diversity is inevitable.

Yes, "diversity is inevitable" under Mexicrat rule....This thread poses the question...."Is a darker America better" if it is, can you prove it with statistics available today?
Are we richer as individuals than we were 60 years ago?

Try that one on.

It's not about riches...Americans seek quality of life.
Sure, did we have microwave ovens in 1960? Color TV's?
The poorly educated trump Nazis still have their right-wing nut belief they are born with the knowledge of all things. For this reason the know climate change is a hoax, and they know more than the scientists, medical personnel, and the virologists trying to control COVID-19 (which is also a hoax). And the list goes on.

Under your scientist Gore, we should've been dead 10 years ago. I see you're still alive, bummer.
Give it time, your trump Nazi denial will keep the country dependent on fossil fuels and keep Big Oil in control of your poor miserable lives. Since you trump Nazis will remain poorly educated and possessing limited skills.

And the horse and buggy skills you do have, will be of little use as technology makes you obsolete.

I'll stick with gas, you use only green energy and you will freeze to death like a few in Texas did.
The gas froze in Texas too dumbass.
Natural gas froze because the pipes had no insulation or heat tape.

Nuke plants shut down because of cold temps

Fossil fuel plants shut down because of frozen controls and instruments.

TEXAS failed...not renewables
Gays represent .00000000000000000001 of the population but somehow they are some kind of threat.

So, answer the question. If the nation becoming gayer, america becoming "Better" and if so, please explain your reasoning.

Why does it have to be "better" as a result? Do you think it's "worse" that people are more comfortable being their true selves and more are coming out?

I think that ALL liberal complaints about such issues are false. That they only use such issues as weapons, when they are useful and don't really care about them. The way that feminists rallied around Bill Clinton, sexual harasser professional, is the archetypal example.

And as the "gaying" has been a part of that, yes, I certainly do think it is a bad thing, having been part of the division that is killing this country.

Do you have personal opinion on the OP question?

People being gay are "part of the division that is killing this country"? :lol: Come on, do you even hear yourself?

Yes, I have a personal opinion about the OP. I think he's a racist piece of shit. You like him though don't you?

1. The way the gay activists advanced their agenda is part of the division.

2. I asked you your opinion on the op question. It is a valid question. The way you answered a question I did not ask? That is you admitting that you know the change is for the worse.
1. :lol: Ah, I see...fighting for rights causes “division”. You don’t see the people fighting against equal rights as divisive, just the people seeking them.

2. Since the OP is a serious racist piece of shit, his opening post has zero credibility.
Go back to the drawing board because, once again, you are full of shit.
The Trumpsters focus on BLM like a laser beam as their boogeyman of choice because they think that doing so (a) provides them with cover and (b) gives them an excuse to avoid holding their own "side" accountable for anything.

They haven't quite figured out yet that doing so only makes things worse, because people can pretty easily see through it.

We don't focus on BLM like a laser beam. We talk about Antifa, and Dems in congress and bad dem mayors and every issue under the sun.

What the hell are you even talking about?
We have lots of problems that neither political party is willing to address, keeping there( every day a little nutter) base happy. Is not a good solution

This thread is about one of them. Are you able to discuss it?

Cause so far, you seem to want to comment, but not to address the issue.
I think it’s good that democrats are in charge. We will throw money at the problem.

But we need to take this opportunity to fix what’s wrong with the other side. Time to point the finger at black people and get them to admit they are also part of the problem. What do they need to change? They need to better parent their kids and the ones who can’t parent because of finances and intellect should cut down on how many kids they have.

If you have a second child and you are on welfare you should be required to get fixed before you get any money for the second kid.

This goes for whites too so not racist although they’ll accuse me of wanting to exterminate their race.

We cannot address the problem because it is taboo to admit that there is a problem.

YOu have not done so.

Can you admit that the change occurring, as per the op, is for the worse?
Gays represent .00000000000000000001 of the population but somehow they are some kind of threat.

So, answer the question. If the nation becoming gayer, america becoming "Better" and if so, please explain your reasoning.

Why does it have to be "better" as a result? Do you think it's "worse" that people are more comfortable being their true selves and more are coming out?

I think that ALL liberal complaints about such issues are false. That they only use such issues as weapons, when they are useful and don't really care about them. The way that feminists rallied around Bill Clinton, sexual harasser professional, is the archetypal example.

And as the "gaying" has been a part of that, yes, I certainly do think it is a bad thing, having been part of the division that is killing this country.

Do you have personal opinion on the OP question?

People being gay are "part of the division that is killing this country"? :lol: Come on, do you even hear yourself?

Yes, I have a personal opinion about the OP. I think he's a racist piece of shit. You like him though don't you?

1. The way the gay activists advanced their agenda is part of the division.

2. I asked you your opinion on the op question. It is a valid question. The way you answered a question I did not ask? That is you admitting that you know the change is for the worse.
1. :lol: Ah, I see...fighting for rights causes “division”. You don’t see the people fighting against equal rights as divisive, just the people seeking them.

2. Since the OP is a serious racist piece of shit, his opening post has zero credibility.

1. I was clearly referencing their methods, not their goals. Try again.

2. It is taboo to admit that the change is a change for the worse. YOu know it is. I know it is. That you called the op wacist, is irrelevant to that.
Browner and gayer is the wave of the future.

Embrace it!

The question is not whether it is happening. The question is whether it is a change for the better or not.

Why are you afraid to address that question?

Rhetorical question. Because everyone knows it is a change for the worse, including you, but it is taboo to say it.
The question is not whether it is happening. The question is whether it is a change for the better or not.

Why are you afraid to address that question?

Rhetorical question. Because everyone knows it is a change for the worse, including you, but it is taboo to say it.
Since it doesn't affect me personally, I don't give a shit.

But I do find it very amusing the way it makes your kind crazy.
Are we trying to become better or worse?
As Democrats continue to encourage, manifest and foster a browner gayer nation are they sure they are pushing our nation on the right trajectory given the data?

View attachment 364618
As the U.S. becomes ‘browner’ and ‘gayer’ are we becoming Dumber as a country.
example: Remember the idiot black girl that used Gorilla Glue as a hairspray? She had 16K donated to her Go-Fund-Me Page so who in their right mind would make those donations? They would have to be dumber that the idiot that sprayed her hair with glue.
Last edited:
We have lots of problems that neither political party is willing to address, keeping there( every day a little nutter) base happy. Is not a good solution

This thread is about one of them. Are you able to discuss it?

Cause so far, you seem to want to comment, but not to address the issue.
I think it’s good that democrats are in charge. We will throw money at the problem.

But we need to take this opportunity to fix what’s wrong with the other side. Time to point the finger at black people and get them to admit they are also part of the problem. What do they need to change? They need to better parent their kids and the ones who can’t parent because of finances and intellect should cut down on how many kids they have.

If you have a second child and you are on welfare you should be required to get fixed before you get any money for the second kid.

This goes for whites too so not racist although they’ll accuse me of wanting to exterminate their race.

We cannot address the problem because it is taboo to admit that there is a problem.

YOu have not done so.

Can you admit that the change occurring, as per the op, is for the worse?
The pilgrams worried about the Spaniards. Then they worried about the waps and degos. Now it’s mexicans, arabs and blacks. We’ll be ok. Your great great great grandkid might be named Tyrone Chavez
Are we trying to become better or worse?
As Democrats continue to encourage, manifest and foster a browner gayer nation are they sure they are pushing our nation on the right trajectory given the data?

View attachment 364618
As the U.S. becomes ‘browner’ and ‘gayer’ are we becoming Dumber as a country.
You poor whites are starting to figure out to the rich you’re no different than the rest of us.
The question is not whether it is happening. The question is whether it is a change for the better or not.

Why are you afraid to address that question?

Rhetorical question. Because everyone knows it is a change for the worse, including you, but it is taboo to say it.
Since it doesn't affect me personally, I don't give a shit.

But I do find it very amusing the way it makes your kind crazy.

I think my reaction to my nation being changed for the worse, is reasonable.

YOu, not caring because it is not effecting you at all, is you being a selfish prick.

But, i do note that you implicitly admitted that it is a change for the worse, otherwise, you would not be saying that the only reason you don't care, is because you are not personally effected.

If it was a change for the better, you would not say that. You would say something more like, " It is a change for the better, not that I care, because I am not effected".
diversity is inevitable.

Yes, "diversity is inevitable" under Mexicrat rule....This thread poses the question...."Is a darker America better" if it is, can you prove it with statistics available today?
Are we richer as individuals than we were 60 years ago?

Try that one on.

It's not about riches...Americans seek quality of life.
Sure, did we have microwave ovens in 1960? Color TV's?
The poorly educated trump Nazis still have their right-wing nut belief they are born with the knowledge of all things. For this reason the know climate change is a hoax, and they know more than the scientists, medical personnel, and the virologists trying to control COVID-19 (which is also a hoax). And the list goes on.

Under your scientist Gore, we should've been dead 10 years ago. I see you're still alive, bummer.
Give it time, your trump Nazi denial will keep the country dependent on fossil fuels and keep Big Oil in control of your poor miserable lives. Since you trump Nazis will remain poorly educated and possessing limited skills.

And the horse and buggy skills you do have, will be of little use as technology makes you obsolete.

I'll stick with gas, you use only green energy and you will freeze to death like a few in Texas did.
The gas froze in Texas too dumbass.
Natural gas froze because the pipes had no insulation or heat tape.

Nuke plants shut down because of cold temps

Fossil fuel plants shut down because of frozen controls and instruments.

TEXAS failed...not renewables
We've had worse storms than this and I don't remember massive power outages. Until we started using renewables.
diversity is inevitable.

Yes, "diversity is inevitable" under Mexicrat rule....This thread poses the question...."Is a darker America better" if it is, can you prove it with statistics available today?
Are we richer as individuals than we were 60 years ago?

Try that one on.

It's not about riches...Americans seek quality of life.
Sure, did we have microwave ovens in 1960? Color TV's?
The poorly educated trump Nazis still have their right-wing nut belief they are born with the knowledge of all things. For this reason the know climate change is a hoax, and they know more than the scientists, medical personnel, and the virologists trying to control COVID-19 (which is also a hoax). And the list goes on.

Under your scientist Gore, we should've been dead 10 years ago. I see you're still alive, bummer.
Give it time, your trump Nazi denial will keep the country dependent on fossil fuels and keep Big Oil in control of your poor miserable lives. Since you trump Nazis will remain poorly educated and possessing limited skills.

And the horse and buggy skills you do have, will be of little use as technology makes you obsolete.

I'll stick with gas, you use only green energy and you will freeze to death like a few in Texas did.
The gas froze in Texas too dumbass.
Natural gas froze because the pipes had no insulation or heat tape.

Nuke plants shut down because of cold temps

Fossil fuel plants shut down because of frozen controls and instruments.

TEXAS failed...not renewables
We've had worse storms than this and I don't remember massive power outages. Until we started using renewables.
The question is not whether it is happening. The question is whether it is a change for the better or not.

Why are you afraid to address that question?

Rhetorical question. Because everyone knows it is a change for the worse, including you, but it is taboo to say it.
Since it doesn't affect me personally, I don't give a shit.

But I do find it very amusing the way it makes your kind crazy.

“Your kind”?
You mean the decent, moral, principled KIND....that kind?

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