As we get ready to, yet again, elect another leader ... can we ask the question?

Is there another way?

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People give their freedom away because it is difficult. The offer of an easy life is hard to resist, if if it is at the expense of others. People used to take pride in self sufficiency, now it is considered barbaric and unfair. I read a book about India recently, and it was interesting. The culture is extremely male dominant, and the men don't just worry about providing for their families, they are terrified. They live in absolute terror of failure.
we rely too heavily on authority to solve problems. Which is why we have so many lawyers really.

But, lawyers aren't authority figures (despite what they might think of themselves). Lawyers argue cases.

As much as I'm loathe to suggest we need more lawyers. I will submit that much of what we use law makers to decide in advance are things best left to be settled one-on-one with a non-criminal authority.
Do free, intelligent people, even need to be led at all?

Are we capable of envisioning a way for people to enjoy the benefits of a free society without having a single leader or group of leaders in control of every aspect of our lives?
No leaders. We should let Twitter trending decide everything.
Do free, intelligent people, even need to be led at all?

Intelligent people don't ask such stupid quesitons but instead suspect their own ignorance and go read up on the history of representative governing.
What if I wanted to open up a nudist colony across from your 3 year old daughter's bedroom window?

It's my right to put up curtains.
But it would affect your property values. Who do you see about that?
that it has nothing to do with human rights,,,
Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness...if I devalue your property rights by my actions....who do you see about that?
What if I wanted to open up a nudist colony across from your 3 year old daughter's bedroom window?

It's my right to put up curtains.
But it would affect your property values. Who do you see about that?
that it has nothing to do with human rights,,,
Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness...if I devalue your property rights by my actions....who do you see about that?
again thats property rights which are not rights but laws for a populace,,,

the conversation is about human rights,,,
1. As long as it does not affect the rights of others.
2. Same
3. Depends, for example if your labor went into it, you might.

Not everyone agrees on what constitutes basic rights. For example, the following are considered by some to be basic rights.
freedom from hunger
freedom from fear
religious freedom

These aren't constitutionally protected rights. The freedom from fear one is especially funny.

Freedom of religion, I'll give you that one.

One thing, to your credit, is that few people really get what the right to one's pursuit of happiness actually means. I don't think that you know what it means. Respectfully speaking. I say that because your list of wants are basically covered therein.
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What if I wanted to open up a nudist colony across from your 3 year old daughter's bedroom window?

It's my right to put up curtains.
But it would affect your property values. Who do you see about that?
that it has nothing to do with human rights,,,
Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness...if I devalue your property rights by my actions....who do you see about that?
again thats property rights which are not rights but laws for a populace,,,

the conversation is about human rights,,,

Here is the complete text of the OP:

"Do free, intelligent people, even need to be led at all?

Are we capable of envisioning a way for people to enjoy the benefits of a free society without having a single leader or group of leaders in control of every aspect of our lives? "

There doesn't seem to be the word "human rights" in the OP. I get what you're saying. But there is a point where an authority is needed.
What if I wanted to open up a nudist colony across from your 3 year old daughter's bedroom window?

It's my right to put up curtains.
But it would affect your property values. Who do you see about that?
that it has nothing to do with human rights,,,
Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness...if I devalue your property rights by my actions....who do you see about that?
again thats property rights which are not rights but laws for a populace,,,

the conversation is about human rights,,,

Here is the complete text of the OP:

"Do free, intelligent people, even need to be led at all?

Are we capable of envisioning a way for people to enjoy the benefits of a free society without having a single leader or group of leaders in control of every aspect of our lives? "

There doesn't seem to be the word "human rights" in the OP. I get what you're saying. But there is a point where an authority is needed.
thats the thread,,,I said the conversation dumbass,,,
Not everyone agrees as to what constitutes rights...much less who is entitled to them.

Doesn't matter. America is not 'a Democracy'

I think they think that if they repeat that gag about 'our Democracy' long enough that maybe it will magically come true.

But it won't. America is the only true Republic on Earth. The mindest you expressed here is 'our Republic's' greatest threat.
What if I wanted to open up a nudist colony across from your 3 year old daughter's bedroom window?

It's my right to put up curtains.
But it would affect your property values. Who do you see about that?
that it has nothing to do with human rights,,,
Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness...if I devalue your property rights by my actions....who do you see about that?
again thats property rights which are not rights but laws for a populace,,,

the conversation is about human rights,,,

Here is the complete text of the OP:

"Do free, intelligent people, even need to be led at all?

Are we capable of envisioning a way for people to enjoy the benefits of a free society without having a single leader or group of leaders in control of every aspect of our lives? "

There doesn't seem to be the word "human rights" in the OP. I get what you're saying. But there is a point where an authority is needed.
thats the thread,,,I said the conversation dumbass,,,

And there we have it...the angry blob supporter...
So far as government goes, I'm not anti-government.

I just want as little of it as possible. Strictly limited. Limited for liberty, to be clear. The Constitution is meant to limit government. Not the electorate.

The Founders agree.
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What if I wanted to open up a nudist colony across from your 3 year old daughter's bedroom window?

It's my right to put up curtains.
But it would affect your property values. Who do you see about that?
that it has nothing to do with human rights,,,
Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness...if I devalue your property rights by my actions....who do you see about that?
again thats property rights which are not rights but laws for a populace,,,

the conversation is about human rights,,,

Here is the complete text of the OP:

"Do free, intelligent people, even need to be led at all?

Are we capable of envisioning a way for people to enjoy the benefits of a free society without having a single leader or group of leaders in control of every aspect of our lives? "

There doesn't seem to be the word "human rights" in the OP. I get what you're saying. But there is a point where an authority is needed.
thats the thread,,,I said the conversation dumbass,,,

And there we have it...the angry blob supporter...
sorry jr I didnt vote for trump,,,

sorry you cant even keep up with your own conversation,,,

Do free, intelligent people, even need to be led at all?

Are we capable of envisioning a way for people to enjoy the benefits of a free society without having a single leader or group of leaders in control of every aspect of our lives?
Like many on this side on the pond, I find 'yanks' strange, very strange.
So you don't want any leaders or groups of leaders?
So how do businesses and factories function? You don't have any bosses and everybody does whatever role they want. they turn up when they want, go home when they want without needing to inform anyone?
If you do not have a system of government in a place like in Somalia or more recently Libya, armed militia's will inevitably fill the gap and sooner or later descend into civil war. How would the former US ward off an attack or handle a pandemic?
Suppose you went down this road at the start of the 20th centuary? You would not be the richest in the world in fact (no Manhatten Project) you would probably have been taken over by the USSR.

Ever wonder why the Common market grew into the EU? Because it became too big to continue without a judicial structure, and once that happened you need a Political system to oversee it all.

I had thought all that - "I want to be fwee", nonsense went out with the hippies? It seems not!

While on the subject, can anyone tell me why there are only two political party's and why both are right of centre?
A single person isn't in control. Now, if we could only get Trump to realize that. He's president, but thinks he's a CEO with a subservient board.

And President Donald Trump has done an incredibly great job. Four more years and we'll be light years closer to the dream of our founding fathers.
A society must, first and foremost, be a voluntary collective of individuals who agree on a certain standard of conflict.

Yeah, they tried that with Jamestown and hundreds of folks died of disease and starvation. Then they tried capitalism and thrived.
What if I wanted to open up a nudist colony across from your 3 year old daughter's bedroom window?

It's my right to put up curtains.
But it would affect your property values. Who do you see about that?

It might increase them, if someone with voyeuristic tendencies is looking to buy. But, either way, it's up to me to prove that to a civil court. If, I could prove, and quantify them, to a civil court, I might win a civil judgement.

Either way, the nudity on private property isn't my concern.
A society must, first and foremost, be a voluntary collective of individuals who agree on a certain standard of conflict.

Yeah, they tried that with Jamestown and hundreds of folks died of disease and starvation. Then they tried capitalism and thrived.

I'm talking about Capitalism. Everyone in a Capitalist Society must agree to respect property and not demand ownership of those things he himself is not entitled. Only in a society where everyone agrees that capital is sacrosanct can a Capitalist Society really thrive.

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