Asael Shabo: We Can Only Look Forward

But did she ever say she was proud of her son?? I never heard such a thing... But I could be wrong

i think you are missing the point. we are not talking about the acts of the child. we are talking about the love of the parent.

i linked to that post because it was germaine to the discussion.

people may not notice this and it really doesn't matter much, but i am not really all that big on condemning people for whatever. i do it, sure but...

for instance...

capt. r. who confirmed the kill. i never condemned him. i tried to understand the causes. i condemn the situation and practices that put him in that position.

most of us do not rise above being pawns.

and it does not matter if baruch gokdstein's mother was proud of nher son. what matters nin this discussion is that i would not condemn her for being so.

Well, I'd condemn Goldstein's mother if she were proud of her son for what he did at Abraham's Tomb, but I guess everyone has different values.

i do not understand why this is so difficult to understand.

parents should be proud of and love and respect and teach and try to understand and forgive, if need be, their children. they do not have to be proud of every single thing they do.

here is the part you will not like to hear. um nidal's son, muhammad, has been accused of conducting a terror attack at a school and killing children.

what he did was conduct a military attack on the atzmona (one of the most brutal settlements in gaza and not even authorised by the israeli government) army prepatory yeshiva, a post high school prepatory school that trained men to serve in elite IDF units. all of these children were 18 years old or older.

that certainly changes the picture. her other two sons, also accused of conducting suicide attacks in the thread, did no such thing. one was killed by bombs planted by israeli intelligence and the other by an israeli military airstrike. he had a qassam rocket on his car.

now, whether you like what her sons did or not, and i am sure you don't, it is a far, far cry from what they did and what they are alleged to have done.

do you really thinks it helps dispel the stereotype of "deceptive jew" when such deceptions as the one about muhammad farhat, umm nidals son, are perpetrated on people.

why do you all do this. what am i and others supposed to think.
i think you are missing the point. we are not talking about the acts of the child. we are talking about the love of the parent.

i linked to that post because it was germaine to the discussion.

people may not notice this and it really doesn't matter much, but i am not really all that big on condemning people for whatever. i do it, sure but...

for instance...

capt. r. who confirmed the kill. i never condemned him. i tried to understand the causes. i condemn the situation and practices that put him in that position.

most of us do not rise above being pawns.

and it does not matter if baruch gokdstein's mother was proud of nher son. what matters nin this discussion is that i would not condemn her for being so.

Well, I'd condemn Goldstein's mother if she were proud of her son for what he did at Abraham's Tomb, but I guess everyone has different values.

i do not understand why this is so difficult to understand.

parents should be proud of and love and respect and teach and try to understand and forgive, if need be, their children. they do not have to be proud of every single thing they do.

here is the part you will not like to hear. um nidal's son, muhammad, has been accused of conducting a terror attack at a school and killing children.

what he did was conduct a military attack on the atzmona (one of the most brutal settlements in gaza and not even authorised by the israeli government) army prepatory yeshiva, a post high school prepatory school that trained men to serve in elite IDF units. all of these children were 18 years old or older.

that certainly changes the picture. her other two sons, also accused of conducting suicide attacks in the thread, did no such thing. one was killed by bombs planted by israeli intelligence and the other by an israeli military airstrike. he had a qassam rocket on his car.

now, whether you like what her sons did or not, and i am sure you don't, it is a far, far cry from what they did and what they are alleged to have done.

do you really thinks it helps dispel the stereotype of "deceptive jew" when such deceptions as the one about muhammad farhat, umm nidals son, are perpetrated on people.

why do you all do this. what am i and others supposed to think.

Come on Toastman, you should be ashamed of yourself. When I hear the word children I think of Kids in kindergarden or gradeschool not adults that have graduated from highschool and are eligible for military service. These " children " as you call them were attending a military school and as such it was a ligitamate military target !!! Give me a break stop spreading your misinformation. I will not call you a liar because that is your game but this is unreal, and as I said you should be ashamed of yourself !!!
i do not understand why this is so difficult to understand.

parents should be proud of and love and respect and teach and try to understand and forgive, if need be, their children. they do not have to be proud of every single thing they do.

here is the part you will not like to hear. um nidal's son, muhammad, has been accused of conducting a terror attack at a school and killing children.

what he did was conduct a military attack on the atzmona (one of the most brutal settlements in gaza and not even authorised by the israeli government) army prepatory yeshiva, a post high school prepatory school that trained men to serve in elite IDF units. all of these children were 18 years old or older.

that certainly changes the picture. her other two sons, also accused of conducting suicide attacks in the thread, did no such thing. one was killed by bombs planted by israeli intelligence and the other by an israeli military airstrike. he had a qassam rocket on his car.

now, whether you like what her sons did or not, and i am sure you don't, it is a far, far cry from what they did and what they are alleged to have done.

do you really thinks it helps dispel the stereotype of "deceptive jew" when such deceptions as the one about muhammad farhat, umm nidals son, are perpetrated on people.

why do you all do this. what am i and others supposed to think.

Come on Toastman, you should be ashamed of yourself. When I hear the word children I think of Kids in kindergarden or gradeschool not adults that have graduated from highschool and are eligible for military service. These " children " as you call them were attending a military school and as such it was a ligitamate military target !!! Give me a break stop spreading your misinformation. I will not call you a liar because that is your game but this is unreal, and as I said you should be ashamed of yourself !!!
According to your thought process, an attack on VMI, Texas A & M, The Citadel and other military schools would be the same? What about West Point, Annapolis and the Air Force Academy?
i do not understand why this is so difficult to understand.

parents should be proud of and love and respect and teach and try to understand and forgive, if need be, their children. they do not have to be proud of every single thing they do.

here is the part you will not like to hear. um nidal's son, muhammad, has been accused of conducting a terror attack at a school and killing children.

what he did was conduct a military attack on the atzmona (one of the most brutal settlements in gaza and not even authorised by the israeli government) army prepatory yeshiva, a post high school prepatory school that trained men to serve in elite IDF units. all of these children were 18 years old or older.

that certainly changes the picture. her other two sons, also accused of conducting suicide attacks in the thread, did no such thing. one was killed by bombs planted by israeli intelligence and the other by an israeli military airstrike. he had a qassam rocket on his car.

now, whether you like what her sons did or not, and i am sure you don't, it is a far, far cry from what they did and what they are alleged to have done.

do you really thinks it helps dispel the stereotype of "deceptive jew" when such deceptions as the one about muhammad farhat, umm nidals son, are perpetrated on people.

why do you all do this. what am i and others supposed to think.

Come on Toastman, you should be ashamed of yourself. When I hear the word children I think of Kids in kindergarden or gradeschool not adults that have graduated from highschool and are eligible for military service. These " children " as you call them were attending a military school and as such it was a ligitamate military target !!! Give me a break stop spreading your misinformation. I will not call you a liar because that is your game but this is unreal, and as I said you should be ashamed of yourself !!!

What post of mine are you talking about ? You quoted Seals post

Come on Toastman, you should be ashamed of yourself. When I hear the word children I think of Kids in kindergarden or gradeschool not adults that have graduated from highschool and are eligible for military service. These " children " as you call them were attending a military school and as such it was a ligitamate military target !!! Give me a break stop spreading your misinformation. I will not call you a liar because that is your game but this is unreal, and as I said you should be ashamed of yourself !!!

What post of mine are you talking about ? You quoted Seals post
Maybe next summer Tonto and his Kemosabe can arrange for jobs in a Gazan terroist training camp for youngsters.

[ame=]Gaza kids given summer camp terror training: Palestinians taught how to kidnap Israeli soldiers - YouTube[/ame]
Come on Toastman, you should be ashamed of yourself. When I hear the word children I think of Kids in kindergarden or gradeschool not adults that have graduated from highschool and are eligible for military service. These " children " as you call them were attending a military school and as such it was a ligitamate military target !!! Give me a break stop spreading your misinformation. I will not call you a liar because that is your game but this is unreal, and as I said you should be ashamed of yourself !!!

What post of mine are you talking about ? You quoted Seals post
Maybe next summer Tonto and his Kemosabe can arrange for jobs in a Gazan terroist training camp for youngsters.

[ame=]Gaza kids given summer camp terror training: Palestinians taught how to kidnap Israeli soldiers - YouTube[/ame]

Of course the man interviewed for UNWRA does not say what goes on in the schools funded and led by UNWRA.

Not exactly military training but certainly denial of the Jews' right to exist in Israel.

If you want the video that shows what goes on in UNWRA schools with regards to it, just say and I will look it up. I have it on another computer.

Come on Toastman, you should be ashamed of yourself. When I hear the word children I think of Kids in kindergarden or gradeschool not adults that have graduated from highschool and are eligible for military service. These " children " as you call them were attending a military school and as such it was a ligitamate military target !!! Give me a break stop spreading your misinformation. I will not call you a liar because that is your game but this is unreal, and as I said you should be ashamed of yourself !!!
According to your thought process, an attack on VMI, Texas A & M, The Citadel and other military schools would be the same? What about West Point, Annapolis and the Air Force Academy?

Given the same set of circumstances the answer is simple, yes !!! When you are at war you attack military targets and they are military targets. Weren't some Gazan Grade Schools hit during Cast lead. Are they military targets.
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TWENTY FIVE off topic and trolling posts have been cleaned from this thread.

The Administration and the Moderation Team are serious in their efforts to have a civil discourse as it pertains to the OP and any further posts which violate Zone 2 rules will be viewed in a more serious manner where infractions will be administered on a case by case basis.

Come on Toastman, you should be ashamed of yourself. When I hear the word children I think of Kids in kindergarden or gradeschool not adults that have graduated from highschool and are eligible for military service. These " children " as you call them were attending a military school and as such it was a ligitamate military target !!! Give me a break stop spreading your misinformation. I will not call you a liar because that is your game but this is unreal, and as I said you should be ashamed of yourself !!!
According to your thought process, an attack on VMI, Texas A & M, The Citadel and other military schools would be the same? What about West Point, Annapolis and the Air Force Academy?

i think a better analogy would be if an IDF soldier single handedly attacked a HAMAS military stronghold located in israel proper, perhaps in a suburb near tel aviv.

and were that to occur and the soldier killed, you can be damn sure israelis and zionists would be singing his praises and they should. it would have been a legitimate hit, a legitimate target.

Given the same set of circumstances the answer is simple, yes !!! When you are at war you attack military targets and they are military targets. Weren't some Gazan Grade Schools hit during Cast lead. Are they military targets.

Why else would Israel attack them unless they were military targets?? If there's weapons in there, or Hamas 'fighters' then it is a military target (given that it is empty of any children/civilians of course)

Given the same set of circumstances the answer is simple, yes !!! When you are at war you attack military targets and they are military targets. Weren't some Gazan Grade Schools hit during Cast lead. Are they military targets.
Of course Patrick will never tell you that terrorists hide in schools, hospitals, etc. among the civilian people in these buildings. Hmmm, I wonder how many teenagers graduated from the Summer Terrorist Training Camp in Gaza. What fun they must have had!!!
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Come on Toastman, you should be ashamed of yourself. When I hear the word children I think of Kids in kindergarden or gradeschool not adults that have graduated from highschool and are eligible for military service. These " children " as you call them were attending a military school and as such it was a ligitamate military target !!! Give me a break stop spreading your misinformation. I will not call you a liar because that is your game but this is unreal, and as I said you should be ashamed of yourself !!!
According to your thought process, an attack on VMI, Texas A & M, The Citadel and other military schools would be the same? What about West Point, Annapolis and the Air Force Academy?

i think a better analogy would be if an IDF soldier single handedly attacked a HAMAS military stronghold located in israel proper, perhaps in a suburb near tel aviv.

and were that to occur and the soldier killed, you can be damn sure israelis and zionists would be singing his praises and they should. it would have been a legitimate hit, a legitimate target.
Does this mean that any Irishmen flying with the RAF during World War II shouldn't have been involved in the bombing of innocent women and children in Dresden but should have snuck into Germany and killed a few Nazis one by one? You know what you have to give the Israelis credit for? There are many of them from Middle East countries who speak perfect Arabic. All this time, several of them could have snuck into the territories on different occasions and left a time bomb in some market place that was set to go off at a busy time. This they don't do while Seal's friends car and suicide bomb innocent people, even other Muslims, and these bombers are considered heroes by members of their sect.
According to your thought process, an attack on VMI, Texas A & M, The Citadel and other military schools would be the same? What about West Point, Annapolis and the Air Force Academy?

i think a better analogy would be if an IDF soldier single handedly attacked a HAMAS military stronghold located in israel proper, perhaps in a suburb near tel aviv.

and were that to occur and the soldier killed, you can be damn sure israelis and zionists would be singing his praises and they should. it would have been a legitimate hit, a legitimate target.
Does this mean that any Irishmen flying with the RAF during World War II shouldn't have been involved in the bombing of innocent women and children in Dresden but should have snuck into Germany and killed a few Nazis one by one? You know what you have to give the Israelis credit for? There are many of them from Middle East countries who speak perfect Arabic. All this time, several of them could have snuck into the territories on different occasions and left a time bomb in some market place that was set to go off at a busy time. This they don't do while Seal's friends car and suicide bomb innocent people, even other Muslims, and these bombers are considered heroes by members of their sect.


what it means is you made a very poor analogy and i corrected it and made an accurate analogy.

then we have the rest of it...

sneaky, time bomb smuggling, how would we know if they had?

it would be kinda hard for them to claim they thought the marketplace was an egyptian horse barge with AGTR-5 writ large across the bow and flying an american battle flag high above the falafel stand and expect the gazans to swallow that malarkey. no one is that gullible...oh wait...never mind.

so all in all, chances are slim to none that the IDF would do that or there would be hell to pay.
i think a better analogy would be if an IDF soldier single handedly attacked a HAMAS military stronghold located in israel proper, perhaps in a suburb near tel aviv.

and were that to occur and the soldier killed, you can be damn sure israelis and zionists would be singing his praises and they should. it would have been a legitimate hit, a legitimate target.
Does this mean that any Irishmen flying with the RAF during World War II shouldn't have been involved in the bombing of innocent women and children in Dresden but should have snuck into Germany and killed a few Nazis one by one? You know what you have to give the Israelis credit for? There are many of them from Middle East countries who speak perfect Arabic. All this time, several of them could have snuck into the territories on different occasions and left a time bomb in some market place that was set to go off at a busy time. This they don't do while Seal's friends car and suicide bomb innocent people, even other Muslims, and these bombers are considered heroes by members of their sect.


what it means is you made a very poor analogy and i corrected it and made an accurate analogy.

then we have the rest of it...

sneaky, time bomb smuggling, how would we know if they had?

it would be kinda hard for them to claim they thought the marketplace was an egyptian horse barge with AGTR-5 writ large across the bow and flying an american battle flag high above the falafel stand and expect the gazans to swallow that malarkey. no one is that gullible...oh wait...never mind.

so all in all, chances are slim to none that the IDF would do that or there would be hell to pay.
No??? Anyone reading this thread who has a different mind set from you and took in what you posted would probably disagree with you. They would even say you corrected nothing, but if you are so narcissistic as to think that you did, so be it. And, Seal, even you know about all the suicide and car bombings in Muslim/Arab areas in different locations, and it was certainly not Jews who blew themselves up. However, it goes to show you that even though many Israelis from Middle East countries could easily pass as Arabs and speak perfect Arabic, but do no harm to innocent people shopping even if they could.
Does this mean that any Irishmen flying with the RAF during World War II shouldn't have been involved in the bombing of innocent women and children in Dresden but should have snuck into Germany and killed a few Nazis one by one? You know what you have to give the Israelis credit for? There are many of them from Middle East countries who speak perfect Arabic. All this time, several of them could have snuck into the territories on different occasions and left a time bomb in some market place that was set to go off at a busy time. This they don't do while Seal's friends car and suicide bomb innocent people, even other Muslims, and these bombers are considered heroes by members of their sect.


what it means is you made a very poor analogy and i corrected it and made an accurate analogy.

then we have the rest of it...

sneaky, time bomb smuggling, how would we know if they had?

it would be kinda hard for them to claim they thought the marketplace was an egyptian horse barge with AGTR-5 writ large across the bow and flying an american battle flag high above the falafel stand and expect the gazans to swallow that malarkey. no one is that gullible...oh wait...never mind.

so all in all, chances are slim to none that the IDF would do that or there would be hell to pay.
No??? Anyone reading this thread who has a different mind set from you and took in what you posted would probably disagree with you. They would even say you corrected nothing, but if you are so narcissistic as to think that you did, so be it. And, Seal, even you know about all the suicide and car bombings in Muslim/Arab areas in different locations, and it was certainly not Jews who blew themselves up. However, it goes to show you that even though many Israelis from Middle East countries could easily pass as Arabs and speak perfect Arabic, but do no harm to innocent people shopping even if they could.

NO!!! NO!!! NO!!!




(i think though that the rest of the world, even strayed thespian half-gods, might take my side.)

Given the same set of circumstances the answer is simple, yes !!! When you are at war you attack military targets and they are military targets. Weren't some Gazan Grade Schools hit during Cast lead. Are they military targets.
Of course Patrick will never tell you that terrorists hide in schools, hospitals, etc. among the civilian people in these buildings. Hmmm, I wonder how many teenagers graduated from the Summer Terrorist Training Camp in Gaza. What fun they must have had!!!
You ask American forces they will tell you. The evidence is out there both in Iraq and Afghanistan theaters of war. Muslims have used schools, ambulances, mosques, hospitals, Red Cross, you name it they will use it to shoot from or store weapons. Oh wait...the Palestinians are different. No actually they're WORSE and can teach the rest of them a thing or two about how low you can get.

Given the same set of circumstances the answer is simple, yes !!! When you are at war you attack military targets and they are military targets. Weren't some Gazan Grade Schools hit during Cast lead. Are they military targets.
Of course Patrick will never tell you that terrorists hide in schools, hospitals, etc. among the civilian people in these buildings. Hmmm, I wonder how many teenagers graduated from the Summer Terrorist Training Camp in Gaza. What fun they must have had!!!


) A correspondent for Australia 's Sydney Morning Herald interviewed a Gazan ambulance driver, who described how Hamas operatives tried to force him to use his ambulance to evacuate them from a battle zone.

ii) A correspondent for the New York Times quoted a source close to Hamas, who described rocket fire from proximity to residential buildings and in alleys.

iii) A correspondent for Italy 's Corriere della Sera talked to Gazans about rocket fire from the roofs of private houses and about Hamas operatives who sought shelter in a hospital
3. In an article which appeared on January 26, the paper's correspondent in the Gaza Strip, interviewed Muhammad Shriteh , an ambulance driver who evacuated wounded Palestinians from the battle zones.

4. Muhammad Shriteh said that during most of Operation Cast Lead he would "co-ordinate with the Israelis before we pick up patients... so they would not shoot at us.” He said that the more immediate threat was from Hamas, who would " would lure the ambulances into the heart of a battle to transport fighters to safety .”

5. He also said that one night, after the first week of fighting, "there was a call for a house in Jabaliya .” Because of the urgency of the call, he said, there was no time to arrange his movements with the IDF. Nevertheless, he knew the Israelis were watching him because "I could see the red laser beam on the ambulance and on me.”

6. Shriteh said that when he entered the house in Jabaliya he saw three Hamas operatives who had taken cover inside, and that half of the building had already been destroyed. "They were very scared, and very nervous,” he said. "They dropped their weapons and ordered me to get them out, to put them in the ambulance and take them away.” He refused because, he said, he knew that if the IDF saw him, he would not be able to pick up any more wounded people. One of the Hamas operatives, he said, put a gun to his head but he still refused, and then they allowed him to leave.

7. He added that during Operation Cast Lead, Hamas operatives made several attempts to hijack the Al-Quds Hospital's [located in the Tel al-Hawa neighborhood in Gaza City ] fleet of ambulances . He also said that "You hear when they are coming. People ring to tell you. So we had to get in all the ambulances and make the illusion of an emergency and only come back when they had gone.”

Gazans Tell How Hamas Used Them As Human Shields:

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