Asael Shabo: We Can Only Look Forward


what it means is you made a very poor analogy and i corrected it and made an accurate analogy.

then we have the rest of it...

sneaky, time bomb smuggling, how would we know if they had?

it would be kinda hard for them to claim they thought the marketplace was an egyptian horse barge with AGTR-5 writ large across the bow and flying an american battle flag high above the falafel stand and expect the gazans to swallow that malarkey. no one is that gullible...oh wait...never mind.

so all in all, chances are slim to none that the IDF would do that or there would be hell to pay.
No??? Anyone reading this thread who has a different mind set from you and took in what you posted would probably disagree with you. They would even say you corrected nothing, but if you are so narcissistic as to think that you did, so be it. And, Seal, even you know about all the suicide and car bombings in Muslim/Arab areas in different locations, and it was certainly not Jews who blew themselves up. However, it goes to show you that even though many Israelis from Middle East countries could easily pass as Arabs and speak perfect Arabic, but do no harm to innocent people shopping even if they could.

NO!!! NO!!! NO!!!




(i think though that the rest of the world, even strayed thespian half-gods, might take my side.)
Being narcissi again, Seal??? There are many in this world who would disagree with you and the nonsense you post. Do you really think all the hundreds of millions of Hindus would agree with you when they see what is happening to their fellow Hindus in the Muslim world? How about the Chinese? They are having trouble with the Muslims in their midst. By the way, Seal, it is very amusing watching you become the Drama Queen of this board.

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