Ashli Babbit

Charge this cop with murder and then publicly hang him.

All I see is stand your ground.

She was unarmed you dafttwat

Tough fucking shit breaking and entering stand your ground. Fear for your life and he probably did so you shoot.

Stand your ground does not cover public property, only private property.
And since Ashli was unarmed, there is no legal basis for being in fear of one's life from her.
Anybody that walks into a building they own, unarmed, deserves to be shot.

If she had been black the loons would be demanding statues be erected in her honor
If she had been Black, many more would have been shot.
If that were the case----thousands of black rioters attacking cops and burning down the city would have been shot earlier this year. The race card as stupid as it is has gotten really really really old.
Anybody that walks into a building they own, unarmed, deserves to be shot.

If she had been black the loons would be demanding statues be erected in her honor
If she had been Black, many more would have been shot.
If that were the case----thousands of black rioters attacking cops and burning down the city would have been shot earlier this year. The race card as stupid as it is has gotten really really really old.
Racists hate seeing it.
This was the name of the woman shot dead at the Capital as she entered unarmed.

View attachment 438703

Who was she?

She was a resident of the San Diego area and a veteran. Babbit was an outspoken supporter of Donald Trump, according to her social media feeds.

I thought people should at least know who it was and what she was about. After all, when police gun down unarmed blacks on the streets the media repeats those names nonstop, but when this happens, all the media says is that there was a bloody revolt by right wingers trying to overthrow the government............unarmed.

Well, I reckon they have their martyre now.

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She was committing an act of sedition against the United States of America.

The intended purpose of the attack on the Capitol and on Congress was to stop the counting of electoral votes and to undermine democracy.

She deserved what she got.

I hope the other treasonous bastards that attacked the capitol building and Congress are arrested and put in prison for the rest of their lives!!!!

Trespassing is a misdemeanor. Not happening you fascist PITA!


You are truly an idiot!

This was an attack against Congress intending to stop Congress from Certifying Biden and undermine Democracy.

It was sedition.

The time for your BULLSHIT is over...people like you are now traitors to the United States!

It was a temporary act of political expression.
Which is protected by the 1st amendment.
This was the name of the woman shot dead at the Capital as she entered unarmed.

View attachment 438703

Who was she?

She was a resident of the San Diego area and a veteran. Babbit was an outspoken supporter of Donald Trump, according to her social media feeds.

I thought people should at least know who it was and what she was about. After all, when police gun down unarmed blacks on the streets the media repeats those names nonstop, but when this happens, all the media says is that there was a bloody revolt by right wingers trying to overthrow the government............unarmed.

Well, I reckon they have their martyre now.

View attachment 438706
She was attacking the cops and the representatives in the chamber.
Charge this cop with murder and then publicly hang him.

She was murdered for standing up.

She was killed because she was committing and act of treason.

Publicly hang the cop that murdered her.

Publicly hang all those who attacked the Capitol and Congress!!!!

The capital and congress deserve to be attacked much more, for all the illegal crimes they have committed, like the Invasion of Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, etc., the War on Drugs, 3 Strikes, and thousands of other crimes.
Congress has been way out of control since the Spanish American war.
This was the name of the woman shot dead at the Capital as she entered unarmed.

View attachment 438703

Who was she?

She was a resident of the San Diego area and a veteran. Babbit was an outspoken supporter of Donald Trump, according to her social media feeds.

I thought people should at least know who it was and what she was about. After all, when police gun down unarmed blacks on the streets the media repeats those names nonstop, but when this happens, all the media says is that there was a bloody revolt by right wingers trying to overthrow the government............unarmed.

Well, I reckon they have their martyre now.

View attachment 438706
She was attacking the cops and the representatives in the chamber.

What weapons did she have?
Do you have any images of her using any weapon?
Charge this cop with murder and then publicly hang him.

For doing his job? If someone is breaking into your house to harm you, would you not shoot them?

You have additional rights to your home since it is paid for privately, includes privacy, and personal security since you sleep there.
In contrast, the capital building has none of those. It is public, privacy is then illegal, and no one sleeps there. It is public, owned by all of us.
She got exactly what was deserved. She was complicit in sedition, trespassing, and treason. Identify the remaining ones and bring out the firing squad. She is the epitome of the brainwashed, non-thinking, "walking-dead" cult.

Trumplicans are so far from the Law & Order party it's comical.

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