Ashli Babbit

She got exactly what was deserved. She was complicit in sedition, trespassing, and treason. Identify the remaining ones and bring out the firing squad. She is the epitome of the brainwashed, non-thinking, "walking-dead" cult.

Trumplicans are so far from the Law & Order party it's comical.

I just heard, "She deserved to die because how DARE she support Trump! We should execute anyone who doesn't parrot the leftist lines I do!!!"

Leftists are so far from humans, let alone qualified to gas about "moral outrage", it's repulsive.

Unless you can point me to ONE post you ever made about the "sedition, trespassing, and treason" exhibited by rioting, looting thugs all last year, you need to come tell me about your concern for "Law & Order" to my face, so I can spit on you properly.
Like I said - you commit crimes against this country (which she did), you pay the price for it. I guess she felt believing Trump and his conspiracy theories was worth dying for. Do you?

Funny how you deflect to rationalize your flawed stance. This is about yesterday, why are you bringing up events that have no relevance to yesterday? It's because you have NO defense to the seditionist, treasonous, and criminal behavior that was 'exhibited' yesterday.

You would drop to your knees in my presence - I know it, you know it. Continue hiding behind your 'device' like a cowering little bitch and you won't face the same demise as the criminal we are discussing.
This was the name of the woman shot dead at the Capital as she entered unarmed.

View attachment 438703

Who was she?

She was a resident of the San Diego area and a veteran. Babbit was an outspoken supporter of Donald Trump, according to her social media feeds.

I thought people should at least know who it was and what she was about. After all, when police gun down unarmed blacks on the streets the media repeats those names nonstop, but when this happens, all the media says is that there was a bloody revolt by right wingers trying to overthrow the government............unarmed.

Well, I reckon they have their martyre now.

View attachment 438706

She was committing an act of sedition against the United States of America.

The intended purpose of the attack on the Capitol and on Congress was to stop the counting of electoral votes and to undermine democracy.

She deserved what she got.

I hope the other treasonous bastards that attacked the capitol building and Congress are arrested and put in prison for the rest of their lives!!!!

Trespassing is a misdemeanor. Not happening you fascist PITA!

She was not trespassing. She was committing a act of sedition and terrorism Sedition charges should be sought against these thugs you trreasonous pig.
It is a tragedy that this woman was indoctrinated by Trumpery and incited to criminal activity.

How often were you outraged and shouting out when the left was engaged in criminal activity?
Not just Anifa, BLM and thousands of rioters, but this group >> Hillary, obama, valerie jarrett, john podesta and his creepy brother tony, susan rice, loretta lynch, peter strzok, lisa page, bruce ohr and his wife, comey, rosenstein, mccabe, weissman, mueller, eric holder, lois lerner, james clapper, john brennan, wasserman-schultz, her Pakistani congressional hacker, huma abedin,. discredited lawyers avenatti and cohen, harry reid, pelosi, schumer, Schiff, Nadler, the clinton foundation, and the MSM itself.
This was the name of the woman shot dead at the Capital as she entered unarmed.

View attachment 438703

Who was she?

She was a resident of the San Diego area and a veteran. Babbit was an outspoken supporter of Donald Trump, according to her social media feeds.

I thought people should at least know who it was and what she was about. After all, when police gun down unarmed blacks on the streets the media repeats those names nonstop, but when this happens, all the media says is that there was a bloody revolt by right wingers trying to overthrow the government............unarmed.

Well, I reckon they have their martyre now.

View attachment 438706
She ws a QAnon nitwit who was trying to smash her way through a door behind which LEOs were barricaded. She got what she asked for.

No sympathy here.

It is illegal to use deadly force except in the defense against a deadly threat.
Trying to justify her murder is criminal.
Who she was is not relevant.
The law is clear.
It was murder to shoot her.

You had a mob attempting to break into the capital building. That is a deadly threat as far as I am concerned.
This was the name of the woman shot dead at the Capital as she entered unarmed.

View attachment 438703

Who was she?

She was a resident of the San Diego area and a veteran. Babbit was an outspoken supporter of Donald Trump, according to her social media feeds.

I thought people should at least know who it was and what she was about. After all, when police gun down unarmed blacks on the streets the media repeats those names nonstop, but when this happens, all the media says is that there was a bloody revolt by right wingers trying to overthrow the government............unarmed.

Well, I reckon they have their martyre now.

View attachment 438706
She ws a QAnon nitwit who was trying to smash her way through a door behind which LEOs were barricaded. She got what she asked for.

No sympathy here.

It is illegal to use deadly force except in the defense against a deadly threat.
Trying to justify her murder is criminal.
Who she was is not relevant.
The law is clear.
It was murder to shoot her.

You had a mob attempting to break into the capital building. That is a deadly threat as far as I am concerned.
she was a domestic hero

Nope, she wasn't. She was unarmed. This is your marxist treasonous party in action for all to see. Useful idiots will be engulfed.

She wasw committing a act of sedition. She was a part of a mob committing a act of terrorism and sedition against the government. You Nazis are the treasonous ones. You right wing Nazis are the ones who will be engulfed.

Nope, you are wrong.
She got exactly what was deserved. She was complicit in sedition, trespassing, and treason. Identify the remaining ones and bring out the firing squad. She is the epitome of the brainwashed, non-thinking, "walking-dead" cult.

Trumplicans are so far from the Law & Order party it's comical.

I just heard, "She deserved to die because how DARE she support Trump! We should execute anyone who doesn't parrot the leftist lines I do!!!"

Leftists are so far from humans, let alone qualified to gas about "moral outrage", it's repulsive.

Unless you can point me to ONE post you ever made about the "sedition, trespassing, and treason" exhibited by rioting, looting thugs all last year, you need to come tell me about your concern for "Law & Order" to my face, so I can spit on you properly.
Like I said - you commit crimes against this country (which she did), you pay the price for it. I guess she felt believing Trump and his conspiracy theories was worth dying for. Do you?

Funny how you deflect to rationalize your flawed stance. This is about yesterday, why are you bringing up events that have no relevance to yesterday? It's because you have NO defense to the seditionist, treasonous, and criminal behavior that was 'exhibited' yesterday.

You would drop to your knees in my presence - I know it, you know it. Continue hiding behind your 'device' like a cowering little bitch and you won't face the same demise as the criminal we are discussing.
Protesting voter fraud is Sedition where the government can just shoot you without a trial? REALLY? this is how your brain works?
This was the name of the woman shot dead at the Capital as she entered unarmed.
And the "law and order" types aren't about to blame police, even those charged with trying to defend the Capitol Building under attack by a rabid mob.

It is a tragedy that this woman was indoctrinated by Trumpery and incited to criminal activity.
Its a god damned tragedy. If there is a go fund me to pay for her funeral expenses, I hope someone lets us know. I will contribute to it.

From the political angle; you're right. Blobbers are all for "law and order" until they break the law, shoot up a wal mart here and there, run over a woman in their car and claim she died from a heart attack, mail bombs to people and justify it by saying they didn't go off....plot to kidnap a governor...think executive orders are illegal until they have a leader who does little more than issue executive orders.

I know they will never...and I mean EVER...concede the point publicly but behind the scenes, some of the rare, cogent, sober, and sensible blobbers do realize just how completely fucked in the head they have become.

From the political angle, leftscum are all for protests and "who says they have to be peaceful" until the protest is for something they don't agree with. Then they want to excoriate people for things they didn't do, but that the left-trash DID do and pretend that they would know a moral if one fell on them, and they are "morally outraged".

I know they will never . . . and I mean EVER . . . concede the point that we can all see and revile them for the stain on humanity that they are. But behind the scenes, they know they're evil garbage, and they're proud of it.

I have no idea what truly happened at the Capitol, and neither do you. Reports are still too confused and fragmentary. What I DO know is that you aren't the slightest bit sorry that Ms. Babbitt died, no matter how much you want to play-pretend that you have any sort of decency. You're GLAD she was killed. You know how I know? The alacrity with which you jumped onto the board to start screaming and holler and hurl accusations about what you "know" happened.

So spare me your crocodile tears and saccharine sympathy.
This was the name of the woman shot dead at the Capital as she entered unarmed.

View attachment 438703

Who was she?

She was a resident of the San Diego area and a veteran. Babbit was an outspoken supporter of Donald Trump, according to her social media feeds.

I thought people should at least know who it was and what she was about. After all, when police gun down unarmed blacks on the streets the media repeats those names nonstop, but when this happens, all the media says is that there was a bloody revolt by right wingers trying to overthrow the government............unarmed.

Well, I reckon they have their martyre now.

View attachment 438706

She was committing an act of sedition against the United States of America.

The intended purpose of the attack on the Capitol and on Congress was to stop the counting of electoral votes and to undermine democracy.

She deserved what she got.

I hope the other treasonous bastards that attacked the capitol building and Congress are arrested and put in prison for the rest of their lives!!!!

Trespassing is a misdemeanor. Not happening you fascist PITA!


You are truly an idiot!

This was an attack against Congress intending to stop Congress from Certifying Biden and undermine Democracy.

It was sedition.

The time for your BULLSHIT is over...people like you are now traitors to the United States!

It was a temporary act of political expression.
Which is protected by the 1st amendment.

Storming the capital building is not protected by the first amendment.
She got exactly what was deserved. She was complicit in sedition, trespassing, and treason. Identify the remaining ones and bring out the firing squad. She is the epitome of the brainwashed, non-thinking, "walking-dead" cult.

Trumplicans are so far from the Law & Order party it's comical.

I just heard, "She deserved to die because how DARE she support Trump! We should execute anyone who doesn't parrot the leftist lines I do!!!"

Leftists are so far from humans, let alone qualified to gas about "moral outrage", it's repulsive.

Unless you can point me to ONE post you ever made about the "sedition, trespassing, and treason" exhibited by rioting, looting thugs all last year, you need to come tell me about your concern for "Law & Order" to my face, so I can spit on you properly.

You are the ones who are repulsive. This woman was shot because she was storming the capital building. That is a attack on this country. The fact is that the police were too gentle with the terrorists.

No, they murdered her point blank.
This was the name of the woman shot dead at the Capital as she entered unarmed.
And the "law and order" types aren't about to blame police, even those charged with trying to defend the Capitol Building under attack by a rabid mob.

It is a tragedy that this woman was indoctrinated by Trumpery and incited to criminal activity.
Its a god damned tragedy. If there is a go fund me to pay for her funeral expenses, I hope someone lets us know. I will contribute to it.

From the political angle; you're right. Blobbers are all for "law and order" until they break the law, shoot up a wal mart here and there, run over a woman in their car and claim she died from a heart attack, mail bombs to people and justify it by saying they didn't go off....plot to kidnap a governor...think executive orders are illegal until they have a leader who does little more than issue executive orders.

I know they will never...and I mean EVER...concede the point publicly but behind the scenes, some of the rare, cogent, sober, and sensible blobbers do realize just how completely fucked in the head they have become.

From the political angle, leftscum are all for protests and "who says they have to be peaceful" until the protest is for something they don't agree with. Then they want to excoriate people for things they didn't do, but that the left-trash DID do and pretend that they would know a moral if one fell on them, and they are "morally outraged".

I know they will never . . . and I mean EVER . . . concede the point that we can all see and revile them for the stain on humanity that they are. But behind the scenes, they know they're evil garbage, and they're proud of it.

I have no idea what truly happened at the Capitol, and neither do you. Reports are still too confused and fragmentary. What I DO know is that you aren't the slightest bit sorry that Ms. Babbitt died, no matter how much you want to play-pretend that you have any sort of decency. You're GLAD she was killed. You know how I know? The alacrity with which you jumped onto the board to start screaming and holler and hurl accusations about what you "know" happened.

So spare me your crocodile tears and saccharine sympathy.
Oh fuck off you worthless bitch.
She got exactly what was deserved. She was complicit in sedition, trespassing, and treason. Identify the remaining ones and bring out the firing squad. She is the epitome of the brainwashed, non-thinking, "walking-dead" cult.

Trumplicans are so far from the Law & Order party it's comical.

I just heard, "She deserved to die because how DARE she support Trump! We should execute anyone who doesn't parrot the leftist lines I do!!!"

Leftists are so far from humans, let alone qualified to gas about "moral outrage", it's repulsive.

Unless you can point me to ONE post you ever made about the "sedition, trespassing, and treason" exhibited by rioting, looting thugs all last year, you need to come tell me about your concern for "Law & Order" to my face, so I can spit on you properly.
Like I said - you commit crimes against this country (which she did), you pay the price for it. I guess she felt believing Trump and his conspiracy theories was worth dying for. Do you?

Funny how you deflect to rationalize your flawed stance. This is about yesterday, why are you bringing up events that have no relevance to yesterday? It's because you have NO defense to the seditionist, treasonous, and criminal behavior that was 'exhibited' yesterday.

You would drop to your knees in my presence - I know it, you know it. Continue hiding behind your 'device' like a cowering little bitch and you won't face the same demise as the criminal we are discussing.
Protesting voter fraud is Sedition where the government can just shoot you without a trial? REALLY? this is how your brain works?

Storming the capital building is not protesting.
She got exactly what was deserved. She was complicit in sedition, trespassing, and treason. Identify the remaining ones and bring out the firing squad. She is the epitome of the brainwashed, non-thinking, "walking-dead" cult.

Trumplicans are so far from the Law & Order party it's comical.

I just heard, "She deserved to die because how DARE she support Trump! We should execute anyone who doesn't parrot the leftist lines I do!!!"

Leftists are so far from humans, let alone qualified to gas about "moral outrage", it's repulsive.

Unless you can point me to ONE post you ever made about the "sedition, trespassing, and treason" exhibited by rioting, looting thugs all last year, you need to come tell me about your concern for "Law & Order" to my face, so I can spit on you properly.

You are the ones who are repulsive. This woman was shot because she was storming the capital building. That is a attack on this country. The fact is that the police were too gentle with the terrorists.

No, they murdered her point blank.

Trump murdered her. She believed his bullshit.
She got exactly what was deserved. She was complicit in sedition, trespassing, and treason. Identify the remaining ones and bring out the firing squad. She is the epitome of the brainwashed, non-thinking, "walking-dead" cult.

Trumplicans are so far from the Law & Order party it's comical.

I just heard, "She deserved to die because how DARE she support Trump! We should execute anyone who doesn't parrot the leftist lines I do!!!"

Leftists are so far from humans, let alone qualified to gas about "moral outrage", it's repulsive.

Unless you can point me to ONE post you ever made about the "sedition, trespassing, and treason" exhibited by rioting, looting thugs all last year, you need to come tell me about your concern for "Law & Order" to my face, so I can spit on you properly.
Like I said - you commit crimes against this country (which she did), you pay the price for it. I guess she felt believing Trump and his conspiracy theories was worth dying for. Do you?

Funny how you deflect to rationalize your flawed stance. This is about yesterday, why are you bringing up events that have no relevance to yesterday? It's because you have NO defense to the seditionist, treasonous, and criminal behavior that was 'exhibited' yesterday.

You would drop to your knees in my presence - I know it, you know it. Continue hiding behind your 'device' like a cowering little bitch and you won't face the same demise as the criminal we are discussing.
Protesting voter fraud is Sedition where the government can just shoot you without a trial? REALLY? this is how your brain works?
If she was "protesting," she would be alive today. She was committing a crime and threatening the officers on the other side of the door. I see how your brain works.... it defends anything your orange god does - regardless of how logical it is (or isn't). Grow up and start being honest with yourself.
Charge this cop with murder and then publicly hang him.

For doing his job? If someone is breaking into your house to harm you, would you not shoot them?

Its more her house than it is govt employees.


Federal property is ours

Bullshit. Not to destroy and attack people. Are you really that stupid?

Federal property is ours.
This was the name of the woman shot dead at the Capital as she entered unarmed.

View attachment 438703

Who was she?

She was a resident of the San Diego area and a veteran. Babbit was an outspoken supporter of Donald Trump, according to her social media feeds.

I thought people should at least know who it was and what she was about. After all, when police gun down unarmed blacks on the streets the media repeats those names nonstop, but when this happens, all the media says is that there was a bloody revolt by right wingers trying to overthrow the government............unarmed.

Well, I reckon they have their martyre now.

View attachment 438706
She was attacking the cops and the representatives in the chamber.

What weapons did she have?
Do you have any images of her using any weapon?
You do not need a weapon to attack people, and they did not know the threatening person was unarmed.
This was the name of the woman shot dead at the Capital as she entered unarmed.

View attachment 438703

Who was she?

She was a resident of the San Diego area and a veteran. Babbit was an outspoken supporter of Donald Trump, according to her social media feeds.

I thought people should at least know who it was and what she was about. After all, when police gun down unarmed blacks on the streets the media repeats those names nonstop, but when this happens, all the media says is that there was a bloody revolt by right wingers trying to overthrow the government............unarmed.

Well, I reckon they have their martyre now.

View attachment 438706

She was committing an act of sedition against the United States of America.

The intended purpose of the attack on the Capitol and on Congress was to stop the counting of electoral votes and to undermine democracy.

She deserved what she got.

I hope the other treasonous bastards that attacked the capitol building and Congress are arrested and put in prison for the rest of their lives!!!!
And, of course, you would have said the same for anyone who tried to stop TRUMP! from taking office in '16. You know, like trying to impeach him before taking office?
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