Ashli Babbitt’s shooter is—Lieutenant Michael Leroy Byrd.

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The left sure is choosey which cops are ruthless murderers
It is known as common sense, which is in short supply on the right.
Says an imbecile who supports defunding the police.
This is a lie.

No one advocates for ‘defunding’ the police.

It’s also a lie to claim that ‘defunding’ the police means to ‘close’ police departments, ‘fire’ sworn officers, and ‘eliminate’ law enforcement altogether – it doesn’t, regardless the dishonest right’s lies.
You are fucking delusional. The leftwingers who called for defunding the police are too numerous to count
I don't deny there are some saying that. I am saying that I disagree with them. Demilitarize the police.
When you break into someone else's property
She broke nothing.
It was her property as much as anyone else's.

and threaten elected officials
She threatened no one.

View attachment 481071

Apparently just supporting fair and honest elections and presidents who actually work FOR the country now makes you a threat and a terrorist worth murdering to the far Left.

She was supporting a lie promoted by a man who fed and fertilized a mob of supporters into Belief, and who had no qualms about encouraging a mob to violently overthrow a fair and honest election. And, where is the cult leader now, when his followers are facing justice? Reminds me of Manson.

All QAshli needed would have been a "T" carved into her forehead to be an official Manson Trump cultist.

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If people are "breaking the law" then police can shoot to kill even if those breaking the law are unarmed.

Nice to know
Police have a license to kill. They can kill anyone, anywhere, anytime, for any or no reason....and usually get away with it.
It's pure evil to expose this American patriot and his family to further danger from Trump terrorists. That's why the mainstream media isn't doing it.

That is why mebelle did t.

Alert the vigilantes to their target.....a truly despicable act

Amen! I'm sort of puzzled why USMB would even allow such a thread - especially from a mod.

Indeed, Belle should have posted this "news" based on a stupid TWEET in Badlands or Rubber Room. :)
Most would have been banned for posting restricted personal information. But some posters get away with it
It's pure evil to expose this American patriot and his family to further danger from Trump terrorists. That's why the mainstream media isn't doing it.

That is why mebelle did t.

Alert the vigilantes to their target.....a truly despicable act

Amen! I'm sort of puzzled why USMB would even allow such a thread - especially from a mod.

Indeed, Belle should have posted this "news" based on a stupid TWEET in Badlands or Rubber Room. :)
Most would have been banned for posting restricted personal information. But some posters get away with it

When a person becomes a public figure by actions of their own, like shooting someone, then the law says they no longer have some rights to privacy they had before. Such as their picture, name, and even address appearing in national publications. You can not legally take a picture of someone and publish it, but if they were already in a TV commercial, then you can. It paparazzi rules that then apply.

And I would totally disagree this cop who shot is a hero.
He was behind a further barricade, with many other police.
Ashli was only going from the senate to the lobby, not to the actual House where the cop was.
So there was at least one more layer of barricade before one could claim it was the last ditch defense effort.
There is just no way to claim the shooting was necessary.
This thug insurrectionist had it coming just like the 13 year old thug boy in Chicago killed by cops, right?.
There was no insurrection, you goofball, lyin' POS.
There was a FAILED insurrection by a bunch of LOSERS.
They were protesting the results of an unfair election, not trying to overthrow the government. They were trying to preserve it. Ashli Babbitt was murdered by a cop in the act of protecting the real insurrectionists...a congress that was proceeding with an effort to confirm election results obtained from unconstitutional, fraudulent election procedures.

Only a moron would believe that Republican states, Republican election officials, Republican courts and judges (including SCOTUS) all conspired with Democrats to rig the election for Biden. Just think about that. Babbitt obviously believed it.
I don't recall saying that they did. Quote me where you think I did.

In my post that you quoted here, I claimed that the protest was against "...a congress that was proceeding with an effort to confirm election results obtained from unconstitutional, fraudulent election procedures."

The 117th Congress had convened on January 3rd, three days before. Both Houses of the 117th Congress are controlled by the Democrat Party.

In viewing the entire scope of election fraud:
At least one Republican Secretary of State (Brad Raffensperger--Georgia) unconstitutionally capitulated to the demands of the Democrat Party in extending mail-in ballot deadlines, ignoring signature verification arbitrarily changing election rules that are reserved to the GEORGIA LEGISLATURE.

Similar unconstitutional actions were taken in other swing states. Regardless of the party affiliation of the officials that changed the election rules. their actions were unconstitutional.

Only morons cannot fathom that fact.

Just think about that.
"The 117th Congress had convened on January 3rd, three days before. Both Houses of the 117th Congress are controlled by the Democrat Party."


Democrats did not control the Senate on Insurrection Day. Where do you numbnuts come up with this shit??

Here... read & learn...

Note: From January 3, 2021, to January 20, 2021, party division stood at 51 Republicans, 46 Democrats, 2 Independents (who caucused with the Democrats), and 1 vacancy.
Jan 6th was a joint session held in the House chambers.

The House voted against sustaining an objection to Arizona's electors by a vote of 121-303. All 121 congressmen in support of the objection were Republicans. Click on the following table to view the full roll call.

The House voted against sustaining an objection to Pennsylvania's electors by a vote of 138-282. All 138 congressmen in support of the objection were Republicans. Click on the following table to view the full roll call.

What the fuck does any of that have to do with your moronic claim that Democrats controlled both houses of Congress on Insurrection??
She should have obeyed the officer. She should not have kept coming forward when she was told to stop.

Trumpettes used to be pro law enforcement and proponents of following the instructions of cops. But that was before they battered and killed over 150 of them in the name of Dear Leader's Big Lie.
I see a few mods posting here (including the one who started this thread) -- I have a question for y'all....

Whether you think the cop was right or wrong for shooting her, the shooting was thoroughly investigated and it was deemed justifiable. The question is... why are y'all allowing his name to be broadcast on this website? Especially given since the ONLY reason the OP put his name out there is with the hope of vigilante justice.

Because it didn't originate here - if it is him, then it's already public knowledge in some fashion. What would you have us do? Clamp down on it?
It doesn't matter where it originated -- USMB is now contributing to it.

It's not against our rules.
So what? The guy's actions were deemed justifiable. Why would you allow his name to be broadcast on a website you control? How would you feel if you learn he gets killed by someone who learned of his name from this website?
the same as the cop they are going to convict for subduing a drug addict, that was passing fake money...and resisting enough to be taken have no point
Fucking moron, you're now on record as equating passing a counterfeit $20 (possibly unwittingly) with storming the Capitol to subvert the Constitution.

You Qulutists are out of your fucking minds. :cuckoo:
You communist bought, pedophile lovers are out of your fucking minds.

And yet, who but Donald Trump was accused of being a pedophile?

Oh, Fucking moron? Who accused him of that?
Plenty of people have.
Name one person who accused Biden of sexually assaulted them as a child, fucking moron.....

It's pure evil to expose this American patriot and his family to further danger from Trump terrorists. That's why the mainstream media isn't doing it.

That is why mebelle did t.

Alert the vigilantes to their target.....a truly despicable act

Amen! I'm sort of puzzled why USMB would even allow such a thread - especially from a mod.

Indeed, Belle should have posted this "news" based on a stupid TWEET in Badlands or Rubber Room. :)
Most would have been banned for posting restricted personal information. But some posters get away with it

When a person becomes a public figure by actions of their own, like shooting someone, then the law says they no longer have some rights to privacy they had before. Such as their picture, name, and even address appearing in national publications. You can not legally take a picture of someone and publish it, but if they were already in a TV commercial, then you can. It paparazzi rules that then apply.

And I would totally disagree this cop who shot is a hero.
He was behind a further barricade, with many other police.
Ashli was only going from the senate to the lobby, not to the actual House where the cop was.
So there was at least one more layer of barricade before one could claim it was the last ditch defense effort.
There is just no way to claim the shooting was necessary.

The officers identity was being intentionally withheld for his safety and the safety of his family.

The same crazies who attacked the Capitol would attack him in retaliation.

The original poster does not care about the officers safety and gloated about it. USMB Mods do not care either.
For about a decade, we heard nothing but right wing loons cheering people who shot and killed someone who was a threat to them---"stand your ground" was a good thing. Somehow as 140 cops were injured and one was killed in an attack on the Capitol, a cop shooting one of the threats is now a "murderer"?

I would say that Trump supporters are devoid of principles...but we all know that.
I keep asking for a list of those injuries and no one can produce it. Why is that?

Yer a dope
It's pure evil to expose this American patriot and his family to further danger from Trump terrorists. That's why the mainstream media isn't doing it.

That is why mebelle did t.

Alert the vigilantes to their target.....a truly despicable act

Amen! I'm sort of puzzled why USMB would even allow such a thread - especially from a mod.

Indeed, Belle should have posted this "news" based on a stupid TWEET in Badlands or Rubber Room. :)
Most would have been banned for posting restricted personal information. But some posters get away with it

When a person becomes a public figure by actions of their own, like shooting someone, then the law says they no longer have some rights to privacy they had before. Such as their picture, name, and even address appearing in national publications. You can not legally take a picture of someone and publish it, but if they were already in a TV commercial, then you can. It paparazzi rules that then apply.

And I would totally disagree this cop who shot is a hero.
He was behind a further barricade, with many other police.
Ashli was only going from the senate to the lobby, not to the actual House where the cop was.
So there was at least one more layer of barricade before one could claim it was the last ditch defense effort.
There is just no way to claim the shooting was necessary.
Can you post that law you are talking about, please? Would like to look it over.
Well then it seem the DOJ will not arrest this man, so which one of you will go and carry out the justice you demand?

Come on guys lead the revolt and do not discuss this and show the nation you will not allow that woman death go unpunished or will you guys slink away and not get the justice you demand while writing about how you would have but you couldn’t for some reason?

I mean you hate this government and believe the guy is guilty, so revolt and do something but alas I know none of you will!
It's an interesting comparison....when George Floyd was murdered, an entire movement started (BLM) and there's been protests thruout the entire country and sad to say, even some riots and looting. And yes, those who loot and riot should be arrested and held accountable.

When Ashli Babbitt is "murdered", they whine on social media.

Because conservatives are more law abiding than foreign-funded Democrat-supported domestic terrorists Antifa and undeniably proven.
Yeah...we all saw that at Charlottesville and on Jan 6th. :heehee:
The self-proclaimed leader of Antifa at Charlottesville admitted they came to instigate violence and did so.

The 6th was nothing compared to the foreign-funded Democrat-supported domestic terrorists who have caused BILLIONS in damage across the US and continues to answer the call of Democrats calling for them to do more, troll.
This thug insurrectionist had it coming just like the 13 year old thug boy in Chicago killed by cops, right?.
There was no insurrection, you goofball, lyin' POS.
There was a FAILED insurrection by a bunch of LOSERS.
They were protesting the results of an unfair election, not trying to overthrow the government. They were trying to preserve it. Ashli Babbitt was murdered by a cop in the act of protecting the real insurrectionists...a congress that was proceeding with an effort to confirm election results obtained from unconstitutional, fraudulent election procedures.

Only a moron would believe that Republican states, Republican election officials, Republican courts and judges (including SCOTUS) all conspired with Democrats to rig the election for Biden. Just think about that. Babbitt obviously believed it.
I don't recall saying that they did. Quote me where you think I did.

In my post that you quoted here, I claimed that the protest was against "...a congress that was proceeding with an effort to confirm election results obtained from unconstitutional, fraudulent election procedures."

The 117th Congress had convened on January 3rd, three days before. Both Houses of the 117th Congress are controlled by the Democrat Party.

In viewing the entire scope of election fraud:
At least one Republican Secretary of State (Brad Raffensperger--Georgia) unconstitutionally capitulated to the demands of the Democrat Party in extending mail-in ballot deadlines, ignoring signature verification arbitrarily changing election rules that are reserved to the GEORGIA LEGISLATURE.

Similar unconstitutional actions were taken in other swing states. Regardless of the party affiliation of the officials that changed the election rules. their actions were unconstitutional.

Only morons cannot fathom that fact.

Just think about that.
"The 117th Congress had convened on January 3rd, three days before. Both Houses of the 117th Congress are controlled by the Democrat Party."


Democrats did not control the Senate on Insurrection Day. Where do you numbnuts come up with this shit??

Here... read & learn...

Note: From January 3, 2021, to January 20, 2021, party division stood at 51 Republicans, 46 Democrats, 2 Independents (who caucused with the Democrats), and 1 vacancy.
Jan 6th was a joint session held in the House chambers.

The House voted against sustaining an objection to Arizona's electors by a vote of 121-303. All 121 congressmen in support of the objection were Republicans. Click on the following table to view the full roll call.

The House voted against sustaining an objection to Pennsylvania's electors by a vote of 138-282. All 138 congressmen in support of the objection were Republicans. Click on the following table to view the full roll call.

What the fuck does any of that have to do with your moronic claim that Democrats controlled both houses of Congress on Insurrection??
He really said that? :heehee: What a maroon!
I see a few mods posting here (including the one who started this thread) -- I have a question for y'all....

Whether you think the cop was right or wrong for shooting her, the shooting was thoroughly investigated and it was deemed justifiable. The question is... why are y'all allowing his name to be broadcast on this website? Especially given since the ONLY reason the OP put his name out there is with the hope of vigilante justice.

Because it didn't originate here - if it is him, then it's already public knowledge in some fashion. What would you have us do? Clamp down on it?
It doesn't matter where it originated -- USMB is now contributing to it.

It's not against our rules.
So what? The guy's actions were deemed justifiable. Why would you allow his name to be broadcast on a website you control? How would you feel if you learn he gets killed by someone who learned of his name from this website?
the same as the cop they are going to convict for subduing a drug addict, that was passing fake money...and resisting enough to be taken have no point
Fucking moron, you're now on record as equating passing a counterfeit $20 (possibly unwittingly) with storming the Capitol to subvert the Constitution.

You Qulutists are out of your fucking minds. :cuckoo:
You communist bought, pedophile lovers are out of your fucking minds.

And yet, who but Donald Trump was accused of being a pedophile?

Oh, Fucking moron? Who accused him of that?
Plenty of people have.
Name one person who accused Biden of sexually assaulted them as a child, fucking moron.....

I've already asked that and have gotten nothing back.
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