Asian-American Student Has Near-Perfect 1590 out of 1600 SAT Score and a 4.65 GPA, Gets Ugly Shock After Applications to Elite Universities

Deceptive argument.

Asians consist of least 50 different subgroups. Also all Asians do not get high scores?
That is why I use the word "Oriental." By Oriental I mean China, and nations that learned civilization from China: Korea, Japan, and Vietnam.

Using the word "Oriental" is considered to be politically incorrect. I sneer at political correctness, just as I admire Orientals.
Well this is where your racism becomes apparent despite your sarcasm. It's okay if Black students go to a lesser school, they'll be fine, yet you act like a white or Asian kid not getting into the Ivy league school of their choice is a crime against humanity.
That is not what Lisa558 said at all. You have committed the Straw Man Fallacy.
Perhaps a good model might be what the Service Academies do.

The Service Academies allow for 5 appointees by each Congressperson, which means that they achieve the required diversity.
What are the tangible benefits of diversity? How does anyone benefit from sharing a classroom with the illegitimate son of a unmarried welfare mother and a violent street criminal?
That is not what Lisa558 said at all. You have committed the Straw Man Fallacy.
She did in fact say that black people not getting into Ivy league schools would go to lesser schools and be just fine but that white students not getting into their preferred Ivy league school was racism.

As long as we also get rid of the insanity of white privilege as well. No more hiring your drinking buddy, the lady you are sleeping with on the side, or your idiot nephew. Nope, you will have to be able to show that you hired the most qualified candidate, period, and be able to show your work.

Now, here's the reality. Two of the last three jobs I got, not because I had the most impressive resume (although my resumes are very well written, it's almost like l do that as a side business) or was probably even the most qualified. I got them because people who already worked there knew me and recommended me. (One of them I wish they hadn't, because it was a toxic work environment.) So until you can eliminate all unfairness in the process, you should probably tolerate Affirmative Action so everyone gets at least something of a shot.
Managers do not want a good mix. They want people they will like working with, and who will be liked by their co workers.
Just the opposite. YOU have no problem discriminating according to race. I am the one who wants admissions to be color-blind.
No you don't, you want it to go back to the days when no black students were in white colleges and universities.
And news flash: being color-blind is not discriminating against black folks. Only in Lib Land is it racist to disallow decisions based on race.
You won't even address the fact that many subpar white kids are admitted in to college above more qualified applicants because of who their parents are or someone they or their family knows. You haven't presented anything that shows a less qualified black kid was accepted over a more qualified white applicant.
She did in fact say that black people not getting into Ivy league schools would go to lesser schools and be just fine but that white students not getting into their preferred Ivy league school was racism.
Because that’s what liberals are saying about the BETTER qualified whites! Even Coyote said that my father, impoverished and from uneducated immigrant parents, and who was at the very top with his GPA and Regents exam would do just as well in a lesser school - and allow his spot to a black with worse grades and score.

So why is it OK for a top white student to go to the lesser school, and not the black - when in fact the black had lower scores and would not have gotten into the top school in the first place except for being black?

One thing you people are ignoring is that we are talking about whites with better scores rejected and blacks with lower scores accepted.

As long as we also get rid of the insanity of white privilege as well. No more hiring your drinking buddy, the lady you are sleeping with on the side, or your idiot nephew. Nope, you will have to be able to show that you hired the most qualified candidate, period, and be able to show your work.

Now, here's the reality. Two of the last three jobs I got, not because I had the most impressive resume (although my resumes are very well written, it's almost like l do that as a side business) or was probably even the most qualified. I got them because people who already worked there knew me and recommended me. (One of them I wish they hadn't, because it was a toxic work environment.) So until you can eliminate all unfairness in the process, you should probably tolerate Affirmative Action so everyone gets at least something of a shot.
Public and very large private institutions receiving government contracts are very different entities from the mom and pop business.

If tax payer money is involved, the most qualified people should be hired so that all tax payers get the most bang for their bucks. Nepotism should not be allowed as it tends to create a toxic environment.

Toward that end the university should admit students based on qualifications, not skin color, ethnicity or country of origin or heritage. If more Asian kids qualify so be it. All people who put in the time and effort to excel and qualify should be rewarded for that. That's how we encourage work ethic, efficiency, competence, excellence that makes our country better for all.

But the government should have no say in private business. As a boss I am most interested in earning enough profit to pay my mortgage and put food on the table as well as provide incomes/benefits to my employees. And I want as few problems for the boss as possible. And if I choose to give my buddy or my kid or the widow down the street a job, it should be my business, my choice. That's how we encourage a humane and caring society.

And if I happen to hire a black person, my employees know I think that person is right for the job and wasn't hired because he/she was black. And that employee will be fully appreciated and respected by colleagues instead of forever being seen as the token black hired only to satisfy affirmative action. That would help a great deal to eliminate residual racism in our society.
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No you don't, you want it to go back to the days when no black students were in white colleges and universities.

Stop making stuff up about what it is you imagine I want. My big “crime” is wanting whites and blacks to compete equally.

You won't even address the fact that many subpar white kids are admitted in to college above more qualified applicants because of who their parents are or someone they or their family knows. You haven't presented anything that shows a less qualified black kid was accepted over a more qualified white applicant.

Because the legacies don’t involve race. I am opposed to racism.

And there has been tons of studies showing how much easier it is for blacks with worse metrics to get accepted over whites with better. Your denial of what everyone knows doesn’t make it any less true.
It’s both innate and cultural:

1) They do have higher IQs, on average.
2) Educational excellence is highly valued - even demanded.
Agreed. I think culture plays a significant role in the academic performance results of Asians. Are other races and cultures not at that level of performance willing to concede that since they do not place academic performance as a premium or priority, the results do not follow?

That is my point. Put a premium on academic performance as a culture and you get better results.
Because that’s what liberals are saying about the BETTER qualified whites! Even Coyote said that my father, impoverished and from uneducated immigrant parents, and who was at the very top with his GPA and Regents exam would do just as well in a lesser school - and allow his spot to a black with worse grades and score.
No Lisa, I referenced things you said. Try and keep up dear.
So why is it OK for a top white student to go to the lesser school, and not the black - when in fact the black had lower scores and would not have gotten into the top school in the first place except for being black?
Yes, because I'm not operating under the assumption that GPAs and SAT scores are objective measurements of intellectual capability or aptitude.
One thing you people are ignoring is that we are talking about whites with better scores rejected and blacks with lower scores accepted.
I'm not ignoring it, I just don't care about it. I don't see why slightly higher scores are the be all end all of who should be accepted into Ivy league schools.
Yes, because I'm not operating under the assumption that GPAs and SAT scores are objective measurements of intellectual capability or aptitude.
What if the questions were more like; DeWayne got 5 gram of crack. LeQuisha gots 2 mo gram den DeWayne. How many gram of crack do LeQuisha got?
All Orientals do not perform better than all whites. Most Orientals perform better than most whites because they have higher IQ averages.
No one said All. So, you are putting the emphasis on IQs. Do you have a scientific source ranking the IQs by ethnicity and race??

I don’t believe it is because of IQs…I believe the higher the premium a race or ethnicity places on academics, the better the performance.
All Orientals do not perform better than all whites. Most Orientals perform better than most whites because they have higher IQ averages.
And this is a great example of why IQ averages should be taken with a grain of salt and context. Orientals have higher IQs on average than Indians but here in America a larger percentage of Indians are college graduates than Orientals and on average earn higher incomes.
No one said All. So, you are putting the emphasis on IQs. Do you have a scientific source ranking the IQs by ethnicity and race??
RACE, INTELLIGENCE, AND THE BRAIN: THE ERRORS AND OMISSIONS OF THE 'REVISED' EDITION OF S. J. GOULD'S THE MISMEASURE OF MAN (1996) J. Philippe Rushton Department of Psychology, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario N6A 5C2, Canada

Gould withholds from his readers that The Bell Curve is mainly an empirical work about the causes of social stratification and that it reached its conclusions only after fully analyzing a 12-year longitudinal study of 12,486 youths (3022 of whom were African-American), which showed that most 17-year-olds with high IQs (Blacks as well as Whites) went on to occupational success by their late 20s and early 30s whereas many of those with low IQs (both Black and White) went on to welfare dependency. The average IQ for African-Americans was found to be lower than those for Latino-, White-, Asian-, and Jewish-Americans (85, 89, 103, 106, and 115, respectively, pp. 273-278). Failure to mention these data fosters the false belief that IQ tests are not predictive and are biased in favor of North Europeans.


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