Asian-American Student Has Near-Perfect 1590 out of 1600 SAT Score and a 4.65 GPA, Gets Ugly Shock After Applications to Elite Universities

Asians do the best academicly among Whites, Blacks, and Latinos. Agree or Disagree???

Deceptive argument.

Asians consist of least 50 different subgroups. Also all Asians do not get high scores?
Some statistics say Asian students score an average of 632 on the SAT math section, compared with 547 for white students. It could be because the number of Asians are significantly less than the overall population for the white population. So with a significantly higher population this would dilute scores.

Some say the family influence may play a factor. Asian families are said that they push their kids to achieve. Still it is not universal. Still the Asian population in the US is estimated at 5.6 % of the total population. Other races push their kids to achieve but the numbers that make up the population in the US are higher than the Asian population.

when compared to other higher populations this may inflate the numbers of people who score high.

I would say most family will push their kids to succeed but who knows how much pressure is really exerted. As the new immigrants they certainly have more incentive to succeed in a foreign country.

Damn! Only in the Usurper's America where the education system rejects the best qualified. The Department of Education needs to be abolished.

Admissions based on merit means you'd actually have to apply yourself. To try. To put in the hard work.

Woke leftists don't want that. They scream about diversity on college campuses, yet favor filtering admissions by race and limiting speech to what they agree with.
And remember, GPA/Test score has never been the sole criteria for admissions. All of these students are going to be highly qualified regardless of race. Why shouldn’t the Black student have the opportunity if he excels in other aspects?
BECAUSE it is coming at the cost to a white student who loses out on a fine opportunity - and all because he was the “wrong” color - even though he was the superior student.

And they are NOT all “highly qualified.” Those admitted under the lower standards for blacks often fall behind their better classmates, and the schools invest a lot in tutoring to get them through the program.
Why did colleges discriminate against black folks?
They were being racist. And it was wrong. Just like it’s wrong when they do it to Asian folks or anyone else for that matter. Current discrimination doesn’t fix past discrimination. Nor is it justified by it. If it were we woukd be in a never ending cycle if discriminatory practices against one or more ethnic groups.
Here are what some of these schools say they are looking for:

We look for students with intellectual curiosity, who have pursued and achieved academic excellence. We also look for students with strong personal and extracurricular accomplishments.


Yale focuses more on student GPA and selection of challenging academic courses.



Most of them look for more than just GPA /test scores.

Correct. Because that gives them wiggle room.

Doesn't make their education better, in fact, evidence shows their degree programs are falling.

Soooo, two.

That is called an epic fail.
Damn! Only in the Usurper's America where the education system rejects the best qualified. The Department of Education needs to be abolished.

Asians make up 6% of the population and constitute 28% of Harvard's class. They are doing fine.

But if you are so concerned, there's a simple enough solution.
Get rid of legacy admissions, that largely benefit white people and give him one of those slots.
Ask the white racist who discriminated against them, you claim to not like the fact that Jewish folks were discriminated against and then you turn around and don't have a problem discriminating against black folks.
Just the opposite. YOU have no problem discriminating according to race. I am the one who wants admissions to be color-blind.

And news flash: being color-blind is not discriminating against black folks. Only in Lib Land is it racist to disallow decisions based on race.
Wow.....he's asian.....that means the democrats call him a white supremacist asian, so he has no Rights .......asians are too successful so the democrats hate them

Again, Asians make up 6% of the population and are 28% of Harvard Admissions... sounds to me like they are going just fine.

So Asians have gotten to the point where they are considered "White Enough", just like Italians, Germans, Jews, Poles, Catholics, etc. Which means they'll have to fight for those Merit Admissions while the WASP's still get their legacy and Dean's Interest admissions. Meanwhile, let's bitch about the small sliver of slot reserved for black people.
Just the opposite. YOU have no problem discriminating according to race. I am the one who wants admissions to be color-blind.

And news flash: being color-blind is not discriminating against black folks. Only in Lib Land is it racist to disallow decisions based on race.

Then get rid of Legacies, Dean's Interest, Athletic and Children of Staff Admissions, which is how 43% of white people get into Harvard.
My son’s classmate scored a perfect 1600 and was rejected by his top choice of Harvard. His black classmate was accepted to Harvard. A few of his white classmates marked themselves as black on their applications and were bombarded with acceptance literature.

According to the deviants, we can all self-identify as anything we want to now. Your son's classmates did the right thing.

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