Asian-American Student Has Near-Perfect 1590 out of 1600 SAT Score and a 4.65 GPA, Gets Ugly Shock After Applications to Elite Universities

Damn! Only in the Usurper's America where the education system rejects the best qualified. The Department of Education needs to be abolished.

Apparently Wang's case will be heard by the Supreme Court. I hope they provide him a remedy but this court has typically avoided interjecting itself into matters that constitutionally it has no jurisdiction.

But Congress should act and stop ALL of the affirmative action insanity. There are laws in place to deal with reported cases in which any person is deliberately denied opportunity to be the best he/she can be. But in a more perfect world, those who most qualify for top colleges, jobs, appointments etc. should get in ahead of everybody else. Anything else forces us into mediocrity.
One’s combination of GPA and SAT (or LSAT, or MCAT) is the best way to predict who will be successful in their programs.

And when 100 applicants have virtually the same combination of those things and there are 10 spots, how should the university differentiate between them?

If two people had the same virtually the same combination and one of those two people did two sports and 3 clubs and the other one did nothing outside of school but play video games...which should the school accept?
It IS discrimination when the intent of the more lenient admissions requirements (such as abolishing the entrance exam because not enough blacks got a good enough score) is to specifically reduce the number of Asians and increase the number of blacks.
It sounds bad but do you have any proof that it actually happens. Story in this thread just mention that an Asian scored high and yet was not accepted. Does not mention what you are trying to suggest. You mention black students but what about white students? The number of students that any school will accept is a limited number. IF they do not score high enough then it just invites failure to accept them just to meet a quota. Students will just drop out of the program if it is too hard for them. I don't think that any college wants its students to fail as it will follow them in life. Kids do drop out but it not something the school is promoting in order to have a set number of students of any particular race.

If any student does not score high enough, the student will not be accepted. I would expect Harvard is not going to accept student solely based on race. I think they are a little more smarter than what you seem to give them.
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And how does a university do this for each and every school and teacher of any one that applies for their university?

It's actually pretty straightforward. Each highschool has a rating, as does each teacher.

Or are you not familiar with academia?
Damn! Only in the Usurper's America where the education system rejects the best qualified. The Department of Education needs to be abolished.

Gee, if only he’d been a C student from a legacy(affirmative action for the moron children of the elites) family!
Really? Link to 3.


Harvard diversity statistics shows that there are

Harvard diversity statistics shows that there are
39.7 percent white students enrolled at Harvard University,
13.7 percent Asian students,
9.46 percent Hispanic or Latino students,
6.56 percent Black or African American students,
3.94 percent students who identify with more than one race,
0.197 percent students who identify as American Indian or Alaska Native,
0.118 percent students who identify as Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islanders.

So in fact Asians have twice the number of Blacks or African American students that are accepted into Harvard.

claiming Racial discrimination is just people who have know ideal what racial discrimination is.
Harvard diversity statistics shows that there are

Harvard diversity statistics shows that there are
39.7 percent white students enrolled at Harvard University,
13.7 percent Asian students,
9.46 percent Hispanic or Latino students,
6.56 percent Black or African American students,
3.94 percent students who identify with more than one race,
0.197 percent students who identify as American Indian or Alaska Native,
0.118 percent students who identify as Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islanders.

So in fact Asians have twice the number of Blacks or African American students that are accepted into Harvard.

claiming Racial discrimination is just people who have know ideal what racial discrimination is.
You have to remember they want to go back to the Good Old Days, when the only colleges or universities black students could attend was HBCUs.
Oh? They shouldn't rely on GPA and test scores, why not?
I didn’t say that. GPA and test scores are only two of the factors that go into admissions decisions. Obviously they determine the first cut, but after that, there really isn’t all that much difference between 3.7 and 4.00. These schools have never based it on GPA or Test Scores alone.
It's actually pretty straightforward. Each highschool has a rating, as does each teacher.

Or are you not familiar with academia?

And who does these ratings?

And no, I work in the real world, not in academia.
One does not need to be a genius to know that glee club is not an indicator for how successful a student is going to be.

Anyone but a fucking moron would know this.
Here are what some of these schools say they are looking for:

We look for students with intellectual curiosity, who have pursued and achieved academic excellence. We also look for students with strong personal and extracurricular accomplishments.


Yale focuses more on student GPA and selection of challenging academic courses.



Most of them look for more than just GPA /test scores.
Here are what some of these schools say they are looking for:

We look for students with intellectual curiosity, who have pursued and achieved academic excellence. We also look for students with strong personal and extracurricular accomplishments.


Yale focuses more on student GPA and selection of challenging academic courses.



Most of them look for more than just GPA /test scores.
That’s fine. But one of the things they will NOT be able to look for is the race of the applicant.
Well, if not getting in to the better school does not stop someone (an Asian) who is outstanding from achieving things later in life, why can’t the black who couldn’t score high enough to enter the better school go to an average school, since he could still achieve things later in life?
The Black student most likely DID score high enough to be admitted or he wouldn’t have been considered.

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