Ask and it will be given...


Gold Member
Jul 12, 2011
Why does Matthew 7:7 say "ask and it wil be given; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened." when that isn't really what happens?

I don't ask for much from God, but I got DOWN ON MY KNEES and prayed that my dog would be okay and would survive her heart disease for a couple more years. And now she's dead, just weeks after I said that fervent prayer.

I asked, and I asked once. Once, because I had faith it would be given to me, because the Bible says so. But then I read that, oh, no, God only gives you what he knows is right for you. Well, then why lead us on by saying "ask and it will be given"? Huh?

Was it so much to ask that my beloved dog live a couple years more? Medically speaking, with the medications she was getting, it was possible, so it wasn't some kind of bizarre request that would have required a freaking miracle or anything.

Now I'm grieving so hard it's making me sick. Crying every day for 25 days, it's making me sick to my stomach.

I'm serious. I would really like to know. Irish Ram are you out there? Your answers are often very wise, I would like to hear what you have to say.
Why does Matthew 7:7 say "ask and it wil be given; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened." when that isn't really what happens?

I don't ask for much from God, but I got DOWN ON MY KNEES and prayed that my dog would be okay and would survive her heart disease for a couple more years. And now she's dead, just weeks after I said that fervent prayer.

I asked, and I asked once. Once, because I had faith it would be given to me, because the Bible says so. But then I read that, oh, no, God only gives you what he knows is right for you. Well, then why lead us on by saying "ask and it will be given"? Huh?

Was it so much to ask that my beloved dog live a couple years more? Medically speaking, with the medications she was getting, it was possible, so it wasn't some kind of bizarre request that would have required a freaking miracle or anything.

Now I'm grieving so hard it's making me sick. Crying every day for 25 days, it's making me sick to my stomach.

I'm serious. I would really like to know. Irish Ram are you out there? Your answers are often very wise, I would like to hear what you have to say.

Sorry about your dog Koosh. :(

The verse you refer to has nothing to do with earthly desires.

Hope this can help.
Scroll down to the commentary.
Clarke's Commentary on Matthew 7:7 lays out the meaning.
Matthew 7:7 - Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, ...
Yanno.....................I asked for the same thing when my favorite cat named Cement came home with a broken hip. I asked for him to be repaired and allowed to be a normal cat, even though his hip was broken.

I prayed for 3 days (about the time he was holed up underneath my room mate's bed) to have him healed. He was healed and was active for another year and a half.

His injury surfaced about a year and a half later (his hip broke again), and I didn't have the money to fix it, so I had to put him down.

I asked, and God gave me another year and a half with my favorite pet. I only hope He grants me another 10 years with my favorite person (who is my room mate).
Sometimes G-d answers prayers with "no." G-d knows better than we do what we need and not every request is automatically granted. G-d is not Santa Claus.

Good article here about this:

God Is Not a Vending Machine

But because of you the LORD was angry with me and would not listen to me. "That is enough," the LORD said. "Do not speak to me anymore about this matter" (Devarim / Deuteronomy 3:26).

God answers prayer. Isn't that wonderful? But did you know that sometimes he answers our prayers with, "No"? That's what happened to Moses. God had told him that he would not be allowed to enter the Promised Land. That was due to how he handled one of the times the people complained that there was no water. Even though God had made his decision, Moses pleaded with him at least to allow him to cross the river briefly and see the Land. But God still said, "No."

God Is Not a Vending Machine
Why does Matthew 7:7 say "ask and it wil be given; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened." when that isn't really what happens?

I don't ask for much from God, but I got DOWN ON MY KNEES and prayed that my dog would be okay and would survive her heart disease for a couple more years. And now she's dead, just weeks after I said that fervent prayer.

I asked, and I asked once. Once, because I had faith it would be given to me, because the Bible says so. But then I read that, oh, no, God only gives you what he knows is right for you. Well, then why lead us on by saying "ask and it will be given"? Huh?

Was it so much to ask that my beloved dog live a couple years more? Medically speaking, with the medications she was getting, it was possible, so it wasn't some kind of bizarre request that would have required a freaking miracle or anything.

Now I'm grieving so hard it's making me sick. Crying every day for 25 days, it's making me sick to my stomach.

I'm serious. I would really like to know. Irish Ram are you out there? Your answers are often very wise, I would like to hear what you have to say.


There aren't any easy answers. God didn't want us to live forever in our sinful condition forever so He took away the tree of life and He cursed the earth because of sin. We shouldn't mourn the bad stuff when God promises to give us new life and good stuff again.

There are always going to be people who will argue with me. They will say that all the promises of God are "yes" and "Amen". They will say that we are grafted into the promises of Israel.

The Bible says the wages of sin is death and the law of sowing and reaping the consequence of original sin has not been repealed.

Healing was provided for in the atonement but I believe it was provided for Jesus' earthly ministry to prove who He really was. If we were all healed, death wouldn't be one per person and we wouldn't all die.

In order to follow Jesus, God required something of them. What does it mean to be a disciple. For Zacchaeus , he had to pay back people he ripped off as a tax collector. If we don't forgive others, neither does our heavenly Father forgive others. So in studying the disciples in the Bible, what did Jesus require of all of them to follow Him?

The other issue is that I've found that God only provides for me when I'm going God's way. I believe those promises are for God to give me what I need in my ministry and not for me to spend it on myself. Seek first the kingdom of God and all shall be what? When does it happen? I don't believe it says it will immediately happen. I believe these prayers will be answered in eternity.

The technical details is what we don't talk about. In Dispensationalism, one of the arguments is that there are two gospels and Paul says that anyone who preaches another gospel is accursed. If there are two gospels, these promises may be for Heaven.

King Hezekiah was told he was going to die and God gave him 15 more years and in those fifteen years, the King had a wicked son named Manassah who basically undid everything his father did and harmed Israel. Getting what we pray for is not always the best will of God.

The days of going on the mission field as a missionary are over. Most mission organizations will not send you unless you've been to Bible college or have graduated a Bible institute program. You would go on the mission field to do what for the Lord? What would you tell people? They don't play that game anymore because no one is structured enough or has their theology put together to be worth anything. I went to the Bible institute and it was hard because they wanted to make it a pain for me. Do you want to raise your own $300,000 to go on the mission field? Then you need the Lord and that is when you ask. God will give when you go His way and are capable of doing things that require a God size task.

There are no easy answers. I'm sorry you are sick. I've been misdiagnosed by my doctor for fifteen years. I found a doctor who is making me better. I pray you don't always listen to conventional wisdom and find a different doctor who thinks outside of the box in a rational way.

I can't answer why God didn't heal your pet. His wisdom is greater than mine though. Perhaps He wanted to to ask this question and seek Him out. The only person who can truly tell you why He does what He does is God.

I hope you do take comfort in the fact that death has been conquored. Because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ all will be restored to life. i believe that includes the animals.

You may be separated for time, but not forever.
I'm sorry for the loss of your pet, Koosh. I lost 3 - 2 dogs - 1 cat - I had loved dearly for over 15 yrs - last year and year before. I prayed for them but they didn't recover. They were very old and God took them. I prayed for your dog also believing he'd have years added to his life. I believe one day you'll see him again. I'm sorry for your loss. Sometimes God does not answer prayer as we expect.
Why does Matthew 7:7 say "ask and it wil be given; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened." when that isn't really what happens?

I don't ask for much from God, but I got DOWN ON MY KNEES and prayed that my dog would be okay and would survive her heart disease for a couple more years. And now she's dead, just weeks after I said that fervent prayer.

I asked, and I asked once. Once, because I had faith it would be given to me, because the Bible says so. But then I read that, oh, no, God only gives you what he knows is right for you. Well, then why lead us on by saying "ask and it will be given"? Huh?

Was it so much to ask that my beloved dog live a couple years more? Medically speaking, with the medications she was getting, it was possible, so it wasn't some kind of bizarre request that would have required a freaking miracle or anything.

Now I'm grieving so hard it's making me sick. Crying every day for 25 days, it's making me sick to my stomach.

I'm serious. I would really like to know. Irish Ram are you out there? Your answers are often very wise, I would like to hear what you have to say.

Only our Creator knows what you need and He's already created it. It's called eternal life. So when your flesh perishes in this first age, you will awaken in the next age without ever remembering this first age.

Isaiah 65
16: So that he who blesses himself in the land shall bless himself by the God of truth, and he who takes an oath in the land shall swear by the God of truth; because the former troubles are forgotten and are hid from my eyes.
17: "For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; and the former things shall not be remembered or come into mind.
Why does Matthew 7:7 say "ask and it wil be given; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened." when that isn't really what happens?

I don't ask for much from God, but I got DOWN ON MY KNEES and prayed that my dog would be okay and would survive her heart disease for a couple more years. And now she's dead, just weeks after I said that fervent prayer.

I asked, and I asked once. Once, because I had faith it would be given to me, because the Bible says so. But then I read that, oh, no, God only gives you what he knows is right for you. Well, then why lead us on by saying "ask and it will be given"? Huh?

Was it so much to ask that my beloved dog live a couple years more? Medically speaking, with the medications she was getting, it was possible, so it wasn't some kind of bizarre request that would have required a freaking miracle or anything.

Now I'm grieving so hard it's making me sick. Crying every day for 25 days, it's making me sick to my stomach.

I'm serious. I would really like to know. Irish Ram are you out there? Your answers are often very wise, I would like to hear what you have to say.

Only our Creator knows what you need and He's already created it. It's called eternal life. So when your flesh perishes in this first age, you will awaken in the next age without ever remembering this first age.

Isaiah 65
16: So that he who blesses himself in the land shall bless himself by the God of truth, and he who takes an oath in the land shall swear by the God of truth; because the former troubles are forgotten and are hid from my eyes.
17: "For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; and the former things shall not be remembered or come into mind.

We won't remember anything from this life? So everything we're experiencing now is just a bunch of crap? The people we love so dearly, the good we try to's all just meaningless crap?

Yeah, that's really comforting.

The Long Island Medium is much more comforting than this crap. She says our souls are here to learn and that when we go to the other side we review what we learned and most likely come back for more. We can learn on the other side, but our souls learn much faster here on Earth where there is adversity and suffering, etc. On the other side it's pretty much rainbows and Skittles, we don't learn as much under such cushy conditions.

So why do our souls want to learn and grow? To be closer to God. The more a soul learns the closer that soul gets to God. And there is nothing better than being in the immediate presence of God. So we're doing this to ourselves...we're choosing this...God's not doing it to us. We don't remember that we sent ourselves here for more "learning," because then it wouldn't work, would it?

So that is an actual explanation of why all this suffering and misery. Our souls learn from it. Our souls grow stronger. You know...what doesn't kill me makes me stronger.

And animals have souls in them, too. So my beloved dog was indeed a soul, here on earth learning new lessons. Not only that, her soul is someone close to me, and always will be. We will meet again. I believe she is quite an advanced soul, and possibly came here to guide me along for a while. Maybe I'm going to die soon, maybe that's why she prepare the way.

That would certainly be my idea of Heaven, if she was there to greet me. "Joyous" doesn't even begin to describe how that would feel. Perhaps she will be my guide through the tunnel.

When I lost my parents it didn't hurt this bad. But I didn't live with them in the years before their death, you know? They weren't a part of my daily life. They didn't sleep in my bed every night for the 10 years prior to their death. They didn't leave a huge gaping void.

Although when my mother died I did hole up in a dark room grieving for three days. And when I came out I proceeded to get drunk for about 12 years. So I guess I was hurting pretty bad, I just medicated myself.
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If I'm not "seeking" I don't know what you'd call this! So, since I'm not "seeking" earthly rewards, but spiritual answers, then the verse would apply, right? Seek and you will find.

Okay, I am passionately and fervently seeking. I expect the answers to come then, as promised.
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Koosh, I am so so sorry. Losing a pet is crushing. I can't speak for God, but it is possible that if He answered your prayer, the sweet dog may have spent years having problems and never feeling well. He may have saved her from suffering down the road by taking her when He did.

He'll give that angel dog back to you when it is time for you to be reunited on the other side, healthy strong and with a heart that will beat with yours for eternity. She'll wait for you at the gate with ears cocked to listen for you calling her name.
God bless you Koosh. I know that pain.


High in the courts of Heaven today
A little dog-angel waits,
With other angels she will not play
But she sits alone at the gates,
"For I know my master will come, thinks she
And when he comes he will call for me."

And her master on earth, far down, below
As he sits on his fireside chair,
Forgets sometimes, and whistles low
For his dog that is not there.
And the little dog-angel cocks her ears
And dreams that her master's voice she hears.

And I know when at length her master waits
Outside in the dark and cold.
For the hound of death to open the gates
That lead to the Courts of Gold;
His sweet little dog's welcoming bark
Will comfort his soul in the shivering dark.
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