Assad was framed !

Let that sink in for a moment: Bashar al-Assad gassed his own people, then bombed those desperately trying to save the lives of those suffering and dying from the chemicals.

Bashar al-Assad just gassed his own people, then bombed the clinic treating victims

Speaking last week at the Council on Foreign Relations, US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley signaled that the Trump administration is backing away from the Obama administrationā€™s stated policy of demanding that Assad step down as part of any final deal to end the countryā€™s brutal civil war.

ā€œIā€™m not going to go back into, ā€˜should Assad be in or out?ā€™ā€ Nikki Haley said. ā€œBeen there, done that, right?ā€


Assad violated Obamaā€™s self-declared ā€œred lineā€ and mounted a chemical attack near Damascus that killed roughly 1,000 people in 2013.

"Getting Along With Russia Is A Great Thing"

Trump isn't making any deal doofus...........................
this gas attack makes no sense . It was a small attack , but it killed kids which makes it extra horrible .

What does Assad gain? He's wining the war, trump wants nothing to do with him. Why do this and bring thee world fury down on you?

Now who benefits ?

Putin! He has an election coming up . What better way to get the country behind him than standing up to USA aggression and Mid East terrorists ( who supposedly attacked the metro). False flags everywhere.

Rebels + Isis: They want Assad out . Isis wants western involvement as propaganda.

Trump. Looks like the tough guy, distracts away from all the investigations .

And why does Trump not question if it was Assad? He wants all kinds of proof from our intelligence community on everything ! But he's sure Assad did this?!

The target : an air base , supposedly no one is killed ?

The fix is on!

You Democrats should run on that........Assad was Framed!!!
Rex Tillerson: an appointment that confirms Putin's US election win

The 64-year-old Texas oilman spent much of his career working on Russian deals, including a 2011 agreement giving Exxon Mobil access to the huge resources under the Russian Arctic in return for giving the giant state-owned Russian oil company, OAO Rosneft, the opportunity to invest in Exxon Mobilā€™s operations overseas.

Tillerson is also friends with the head of Rosneft, Igor Sechin, a former interpreter who worked as chief of staff for Putin when he was deputy mayor in St Petersburg in the mid-1990s. Sechin, sometimes described as the second-most-powerful man in Russia, is now under US sanctions. He has said that one of his ambitions is to ā€œride the roads in the United States on motorcycles with Tillersonā€.

The 2011 Exxon-Rosneft agreement was frozen when sanctions were imposed on Russia in 2014, following the annexation of Crimea and covert military intervention in eastern Ukraine. Exxon Mobil estimated the sanctions cost it $1bn and Tillerson has argued strenuously for the measures to be lifted.

Trumpā€™s choice suggests he wants to make good on his promise to cut deals with Russia instead of containing it

ā€œWe always encourage the people who are making those decisions to consider the very broad collateral damage of who are they really harming with sanctions,ā€ Tillerson said, at a shareholdersā€™ meeting.


In June, two years after sanctions were imposed and in an apparent show of support for Sechin, Tillerson reportedly turned up at a St Petersburg economic summit.

If the sanctions were lifted, the Arctic project would probably go ahead and Tillersonā€™s retirement fund of Exxon Mobil stock would increase in value. He would most likely have to divest himself of stock by the time he entered the office on the seventh floor of the state department. It might be harder to divorce his judgments entirely from the oil company where he spent his career.

ā€œTrumpā€™s choice of Rex Tillerson suggests he wants to make good on his promise to cut deals with Russia instead of containing it,ā€ said Thomas Wright, who has written extensively on Trumpā€™s foreign policy at the Brookings Institution
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Let that sink in for a moment: Bashar al-Assad gassed his own people, then bombed those desperately trying to save the lives of those suffering and dying from the chemicals.

Bashar al-Assad just gassed his own people, then bombed the clinic treating victims

Speaking last week at the Council on Foreign Relations, US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley signaled that the Trump administration is backing away from the Obama administrationā€™s stated policy of demanding that Assad step down as part of any final deal to end the countryā€™s brutal civil war.

ā€œIā€™m not going to go back into, ā€˜should Assad be in or out?ā€™ā€ Nikki Haley said. ā€œBeen there, done that, right?ā€


Assad violated Obamaā€™s self-declared ā€œred lineā€ and mounted a chemical attack near Damascus that killed roughly 1,000 people in 2013.

"Getting Along With Russia Is A Great Thing"
Gee, the Assad's gotta go policy sure has worked out well. Keep in mind none of this would have spiralled out of control if the US, Saudis, Qataris, Turks and God knows who else wouldn't have pumped weapons into the middle of this mess. This is simply a proxy war over who gets to supply Europe with natural gas, period.
this gas attack makes no sense . It was a small attack , but it killed kids which makes it extra horrible .

The fix is on!

you don't think mr putin would totally dupe his bff donald, now do you...?? :eusa_eh:
Russia suspended an agreement with the U.S. to avoid hostile incidents in the skies above Syria
this gas attack makes no sense . It was a small attack , but it killed kids which makes it extra horrible .

What does Assad gain? He's wining the war, trump wants nothing to do with him. Why do this and bring thee world fury down on you?

Now who benefits ?

Putin! He has an election coming up . What better way to get the country behind him than standing up to USA aggression and Mid East terrorists ( who supposedly attacked the metro). False flags everywhere.

Rebels + Isis: They want Assad out . Isis wants western involvement as propaganda.

Trump. Looks like the tough guy, distracts away from all the investigations .

And why does Trump not question if it was Assad? He wants all kinds of proof from our intelligence community on everything ! But he's sure Assad did this?!

The target : an air base , supposedly no one is killed ?

The fix is on!

According to what I read this morning...US Intelligence reconstructed the track of the aircraft that deployed the Sarin gas rockets back to the airbase that Trump ordered the attack on. Hard to argue with that.

I am curious because I read that it was the controversial "White Helmets" who gave that information to US intelligence.

Just wanted to know.
methinx there's something velly fishy going on here...........

Last night Donald Trump fired fifty-nine Tomahawk missiles at a Syrian air base. But according to the Washington Post (link), they were a poor choice of weaponry under the circumstances, because Russia has S-400 surface to air defense technology in place in Syria which could easily have shot them down. In addition, Reuters is reporting that the Syrian air base was barely harmed (link), and is already back to operational capacity today, because the Tomahawks were aimed at the least important targets on the base.

Impeach Trump Now

This means that Trump went with the wrong weaponry when he ordered the Tomahawk attack (his military advisers would have explained this to him), and he used the missiles to merely put on a show for TV viewers at home, rather than doing any real damage. In other words Trump just set a bunch of Tomahawk missiles on fire which, according to a recent Defense Department report (link), may have been worth as much as $93.8 million in total. Why would he do this? Well, he does own shares of stock in the company that makes the Tomahawks.

Tomahawk missiles are manufactured by Raytheon Inc., and according to this report from Business Insider (link), Donald Trump owned stock in Raytheon up through at least the start of the presidential election cycle. There is no record that he subsequently sold that stock. The Tomahawks that Trump just burned up will have to be replaced, meaning he just handed a nearly hundred million dollar payday to a company he owns stock in. Not surprisingly, shares of Raytheon spiked today (link), meaning heā€™s directly profiting from his Syria attack. And again, it appears the Tomahawks were not the ideal choice of weaponry for the Syria attack.

Donald Trump owns stock in the Tomahawk missiles he used in Syria

I detest empty conspiracy theories. If the most straightforward logical explanation for something is well supported by the facts, then itā€™s probably true most of the time. But hereā€™s the trouble with the events of the past forty-eight hours: none of it makes sense on its face. Not the gas attack in Syria. And certainly not Donald Trumpā€™s response. I hate to say it, but these events only logically make sense if theyā€™ve all been arranged by Vladimir Putin.

Syria gas attack and Donald Trumpā€™s military response donā€™t add up ā€“ unless Putin orchestrated it

I detest empty conspiracy theories. If the most straightforward logical explanation for something is well supported by the facts, then itā€™s probably true most of the time. But hereā€™s the trouble with the events of the past forty-eight hours: none of it makes sense on its face. Not the gas attack in Syria. And certainly not Donald Trumpā€™s response. I hate to say it, but these events only logically make sense if theyā€™ve all been arranged by Vladimir Putin.

Syria gas attack and Donald Trumpā€™s military response donā€™t add up ā€“ unless Putin orchestrated it

The problem with that theory is trying to apply logic to the actions of the orange twitterer in chief

It's far more likely that Trump simply saw a chance to become popular, history teaches that you aren't a real pretzeldent until you bomb some (brown) people in a far away country and the WMD scam works every time.


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