Assange belongs in the hangmans noose.

The CIA is not on "our" side. It has been infiltrated and politicized by democrats. It exists to obey democrats.

It's neither a Democratic or Republican organization. It exists to serve itself and it's a threat to freedom around the world.
His leaks this past year have drastically undermined faith in our government, our intelligence agencies, and our political system. (Who do you think would be happy about that? The list is long) The CIA is keeping up with tricks in the cyber world. That is as it should be. They are on our side. It is not our business as citizens to know everything. Assange seems to be mounting quite a campaign to attack faith in American institutions. Publishing CIA information? Hang him and whoever hacked or stole it in the first place.

The CIA should have never been created, or at the very least, given the latitude it has and been shrouded in such secrecy. They are overthrown legitimately elected governments and have caused the deaths of millions around the world. They are a primary factor why we have an unstable Middle East.
He is an enemy of our country and needs to be captured, tried & executed.
Nope. Enemy are the TRAITORS in our own government spying,harming and doing illegal things AGAINST US citizens in the name of the US government. Period. He is a patriot and he isn't even a damn American!

Do you even have any type of understanding of how intelligence works? If the CIA doesn't develop these techniques, they are not able to learn how to stop it when someone else does. Would you rather our intelligence agencies be proactive or reactive? Do you know what the difference between those two are?
It is not our business as citizens to know everything.
It is our government therefore it is our business.
No, their operational capabilities and SOP are not our business.
Everything they do they do in our name. It is our business. Our representatives are supposed to be providing oversight. I want to know which of them approved programs that provide the capabilities to spy on anyone anywhere anytime. Assange is providing a valuable service at great risk to himself. He is a hero.
He is an enemy of American democracy. If you want to see our country's democratic government destroyed, you're backing the right horse.
Our democracy is a farce.

Assange is not destroying it.

He is showing us the very real need to regain control of it.
He is an enemy of our country and needs to be captured, tried & executed.

He's an only an enemy to people who hate freedom, like most conservatives
I'm as Conservative as it gets. As long as Assange doesn't put US citizens in danger then he can leak away, but we are not the only country that does shitty things. Almost every nation in Eurasia has several more centuries of experience fucking over the rest of the world than the US does.
Do you even have any type of understanding of how intelligence works? If the CIA doesn't develop these techniques, they are not able to learn how to stop it when someone else does. Would you rather our intelligence agencies be proactive or reactive? Do you know what the difference between those two are?

Further they are not able to monitor plebs in their home and find those who might speak badly of the party.
It's neither a Democratic or Republican organization. It exists to serve itself and it's a threat to freedom around the world.

The democrats at this time are the face of the deep state, the shadow government who actually rule. Trump is challenging the deep state, as is Assange. From that perspective, the CIA is very much serving the democrats in that they are dedicated to destroying Trump before he lifts the veil too far.
He is an enemy of our country and needs to be captured, tried & executed.
Nope. Enemy are the TRAITORS in our own government spying,harming and doing illegal things AGAINST US citizens in the name of the US government. Period. He is a patriot and he isn't even a damn American!

Do you even have any type of understanding of how intelligence works? If the CIA doesn't develop these techniques, they are not able to learn how to stop it when someone else does. Would you rather our intelligence agencies be proactive or reactive? Do you know what the difference between those two are?
Sure do. CIA is nothing more than an agency of the deep state that CREATES problems and CAUSES wars to stay in business. Its WAY past time for them to be put out to pasture.
It is not our business as citizens to know everything.
It is our government therefore it is our business.
No, their operational capabilities and SOP are not our business.
Everything they do they do in our name. It is our business. Our representatives are supposed to be providing oversight. I want to know which of them approved programs that provide the capabilities to spy on anyone anywhere anytime. Assange is providing a valuable service at great risk to himself. He is a hero.
He is an enemy of American democracy. If you want to see our country's democratic government destroyed, you're backing the right horse.
It is not our business as citizens to know everything.
It is our government therefore it is our business.
No, their operational capabilities and SOP are not our business.
Everything they do they do in our name. It is our business. Our representatives are supposed to be providing oversight. I want to know which of them approved programs that provide the capabilities to spy on anyone anywhere anytime. Assange is providing a valuable service at great risk to himself. He is a hero.
He is an enemy of American democracy. If you want to see our country's democratic government destroyed, you're backing the right horse.
Our democracy is a farce.

Assange is not destroying it.

He is showing us the very real need to regain control of it.

Sooo you want to hand cuff the intelligence agencies by making it that they have to publicly disclose everything they do and that they aren't allowed to work on spying tactics that can be used on citizens?

How about we extend that to the regular military too? They can't create any new weapons that they don't disclose to the public and can't create any that they can use on American citizens? So that would mean... no more guns, missiles, tanks, ships, airplanes, stealth devices, rail guns, lasers, basically anything.

Do you even understand in the slightest that internet warfare IS part of national defense? Do you even understand that the secrecy of the CIA and other intelligence agencies is so they can do their jobs without the mass hysteria of uninformed ignorant citizens like the ones posting here on this forum now after the WikiLeaks releases?

How many terrorist attacks and how many lives do you think have been saved by the CIA using some of their malware and hacking abilities? You'll never know... but you'd sure as fuck know if they didn't do it and innocent American lives were lost... and you'd be clamoring for their heads on a stick for NOT doing their jobs, but here you are now clamoring for their heads because you know how they are doing their job.

I know it's just a movie, but what is said in this clip is the truth. You want to be safe in your home, but then you want to complain about how you get your safety. It just doesn't work that way.

Do you even have any type of understanding of how intelligence works? If the CIA doesn't develop these techniques, they are not able to learn how to stop it when someone else does. Would you rather our intelligence agencies be proactive or reactive? Do you know what the difference between those two are?

Further they are not able to monitor plebs in their home and find those who might speak badly of the party.

You are beyond unstable if you think that. Do you even have a clue how much man power that would take?
You are beyond unstable if you think that. Do you even have a clue how much man power that would take?

My son was taping over the camera on his XBox. I laughed at him and he very seriously spoke of NSA spying.

I reminded him that the NSA are government workers who seek above all else to avoid doing any work. As you say, spying on people takes work.

Now should words you use on Facebook or here be tagged by one of the Predator software packages that analyze web traffic, THEN the NSA might well start spying on you in your home. But in general, the lazy fucks aren't going to bother.
You are beyond unstable if you think that. Do you even have a clue how much man power that would take?

My son was taping over the camera on his XBox. I laughed at him and he very seriously spoke of NSA spying.

I reminded him that the NSA are government workers who seek above all else to avoid doing any work. As you say, spying on people takes work.

Now should words you use on Facebook or here be tagged by one of the Predator software packages that analyze web traffic, THEN the NSA might well start spying on you in your home. But in general, the lazy fucks aren't going to bother.

It's NOT about being lazy, it's about the fact they only have so many people, and there are how many people in the U.S.? Not to mention the world? Come on... you need to be more worried about pissing off a hacker online and having them hack your shit and post it or use it as blackmail. How many celebs have had their phones hacked and their nude photos stolen? Think about that, if the CIA and intelligence agencies weren't trying to figure out how to do that, they wouldn't be able to arrest the hackers that do it... in order to prosecute someone for it, you have to be able to show HOW they did it.
Sooo you want to hand cuff the intelligence agencies by making it that they have to publicly disclose everything they do and that they aren't allowed to work on spying tactics that can be used on citizens?
Yes, I have lost all confidence in my government to protect my rights.
It's NOT about being lazy, it's about the fact they only have so many people, and there are how many people in the U.S.? Not to mention the world? Come on... you need to be more worried about pissing off a hacker online and having them hack your shit and post it or use it as blackmail. How many celebs have had their phones hacked and their nude photos stolen? Think about that, if the CIA and intelligence agencies weren't trying to figure out how to do that, they wouldn't be able to arrest the hackers that do it... in order to prosecute someone for it, you have to be able to show HOW they did it.

As I said, I'm not personally worried at all. The NSA doesn't give a shit about me.

Even so, that they are routinely engaging in clandestine, warrantless intrusions into American homes is a serious problem. This is KGB level bullshit and those engaged need to be checked, and checked hard. I mean firing squads for a few of the top people.

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