Assange belongs in the hangmans noose.

It is not our business as citizens to know everything.
It is our government therefore it is our business.
No, their operational capabilities and SOP are not our business.
Everything they do they do in our name. It is our business. Our representatives are supposed to be providing oversight. I want to know which of them approved programs that provide the capabilities to spy on anyone anywhere anytime. Assange is providing a valuable service at great risk to himself. He is a hero.
He is an enemy of American democracy. If you want to see our country's democratic government destroyed, you're backing the right horse.
Our democracy is a farce.

Assange is not destroying it.

He is showing us the very real need to regain control of it.
You're NOT Australian?
The CIA is not out of control. It certainly doesn't need to be controlled, micro managed and supervised by the fucking American busybody people. They are our hired thugs. They do as they are told; they don't dream all this stuff up on their own.
It is our government therefore it is our business.
No, their operational capabilities and SOP are not our business.
Everything they do they do in our name. It is our business. Our representatives are supposed to be providing oversight. I want to know which of them approved programs that provide the capabilities to spy on anyone anywhere anytime. Assange is providing a valuable service at great risk to himself. He is a hero.
He is an enemy of American democracy. If you want to see our country's democratic government destroyed, you're backing the right horse.
Our democracy is a farce.

Assange is not destroying it.

He is showing us the very real need to regain control of it.
You're NOT Australian?
The CIA is not out of control. It certainly doesn't need to be controlled, micro managed and supervised by the fucking American busybody people. They are our hired thugs. They do as they are told; they don't dream all this stuff up on their own.

What they do most of the time cost innocent lives their lives and open the door to cartels running Mexico, Cental and South America and the rise of terrorist groups like Hamas, Hezbollah, Al-Qaeda, and ISIS\ISIL.

So let me just say if you are proud of thugs like that, well that is very scary!
It is our government therefore it is our business.
No, their operational capabilities and SOP are not our business.
Everything they do they do in our name. It is our business. Our representatives are supposed to be providing oversight. I want to know which of them approved programs that provide the capabilities to spy on anyone anywhere anytime. Assange is providing a valuable service at great risk to himself. He is a hero.
He is an enemy of American democracy. If you want to see our country's democratic government destroyed, you're backing the right horse.
Our democracy is a farce.

Assange is not destroying it.

He is showing us the very real need to regain control of it.
You're NOT Australian?
The CIA is not out of control. It certainly doesn't need to be controlled, micro managed and supervised by the fucking American busybody people. They are our hired thugs. They do as they are told; they don't dream all this stuff up on their own.
That's not what Julian Assange said. He would know. He has 50K pages of evidence.
Their budget is so high now, they do what they want and don't have to go to anyone anymore. That's how they are able to pull off a secret headquarters in a foreign embassy.
Also, if the President is the one that is telling them to do all this shit, he needs to be on trial for treason. Immediately.
It is our government therefore it is our business.
No, their operational capabilities and SOP are not our business.
Everything they do they do in our name. It is our business. Our representatives are supposed to be providing oversight. I want to know which of them approved programs that provide the capabilities to spy on anyone anywhere anytime. Assange is providing a valuable service at great risk to himself. He is a hero.
He is an enemy of American democracy. If you want to see our country's democratic government destroyed, you're backing the right horse.
Our democracy is a farce.

Assange is not destroying it.

He is showing us the very real need to regain control of it.
You're NOT Australian?
The CIA is not out of control. It certainly doesn't need to be controlled, micro managed and supervised by the fucking American busybody people. They are our hired thugs. They do as they are told; they don't dream all this stuff up on their own.
Hired thugs? I thought only Putin had those.

Corporations have effectively taken control of our government. The CIA works for the corporations, always has. Democracy in America is a sham, has been for a long time.

I am American. Born and raised. But I wasn't raised no fool. I know who's interests the government serves. I am just a reluctant beneficiary. And understand that the benefits are dwindling rapidly as more wealth is concentrated in fewer hands.

I will welcome any and all information Assange can provide that unmasks the corporate state and thank him for it and the sacrifice he has made.
He is an enemy of our country and needs to be captured, tried & executed.

He's an only an enemy to people who hate freedom, like most conservatives

Which is exactly why democrat strategists want to drone strike him. Idiots always come equipped with great imaginations, even if that is based entirely on their own projections.

Even the OP at least had the decency to hand him a fair trial. Because even he doesn't believe in 3rd world barbarism as do the democrats.

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