Assange belongs in the hangmans noose.

I agree completely. Assange is a rat. While some of the dirt on Hillary he released was amusing, he is still a rat and, therefore, untrustworthy. A rat will gnaw on your ankles the same as it will your enemy's ankles.

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He is an enemy of our country and needs to be captured, tried & executed.

He's an only an enemy to people who hate freedom, like most conservatives
His leaks this past year have drastically undermined faith in our government, our intelligence agencies, and our political system. (Who do you think would be happy about that? The list is long) The CIA is keeping up with tricks in the cyber world. That is as it should be. They are on our side. It is not our business as citizens to know everything. Assange seems to be mounting quite a campaign to attack faith in American institutions. Publishing CIA information? Hang him and whoever hacked or stole it in the first place.
During the Bush years of creating No Child Left Behind, Free Prescription Drugs, Dept of Homeless Security, and other liberal programs, he, George undermined the faith of the US government to its people. It was 8 years of a bi-racial president that put the nail in the coffin, and why Trump is president. Liberals, don't give a shit, about the people, only themselves and their legacy......
It is not our business as citizens to know everything.
It is our government therefore it is our business.
No, their operational capabilities and SOP are not our business.
Everything they do they do in our name. It is our business. Our representatives are supposed to be providing oversight. I want to know which of them approved programs that provide the capabilities to spy on anyone anywhere anytime. Assange is providing a valuable service at great risk to himself. He is a hero.
Assange served a useful purpose in the Hillary hacks and now the outlaw CIA disclosures.....if he catches a bullet at this point I couldn't care less. :eusa_whistle:
It is interesting that the only secrets he is putting out are of the free, western democracies......which takes no courage to do.......imagine how fast he would be in a 6' hole if he started putting out Chinese and Russian secrets....
He is an enemy of our country and needs to be captured, tried & executed.

He's an only an enemy to people who hate freedom, like most conservatives
His leaks this past year have drastically undermined faith in our government, our intelligence agencies, and our political system. (Who do you think would be happy about that? The list is long) The CIA is keeping up with tricks in the cyber world. That is as it should be. They are on our side. It is not our business as citizens to know everything. Assange seems to be mounting quite a campaign to attack faith in American institutions. Publishing CIA information? Hang him and whoever hacked or stole it in the first place.
During the Bush years of creating No Child Left Behind, Free Prescription Drugs, Dept of Homeless Security, and other liberal programs, he, George undermined the faith of the US government to its people. It was 8 years of a bi-racial president that put the nail in the coffin, and why Trump is president. Liberals, don't give a shit, about the people, only themselves and their legacy......
You are speaking as a partisan hack. That is sad. The CIA is not operated by the Democrats or the Republicans. It is an agency that puts its collective ass on the line every day to keep us safe. Liberals OR conservatives don't run the CIA or any of the other intelligence agencies. Wake up and smell the coffee.
It is not our business as citizens to know everything.
It is our government therefore it is our business.
No, their operational capabilities and SOP are not our business.
Everything they do they do in our name. It is our business. Our representatives are supposed to be providing oversight. I want to know which of them approved programs that provide the capabilities to spy on anyone anywhere anytime. Assange is providing a valuable service at great risk to himself. He is a hero.
He is an enemy of American democracy. If you want to see our country's democratic government destroyed, you're backing the right horse.
It is not our business as citizens to know everything.
It is our government therefore it is our business.
No, their operational capabilities and SOP are not our business.
Everything they do they do in our name. It is our business. Our representatives are supposed to be providing oversight. I want to know which of them approved programs that provide the capabilities to spy on anyone anywhere anytime. Assange is providing a valuable service at great risk to himself. He is a hero.
He is an enemy of American democracy. If you want to see our country's democratic government destroyed, you're backing the right horse.

RussianWingers give a damn about American democracy ?

surely ye jest ..
I hope the Trump sycophants in the media such as Hannity are happy. I always said that Assange hates America and his releasing those e-mails was part of that. Assange should be tried for espionage and locked up the rest of his life with no internet access.
I do not understand how any American can support a foreign entity hacking into our country. You may like what they release now but loathe the consequences down the road when they have the ability to extort us or give vital Intel to our sworn enemies when they're the highest bidder
It is not our business as citizens to know everything.
It is our government therefore it is our business.
No, their operational capabilities and SOP are not our business.
Everything they do they do in our name. It is our business. Our representatives are supposed to be providing oversight. I want to know which of them approved programs that provide the capabilities to spy on anyone anywhere anytime. Assange is providing a valuable service at great risk to himself. He is a hero.
He is an enemy of American democracy. If you want to see our country's democratic government destroyed, you're backing the right horse.
Agreed, grudgingly. There has to be equilibrium in everything, we can't have people running wild with it, but the government has to be able to keep "secrets".

Assange sure as hell doesn't have America's best interests at heart, and it's been funny watching people like Hannity suck up to him. For now.

This guy is certainly not pro-American.
He is an enemy of our country and needs to be captured, tried & executed.
Nah. That's just going after the symptom, instead of the disease. If it weren't Wikileaks posting the info, it would be someone else. Assange is just a journalist. The problem, is the traitors who are leaking info. Period.
He is an enemy of our country and needs to be captured, tried & executed.
Nah. That's just going after the symptom, instead of the disease. If it weren't Wikileaks posting the info, it would be someone else. Assange is just a journalist. The problem, is the traitors who are leaking info. Period.
Agreed partially but Assange is the perfect person to set as an example of what happens when you violate our sovereignty
I do not understand how any American can support a foreign entity hacking into our country. You may like what they release now but loathe the consequences down the road when they have the ability to extort us or give vital Intel to our sworn enemies when they're the highest bidder
Wiki leaks doesn't hack anyone. People take info to Wiki leaks. Wikileaks, verifys, and publishes it. The leaks are the problem. End of story...

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