Assange: The next leak will lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton

Do you think such an awful candidate like Trump is getting so much support because folks are imagining the corruption of the Deep State?

So you have made umpteen billion dollars in business?

You have written a successful book that made it to number one?

You have been the star of a TV show?

You have anticipated the email blow up caused by Weiner from back in 2013?

You have walked into a Presidential election, won the nomination of a major party against 17 other primary candidates and is now running within a few points of the other candidate, a pro with 30 years of experience under her belt?

No, you have not, so please shut the fuck up about how bad a candidate Trump is supposed to be. So far he is the best performing GOP Presidential candidate based on the totals of the early voters and mail voters since 2004.

You and Trump could pick any endeavor that both of you are novices at and he would do far better than you in a 6 month period and that is a simple fact.

So if he is a moron and a horrible candidate what does that make you?

Listen Jim, I know politics, and I know politicians.

I don't know a lot about business. But I do know a bit about the Deep State.

Trump might be an okay guy, and he might not be. I'm guessing he really isn't. You aren't really paying attention if you are serious about your post.

If my parents gave me a small loan of a million dollars at age 22, I wouldn't even be posting on this message board today.

Trump never wrote a book. Did you actually believe he did? But you don't even want to know what the author thinks about him.
Trump ghostwriter warns his supporters: ‘He’s the enemy’ — and he’s after your money

You can't even tell us how much money he made, isn't that sad? That should be telling.

I would never want to be a star on stage, TV or on the screen. How awful. If you know how the gliteratti work, and the control of the media, it would scare you. People who crave the adulation of the spotlight or need the adoration of others are weak. Those who need huge sums of money and who worship money are likewise morally and ethically infirm. They certainly aren't philosopher kings. They have the personalities of Snookie from Jersey shore, late night twittering, while their emotions rage. That is not the stuff of a statesman.

That is part of the problem with our nation. Our leaders crave money, power, and demagoguery, they no longer crave to serve for common cause, or for the greater purpose of the nation.

The fact that Trump had nannies raise his children says a lot to me. Then again, he seems to be closer to his kids than Hillary ever was to Chelsea.

That said, I am still mulling it over, and I have seriously thought about voting for him. I can't believe it, but I just might. I am morally repelled by the thought. I certainly would never cast a vote for Hillary.

One has to wonder, can the mafia take down the evil that infects in D.C.? Will he, as he casts the dream, "Drain the Swamp?" Or is he just drawing good imagery?

It really doesn't have much to do with him personally though.

For the first time since Ronald Reagan ran, Trump is shaking up the Deep State. You are right, he is drawing folks out, mostly because this particular election wasn't rigged, the candidates for the nomination weren't handpicked by the elites, which usually they are. Generally, I have only supported third party candidates, and only when a decent one runs.

After the Russians killed those CIA agents in Syria at the beginning of Oct., shit started getting real for me though. I don't care about these stupid national distraction and social issues. And I live in a swing state this time around. Whether or not I vote, might very well indeed determine whether I find myself living through WWIII sooner rather than later.

But. . . maybe not.
Lol, so you could have been a billionaire, successful author and TV star but you just dont want to be?


And yes, Trump wrote his books, dude. The asshole who was editing and correcting Trump's text signed an agreement to not criticize Trump over what was written in the book, etc, and after 30 years the guy got paid off to claim he was the actual author. I know lots of writers, creative writers and tech writers and they do NOT let their ghost writing efforts go unattributed. If they helped write it they will get credit for it as that is how their career goes.

So if this guy has been lying for 30 years about not being a ghost writer and no says he is just in time for an election, then he is a lying sack of shit and you are being gullible by believing that sack of shit.
Their demented hopes to destroy Hillary hinge on allusions, insinuations, innuendos - but no concrete evidence of illegality. In short - it's a dirty smear campaign to put Adolf Trump in the White House and keep NaziCons in power.
"Russian today releases" what do you mean?

Russia today is a media agency owned by the Russian government.

They are notable for broadcasting Russian propaganda into the susceptible minds of Americans nationwide. Many Americans use RT as their preferred media source.

As opposed to the Jewish propaganda from CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, Univision, Fox, New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, MSNBC, Bloomberg and Reuters.

These news media are very reliable compared to Putin controlled media.
Funny you mentioned Fox...... don't you know Trump brother Hannity work there?
These Russian Today releases are not credible. This is just more proof that Putin is trying to undermine the US election.

Just hope he can't influence the Amish.
"Russian today releases" what do you mean?

Russians are to hiLIARy's email scandal what the video maker was to Benghazi:


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Except that RT is the propaganda arm of Putin. Are you really this stupid?

Who the hell else is going to cover the Wikileaks? The MSM is controlled by the establishment, hell, the Wikileaks already made clear that the MSM is in the tank for Hillary.

Seems that the only way the American public is going to find out about the DNC and Hillary campaign emails at Wikileaks is either in Aljeezera, PRESS TV, RT, etc. No matter what English language non-Round Table Group controlled media releases them, you are going to be pissy. Why? Because it exposes the corruption of the demon girl you love so much.

If they were released to Infowars or Global Research, everyone knows what your reaction would be, so go off and whine and cry uselessly, it's called shooting the messenger.

Every media outlet implicitly has some bias now, don't they? Get over yourself already, let the consumer beware. If you aren't aware of corporate America's MSM bias, then you are being a disingenuous idiot.

Seems to me someone just doesn't like freedom of the press and freedom of though. Everyone knows that the emails are authentic. Sit and spin.

Do you know how goofy that sounds?
How goofy what sounds? You need to be more clear with your posts.
Well, well, well it looks like Assange is going to be dropping NEW leaks that will supposedly contain enough evidence to see Clinton arrested.

He's also dropping hints that those who keeping saying the Russians are behind it may just one day find "egg on their faces".

Enjoy the video:

Keep on salivating. Here it is my 70th birthday - and still no trophy promised...

Happy birthday!! The software will kick them out to you some time today. Remember there's thousands of alerts being pushed to members every minute so it may take some time

My birthday was Oct. 16....... I have not receive my trophy points either.
I'm beginning to think it's Obama and his use of the NSA that got the dirt.

I don't think he really likes Hillary.

I think part of him would like to see the chaos and would have a bit a fun seeing Trump elected. . . he's a mischievous little troll.

I don't think he likes her either, but I'm not so sure about him being responsible for the email scandal. Maybe, maybe not. My doubt here is because he may be involved or implicated in some way by it. He has only started supporting Hillary's candidacy in the last several months. Before that, he didn't want to be associated with her. Then did an about face and now he & Michelle can't seem to do enough for her.

eh, I was just floating it.

I saw a video of him meeting his half-sister in Africa, talking about white/black relations.

Now that he has done the bidding of the NWO for seven years, it is now his turn to shift his attention to his pet issue. It is an issue that eugenicist/Zionist masters share in common. He seems to have been slowly turning up the heat on this issue, sort of like a boiling frog. I really wonder if he is willing to let this issue go with out making a huge leap forward on it before letting go of power.

Also I've been following his manipulation of the Justice Department and his work with the Open Society foundation, i.e., the use of the NBPP and BLM, agent provocateurs, along with the media to stoke a divide and conquer paradigm within race relations.

I was realizing that with Trump coming into power, there would definitely be more racial agitation and more demands, possibly even an opportunity to spark riots in DNC controlled big cities, a demand for martial law, etc., more pressure for that race war he has been trying to provoke, if he could get Trump elected, than if Hillary was elected.
Well, well, well it looks like Assange is going to be dropping NEW leaks that will supposedly contain enough evidence to see Clinton arrested.

He's also dropping hints that those who keeping saying the Russians are behind it may just one day find "egg on their faces".

Enjoy the video:

Keep on salivating. Here it is my 70th birthday - and still no trophy promised...

Happy birthday!! The software will kick them out to you some time today. Remember there's thousands of alerts being pushed to members every minute so it may take some time

My birthday was Oct. 16....... I have not receive my trophy points either.

I don't understand why you folks care about "Ratings" "Likes Received" "Trophy Points" etc.

Why don't you guys focus on making thought provoking and interesting posts instead of the rigged ratings system.

If you don't believe it is as rigged as the elections are, go to this thread;

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Then figure out how the majority of the posters in this thread can have such high ratings with so few messages posted?!?

Yeah, right. Your trophy points don't mean squat. They hand them out to the elites like candy. :tinfoil:

And if they don't like you? You aren't getting any. :badgrin:
Salon is conspiracy bullshit?

Bill Moyers is conspiracy bullshit?
Salon is just shit, no need for qualifiers.
I agree. That is why I used it. I know that this guy Bulldog tends to hail from the left, so I used left leaning sources.

I have MSM sources that cover the Deep State from the right, but what's the point? I thought if I used, MSM, and from the left, this guy Bulldog would at least be open minded.

Well, now we know he is part of the DNC or the Hillary campaign. He doesn't even want to read sources from the left. Unless they have been articles and sources vetted by the Hillary campaign before hand, well, it is conspiracy stuff. :rolleyes:

There is no winning with these idiots. He asked, I answered, giving him information from sources that would be acceptable to him. The truth was not acceptable to his reality, despite the source it came from. The truth explains what the hell is going on with Wikileaks, he just doesn't like the truth.

I never believed that bs about Russia hacking the servers. It's a diversionary tactic.

And one that makes no sense. As Hillary once said, "What difference, at this point, does it make?" The fact is that none of these emails would be out there if not for the fact that Hillary fucked up and risked national security. She is 100% responsible for all of this. Our enemies have information they shouldn't have and our own officials can't even get the emails by subpoena. They had to wait till they were leaked to find out that Hillary is a big liar and totally reckless with classified information. It goes to show that Hillary values her own business more than this country.
I never believed that bs about Russia hacking the servers. It's a diversionary tactic.

And one that makes no sense. As Hillary once said, "What difference, at this point, does it make?" The fact is that none of these emails would be out there if not for the fact that Hillary fucked up and risked national security. She is 100% responsible for all of this. Our enemies have information they shouldn't have and our own officials can't even get the emails by subpoena. They had to wait till they were leaked to find out that Hillary is a big liar and totally reckless with classified information. It goes to show that Hillary values her own business more than this country.
Great sig! :lol:
I never believed that bs about Russia hacking the servers. It's a diversionary tactic.

And one that makes no sense. As Hillary once said, "What difference, at this point, does it make?" The fact is that none of these emails would be out there if not for the fact that Hillary fucked up and risked national security. She is 100% responsible for all of this. Our enemies have information they shouldn't have and our own officials can't even get the emails by subpoena. They had to wait till they were leaked to find out that Hillary is a big liar and totally reckless with classified information. It goes to show that Hillary values her own business more than this country.

Funny signature meme. : )
Just what I thought. More conspiracy theory bullshit. Make that deep conspiracy theory bullshit.

You call all of this conspiracy theories, but believe everything people say about Donald Trump.

How convenient for you.

It's much easier to believe what Trump actually said he did than it is to believe some all controlling secret society that rules the world.
"Russian today releases" what do you mean?

Russians are to hiLIARy's email scandal what the video maker was to Benghazi:


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Except that RT is the propaganda arm of Putin. Are you really this stupid?

Who the hell else is going to cover the Wikileaks? The MSM is controlled by the establishment, hell, the Wikileaks already made clear that the MSM is in the tank for Hillary.

Seems that the only way the American public is going to find out about the DNC and Hillary campaign emails at Wikileaks is either in Aljeezera, PRESS TV, RT, etc. No matter what English language non-Round Table Group controlled media releases them, you are going to be pissy. Why? Because it exposes the corruption of the demon girl you love so much.

If they were released to Infowars or Global Research, everyone knows what your reaction would be, so go off and whine and cry uselessly, it's called shooting the messenger.

Every media outlet implicitly has some bias now, don't they? Get over yourself already, let the consumer beware. If you aren't aware of corporate America's MSM bias, then you are being a disingenuous idiot.

Seems to me someone just doesn't like freedom of the press and freedom of though. Everyone knows that the emails are authentic. Sit and spin.

Do you know how goofy that sounds?
How goofy what sounds? You need to be more clear with your posts.

Forgive me for not being more clear. Do you know how goofy your post sounds?
It's much easier to believe what Trump actually said

Then why are you voting for Hillary Clinton?

Besides, it's not what he's saying it's what other people are saying. You're more prone to believe what other people say about him than what other say about Hillary.

So what is being said about him that isn't true? I've seen and heard his childish rantings.
It's much easier to believe what Trump actually said

Then why are you voting for Hillary Clinton?

Besides, it's not what he's saying it's what other people are saying. You're more prone to believe what other people say about him than what other say about Hillary.

So what is being said about him that isn't true? I've seen and heard his childish rantings.

You make my point.

So, do you believe anything said about Hillary Clinton is true? Or shall I out you as a hypocrite right here and now?

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