Assassination. An option? Since when?

CG, you are on the wrong side of the fence on this one. And I suspect it will bite you in the ass.
CG, you are on the wrong side of the fence on this one. And I suspect it will bite you in the ass.

I am on my side of the 'fence'. I really don't care what anyone else thinks. I march to my own drum - one that beats out logic, critical thought and reason. If others don't like that beat, that's not my problem.
It was an incredibly stupid move on many levels. If stupidity were a crime, this guy would be in jail. He oughtt o know better. Shame on him.

I personally want to see Obama killed. At the polls. I want to see him humiliated so thoroughly that he will be shunned by every Democrat ever running for office again. I want his name to be a watchword for total electoral defeat. But I don't want to see him assassinated. That's just wrong.
CG, you are on the wrong side of the fence on this one. And I suspect it will bite you in the ass.

I am on my side of the 'fence'. I really don't care what anyone else thinks. I march to my own drum - one that beats out logic, critical thought and reason. If others don't like that beat, that's not my problem.

Yeah and your a little sensitive to that 'writer' image you try to perpetuate. :lmao: Here's my response to your neg since you don't receive PMs. "You may now go back to fucking your little dog!"
Or what, C Clayton Jones? Or what? Answer the question.
Since it was deemed fit to make a movie based on the assassination of an actual sitting President (Bush), I fail to see how this flies as a 'threat'.

The article is based a hypothetical scenario, taking place in 2017.... We do the same thing. It's called 'war gaming'. Our military look at hypothetical situations and plan strategies on what the US may do in such circumstances. Some of those plans probably include the assassination of some countries leadership. Big deal.
CG, you are on the wrong side of the fence on this one. And I suspect it will bite you in the ass.

I am on my side of the 'fence'. I really don't care what anyone else thinks. I march to my own drum - one that beats out logic, critical thought and reason. If others don't like that beat, that's not my problem.

Yeah and your a little sensitive to that 'writer' image you try to perpetuate. :lmao: Here's my response to your neg since you don't receive PMs. "You may now go back to fucking your little dog!"

You're an overly emotional twit. Since you find it difficult to cope with my taking a rational view of your ridiculously hyperbolic OP, you resort to the SOP of the brainless and think insulting my profession is somehow relevant. For a mental health professional, you seem a tad mentally unbalanced.
Of course it's a felony to threaten the life of the president of the United States. Would you have it any other way? It's interesting to note that a Brit made movie was shown in American theaters depicting the (fictional) assassination of George Bush while he was still president and nobody on the left was shocked about it.
I am on my side of the 'fence'. I really don't care what anyone else thinks. I march to my own drum - one that beats out logic, critical thought and reason. If others don't like that beat, that's not my problem.

Yeah and your a little sensitive to that 'writer' image you try to perpetuate. :lmao: Here's my response to your neg since you don't receive PMs. "You may now go back to fucking your little dog!"

You're an overly emotional twit. Since you find it difficult to cope with my taking a rational view of your ridiculously hyperbolic OP, you resort to the SOP of the brainless and think insulting my profession is somehow relevant. For a mental health professional, you seem a tad mentally unbalanced.

Your profession. LOL.

Let's see. I believe it was you who started lobbing shit at the profession of someone who actually has a profession. You can dish it out, but you can't take it! You are chicken shit.

Well, I get paid to write... and I see nothing that alludes to him alluding to homicide. It's a 'what if' scenario and you are being ridiculous by drawing parallels based on your meaningless experience.

Had I been writing a similar 'what if' article, I would probably have included the same possibility. It's meaningless.
Yeah and your a little sensitive to that 'writer' image you try to perpetuate. :lmao: Here's my response to your neg since you don't receive PMs. "You may now go back to fucking your little dog!"

You're an overly emotional twit. Since you find it difficult to cope with my taking a rational view of your ridiculously hyperbolic OP, you resort to the SOP of the brainless and think insulting my profession is somehow relevant. For a mental health professional, you seem a tad mentally unbalanced.

Your profession. LOL.

Let's see. I believe it was you who started lobbing shit at the profession of someone who actually has a profession. You can dish it out, but you can't take it! You are chicken shit.

Well, I get paid to write... and I see nothing that alludes to him alluding to homicide. It's a 'what if' scenario and you are being ridiculous by drawing parallels based on your meaningless experience.

Had I been writing a similar 'what if' article, I would probably have included the same possibility. It's meaningless.

Must suck to be you.

You were the one who claimed your 'profession' had some bearing on the subject. So does mine. I write for a living. So does the guy who wrote the article. See the connection there?

Yours, on the other hand, has absolutely no bearing on it, since he clearly is not calling for the assassination of any President. He is just 'war gaming' a scenario.

Moron. I feel sorry for your 'patients'.... happily, they are just voices in your head.
That's what a lot of people probably secretly want. Disgusting really. Those are the people who would do anything for Israel.
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That's what a lot of people probably secretly want. Disgusting really.

What? People secretly want the President to be assassinated in 2017? We don't even know who the President will be in 2017.


Does it fucking matter? There are religious nutjobs out there who so much believe in their self fulfilling prophecy that they would be willing to support absolutely anything for the state of Israel. That includes today with Obama(where a majority of the discussion and sentiment lies), and any future president.

So don't idiot me, you valley girl trash.
Atlanta, Georgia (CNN) -- The U.S. Secret Service is looking into a controversial column by an Atlanta Jewish newspaper publisher that mulled the assassination of an American president.

Andrew Adler, owner and publisher of the Atlanta Jewish Times, wrote a January 13 column about the threat of Iran to Israel. He posed three options for the Jewish state to counter the Iranian regime.

One of them called for a "hit on a president in order to preserve Israel's existence."

"Give the go-ahead for U.S. based Mossad agents to take out a president deemed unfriendly to Israel in order for the current vice president to take his place and forcefully dictate that the United States' policy includes its helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies."

U.S. Secret Service spokesman George Ogilvie told CNN Saturday, "We are aware of it. We are taking the appropriate investigative steps."

Wow. I can't believe this. Who doesn't know it is a felony to threaten a US president?

And what purpose would it serve? The vice president of the same stripe would be next in line!

Edited to add link: Jewish paper's column catches Secret Service eye -

Sorry, didn't mean to forget it.

I see no threat in the article. The guy seems to be suggesting that such a scenario may have been discussed by the Israelis.
I don't see anyone actually threatening or calling for an assassination... just listing options from an Israeli perspective. What's the big deal?

Since you haven't linked to the entire article, perhaps I missed something that I might be 'outraged' about.

link has been added.

The secret service may not completely agree with you. At least according to the article.

The Secret Service have a habit of over reacting to what they perceive as a 'threat'. With good reason... but I see nothing to get hysterical about.

Please explain how to over-react with good reason.
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link has been added.

The secret service may not completely agree with you. At least according to the article.

The Secret Service have a habit of over reacting to what they perceive as a 'threat'. With good reason... but I see nothing to get hysterical about.

They get paid to react the way they do. Having worked in psychiatry for 22 years, I can tell you that a person even alluding to homicide would be high risk. I understand their pain. No one wants to be the sacrificial goat when something happens. And one who is in the position to evaluate behavior/potential behavior of others is also at risk for becoming the scapegoat if they make the wrong call.

Well, I could murder a pint of ale. Must be tha padded cell for me! :eusa_eh:
That's what a lot of people probably secretly want. Disgusting really.

What? People secretly want the President to be assassinated in 2017? We don't even know who the President will be in 2017.


Does it fucking matter? There are religious nutjobs out there who so much believe in their self fulfilling prophecy that they would be willing to support absolutely anything for the state of Israel. That includes today with Obama(where a majority of the discussion and sentiment lies), and any future president.

So don't idiot me, you valley girl trash.

Oh look! A cowman with mad cow disease! Hey, cowherd...looking for a pat on the back again! :lol: You sound just like Unkotare's sock!
link has been added.

The secret service may not completely agree with you. At least according to the article.

The Secret Service have a habit of over reacting to what they perceive as a 'threat'. With good reason... but I see nothing to get hysterical about.

Please explain how to over-react with good reason.

It's better to over react 100 times than to under react just once - their job is to protect the President. I'd over react if I was them.

But this one is baseless. Despite Sunshine's hysteria, there is no 'alluding' to killing the President. There is a 'war game' scenario.... a hypothetical... nothing of consequence.

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