Assholes making trouble in Oregon

None of what you have said changes the fact that the Feds. escalated the situation from peaceful talk to bloodshed for no very good reason.. In situations of this type what is decided in courts of law is not nearly as important as what is decided in the court of public opinion.

looks like they wanted to make an example

Or......Lavoy resisted arrest, ran a blockade, led the cops on a high speed chase and reached for a gun to murder an Oregon State Trooper.

One of the two.
this will go down as a text book police manual alright

on how not to apprehend a subject

everything from the high speed chase

to the no outs road block

to the crossfire the cops conducted on themselves --LOL

a simple road spike would have done the trick

Says you, pretending you know what the fuck you're talking about.

Sorry, Jon. But we're way past you militia sympathists just making shit up. We're in the realm of the *actual* law now. And actual police work.

Not what you imagine. But tell us again how the police road block was 'illegal'. Its worth at least a giggle.

hey chump

it is more then obvious you do not have a clue about any police tactic
None of what you have said changes the fact that the Feds. escalated the situation from peaceful talk to bloodshed for no very good reason.. In situations of this type what is decided in courts of law is not nearly as important as what is decided in the court of public opinion.

looks like they wanted to make an example

Or......Lavoy resisted arrest, ran a blockade, led the cops on a high speed chase and reached for a gun to murder an Oregon State Trooper.

One of the two.
yes it is understood that you are low functioning

thanks for the demonstration
this will go down as a text book police manual alright

on how not to apprehend a subject

everything from the high speed chase

to the no outs road block

to the crossfire the cops conducted on themselves --LOL

a simple road spike would have done the trick

Says you, pretending you know what the fuck you're talking about.

Sorry, Jon. But we're way past you militia sympathists just making shit up. We're in the realm of the *actual* law now. And actual police work.

Not what you imagine. But tell us again how the police road block was 'illegal'. Its worth at least a giggle.

hey chump

it is more then obvious you do not have a clue about any police tactic

Laughing......says the poor soul who insists that the police planted a gun on Lavoy. But you were saying about 'police procedures'?

Oh, and tell us again how the police road block was 'illegal'. The endorphins are amazing.
It has been alleged:
That the truck was being fired on before coming to a stop in the snow.
The the firing continued as he stuck his head and empty hands out of the window.
That his getting out of the truck was an effort to protect the women inside.
And that he lowered his hands after being shot the first time.
Can someone refute these allegations?
Yes, the FBI and Oregon State Police.

Fine. Can you quote them or provide a link? Or are you just continuing talk shit?

Finicum leaves the truck and steps through the snow. Agents and troopers on scene had information that Finicum and others would be armed. On at least two occasions, Finicum reaches his right hand toward a pocket on the left inside portion of his jacket. He did have a loaded 9 mm semi-automatic handgun in that pocket.

At this time, OSP troopers shot Finicum.

Remarks by SAC Greg Bretzing at a Press Conference to Address the Ongoing Situation at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge
It has been alleged:
That the truck was being fired on before coming to a stop in the snow.
The the firing continued as he stuck his head and empty hands out of the window.
That his getting out of the truck was an effort to protect the women inside.
And that he lowered his hands after being shot the first time.
Can someone refute these allegations?
Yes, the FBI and Oregon State Police.

Fine. Can you quote them or provide a link? Or are you just continuing talk shit?

Finicum leaves the truck and steps through the snow. Agents and troopers on scene had information that Finicum and others would be armed. On at least two occasions, Finicum reaches his right hand toward a pocket on the left inside portion of his jacket. He did have a loaded 9 mm semi-automatic handgun in that pocket.

At this time, OSP troopers shot Finicum.

Remarks by SAC Greg Bretzing at a Press Conference to Address the Ongoing Situation at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge

Ah, but you forget....

Your answer reveals you were nowhere near as heroic as Kerry, who earned...
You are bitter though, I'll grant you that

Now that part is true. I had no intention of being a hero and am pleased that I managed to avoid it. Hero's die. A lot. Or go home missing important parts. But even at that I wasn't a coward. Kerry was. Even worse he dishonored the commendations he sleezed out of the system ( which he later threw away) and the men who fought there as their county as their country directed. And that is unforgivable. I wasn't a hero; but I knew some and they deserved better than that

Damn it. That's just cruel and unusual punishment. Now how are they going to watch SpongeBob SquarePants?

You gotta watch this last dance, and grab some tissue! LOL!

(they don't want to go to jail, they were only camping! hahahaha!)


It's their last dance before they get arrested, for simply camping out.
Your answer reveals you were nowhere near as heroic as Kerry, who earned...
You are bitter though, I'll grant you that

Now that part is true. I had no intention of being a hero and am pleased that I managed to avoid it. Hero's die. A lot. Or go home missing important parts. But even at that I wasn't a coward. Kerry was. Even worse he dishonored the commendations he sleezed out of the system ( which he later threw away) and the men who fought there as their county as their country directed. And that is unforgivable. I wasn't a hero; but I knew some and they deserved better than that

You're still talking about John Kerry? What are your views on Jane Fonda?

I think she did a wonderful job playing Nancy Reagan.

Tamir Rice was 12 years old with no did not take 3 and half weeks to kill him...that took 2 seconds...
yes he did, and there were witnesses who called the cops to come and resolve the kid walking around aiming it everyone. And in another thread, the air pellet gun looks like a real gun. so a threat is a threat is a threat and the kid had the weapon in his hands.

the old guy in Oregon, nope.

hands up dont shoot counts in the tamir case

but hands up dont shoot dont count in the lavoy case

someone sounds like a hypocrite at best
Lavoy , a blow hard Right wing armed thug....vowed he would not be taken alive ...vowed to shoot if anyone tried to interfere with his crimes...he was stopped by the Police and fled heavily armed from Police ...he then crashed his car in a snow bank and came out resisting...he got shot...oh well shit happens
The FBI should send his widow a bill for the ammo they had to waste on him.
or they can enjoy the 10 by 10 room.
And yet, the only ones who are facing a 10x10 room are the members of that rightarded militia who were arrested that day.
yes he did, and there were witnesses who called the cops to come and resolve the kid walking around aiming it everyone. And in another thread, the air pellet gun looks like a real gun. so a threat is a threat is a threat and the kid had the weapon in his hands.

the old guy in Oregon, nope.

hands up dont shoot counts in the tamir case

but hands up dont shoot dont count in the lavoy case

someone sounds like a hypocrite at best
Lavoy , a blow hard Right wing armed thug....vowed he would not be taken alive ...vowed to shoot if anyone tried to interfere with his crimes...he was stopped by the Police and fled heavily armed from Police ...he then crashed his car in a snow bank and came out resisting...he got shot...oh well shit happens
The FBI should send his widow a bill for the ammo they had to waste on him.
or they can enjoy the 10 by 10 room.
And yet, the only one's who are facing a 10x10 room are the members of that rightarded militia who were arrested that day.

Yeah, but you're hamstrung by this over-reliance on facts, evidence and reality.

You need to let go of all that and just.....believe.
The only thing that could have kept this from being an FBI fuckup would have been if the militia had fired the first shot.
As it is they are the ones that started the bloodshed.
It's cute how you think the best practice for law enforcement is to wait until the people they are arresting fire first.

But then I suppose that's why you're a brain-dead conservative and not a cop. If you were a cop, you'd have been killed long ago by letting a criminal fire first.
Lavoy , a blow hard Right wing armed thug....vowed he would not be taken alive ...vowed to shoot if anyone tried to interfere with his crimes...he was stopped by the Police and fled heavily armed from Police ...he then crashed his car in a snow bank and came out resisting...he got shot...oh well shit happens
The FBI should send his widow a bill for the ammo they had to waste on him.
or they can enjoy the 10 by 10 room.

Save of course that the FBI are subject to the *actual* law, and not whatever hapless batshit you make up. And Lavoy reached for a gun to shoot a State trooper. This after resisting arrest, leading the cops on a highspeed chase, and running a police road block.

Lavoy was predictably shot before he could murder the Oregon State Trooper.

Prove it.

The police who were there cited Lavoy reaching for his pocket twice. After he was shot, they found a 9mm pistol in that same pocket. Plus, there's a video of Lavoy running from the scene, resisting arrest, running the road block and reaching for the gun.

That's a pair of credible eye witnesses, video evidence and physical evidence.

This will probably be used in law enforcement academies as a textbook justifiable shooting.
And there's more ... when asked what he "would intend to do in response" if the FBI came to arrest him, he said, "I have no intention any of my days in a concrete box."

And when asked to confirm if he actually meant, "so you're prepared to die...better dead than in a cell," he responded, "absolutely. Would you like to be in a cell? Nobody wants to live their life in a cell. Absolutely, I'm not going to live my life in a cell."


So he did what he said he would do -- get himself killed rather than get arrested.

He chose to end up in a wooden box instead of a concrete box.
You're confusing us, KosherGirl. What's up?
Burns is almost solely populated by employees and officials for the forest service, state police, BLM and state parks. When the mills and forests were shut down, the feds moved in. So don't assume that the virulent pro-federal, anti-protest rhetoric you hear out of Burns is accurate or even representative of rural residents. It is not. You are hearing the feds being pumped up and supported by other feds.

One of the lies they liked to share was that the protesters were intimidating and threatening people. And yet NOT ONE PERSON has been able to name who they threatened, who did the threatening, or what the threat was. The FBI put out the lie that "militia" were following people around and scaring them, vandalizing, etc. Until they got busted dressing up as militia and doing just that. Now the scuttlebutt in Burns is that it's "their" issue and everybody else (except the feds, of course) should just go home and let it blow over. The other ridiculous thing put out there is that federal $$ is the "lifeblood" of the community, because they're employed by the government.

Yeah, because the government shut down their industry and stole their resources, and they had no choice. But most of the locals either left..and what are left are jackasses who put in for jobs there and now consider themselves "locals". And some are. There are families where there are 2-3 generations of government employees (because they give jobs to their families).

You see the problem?
Certainly do see the problem. A lying little bitch named Kosher. The feds did not move in when the mills shut down. There were there the whole time. And there were more of them. Some of those jobs went away, also. The resources of which you speak were always on BLM, State, or Forest Service land.

Uh huh, lol. Whatever you say, moron.
None of what you have said changes the fact that the Feds. escalated the situation from peaceful talk to bloodshed for no very good reason.. In situations of this type what is decided in courts of law is not nearly as important as what is decided in the court of public opinion.
You're fucking insane. :cuckoo: The Feds were executing completely legal and justified arrest warrants.

WTF is wrong with you nutters? It's like your head is screwed on backwards. <smh>

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