Assholes making trouble in Oregon

did you ever see a gun dick breath
Didn't have to. I saw Finicum make a motion as though he was reaching for one. Also considering he typically had a gun on him during videos taken of him while at the refuge... given another passenger in the car said some of them were carrying sidearms... ...given Finicum said he wouldn't be taken alive... given the police and FBI said they found a gun on him -- only a complete fucking idiot would believe you over them.


witnesses say he was shot while his hands had been up

where he was reaching is not where his inside pocket is located
There was one eye witness who said that. Not witnesses. There were multiple witnesses who said he was shot when he lowered his hands in a reaching movement.

yes and the fbi added he was reaching for a gun that they did not see

it is obvious he was going for his waistline

not where the pocket opening is

the report by Deshutes Major incident team will be interesting

when we get to hear the audio and radio traffic

dash cams and the vehicle
If you're lucky, maybe you'll get to see Shawna Cox's video.

there is a complete investigation going
So, let's see if I can put another twist on the assholes in Oregon. Sure the last four should have come out a long time ago, but I have to wonder about this dated Feb 3:

OPB reached out to the camp at 1:30 p.m., per the scheduled check-in, but the line was busy and remained so.

At 2:15 p.m., OPB received a call from a blocked number. The anonymous caller said that all lines of communication to the militants still inside the refuge had been cut at 12:50 p.m. and that further calls and updates would not be possible. The caller declined multiple requests to identify himself.

Link: Last Line Of Communication With Militants Cut

I understand the reasoning, but isn't this a bit of more overstepping? To localize your personal cell phone and cut it off and/or monitor it so closely? Did they get a court order to do so? Shouldn't they need to?

And then there's this, Feb 6:

The new lighted sign changes from “Road Closed” to “No Unlawful Entry” to “Subject To Arrest.”


Reporters looking into the closed-off area from a nearby hill could observe what looked like multiple roadblocks along the road to the refuge headquarters.

Link: Police Add Warning To Refuge Roadblock

So cut off all communications and then keep the press miles away?

Yep, freedom of speech down there is dead.
They are felons in the commission of a crime. They have no rights, other than to surrender.

Sounds like OWS.

If they cleared out an OWS protest, and kept the press miles away, and shot one of the protesters.... I wonder if your opinion would be just as harsh. Doubt it.
They didn`t shoot anyone at ows but none of them were an escaping felony suspect. OWS was on the receiving end of beanbags and tear gas and I think that would have been a cool thing to do to those toothless rednecks in Ore. Barbequeing themselves like the Branch Davidians would have been a great show too.
Oakland police fire teargas at Occupy protest
So, let's see if I can put another twist on the assholes in Oregon. Sure the last four should have come out a long time ago, but I have to wonder about this dated Feb 3:

OPB reached out to the camp at 1:30 p.m., per the scheduled check-in, but the line was busy and remained so.

At 2:15 p.m., OPB received a call from a blocked number. The anonymous caller said that all lines of communication to the militants still inside the refuge had been cut at 12:50 p.m. and that further calls and updates would not be possible. The caller declined multiple requests to identify himself.

Link: Last Line Of Communication With Militants Cut

I understand the reasoning, but isn't this a bit of more overstepping? To localize your personal cell phone and cut it off and/or monitor it so closely? Did they get a court order to do so? Shouldn't they need to?

And then there's this, Feb 6:

The new lighted sign changes from “Road Closed” to “No Unlawful Entry” to “Subject To Arrest.”


Reporters looking into the closed-off area from a nearby hill could observe what looked like multiple roadblocks along the road to the refuge headquarters.

Link: Police Add Warning To Refuge Roadblock

So cut off all communications and then keep the press miles away?

Yep, freedom of speech down there is dead.
They are felons in the commission of a crime. They have no rights, other than to surrender.

Sounds like OWS.

If they cleared out an OWS protest, and kept the press miles away, and shot one of the protesters.... I wonder if your opinion would be just as harsh. Doubt it.
Had any of the protesters resisted arrest, fled from authorities, been suspected of carrying a gun, and reached for it, they too would have been shot too.
so since none of that happened, why was the dude shot?
So, let's see if I can put another twist on the assholes in Oregon. Sure the last four should have come out a long time ago, but I have to wonder about this dated Feb 3:

OPB reached out to the camp at 1:30 p.m., per the scheduled check-in, but the line was busy and remained so.

At 2:15 p.m., OPB received a call from a blocked number. The anonymous caller said that all lines of communication to the militants still inside the refuge had been cut at 12:50 p.m. and that further calls and updates would not be possible. The caller declined multiple requests to identify himself.

Link: Last Line Of Communication With Militants Cut

I understand the reasoning, but isn't this a bit of more overstepping? To localize your personal cell phone and cut it off and/or monitor it so closely? Did they get a court order to do so? Shouldn't they need to?

And then there's this, Feb 6:

The new lighted sign changes from “Road Closed” to “No Unlawful Entry” to “Subject To Arrest.”


Reporters looking into the closed-off area from a nearby hill could observe what looked like multiple roadblocks along the road to the refuge headquarters.

Link: Police Add Warning To Refuge Roadblock

So cut off all communications and then keep the press miles away?

Yep, freedom of speech down there is dead.
They are felons in the commission of a crime. They have no rights, other than to surrender.

Sounds like OWS.

If they cleared out an OWS protest, and kept the press miles away, and shot one of the protesters.... I wonder if your opinion would be just as harsh. Doubt it.
They didn`t shoot anyone at ows but none of them were an escaping felony suspect. OWS was on the receiving end of beanbags and tear gas and I think that would have been a cool thing to do to those toothless rednecks in Ore. Barbequeing themselves like the Branch Davidians would have been a great show too.
Oakland police fire teargas at Occupy protest

none of them were an escaping felony suspect

a felony suspect for trespassing really
Well, you hit it on the head. jc is a retard. Makes the as stupid of arguements as Silly Billy.

Here is the whole thing. You attempt to run from the law, when you have made previous statements about not being taken alive, and brag about always being armed, you drop your hands, you are dead. Finicum and the rest were actively engaged in a felony in an armed occupation of federal property. He was fair game to be arrested and charged no matter where he was at, or what time of day it was. The dumb asses thought that they were untouchable, and over played their hand. Now they will get to occupy federal property for many years.
who ran from the law? They were in their truck going somewhere and the fbi engaged them. They weren't running, now don't continue with your old style stupid.
So, let's see if I can put another twist on the assholes in Oregon. Sure the last four should have come out a long time ago, but I have to wonder about this dated Feb 3:

OPB reached out to the camp at 1:30 p.m., per the scheduled check-in, but the line was busy and remained so.

At 2:15 p.m., OPB received a call from a blocked number. The anonymous caller said that all lines of communication to the militants still inside the refuge had been cut at 12:50 p.m. and that further calls and updates would not be possible. The caller declined multiple requests to identify himself.

Link: Last Line Of Communication With Militants Cut

I understand the reasoning, but isn't this a bit of more overstepping? To localize your personal cell phone and cut it off and/or monitor it so closely? Did they get a court order to do so? Shouldn't they need to?

And then there's this, Feb 6:

The new lighted sign changes from “Road Closed” to “No Unlawful Entry” to “Subject To Arrest.”


Reporters looking into the closed-off area from a nearby hill could observe what looked like multiple roadblocks along the road to the refuge headquarters.

Link: Police Add Warning To Refuge Roadblock

So cut off all communications and then keep the press miles away?

Yep, freedom of speech down there is dead.
They are felons in the commission of a crime. They have no rights, other than to surrender.

Sounds like OWS.

If they cleared out an OWS protest, and kept the press miles away, and shot one of the protesters.... I wonder if your opinion would be just as harsh. Doubt it.
Had any of the protesters resisted arrest, fled from authorities, been suspected of carrying a gun, and reached for it, they too would have been shot too.
so since none of that happened, why was the dude shot?

so being suspected of carrying a gun is why the use of deadly force was authorized

that certainly does not appear to be lawful
I would like to highlight and point out this as fact as well. There is no way an airplane could have been flying that slow to take that video.
The FBI says it was a plane. I have reason to believe you over them. Plus you'll note, it was flying in circles when Finicum's vehicle was stopped.
Yes, they said plane, the problem is planes Don't hover. So Sherlock, how do you suppose their magic plane did that.
The plane doesn't hover.

Have you forgotten already? You're a fucking retard.
Dude I watched many minutes of the video and the camera shot never changed. Again, give me a plane that can do that?
You forget, you're a fucking retard. The plane never hovers. When the vehicle was moving, the plane was following it. When the vehicle was still, the plane circled around it.
hahahaahahahahahahahaahhaahaha too funny a plane can now go 60 miles an hour and fly? Oh and when the car is in a snow bank can hover for three minutes.
The FBI says it was a plane. I have reason to believe you over them. Plus you'll note, it was flying in circles when Finicum's vehicle was stopped.
Yes, they said plane, the problem is planes Don't hover. So Sherlock, how do you suppose their magic plane did that.
The plane doesn't hover.

Have you forgotten already? You're a fucking retard.
Dude I watched many minutes of the video and the camera shot never changed. Again, give me a plane that can do that?
You forget, you're a fucking retard. The plane never hovers. When the vehicle was moving, the plane was following it. When the vehicle was still, the plane circled around it.
hahahaahahahahahahahaahhaahaha too funny a plane can now go 60 miles an hour and fly? Oh and when the car is in a snow bank can hover for three minutes.

could have been a helicopter i suppose

that to is an "aircraft"

but a local craft probably would not have been in zulu time
So, let's see if I can put another twist on the assholes in Oregon. Sure the last four should have come out a long time ago, but I have to wonder about this dated Feb 3:

Link: Last Line Of Communication With Militants Cut

I understand the reasoning, but isn't this a bit of more overstepping? To localize your personal cell phone and cut it off and/or monitor it so closely? Did they get a court order to do so? Shouldn't they need to?

And then there's this, Feb 6:


Link: Police Add Warning To Refuge Roadblock

So cut off all communications and then keep the press miles away?

Yep, freedom of speech down there is dead.
They are felons in the commission of a crime. They have no rights, other than to surrender.

Sounds like OWS.

If they cleared out an OWS protest, and kept the press miles away, and shot one of the protesters.... I wonder if your opinion would be just as harsh. Doubt it.
Had any of the protesters resisted arrest, fled from authorities, been suspected of carrying a gun, and reached for it, they too would have been shot too.
so since none of that happened, why was the dude shot?

so being suspected of carrying a gun is why the use of deadly force was authorized

that certainly does not appear to be lawful
dude, it's called probable cause. I don't even know what they were after them for? So not sure what kind of probable cause they could have. it was a traffic stop and bang bang bang. What the fk?
They are felons in the commission of a crime. They have no rights, other than to surrender.

Sounds like OWS.

If they cleared out an OWS protest, and kept the press miles away, and shot one of the protesters.... I wonder if your opinion would be just as harsh. Doubt it.
Had any of the protesters resisted arrest, fled from authorities, been suspected of carrying a gun, and reached for it, they too would have been shot too.
so since none of that happened, why was the dude shot?

so being suspected of carrying a gun is why the use of deadly force was authorized

that certainly does not appear to be lawful
dude, it's called probable cause. I don't even know what they were after them for? So not sure what kind of probable cause they could have. it was a traffic stop and bang bang bang. What the fk?

for trespassing

the order to use deadly force needs to be made public

it will be in time
Stupid ass, you do an armed occupation of federal property, and you are committing a felony. So the assholes were felons, and the police had ever right to stop and arrest them.
Sounds like OWS.

If they cleared out an OWS protest, and kept the press miles away, and shot one of the protesters.... I wonder if your opinion would be just as harsh. Doubt it.
Had any of the protesters resisted arrest, fled from authorities, been suspected of carrying a gun, and reached for it, they too would have been shot too.
so since none of that happened, why was the dude shot?

so being suspected of carrying a gun is why the use of deadly force was authorized

that certainly does not appear to be lawful
dude, it's called probable cause. I don't even know what they were after them for? So not sure what kind of probable cause they could have. it was a traffic stop and bang bang bang. What the fk?

for trespassing

the order to use deadly force needs to be made public

it will be in time
well they were in their vehicles, how is that trespassing. And how is that probable cause for shooting someone on a public road unarmed?
Sounds like OWS.

If they cleared out an OWS protest, and kept the press miles away, and shot one of the protesters.... I wonder if your opinion would be just as harsh. Doubt it.
Had any of the protesters resisted arrest, fled from authorities, been suspected of carrying a gun, and reached for it, they too would have been shot too.
so since none of that happened, why was the dude shot?

so being suspected of carrying a gun is why the use of deadly force was authorized

that certainly does not appear to be lawful
dude, it's called probable cause. I don't even know what they were after them for? So not sure what kind of probable cause they could have. it was a traffic stop and bang bang bang. What the fk?

for trespassing

the order to use deadly force needs to be made public

it will be in time
Since the felons were armed, and had threatened to use deadly force if anyone tried to arrest them, there was no need for an order to use deadly force.
Had any of the protesters resisted arrest, fled from authorities, been suspected of carrying a gun, and reached for it, they too would have been shot too.
so since none of that happened, why was the dude shot?

so being suspected of carrying a gun is why the use of deadly force was authorized

that certainly does not appear to be lawful
dude, it's called probable cause. I don't even know what they were after them for? So not sure what kind of probable cause they could have. it was a traffic stop and bang bang bang. What the fk?

for trespassing

the order to use deadly force needs to be made public

it will be in time
well they were in their vehicles, how is that trespassing. And how is that probable cause for shooting someone on a public road unarmed?

they had been trespassing
Had any of the protesters resisted arrest, fled from authorities, been suspected of carrying a gun, and reached for it, they too would have been shot too.
so since none of that happened, why was the dude shot?

so being suspected of carrying a gun is why the use of deadly force was authorized

that certainly does not appear to be lawful
dude, it's called probable cause. I don't even know what they were after them for? So not sure what kind of probable cause they could have. it was a traffic stop and bang bang bang. What the fk?

for trespassing

the order to use deadly force needs to be made public

it will be in time
Since the felons were armed, and had threatened to use deadly force if anyone tried to arrest them, there was no need for an order to use deadly force.

which one had a felony

post it fuckstick
The FBI says it was a plane. I have reason to believe you over them. Plus you'll note, it was flying in circles when Finicum's vehicle was stopped.
Yes, they said plane, the problem is planes Don't hover. So Sherlock, how do you suppose their magic plane did that.
The plane doesn't hover.

Have you forgotten already? You're a fucking retard.
Dude I watched many minutes of the video and the camera shot never changed. Again, give me a plane that can do that?
You forget, you're a fucking retard. The plane never hovers. When the vehicle was moving, the plane was following it. When the vehicle was still, the plane circled around it.
hahahaahahahahahahahaahhaahaha too funny a plane can now go 60 miles an hour and fly? Oh and when the car is in a snow bank can hover for three minutes.
Now jc, once again you are demonstrating how painfully ignorant you are.

J3 Cub

Carrying a single pilot and no passenger, the L-4 had a top speed of 85 mph (137 km/h), a cruise speed of 75 mph (121 km/h), a service ceiling of 12,000 ft (3,658 m), a stall speed of38 mph (61 km/h), an endurance of three hours, and a range of 225 mi (362 km)

And that is one not altered for STOL..
so since none of that happened, why was the dude shot?

so being suspected of carrying a gun is why the use of deadly force was authorized

that certainly does not appear to be lawful
dude, it's called probable cause. I don't even know what they were after them for? So not sure what kind of probable cause they could have. it was a traffic stop and bang bang bang. What the fk?

for trespassing

the order to use deadly force needs to be made public

it will be in time
Since the felons were armed, and had threatened to use deadly force if anyone tried to arrest them, there was no need for an order to use deadly force.

which one had a felony

post it fuckstick
All, idiot. Armed occupation of a Federal Installation is actually several felonies. I hope they charge them on all, and make the sentences consecutive.
Yes, they said plane, the problem is planes Don't hover. So Sherlock, how do you suppose their magic plane did that.
The plane doesn't hover.

Have you forgotten already? You're a fucking retard.
Dude I watched many minutes of the video and the camera shot never changed. Again, give me a plane that can do that?
You forget, you're a fucking retard. The plane never hovers. When the vehicle was moving, the plane was following it. When the vehicle was still, the plane circled around it.
hahahaahahahahahahahaahhaahaha too funny a plane can now go 60 miles an hour and fly? Oh and when the car is in a snow bank can hover for three minutes.
Now jc, once again you are demonstrating how painfully ignorant you are.

J3 Cub

Carrying a single pilot and no passenger, the L-4 had a top speed of 85 mph (137 km/h), a cruise speed of 75 mph (121 km/h), a service ceiling of 12,000 ft (3,658 m), a stall speed of38 mph (61 km/h), an endurance of three hours, and a range of 225 mi (362 km)

And that is one not altered for STOL..

unlikely but maybe the feds used a cub

but the camera weight would be a limiting factor


maybe a 172 XP
Whatever happened to all those big Festus memorial rallies predicted for the weekend? The ones I found looked like duds. There just aren't very many people who care about the domestic terrorist getting shot for being a dumb-ass suicidal jerk.
so being suspected of carrying a gun is why the use of deadly force was authorized

that certainly does not appear to be lawful
dude, it's called probable cause. I don't even know what they were after them for? So not sure what kind of probable cause they could have. it was a traffic stop and bang bang bang. What the fk?

for trespassing

the order to use deadly force needs to be made public

it will be in time
Since the felons were armed, and had threatened to use deadly force if anyone tried to arrest them, there was no need for an order to use deadly force.

which one had a felony

post it fuckstick
All, idiot. Armed occupation of a Federal Installation is actually several felonies. I hope they charge them on all, and make the sentences consecutive.

liar not one is a convicted felon

so now the federal land is not public land afterall

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