Assholes Not Activists

The fact that there are people in this country that view protesters as terrorists, is proof that we need a anti-inbreeding campaign

So you never said the Protesters in Oregon were terrorists?? You are one of the few libtards that didn't in that case.


The insurgents in Oregon took over public buildings and declared war on the United States, because they didn't get to use public lands for free. Protesters in Chicago brought banners to a fascist political event, and were attacked by fascists.

I see that since you are not aware of these facts, you must only watch far-right news sources. G'day.
The fact that there are people in this country that view protesters as terrorists, is proof that we need a anti-inbreeding campaign
Do you feel the same about tea party protests??
...or is that different

Sit ins have been used by lefties at least since my Uni days. Can't recall them being convicted of terrorism.

Protesting at a campaign rally designed to get your vote is as old as America.
Just like the last election where the protesters were paid to protest.................Trying to intimidate those going to a Romney Rally......................

Just like many were paid last night and bused in to reek havoc.................This is right out of the standard liberal play book.............

And a few go to jail even though they taunt people just wanting to go to a rally. This is a different election. If these tactics continue by the will get bloody before this is done.................I saw the news last night and many Trump supporters were ready to throw down with them last night.....................

Mark my words.............before this is all said and done there will be blood on the streets over this BS.........

How about the DNC stop their usual shit.....................
Protesting at a campaign rally designed to get your vote is as old as America.
Just like the last election where the protesters were paid to protest.................Trying to intimidate those going to a Romney Rally......................

Just like many were paid last night and bused in to reek havoc.................This is right out of the standard liberal play book.............

And a few go to jail even though they taunt people just wanting to go to a rally. This is a different election. If these tactics continue by the will get bloody before this is done.................I saw the news last night and many Trump supporters were ready to throw down with them last night.....................

Mark my words.............before this is all said and done there will be blood on the streets over this BS.........

How about the DNC stop their usual shit.....................
You pretend that all sides don't do this.

This is a result of Trump encouraging his supporters to use violence. People are pushing back against his fascist tactics.
Protesting at a campaign rally designed to get your vote is as old as America.
Just like the last election where the protesters were paid to protest.................Trying to intimidate those going to a Romney Rally......................

Just like many were paid last night and bused in to reek havoc.................This is right out of the standard liberal play book.............

And a few go to jail even though they taunt people just wanting to go to a rally. This is a different election. If these tactics continue by the will get bloody before this is done.................I saw the news last night and many Trump supporters were ready to throw down with them last night.....................

Mark my words.............before this is all said and done there will be blood on the streets over this BS.........

How about the DNC stop their usual shit.....................
You pretend that all sides don't do this.

This is a result of Trump encouraging his supporters to use violence. People are pushing back against his fascist tactics.
BS...........Your side tried to equate the Tea Party to this shit and that dog doesn't hunt................Your beloved Pres........helped incite this kind of shit, and they took it to new levels where groups like the Panthers were calling for the killing of police..........

So now they pay these asshats to protest and it's violent and you blame the people trying to peacefully assemble.

America is tired of the establishment...........and they are tired of thugs burning down towns..............This wasn't a protest..........This was a bunch of Thugs Hell bent to cause Chaos.................Sooner or later the people they threaten will not stand for it and there will be Hell to pay.
The fact that there are people in this country that view protesters as terrorists, is proof that we need a anti-inbreeding campaign

So you never said the Protesters in Oregon were terrorists?? You are one of the few libtards that didn't in that case.


The insurgents in Oregon took over public buildings and declared war on the United States, because they didn't get to use public lands for free. Protesters in Chicago brought banners to a fascist political event, and were attacked by fascists.

I see that since you are not aware of these facts, you must only watch far-right news sources. G'day.
that makes them criminals and idiots - not terrorists.

When you call others out for doing the same shit you do it certainly does not bolster your case...
Look at the footage of the protestors. They were all colors and ages. People don't like presidential candidates calling for violence against peaceful protesters. Nor shOld they.
Would it not be great if all the *hate speech coming from the right in America were challenged for what it is, ignorance? Their 'devil' keeps them busy while power and authority laughs. The OP is dog whistle at its finest.

"Mass movements can rise and spread without belief in a God, but never without belief in a devil. Usually the strength of a mass movement is proportionate to the vividness and tangibility of its devil. Like an ideal deity, an ideal devil is omnipotent and omnipresent." Eric Hoffer

'Southern Strategy.' Dog Whistle Politics

"Republicans, of course, cloak themselves in the rhetoric of freedom and necessity and express concern about future generations. That the beast they would slay ultimately translates to the lives of American citizens, including some of the most vulnerable who depend on government social programs to which they enjoy legal, political, and moral entitlement, is irrelevant. Hatred of government is a disease with them. They loathe common purpose and project, especially when channeled through the state. Their hatred of government, it seems to me, is tantamount to hatred of country." Steven Johnston The Contemporary Condition: Why Do Republicans Hate America?

'Becoming Evil: How Ordinary People Commit Genocide and Mass Killing' by James Waller
Yes, any time that it is pointed out that a left organization is being racist, asinine or otherwise doing moronic things claim that it is all a ploy from the right and they are deploying a 'dog whistle.'

Do you even read your own tripe - it is pathetic.
Look you have a liberal college professor advocating violence against a student THAT'S how fucked up the left is. I'm glad they fired her ass!
That is what you liberals are showing America. And more and more are seeing it. The rally you shut down? Big deal, his polls are now up more and why?
Because America saw assholes NOT activists. You removed somebodies RIGHT to free speech AND busted up a public gathering that was legal. You took away America's voice.

But your being assholes did not stop there. This little story picked up by another member here.
Kansas U #BLM: Sororiety selling candy fundraiser for cancer kids is a racist microaggression
BLM trying to prevent college students from raising money for kids with cancer.
That IS scum level assholes.

That is a group YOU pander to, willing to disrupt a DYING child's treatment because they see it as racist. What f#cking color is cancer anyway? I myself have been through it twice. ALL colors in that room, ALL fighting for one thing. LIFE.
But the Ni99ers say its racist to save children from cancer. And they were ni99ers, all of them.

Trump now stands at 45% and is well on his way to 60 or 65%. And all you have to do is find a mirror to see who is doing it. Here you are yelling racist at Trump the SAME day you are protesting voluntary funding for kids with cancer because YOU say its racist.

Someone has to look at you and just tell you the truth and if its me? Oh well.
So let me just break this down to you liberal f#ck wits in terms you might be able to understand.

1, ILLEGALS are NOT a race, its a CRIMINAL action by people.
2, Freedom of speech is not limited to race, it's a f#cking right.
3, Freedom to gather is not a race, it's a f#cking right.
4, Cancer is not a race, it's willing to kill ANYBODY.

You are NOT activists. You ARE assholes and the sooner you are treated as such the better America will be.

Let me be honest, your posts are generally distasteful and inflammatory.

On the other hand, only an idiot wouldn't agree with some of your points here. Trampling upon freedom of speech and the right to assemble is not an American action. Regardless of how you feel about a group of people, or whether or not you agree with them, all people in our nation should be afforded these basic rights and we really need to target this type of behavior as "bad" rather than celebrate it.

On the may (or may not depending on your viewpoint) have started with legitimate reasoning for good, however, I think we can all recognize that it has been taken over by a radical faction and ranks somewhere akin to the KKK (the modern iteration, not the old one) as far as many of their actions are concerned.
Protesting at a campaign rally designed to get your vote is as old as America.
Just like the last election where the protesters were paid to protest.................Trying to intimidate those going to a Romney Rally......................

Just like many were paid last night and bused in to reek havoc.................This is right out of the standard liberal play book.............

And a few go to jail even though they taunt people just wanting to go to a rally. This is a different election. If these tactics continue by the will get bloody before this is done.................I saw the news last night and many Trump supporters were ready to throw down with them last night.....................

Mark my words.............before this is all said and done there will be blood on the streets over this BS.........

How about the DNC stop their usual shit.....................
You pretend that all sides don't do this.

This is a result of Trump encouraging his supporters to use violence. People are pushing back against his fascist tactics.
BS..............This was a planned assault by the DNC.
Protesting at a campaign rally designed to get your vote is as old as America.
Just like the last election where the protesters were paid to protest.................Trying to intimidate those going to a Romney Rally......................

Just like many were paid last night and bused in to reek havoc.................This is right out of the standard liberal play book.............

And a few go to jail even though they taunt people just wanting to go to a rally. This is a different election. If these tactics continue by the will get bloody before this is done.................I saw the news last night and many Trump supporters were ready to throw down with them last night.....................

Mark my words.............before this is all said and done there will be blood on the streets over this BS.........

How about the DNC stop their usual shit.....................
You pretend that all sides don't do this.

This is a result of Trump encouraging his supporters to use violence. People are pushing back against his fascist tactics.
BS..............This was a planned assault by the DNC.

lol, are you sure Clive Bundy wasn't behind it?
That is what you liberals are showing America. And more and more are seeing it. The rally you shut down? Big deal, his polls are now up more and why?
Because America saw assholes NOT activists. You removed somebodies RIGHT to free speech AND busted up a public gathering that was legal. You took away America's voice.

But your being assholes did not stop there. This little story picked up by another member here.
Kansas U #BLM: Sororiety selling candy fundraiser for cancer kids is a racist microaggression
BLM trying to prevent college students from raising money for kids with cancer.
That IS scum level assholes.

That is a group YOU pander to, willing to disrupt a DYING child's treatment because they see it as racist. What f#cking color is cancer anyway? I myself have been through it twice. ALL colors in that room, ALL fighting for one thing. LIFE.
But the Ni99ers say its racist to save children from cancer. And they were ni99ers, all of them.

Trump now stands at 45% and is well on his way to 60 or 65%. And all you have to do is find a mirror to see who is doing it. Here you are yelling racist at Trump the SAME day you are protesting voluntary funding for kids with cancer because YOU say its racist.

Someone has to look at you and just tell you the truth and if its me? Oh well.
So let me just break this down to you liberal f#ck wits in terms you might be able to understand.

1, ILLEGALS are NOT a race, its a CRIMINAL action by people.
2, Freedom of speech is not limited to race, it's a f#cking right.
3, Freedom to gather is not a race, it's a f#cking right.
4, Cancer is not a race, it's willing to kill ANYBODY.

You are NOT activists. You ARE assholes and the sooner you are treated as such the better America will be.

Let me be honest, your posts are generally distasteful and inflammatory.

On the other hand, only an idiot wouldn't agree with some of your points here. Trampling upon freedom of speech and the right to assemble is not an American action. Regardless of how you feel about a group of people, or whether or not you agree with them, all people in our nation should be afforded these basic rights and we really need to target this type of behavior as "bad" rather than celebrate it.

On the may (or may not depending on your viewpoint) have started with legitimate reasoning for good, however, I think we can all recognize that it has been taken over by a radical faction and ranks somewhere akin to the KKK (the modern iteration, not the old one) as far as many of their actions are concerned.
I would not equate them with the KKK as they were based more on hate and I would say that BLM is based more on victim hood. I think where it has gone wrong is that they have been taken over by fanatics that have already come to a conclusion (that blacks are victims and the perpetrators are complicit bad people) facts be damned and anyone in the way can simply be run over. The grater problem IMHO is that such is tolerated from specific groups like BLM rather than treated as the asinine behavior that it is.
Nothing but a bunch of thug animals, they get what they deserve.

The Trumpies should have their children taken away.

Anyone bringing a child to a Trump rally should be arrested.

Let's not let ignorance and bigotry pass on to the next Generation.

Let's raise a generation of real Americans.
oh look, another home grown terrorist with a stupid name because his parents couldn't spell... anti violence activist? right


Really, show the entire video with sound -- let's hear what Hoss with the hunting cap said.

Big fat pussy mouthed off and got his ass kicked.

That's life in the big city, goober.

If you can't handle it, stay in the country and keep your fucking bigoted mouth shut.
Protesting at a campaign rally designed to get your vote is as old as America.
Just like the last election where the protesters were paid to protest.................Trying to intimidate those going to a Romney Rally......................

Just like many were paid last night and bused in to reek havoc.................This is right out of the standard liberal play book.............

And a few go to jail even though they taunt people just wanting to go to a rally. This is a different election. If these tactics continue by the will get bloody before this is done.................I saw the news last night and many Trump supporters were ready to throw down with them last night.....................

Mark my words.............before this is all said and done there will be blood on the streets over this BS.........

How about the DNC stop their usual shit.....................
You pretend that all sides don't do this.

This is a result of Trump encouraging his supporters to use violence. People are pushing back against his fascist tactics.
BS..............This was a planned assault by the DNC.

lol, are you sure Clive Bundy wasn't behind it?

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