Assholes Not Activists

Sorry.......we are new to playing the victim card..........

New? Rofl...and he just admitted to playing. Rofl.
Look guy......just a little help here.............we are new to this shit....

New to pretending to being a victim? So should everyone play along?
Damn your dumb.........How did you make it past puberty...............

Your side are the experts............and since you want to help us so bad in choosing the candidate I figured you'd like to help us learn the victim card.............geesh..............Does your mommy still tie your shoes.........

I just want to know if after admitting you were only playing do you expect people to play along with you?

"New to playing it" does not mean it's been played. Didn't Clinton teechu nuffink???

seems like textbook terror tactics to me

Typical neocon whackjob. Word of the decade is "terrorist". Your job, as a neocon whackjob, is to see how many times you can misuse it in every post. You're doing a sterling job so far.

Test time:

Tea party
All lives matter
...if you answered "terrorist" to all of these then you are a DEMOKKKRAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you say you are a Democrat but did not then you better go learn your mantra!!

Protesting at a campaign rally designed to get your vote is as old as America.
Just like the last election where the protesters were paid to protest.................Trying to intimidate those going to a Romney Rally......................

Just like many were paid last night and bused in to reek havoc.................This is right out of the standard liberal play book.............

And a few go to jail even though they taunt people just wanting to go to a rally. This is a different election. If these tactics continue by the will get bloody before this is done.................I saw the news last night and many Trump supporters were ready to throw down with them last night.....................

Mark my words.............before this is all said and done there will be blood on the streets over this BS.........

How about the DNC stop their usual shit.....................
You pretend that all sides don't do this.

This is a result of Trump encouraging his supporters to use violence. People are pushing back against his fascist tactics.
BS..............This was a planned assault by the DNC.
You keep telling yourself that.
Protesting at a campaign rally designed to get your vote is as old as America.
Just like the last election where the protesters were paid to protest.................Trying to intimidate those going to a Romney Rally......................

Just like many were paid last night and bused in to reek havoc.................This is right out of the standard liberal play book.............

And a few go to jail even though they taunt people just wanting to go to a rally. This is a different election. If these tactics continue by the will get bloody before this is done.................I saw the news last night and many Trump supporters were ready to throw down with them last night.....................

Mark my words.............before this is all said and done there will be blood on the streets over this BS.........

How about the DNC stop their usual shit.....................
You pretend that all sides don't do this.

This is a result of Trump encouraging his supporters to use violence. People are pushing back against his fascist tactics.
BS..............This was a planned assault by the DNC.

lol, are you sure Clive Bundy wasn't behind it?

You're retarded. If we stipulate to that, will you stop trying to prove it.
The 2nd Amendment is to enable armed rebellion against the government, according to the RWnuts.

Apparently there isn't an amendment to enable peaceful protest.
Nothing but a bunch of thug animals, they get what they deserve.

The Trumpies should have their children taken away.

Anyone bringing a child to a Trump rally should be arrested.

Let's not let ignorance and bigotry pass on to the next Generation.

Let's raise a generation of real Americans.

Your just mad because we are whipping libs asses. Hey if you are a wise ass, yell, and flip people off you may get a smack in the mouth. Run home to your momma's and cry about it.

Haven't whipped anything yet except Ben Carson and Bush.

35% tops at the National level.

It's going to suck for you on Nov 9th.
Protesting at a campaign rally designed to get your vote is as old as America.
Just like the last election where the protesters were paid to protest.................Trying to intimidate those going to a Romney Rally......................

Just like many were paid last night and bused in to reek havoc.................This is right out of the standard liberal play book.............

And a few go to jail even though they taunt people just wanting to go to a rally. This is a different election. If these tactics continue by the will get bloody before this is done.................I saw the news last night and many Trump supporters were ready to throw down with them last night.....................

Mark my words.............before this is all said and done there will be blood on the streets over this BS.........

How about the DNC stop their usual shit.....................
You pretend that all sides don't do this.

This is a result of Trump encouraging his supporters to use violence. People are pushing back against his fascist tactics.
BS..............This was a planned assault by the DNC.
You keep telling yourself that.
Don't worry I will.
Nothing but a bunch of thug animals, they get what they deserve.

The Trumpies should have their children taken away.

Anyone bringing a child to a Trump rally should be arrested.

Let's not let ignorance and bigotry pass on to the next Generation.

Let's raise a generation of real Americans.

Your just mad because we are whipping libs asses. Hey if you are a wise ass, yell, and flip people off you may get a smack in the mouth. Run home to your momma's and cry about it.

Haven't whipped anything yet except Ben Carson and Bush.

35% tops at the National level.

It's going to suck for you on Nov 9th.

Says the side that just got wiped out in the last election :laugh::laugh::laugh:
You show up at a rally and assault somebody ( ie: grab their sign ).....might very well end up losing an eye or some teeth or worse. Its called self-defense. Outside the rally...........God bless.........this is America. You walk inside a rally though and get your balls blued badly..........your own fault!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::fu:
New? Rofl...and he just admitted to playing. Rofl.
Look guy......just a little help here.............we are new to this shit....

New to pretending to being a victim? So should everyone play along?
Damn your dumb.........How did you make it past puberty...............

Your side are the experts............and since you want to help us so bad in choosing the candidate I figured you'd like to help us learn the victim card.............geesh..............Does your mommy still tie your shoes.........

I just want to know if after admitting you were only playing do you expect people to play along with you?

"New to playing it" does not mean it's been played. Didn't Clinton teechu nuffink???

:badgrin: Playing is not a verb! I hear ya. :badgrin:
That is what you liberals are showing America. And more and more are seeing it. The rally you shut down? Big deal, his polls are now up more and why?
Because America saw assholes NOT activists. You removed somebodies RIGHT to free speech AND busted up a public gathering that was legal. You took away America's voice.

But your being assholes did not stop there. This little story picked up by another member here.
Kansas U #BLM: Sororiety selling candy fundraiser for cancer kids is a racist microaggression
BLM trying to prevent college students from raising money for kids with cancer.
That IS scum level assholes.

That is a group YOU pander to, willing to disrupt a DYING child's treatment because they see it as racist. What f#cking color is cancer anyway? I myself have been through it twice. ALL colors in that room, ALL fighting for one thing. LIFE.
But the Ni99ers say its racist to save children from cancer. And they were ni99ers, all of them.

Trump now stands at 45% and is well on his way to 60 or 65%. And all you have to do is find a mirror to see who is doing it. Here you are yelling racist at Trump the SAME day you are protesting voluntary funding for kids with cancer because YOU say its racist.

Someone has to look at you and just tell you the truth and if its me? Oh well.
So let me just break this down to you liberal f#ck wits in terms you might be able to understand.

1, ILLEGALS are NOT a race, its a CRIMINAL action by people.
2, Freedom of speech is not limited to race, it's a f#cking right.
3, Freedom to gather is not a race, it's a f#cking right.
4, Cancer is not a race, it's willing to kill ANYBODY.

You are NOT activists. You ARE assholes and the sooner you are treated as such the better America will be.


Really Good thread Fury!

It pissed me off when I read that they fought against a fucking candy sale for cancer kids..that is low. I agree that the BLM has been hi-jacked by ignorant people who think color of skin is more important than a sick baby with cancer.

BLM started as a good cause to focus on innocent black people getting shot by police

New name for this Hi-Jacked group. BLB~ Black Life's Bully

with them running around being ADHD with BLM for everything, they are discrediting their original cause.

You show up at a rally and assault somebody ( ie: grab their sign ).....might very well end up losing an eye or some teeth or worse. Its called self-defense. Outside the rally...........God bless.........this is America. You walk inside a rally though and get your balls blued badly..........your own fault!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::fu:

If someone came into a concert, movie, speaker, rally..... anything that I paid good money to see, I would kick their ass
Or in reality beat them black and blue with my old lady purse...



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Trampling upon freedom of speech and the right to assemble is not an American action.

Then why did "Americans" do it in Chicago?
Just because you come from the nation of America doesn't necessarily mean that you hold what we consider to be traditional American ideals. Unless, of course, you think that people like the Westboro Baptist Church, Scientologists, or the KKK are all representative of "American" actions / ideals. (Now, you can think this, not saying you don't, what I will say is that I will have a good laugh if you do think this).
Just because you come from the nation of America doesn't necessarily mean that you hold what we consider to be traditional American ideals.

Oh wow. I'm getting a lecture on how to be an American by someone who sounds like he isn't even an American.

Take a hike.
I don't sound American...if I used "ain't" or "bless your heart" would that sound better to you?

Nice counter argument btw. You totally avoided any sort of logical defense you needed to mount to my points by simply saying "doesn't sound 'merican to me!" lol I hope that keeps working for ya bud. You'll really convince a lot of people with that.

Edit: Even more genius coming from a guy with a user name from a video game, and a sig from an anime. How is that Diablo going for ya buddy? Maybe you should just stick to those video games.
I don't sound American...if I used "ain't" or "bless your heart" would that sound better to you?

No, making sense would sound better to me. Because aside from the sentence in your paragraph I replied to, your post made zero sense. It's not due to my lack of reading comprehension or some sort of intellectual deficiency, it's due to your lack of making sense. Understand?

Unless, of course, you think that people like the Westboro Baptist Church, Scientologists, or the KKK are all representative of "American" actions / ideals. (Now, you can think this, not saying you don't, what I will say is that I will have a good laugh if you do think this).

So as a gesture of courtesy, I'll lend your chicken scratch some credence:

While not representative of civil American society, Westboro, Scientologists (wtf?) and the KKK are protected by one of the most iconic amendments in the US Constitution. The First Amendment. Hate speech is hate speech, but it is protected speech. And being able to speak your mind to things you see as a problem with America is one of the most American things you can do, even if their opinions don't necessarily mesh with yours. It is only when that speech devolves into detrimental action against others that it ceases to be speech.

And please do tell me, what is it that you "consider to be American?" Inquiring minds would like to know.
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One thing is for sure, whether you love Trump or hate him, he's got everyone in an uproar like no other
I don't sound American...if I used "ain't" or "bless your heart" would that sound better to you?

No, making sense would sound better to me. Because aside from the sentence in your paragraph I replied to, your post made zero sense. It's not due to my lack of reading comprehension or some sort of intellectual deficiency, it's due to your lack of making sense. Understand?

Unless, of course, you think that people like the Westboro Baptist Church, Scientologists, or the KKK are all representative of "American" actions / ideals. (Now, you can think this, not saying you don't, what I will say is that I will have a good laugh if you do think this).

So as a gesture of courtesy, I'll lend your chicken scratch some credence:

While not representative of civil American society, Westboro and the KKK are protected by one of the most iconic amendments in the US Constitution. The First Amendment. Hate speech is hate speech, but it is protected speech. And being able to speak your mind to things you see as a problem with America is one of the most American things you can do, even if their opinions don't necessarily mesh with yours. It is only when that speech devolves into detrimental action against others that it ceases to be speech.

And please do tell me, what is it that you "consider to be American?" Inquiring minds would like to know.
Ideals I'd typically consider some of the core American beliefs to be independence, freedom, equality, and the strength of an individual (the ability for somebody to work hard / be talented and have real affect on his surroundings). These are apparent in some other cultures, but are exceptionally strong in American society.

I never said that their (KKK, WBC, etc.) speech wasn't protected. I simply pointed out that their value systems are not typically representative of American ideals, at large. Particularly, they don't seem to agree with such ideas as freedom and equality (in this case for the individuals they discriminate against).

To the original point, you can be an American and not exhibit the core values that American society places importance on...such were my examples with the extremist organizations. Likewise, while most Americans tend to respect the basic freedom to assemble and freedom of speech, the Americans in Chicago did not respect these basic freedoms for Trump and his supporters. Thus we have Americans who have committed an un-American action.

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