Assholes Not Activists

That is what you liberals are showing America. And more and more are seeing it. The rally you shut down? Big deal, his polls are now up more and why?
Because America saw assholes NOT activists. You removed somebodies RIGHT to free speech AND busted up a public gathering that was legal. You took away America's voice.

But your being assholes did not stop there. This little story picked up by another member here.
Kansas U #BLM: Sororiety selling candy fundraiser for cancer kids is a racist microaggression
BLM trying to prevent college students from raising money for kids with cancer.
That IS scum level assholes.

That is a group YOU pander to, willing to disrupt a DYING child's treatment because they see it as racist. What f#cking color is cancer anyway? I myself have been through it twice. ALL colors in that room, ALL fighting for one thing. LIFE.
But the Ni99ers say its racist to save children from cancer. And they were ni99ers, all of them.

Trump now stands at 45% and is well on his way to 60 or 65%. And all you have to do is find a mirror to see who is doing it. Here you are yelling racist at Trump the SAME day you are protesting voluntary funding for kids with cancer because YOU say its racist.

Someone has to look at you and just tell you the truth and if its me? Oh well.
So let me just break this down to you liberal f#ck wits in terms you might be able to understand.

1, ILLEGALS are NOT a race, its a CRIMINAL action by people.
2, Freedom of speech is not limited to race, it's a f#cking right.
3, Freedom to gather is not a race, it's a f#cking right.
4, Cancer is not a race, it's willing to kill ANYBODY.

You are NOT activists. You ARE assholes and the sooner you are treated as such the better America will be.


You might want to note that that 45% is among crazy right wingers. The general election will need votes from a completely different group.
I'm pretty sure that was the original point you had issue with.

I don't think you have any idea what an American is. It's not what you or I define it to be. American is American, whether they share your ideals of Americanism or mine is irrelevant. Your error was trying to place a definition of what an American is. If anything, our freedom makes us American.

I'll remind you that you did make this post:

Just because you come from the nation of America doesn't necessarily mean that you hold what we consider to be traditional American ideals.
I'm pretty sure that was the original point you had issue with.

I don't think you have any idea what an American is. It's not what you or I define it to be. American is American, whether they share your ideals of Americanism or mine is irrelevant. Your error was trying to place a definition of what an American is. If anything, our freedom makes us American.

I'll remind you that you did make this post:

Just because you come from the nation of America doesn't necessarily mean that you hold what we consider to be traditional American ideals.
I'm beginning to think you have never been outside of the country.

I agree, you can certainly argue about exactly how you want to define what an "American" is...although it is worthy to note that you even allow "our freedom makes us American", as I also point out in a previous post. Regardless, people of different nations have different cultures, different values, different ways of acting. To deny this basic fact, that there is an American culture, value system, etc. is pretty ignorant and speaks to your lack of knowledge of both global cultures and basic humanity.
If you don't agree with how I defined American ideas, then you are certainly welcome to argue against that. If you believe American's don't value freedom, independence, equality, or strength of the individual, you are more than welcome to elaborate on why. However, don't be so ignorant as to believe that we don't have a culture, value system, or common idea set...its almost egregious in how absurd it is.
Look guy......just a little help here.............we are new to this shit....

New to pretending to being a victim? So should everyone play along?
Damn your dumb.........How did you make it past puberty...............

Your side are the experts............and since you want to help us so bad in choosing the candidate I figured you'd like to help us learn the victim card.............geesh..............Does your mommy still tie your shoes.........

I just want to know if after admitting you were only playing do you expect people to play along with you?

"New to playing it" does not mean it's been played. Didn't Clinton teechu nuffink???

:badgrin: Playing is not a verb! I hear ya. :badgrin:


The 2nd Amendment is to enable armed rebellion against the government, according to the RWnuts.

Apparently there isn't an amendment to enable peaceful protest.

You never heard of "freedom of speech"???

I'm beginning to think you have never been outside of the country.

No, but I've been to 13 states in my lifetime, that may soon double in a few months. And if you truly are a foreigner lobbing your opinions from yonder lands about what you consider "American ideals," then as I said earlier, you have no place lecturing any American citizen on how to be an American.

And before I go, I need to ask you a question about a post I quoted earlier:

Just because you come from the nation of America doesn't necessarily mean that you hold what we consider to be traditional American ideals.

Who is "we?"
I'm beginning to think you have never been outside of the country.

No, but I've been to 13 states in my lifetime, that may soon double in a few months. And if you truly are a foreigner lobbing your opinions from yonder lands, then as I said earlier, you have no place lecturing any American citizen on how to be an American.

And before I go, I need to ask you a couple of questions about a post I quoted earlier:

Just because you come from the nation of America doesn't necessarily mean that you hold what we consider to be traditional American ideals.

Who is "we?"

you have no place lecturing any American citizen on how to be an American.
Nonsense. Yanks tell the rest of the world a lot of stuff quite often; it's tied in with "cultural Imperialism". Just do like we do; take what you like; ignore what you don't.

oh look, another home grown terrorist with a stupid name because his parents couldn't spell... anti violence activist? right

Look, a racist making fun of how Blacks name their children. If he was a White girl named Brandee you would say nothing.
I'm beginning to think you have never been outside of the country.

No, but I've been to 13 states in my lifetime, that may soon double in a few months. And if you truly are a foreigner lobbing your opinions from yonder lands about what you consider "American ideals," then as I said earlier, you have no place lecturing any American citizen on how to be an American.

And before I go, I need to ask you a question about a post I quoted earlier:

Just because you come from the nation of America doesn't necessarily mean that you hold what we consider to be traditional American ideals.

Who is "we?"
Someone from another country is free to comment on how humans should act human.
Look guy......just a little help here.............we are new to this shit....

New to pretending to being a victim? So should everyone play along?
Damn your dumb.........How did you make it past puberty...............

Your side are the experts............and since you want to help us so bad in choosing the candidate I figured you'd like to help us learn the victim card.............geesh..............Does your mommy still tie your shoes.........

I just want to know if after admitting you were only playing do you expect people to play along with you?

"New to playing it" does not mean it's been played. Didn't Clinton teechu nuffink???

:badgrin: Playing is not a verb! I hear ya. :badgrin:

Infinitive maybe...did I tell you that???

I'm beginning to think you have never been outside of the country.

No, but I've been to 13 states in my lifetime, that may soon double in a few months. And if you truly are a foreigner lobbing your opinions from yonder lands, then as I said earlier, you have no place lecturing any American citizen on how to be an American.

And before I go, I need to ask you a couple of questions about a post I quoted earlier:

Just because you come from the nation of America doesn't necessarily mean that you hold what we consider to be traditional American ideals.

Who is "we?"

you have no place lecturing any American citizen on how to be an American.
Nonsense. Yanks tell the rest of the world a lot of stuff quite often; it's tied in with "cultural Imperialism". Just do like we do; take what you like; ignore what you don't.


So answer me this:

Why is Obama wanting us to be more like Europeans then? Huh?

LOL. No wonder Obama is trying to mimic those guys. Let's be more like Europe! Kinda flies in the face of that "cultural imperialism" doesn't it?

Geesh, Eurocentrists are annoying.
Someone from another country is free to comment on how humans should act human.

Humans yes, American humans no. You need to educate yourself on American culture before you open your mouth. Otherwise you sound like an idiot.
You should get out in the world and see what life is about instead of hiding where you were born and resorting to name calling. I lived in American culture longer than you have been alive.
I'm beginning to think you have never been outside of the country.

No, but I've been to 13 states in my lifetime, that may soon double in a few months. And if you truly are a foreigner lobbing your opinions from yonder lands, then as I said earlier, you have no place lecturing any American citizen on how to be an American.

And before I go, I need to ask you a couple of questions about a post I quoted earlier:

Just because you come from the nation of America doesn't necessarily mean that you hold what we consider to be traditional American ideals.

Who is "we?"

you have no place lecturing any American citizen on how to be an American.
Nonsense. Yanks tell the rest of the world a lot of stuff quite often; it's tied in with "cultural Imperialism". Just do like we do; take what you like; ignore what you don't.


So answer me this:

Why is Obama wanting us to be more like Europeans then? Huh?

LOL. No wonder Obama is trying to mimic those guys. Let's be more like Europe! Kinda flies in the face of that "cultural imperialism" doesn't it?

Geesh, Eurocentrists are annoying.
One of his better ideas.
You should get out in the world and see what life is about instead of hiding where you were born and resorting to name calling.

Wait what?

I've been to 13 states. I've gotten out and explored my world. I've interacted with many people with many viewpoints. So instead of lecturing me on getting out into the world, get to know me first.

I lived in American culture longer than you have been alive.

So, now it's about whose been an American longer? Don't you think that sounds childish?
I'm beginning to think you have never been outside of the country.

No, but I've been to 13 states in my lifetime, that may soon double in a few months. And if you truly are a foreigner lobbing your opinions from yonder lands, then as I said earlier, you have no place lecturing any American citizen on how to be an American.

And before I go, I need to ask you a couple of questions about a post I quoted earlier:

Just because you come from the nation of America doesn't necessarily mean that you hold what we consider to be traditional American ideals.

Who is "we?"

you have no place lecturing any American citizen on how to be an American.
Nonsense. Yanks tell the rest of the world a lot of stuff quite often; it's tied in with "cultural Imperialism". Just do like we do; take what you like; ignore what you don't.


So answer me this:

Why is Obama wanting us to be more like Europeans then? Huh?

LOL. No wonder Obama is trying to mimic those guys. Let's be more like Europe! Kinda flies in the face of that "cultural imperialism" doesn't it?

Geesh, Eurocentrists are annoying.
One of his better ideas.

This is hilarious. If you don't like American culture, go live in Europe.
You should get out in the world and see what life is about instead of hiding where you were born and resorting to name calling.

Wait what?

I've been to 13 states. I've gotten out and explored my world. I've interacted with many people with many viewpoints. So instead of lecturing me on getting out into the world, get to know me first.

I lived in American culture longer than you have been alive.

So, now it's about whose been an American longer? Don't you think that sounds childish?
It is about who has been out in the world and experienced more. You should be ashamed to bragging about 13 states, but you are not knowledgeable enough to know it.
I'm beginning to think you have never been outside of the country.

No, but I've been to 13 states in my lifetime, that may soon double in a few months. And if you truly are a foreigner lobbing your opinions from yonder lands, then as I said earlier, you have no place lecturing any American citizen on how to be an American.

And before I go, I need to ask you a couple of questions about a post I quoted earlier:

Just because you come from the nation of America doesn't necessarily mean that you hold what we consider to be traditional American ideals.

Who is "we?"

you have no place lecturing any American citizen on how to be an American.
Nonsense. Yanks tell the rest of the world a lot of stuff quite often; it's tied in with "cultural Imperialism". Just do like we do; take what you like; ignore what you don't.


So answer me this:

Why is Obama wanting us to be more like Europeans then? Huh?

LOL. No wonder Obama is trying to mimic those guys. Let's be more like Europe! Kinda flies in the face of that "cultural imperialism" doesn't it?

Geesh, Eurocentrists are annoying.
One of his better ideas.

This is hilarious. If you don't like American culture, go live in Europe.
I have lived in Europe for almost 20 years. It has been a spectacular experience, and better all of the time.

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