Assimilation in America

You are saying that people who liVe here and have always lived here need to assimilate?
Indeed they do. Now, will they?
See a doctor, you are seriously mentally unstable. I hope you don't have any guns.
Guns? Why yes, I do. This is America after all.

And tell us, can you accept the fact that Muslims have rights here (or only people like you)?
No, muslims need to be rounded up and locked away. And you are insane. I never saw anyone here that I really thought was nuts, but you are.
The Muslims aren't trying to make it 1929 here again.
There are so many here who simply refuse to assimilate. They want their God to rule. They can't accept a secular state, pluralism, tolerance, religious freedom, freedom of speech, things like gays having equal rights, the science of climate change, evolution, rights for women, human sexuality, legal induced abortion, transgender people (especially children), etc. They just won't get with modern life preferring their old-fashioned ways, outdated views, dogmatic ideologies instead of embracing the American Way which is based on liberalism. They fear all things new and different, especially people from other nations. They are sectarian to the core, splitting over the most minor issues of theology and politics. They want to turn back the clock to what they see as the Good Old Days (which never even existed).

So, I must ask, just when are the Christians going to get with the program and accept life in America? When will they assimilate?

Never, that's what the genocide and removal were all about.
So, since they won't get with the program we can - slaughter them? Should I be ordering more lions?

I think you should go try - and please have it recorded.
Do you have plans to fight back? How un-Christ-like of you.

You will find out sugar.
Nada, zip, zilch, nothing. You're an anonymous poster on a chat board shoog, get real.
There are so many here who simply refuse to assimilate. They want their God to rule. They can't accept a secular state, pluralism, tolerance, religious freedom, freedom of speech, things like gays having equal rights, the science of climate change, evolution, rights for women, human sexuality, legal induced abortion, transgender people (especially children), etc. They just won't get with modern life preferring their old-fashioned ways, outdated views, dogmatic ideologies instead of embracing the American Way which is based on liberalism. They fear all things new and different, especially people from other nations. They are sectarian to the core, splitting over the most minor issues of theology and politics. They want to turn back the clock to what they see as the Good Old Days (which never even existed).

So, I must ask, just when are the Christians going to get with the program and accept life in America? When will they assimilate?

Never, that's what the genocide and removal were all about.
So, since they won't get with the program we can - slaughter them? Should I be ordering more lions?
Sometimes the best thing to do with folk like this is to leave them to themselves; especially when they're flailing about as they are currently.

Much unlike:
Kathy Griffin
Hillary the Hag
Rasa Asian
Bill Mahrer

for who it runs so smoothly
Can we get a Bill Ayers mention in here somewhere? Thanks.

You just did sis.
There are so many here who simply refuse to assimilate. They want their God to rule. They can't accept a secular state, pluralism, tolerance, religious freedom, freedom of speech, things like gays having equal rights, the science of climate change, evolution, rights for women, human sexuality, legal induced abortion, transgender people (especially children), etc. They just won't get with modern life preferring their old-fashioned ways, outdated views, dogmatic ideologies instead of embracing the American Way which is based on liberalism. They fear all things new and different, especially people from other nations. They are sectarian to the core, splitting over the most minor issues of theology and politics. They want to turn back the clock to what they see as the Good Old Days (which never even existed).

So, I must ask, just when are the Christians going to get with the program and accept life in America? When will they assimilate?

Never, that's what the genocide and removal were all about.
So, since they won't get with the program we can - slaughter them? Should I be ordering more lions?

I think you should go try - and please have it recorded.
Do you have plans to fight back? How un-Christ-like of you.

You will find out sugar.
Ah, so those teachings of Jesus (love your enemies and pray for them) you simply ignore? You must agree with Muhammad then, one should kill their enemies?
There are so many here who simply refuse to assimilate. They want their God to rule. They can't accept a secular state, pluralism, tolerance, religious freedom, freedom of speech, things like gays having equal rights, the science of climate change, evolution, rights for women, human sexuality, legal induced abortion, transgender people (especially children), etc. They just won't get with modern life preferring their old-fashioned ways, outdated views, dogmatic ideologies instead of embracing the American Way which is based on liberalism. They fear all things new and different, especially people from other nations. They are sectarian to the core, splitting over the most minor issues of theology and politics. They want to turn back the clock to what they see as the Good Old Days (which never even existed).

So, I must ask, just when are the Christians going to get with the program and accept life in America? When will they assimilate?
The first part of Assimilation is ASS and this OP definitely falls into that category. Every fucking year, some new liberal ideology get FORCED upon Christians who have allowed such immoral actions to come into the US. But, and liberals are nothing but Butts, they(liberals) will continue to poke and prod US and eventually the straw that breaks the camels back will occur, and the liberals aren't going to like what they find. Japan found out the hard way, liberals will too. Just ask the sickly, crooked, vagina ex-candidate and why she lost.

these lefty people are crazy plus they are dishonest as all heck MikeTX.
Never, that's what the genocide and removal were all about.
So, since they won't get with the program we can - slaughter them? Should I be ordering more lions?

I think you should go try - and please have it recorded.
Do you have plans to fight back? How un-Christ-like of you.

You will find out sugar.
Nada, zip, zilch, nothing. You're an anonymous poster on a chat board shoog, get real.

Good thing you are not tinker belle.
You are saying that people who liVe here and have always lived here need to assimilate?
Indeed they do. Now, will they?
See a doctor, you are seriously mentally unstable. I hope you don't have any guns.
Guns? Why yes, I do. This is America after all.

And tell us, can you accept the fact that Muslims have rights here (or only people like you)?
No, muslims need to be rounded up and locked away. And you are insane. I never saw anyone here that I really thought was nuts, but you are.

There ya go, totalitarianism, internment, Christian sharia is the way to go. We’re so different from them.
So, since they won't get with the program we can - slaughter them? Should I be ordering more lions?

I think you should go try - and please have it recorded.
Do you have plans to fight back? How un-Christ-like of you.

You will find out sugar.
Nada, zip, zilch, nothing. You're an anonymous poster on a chat board shoog, get real.

Good thing you are not tinker belle.
We can't all achieve your path to greatness.
Never, that's what the genocide and removal were all about.
So, since they won't get with the program we can - slaughter them? Should I be ordering more lions?

I think you should go try - and please have it recorded.
Do you have plans to fight back? How un-Christ-like of you.

You will find out sugar.
Ah, so those teachings of Jesus (love your enemies and pray for them) you simply ignore? You must agree with Muhammad then, one should kill their enemies?

Talk is cheap - come find out sis.
There are so many here who simply refuse to assimilate. They want their God to rule. They can't accept a secular state, pluralism, tolerance, religious freedom, freedom of speech, things like gays having equal rights, the science of climate change, evolution, rights for women, human sexuality, legal induced abortion, transgender people (especially children), etc. They just won't get with modern life preferring their old-fashioned ways, outdated views, dogmatic ideologies instead of embracing the American Way which is based on liberalism. They fear all things new and different, especially people from other nations. They are sectarian to the core, splitting over the most minor issues of theology and politics. They want to turn back the clock to what they see as the Good Old Days (which never even existed).

So, I must ask, just when are the Christians going to get with the program and accept life in America? When will they assimilate?
The first part of Assimilation is ASS and this OP definitely falls into that category. Every fucking year, some new liberal ideology get FORCED upon Christians who have allowed such immoral actions to come into the US. But, and liberals are nothing but Butts, they(liberals) will continue to poke and prod US and eventually the straw that breaks the camels back will occur, and the liberals aren't going to like what they find. Japan found out the hard way, liberals will too. Just ask the sickly, crooked, vagina ex-candidate and why she lost.

Here's a case in point - he simply refuses to assimilate. They world changes around him and he stands there like a man in the middle of the railroad track.
There are so many here who simply refuse to assimilate. They want their God to rule. They can't accept a secular state, pluralism, tolerance, religious freedom, freedom of speech, things like gays having equal rights, the science of climate change, evolution, rights for women, human sexuality, legal induced abortion, transgender people (especially children), etc. They just won't get with modern life preferring their old-fashioned ways, outdated views, dogmatic ideologies instead of embracing the American Way which is based on liberalism. They fear all things new and different, especially people from other nations. They are sectarian to the core, splitting over the most minor issues of theology and politics. They want to turn back the clock to what they see as the Good Old Days (which never even existed).

So, I must ask, just when are the Christians going to get with the program and accept life in America? When will they assimilate?


^^^Refuses to assimilate with another culture demands everyone be like him^^^


So, since they won't get with the program we can - slaughter them? Should I be ordering more lions?

I think you should go try - and please have it recorded.
Do you have plans to fight back? How un-Christ-like of you.

You will find out sugar.
Ah, so those teachings of Jesus (love your enemies and pray for them) you simply ignore? You must agree with Muhammad then, one should kill their enemies?

Talk is cheap - come find out sis.
You didn't answer the question. Do you obey the teachings of the Christ, yes or no? You're sounding rather ISIS to me.
I think you should go try - and please have it recorded.
Do you have plans to fight back? How un-Christ-like of you.

You will find out sugar.
Nada, zip, zilch, nothing. You're an anonymous poster on a chat board shoog, get real.

Good thing you are not tinker belle.
We can't all achieve your path to greatness.

Can Hillary the Hag?
So, since they won't get with the program we can - slaughter them? Should I be ordering more lions?

I think you should go try - and please have it recorded.
Do you have plans to fight back? How un-Christ-like of you.

You will find out sugar.
Ah, so those teachings of Jesus (love your enemies and pray for them) you simply ignore? You must agree with Muhammad then, one should kill their enemies?

Talk is cheap - come find out sis.
Good lord what a stupid little school boy.
Do you have plans to fight back? How un-Christ-like of you.

You will find out sugar.
Nada, zip, zilch, nothing. You're an anonymous poster on a chat board shoog, get real.

Good thing you are not tinker belle.
We can't all achieve your path to greatness.

Can Hillary the Hag?
Hil is deservedly toast; one party down, one to go.
There are so many here who simply refuse to assimilate. They want their God to rule. They can't accept a secular state, pluralism, tolerance, religious freedom, freedom of speech, things like gays having equal rights, the science of climate change, evolution, rights for women, human sexuality, legal induced abortion, transgender people (especially children), etc. They just won't get with modern life preferring their old-fashioned ways, outdated views, dogmatic ideologies instead of embracing the American Way which is based on liberalism. They fear all things new and different, especially people from other nations. They are sectarian to the core, splitting over the most minor issues of theology and politics. They want to turn back the clock to what they see as the Good Old Days (which never even existed).

So, I must ask, just when are the Christians going to get with the program and accept life in America? When will they assimilate?


^^^Refuses to assimilate with another culture demands everyone be like him^^^



I fit in here just great. I can deal with the married gay guys (with kids) down the block. I think they are Buddhists (and Vegan). No skin off my nose.
I think you should go try - and please have it recorded.
Do you have plans to fight back? How un-Christ-like of you.

You will find out sugar.
Ah, so those teachings of Jesus (love your enemies and pray for them) you simply ignore? You must agree with Muhammad then, one should kill their enemies?

Talk is cheap - come find out sis.
You didn't answer the question. Do you obey the teachings of the Christ, yes or no? You're sounding rather ISIS to me.

Come find out darling
Do you have plans to fight back? How un-Christ-like of you.

You will find out sugar.
Ah, so those teachings of Jesus (love your enemies and pray for them) you simply ignore? You must agree with Muhammad then, one should kill their enemies?

Talk is cheap - come find out sis.
You didn't answer the question. Do you obey the teachings of the Christ, yes or no? You're sounding rather ISIS to me.
Do you have plans to fight back? How un-Christ-like of you.

You will find out sugar.
Ah, so those teachings of Jesus (love your enemies and pray for them) you simply ignore? You must agree with Muhammad then, one should kill their enemies?

Talk is cheap - come find out sis.
You didn't answer the question. Do you obey the teachings of the Christ, yes or no? You're sounding rather ISIS to me.

Come find out darling
Yep, ISIS in America. Another case in point - he refuses to accept reality and change his backwards ways.
You will find out sugar.
Ah, so those teachings of Jesus (love your enemies and pray for them) you simply ignore? You must agree with Muhammad then, one should kill their enemies?

Talk is cheap - come find out sis.
You didn't answer the question. Do you obey the teachings of the Christ, yes or no? You're sounding rather ISIS to me.
You will find out sugar.
Ah, so those teachings of Jesus (love your enemies and pray for them) you simply ignore? You must agree with Muhammad then, one should kill their enemies?

Talk is cheap - come find out sis.
You didn't answer the question. Do you obey the teachings of the Christ, yes or no? You're sounding rather ISIS to me.

Come find out darling
Yep, ISIS in America. Another case in point - he refuses to accept reality and change his backwards ways.

So you want me to be like the muslims in Manchester and the London Bridge - your heroes.

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