Assume the President is Right about the Media


Dim Bulb

At least partially. How does whining about it over and over make America great again? How does it pass tax reform? Immigration reform? How does that work?
When you just sit back and take the bullshit from career bullshitters all day every day, you end up looking like the timid little pussies Gingrich and Dubya Bush.

If you think that people in flyover country aren't equally repulsed by the bi-costal media buffoonery and outright lying, you better check your election results again.
At least partially. How does whining about it over and over make America great again? How does it pass tax reform? Immigration reform? How does that work?
When did that happen?

What a shame the fake journalists don't ask questions about important stuff. Instead they use their moment to engage in asshattery, then piss themselves when he pwns them.

"Aren’t you doing a terrible disservice to the Constitution and to the American people by criticizing the media?” And there it was. Sure as I’m sitting here watching, there it was. They can sit here all day and not just criticize. They can try to destroy people. They can — using whatever power they think they have been granted by the First Amendment — go out and literally destroy people. Let Trump criticize the way they do their jobs, and all of a sudden it’s a constitutional crisis. Well, how about Obama trashing me all the time?

"How about Obama trashing Fox News all the time? Was that not a threat to the First Amendment? No, they applauded that. They still do applaud that. They join in the attacks on Fox News — and, more often than not, they join in attacks on me, too. But they want you to believe that they are this watchdog and that they’re holding truth to power, that they’re holding powerful people accountable. They’re not doing anything of the sort. The press has gotten to the point where they need a watchdog, and it turns out that Trump is the watchdog!

"Trump is the guy holding them accountable.

"Trump is the guy calling them out. I’ve never seen anything like this today. I have never seen it. We have wanted Republican presidents all of my life to deal with these people this way, and the only thing we ever got was Spiro Agnew. We’ve not seen anything like this, and Trump did it with an air of confidence and self-assuredness. He was not nervous at all. He was having fun with them. He was toying with them. It’s like if you got a cat. You know how you get these little laser pointers and you have a little kitten or a cat and the cat goes nuts chasing the light? It will run into a wall."

Trump Triumphs Over Press | Rush
At least partially. How does whining about it over and over make America great again? How does it pass tax reform? Immigration reform? How does that work?
When did that happen?

What a shame the fake journalists don't ask questions about important stuff. Instead they use their moment to engage in asshattery, then piss themselves when he pwns them.

"Aren’t you doing a terrible disservice to the Constitution and to the American people by criticizing the media?” And there it was. Sure as I’m sitting here watching, there it was. They can sit here all day and not just criticize. They can try to destroy people. They can — using whatever power they think they have been granted by the First Amendment — go out and literally destroy people. Let Trump criticize the way they do their jobs, and all of a sudden it’s a constitutional crisis. Well, how about Obama trashing me all the time?

"How about Obama trashing Fox News all the time? Was that not a threat to the First Amendment? No, they applauded that. They still do applaud that. They join in the attacks on Fox News — and, more often than not, they join in attacks on me, too. But they want you to believe that they are this watchdog and that they’re holding truth to power, that they’re holding powerful people accountable. They’re not doing anything of the sort. The press has gotten to the point where they need a watchdog, and it turns out that Trump is the watchdog!

"Trump is the guy holding them accountable.

"Trump is the guy calling them out. I’ve never seen anything like this today. I have never seen it. We have wanted Republican presidents all of my life to deal with these people this way, and the only thing we ever got was Spiro Agnew. We’ve not seen anything like this, and Trump did it with an air of confidence and self-assuredness. He was not nervous at all. He was having fun with them. He was toying with them. It’s like if you got a cat. You know how you get these little laser pointers and you have a little kitten or a cat and the cat goes nuts chasing the light? It will run into a wall."

Trump Triumphs Over Press | Rush

I agree with this and the other responses. The media is bad. What I don't get is how on earth this helps advance policy and legislative changes. It just seems like a bunch of thin-skinned malarkey to me that detracts from some things that need to get done.
At least partially. How does whining about it over and over make America great again? How does it pass tax reform? Immigration reform? How does that work?
When did that happen?

What a shame the fake journalists don't ask questions about important stuff. Instead they use their moment to engage in asshattery, then piss themselves when he pwns them.

"Aren’t you doing a terrible disservice to the Constitution and to the American people by criticizing the media?” And there it was. Sure as I’m sitting here watching, there it was. They can sit here all day and not just criticize. They can try to destroy people. They can — using whatever power they think they have been granted by the First Amendment — go out and literally destroy people. Let Trump criticize the way they do their jobs, and all of a sudden it’s a constitutional crisis. Well, how about Obama trashing me all the time?

"How about Obama trashing Fox News all the time? Was that not a threat to the First Amendment? No, they applauded that. They still do applaud that. They join in the attacks on Fox News — and, more often than not, they join in attacks on me, too. But they want you to believe that they are this watchdog and that they’re holding truth to power, that they’re holding powerful people accountable. They’re not doing anything of the sort. The press has gotten to the point where they need a watchdog, and it turns out that Trump is the watchdog!

"Trump is the guy holding them accountable.

"Trump is the guy calling them out. I’ve never seen anything like this today. I have never seen it. We have wanted Republican presidents all of my life to deal with these people this way, and the only thing we ever got was Spiro Agnew. We’ve not seen anything like this, and Trump did it with an air of confidence and self-assuredness. He was not nervous at all. He was having fun with them. He was toying with them. It’s like if you got a cat. You know how you get these little laser pointers and you have a little kitten or a cat and the cat goes nuts chasing the light? It will run into a wall."

Trump Triumphs Over Press | Rush

I agree with this and the other responses. The media is bad. What I don't get is how on earth this helps advance policy and legislative changes. It just seems like a bunch of thin-skinned malarkey to me that detracts from some things that need to get done.

No, the *journalists* and the spooks themselves make it impossible to get anything done, by LYING to the people, by spying and *leaking* classified forcing the admin to spend half of their time and energy responding to complete and absolute LIES instead of working to improve America.

People have to be held accountable! This nonsense that if you just ignore liars and spies and traitors and they'll go away is just that..nonsense. You find them, you expose them, and you prosecute them. You kill them if you have to. But you hold them accountable. Because they are literally like cockroaches. You let one get away and next thing you know there are a hundred.
At least partially. How does whining about it over and over make America great again? How does it pass tax reform? Immigration reform? How does that work?
When did that happen?

What a shame the fake journalists don't ask questions about important stuff. Instead they use their moment to engage in asshattery, then piss themselves when he pwns them.

"Aren’t you doing a terrible disservice to the Constitution and to the American people by criticizing the media?” And there it was. Sure as I’m sitting here watching, there it was. They can sit here all day and not just criticize. They can try to destroy people. They can — using whatever power they think they have been granted by the First Amendment — go out and literally destroy people. Let Trump criticize the way they do their jobs, and all of a sudden it’s a constitutional crisis. Well, how about Obama trashing me all the time?

"How about Obama trashing Fox News all the time? Was that not a threat to the First Amendment? No, they applauded that. They still do applaud that. They join in the attacks on Fox News — and, more often than not, they join in attacks on me, too. But they want you to believe that they are this watchdog and that they’re holding truth to power, that they’re holding powerful people accountable. They’re not doing anything of the sort. The press has gotten to the point where they need a watchdog, and it turns out that Trump is the watchdog!

"Trump is the guy holding them accountable.

"Trump is the guy calling them out. I’ve never seen anything like this today. I have never seen it. We have wanted Republican presidents all of my life to deal with these people this way, and the only thing we ever got was Spiro Agnew. We’ve not seen anything like this, and Trump did it with an air of confidence and self-assuredness. He was not nervous at all. He was having fun with them. He was toying with them. It’s like if you got a cat. You know how you get these little laser pointers and you have a little kitten or a cat and the cat goes nuts chasing the light? It will run into a wall."

Trump Triumphs Over Press | Rush

I agree with this and the other responses. The media is bad. What I don't get is how on earth this helps advance policy and legislative changes. It just seems like a bunch of thin-skinned malarkey to me that detracts from some things that need to get done.

Look at it this way, the people believe the media. That's it in a nutshell. The politicians (Congress and Senate) need public support to advance and pass policies. Without public support, some or many are likely to shy away from bills that may help things like our economy, safety, and national interests.

After reporting that Trump is not doing anything different than Obama when it comes to deportation, then came the protests, kids walking out of class, Congress critters from the left bashing Trump. This is the kind of control the media has over us.

Trump called them out on the mat today. He's not going to talk or give interviews to media that's going to promote lies like this one. That means if they want a real story, they are going to have to play straight with Trump and thus, giving us (the public) the truth about polices. If they are pressured into telling the truth, then it helps politicians get the support they need to pass (or remove) legislation.
Sorry, it's impossible to make that assumption, since Rump himself is the PRODUCT of the media. Without which he would not exist.

So unless he's projecting his own considerable insecurities on his own validity, his constant whining about his own meal ticket just doesn't add up.
Pipelines are being built and coal mines are being reopened. This is dropping the costs of energy worldwide and putting money in your pocket. Repeal and replace and tax reform are expected to pass within the first 100 days that's the fastest pace any president has ever set.
At least partially. How does whining about it over and over make America great again? How does it pass tax reform? Immigration reform? How does that work?
When did that happen?

What a shame the fake journalists don't ask questions about important stuff. Instead they use their moment to engage in asshattery, then piss themselves when he pwns them.

"Aren’t you doing a terrible disservice to the Constitution and to the American people by criticizing the media?” And there it was. Sure as I’m sitting here watching, there it was. They can sit here all day and not just criticize. They can try to destroy people. They can — using whatever power they think they have been granted by the First Amendment — go out and literally destroy people. Let Trump criticize the way they do their jobs, and all of a sudden it’s a constitutional crisis. Well, how about Obama trashing me all the time?

"How about Obama trashing Fox News all the time? Was that not a threat to the First Amendment? No, they applauded that. They still do applaud that. They join in the attacks on Fox News — and, more often than not, they join in attacks on me, too. But they want you to believe that they are this watchdog and that they’re holding truth to power, that they’re holding powerful people accountable. They’re not doing anything of the sort. The press has gotten to the point where they need a watchdog, and it turns out that Trump is the watchdog!

"Trump is the guy holding them accountable.

"Trump is the guy calling them out. I’ve never seen anything like this today. I have never seen it. We have wanted Republican presidents all of my life to deal with these people this way, and the only thing we ever got was Spiro Agnew. We’ve not seen anything like this, and Trump did it with an air of confidence and self-assuredness. He was not nervous at all. He was having fun with them. He was toying with them. It’s like if you got a cat. You know how you get these little laser pointers and you have a little kitten or a cat and the cat goes nuts chasing the light? It will run into a wall."

Trump Triumphs Over Press | Rush

I agree with this and the other responses. The media is bad. What I don't get is how on earth this helps advance policy and legislative changes. It just seems like a bunch of thin-skinned malarkey to me that detracts from some things that need to get done.

Look at it this way, the people believe the media. That's it in a nutshell. The politicians (Congress and Senate) need public support to advance and pass policies. Without public support, some or many are likely to shy away from bills that may help things like our economy, safety, and national interests.

After reporting that Trump is not doing anything different than Obama when it comes to deportation, then came the protests, kids walking out of class, Congress critters from the left bashing Trump. This is the kind of control the media has over us.

Trump called them out on the mat today. He's not going to talk or give interviews to media that's going to promote lies like this one. That means if they want a real story, they are going to have to play straight with Trump and thus, giving us (the public) the truth about polices. If they are pressured into telling the truth, then it helps politicians get the support they need to pass (or remove) legislation.

You and I don't believe the media. We are part of the public. You think we're the only two that gets that the media is biased? Everyone else is ignorant? My advice to the President is to do what President Reagan did. Just enact stuff and they'll talk about the substance of your policy. All this carping about the media sounds like snowflake talk to me.
Typical scapegoating. "The media " isn't some single minded Borge .

You want to call out examples of bad media . Go ahead . But all trump seems to do is blame the media for everything bad . It's a distraction from the real issue .
Pipelines are being built and coal mines are being reopened. This is dropping the costs of energy worldwide and putting money in your pocket. Repeal and replace and tax reform are expected to pass within the first 100 days that's the fastest pace any president has ever set.

Energy is already low .
Pipelines are being built and coal mines are being reopened. This is dropping the costs of energy worldwide and putting money in your pocket. Repeal and replace and tax reform are expected to pass within the first 100 days that's the fastest pace any president has ever set.

Energy is already low .

You got a better way to kick Russia and Iran in the nuts, if so tell us what it is.
At least partially. How does whining about it over and over make America great again? How does it pass tax reform? Immigration reform? How does that work?

When one has NO idea as to how to fulfill the moronic promises made during a campaign (the definition of a demagogue) THEN one has to find a "straw man" to attack.....the media is perfect.
Pipelines are being built and coal mines are being reopened. This is dropping the costs of energy worldwide and putting money in your pocket. Repeal and replace and tax reform are expected to pass within the first 100 days that's the fastest pace any president has ever set.

Energy is already low .

You got a better way to kick Russia and Iran in the nuts, if so tell us what it is.

Help me out with this one. How is bashing the media repeatedly and basically telling us something we already know (the media is biased, duh) going to kick Russia and Iran where it hurts? I don't get the connection at all. With a media that only tells stories President Trump likes he will somehow be able to hypnotize the Russians and Iran to bend to his will too?
Pipelines are being built and coal mines are being reopened. This is dropping the costs of energy worldwide and putting money in your pocket. Repeal and replace and tax reform are expected to pass within the first 100 days that's the fastest pace any president has ever set.

Energy is already low .

You got a better way to kick Russia and Iran in the nuts, if so tell us what it is.

Except Trump is kissing Russia's nuts. He has been since they helped him steal the election.
Typical scapegoating. "The media " isn't some single minded Borge .

You want to call out examples of bad media . Go ahead . But all trump seems to do is blame the media for everything bad . It's a distraction from the real issue .

I agree with this, except you have it backwards: "You are from the media. Prepare to be assimilated."
At least partially. How does whining about it over and over make America great again? How does it pass tax reform? Immigration reform? How does that work?

When one has NO idea as to how to fulfill the moronic promises made during a campaign (the definition of a demagogue) THEN one has to find a "straw man" to attack.....the media is perfect.

Moronic promises like what? If you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance? The average family will save over $2,500 a year in insurance costs? Nobody making less than 250K a year will see a new tax increase of any kind? Shovel ready jobs?

Thank goodness that demagogue Obama is long gone.

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