Assume Trump Committed Crimes

When should the trials be?

  • Before November 6, 2023

    Votes: 6 60.0%
  • After November 6, 2024

    Votes: 4 40.0%

  • Total voters
You gave me scat. Scat that doesn't even make any sense. He paid the whore. There was no campaign contribution. Perhap is you read the indictment you would know. Bragg did not say what the other crime was.

Gadds! Is the one Bidenfluffer that has a fucking clue?
He paid his atty to pay the Nat to pay the whore to kill the story.
Illegal campaign contribution.
funny, you guys were ecstatic when John Edwards was charged with this same crime.
Easy as pie.

Hillary Clinton.

It is also likely that there are other work-related e-mails that they did not produce to State and that we did not find elsewhere, and that are now gone because they deleted all e-mails they did not return to State, and the lawyers cleaned their devices in such a way as to preclude complete forensic recovery.
How is that
conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding

I love the smell of MAGAT desperation in the morning.
How is that
conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding

I love the smell of MAGAT desperation in the morning.
Which word was hard?

Conspiracy - she and her lawyers did it
Official proceeding - attempted recovery of Clinton's State Department official emails
Obstruct - Destroy those emails instead of returning them.
What happened to assuming people are innocent until proven guilty?

Well we are. That is the purpose of the trial. To decide if the accused is guilty. It means the Prosecution has to prove the charges are true. It means the Defense is given every opportunity to poke holes in the Prosecutions evidence and witnesses. It doesn’t mean you don’t hold a trial.
He paid his atty to pay the Nat to pay the whore to kill the story.
Illegal campaign contribution.

lol Good one. Too bad you are so fucking wrong.
funny, you guys were ecstatic when John Edwards was charged with this same crime.
Not particularly. But the holding makes your bullshit ... bullshit. But you probably don't even know that.
He paid his atty to pay the Nat to pay the whore to kill the story.
Illegal campaign contribution.
funny, you guys were ecstatic when John Edwards was charged with this same crime.
What crime?
Well we are. That is the purpose of the trial. To decide if the accused is guilty. It means the Prosecution has to prove the charges are true. It means the Defense is given every opportunity to poke holes in the Prosecutions evidence and witnesses. It doesn’t mean you don’t hold a trial.
This is not supposed to be Nazi Germany where you round up people you don't like, charge them with things, and then make them prove they are innocent.
I think Trump supporters fail to entertain the possibility that Trump possibly did commit crimes.
The only "crimes" Trump committed was to make this country great again. The Leftest filth can't stand it because their agenda to make the US a Socialist Shithole.

Meanwhile Potatohead stole the 2020 election and the filthy ass Moon Bats refuse to accept that fact given the overwhelming evidence.

They also fail to accept the fact that Potatohead is corrupt and the most incompetent President we ever had and that he has really fucked up this country.

Trump is being attack by the leaders of this Banana Republic and it is shame on our country.
Well we are. That is the purpose of the trial. To decide if the accused is guilty. It means the Prosecution has to prove the charges are true. It means the Defense is given every opportunity to poke holes in the Prosecutions evidence and witnesses. It doesn’t mean you don’t hold a trial.
That would only work if the jury weren’t pulled from a deep-blue city, like Atlanta or DC. Since the right to a fair trial supersedes all else, what say you it gets moved to Roswell, GA, which is a purple area?

If you’re truly interested in justice as opposed to keeping Trump from the presidency and using these indictments as political persecution, you would agree that is fair.
Read them all, unlike you.

Name a couple that you think he's guilty of and see if I can't name a prominent Dem who isn't just as guilty.
Lots of peole have robbed banks. Is that a good reason to let the next bank robber go?
Lots of peole have robbed banks. Is that a good reason to let the next bank robber go?
No, just arrest people in the order of the crimes committed, don't pick and choose by letting off Robbers who give some of their stolen money to Democrats and then spending eight years trying to prove that a donor to the GOP got the money by robbing banks.

Terrible analogy, but I humored you.
No, just arrest people in the order of the crimes committed, don't pick and choose by letting off Robbers who give some of their stolen money to Democrats and then spending eight years trying to prove that a donor to the GOP got the money by robbing banks.

Terrible analogy, but I humored you.
You humored me by showing up. Your silly posts are always humorous, but probably not in any way you intended.
Which word was hard?

Conspiracy - she and her lawyers did it
Official proceeding - attempted recovery of Clinton's State Department official emails
Obstruct - Destroy those emails instead of returning them.
In cooperation with the FBI
No official proceeding, personal emails unrelated to govt work
Destroyed with govt permission

Trump's FBI had all this for 4 years but the Republican FBI directors said, no crimes.

You're struggling little one but you won't find a lifeline here.

lol Good one. Too bad you are so fucking wrong.

Not particularly. But the holding makes your bullshit ... bullshit. But you probably don't even know that.
That is one of the charges sparky.
No holding, Edwards was found NG.


What crime?
Which what crime?
One of the crimes Trump was charged with in NY?
The crime he was intending to commit by committing one of the crimes he was charged with?
Or one of his 92 other criminal offenses?

You need to be more specific.

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