Assume Trump Committed Crimes

When should the trials be?

  • Before November 6, 2023

    Votes: 6 60.0%
  • After November 6, 2024

    Votes: 4 40.0%

  • Total voters
He paid his atty to pay the Nat to pay the whore to kill the story.
Illegal campaign contribution.
funny, you guys were ecstatic when John Edwards was charged with this same crime.
The problem with that is the attorney is on record testifying that Trump didn’t know about the payment and it came out of the attorney’s bank account, not Trump’s or the campaign’s.
This is not supposed to be Nazi Germany where you round up people you don't like, charge them with things, and then make them prove they are innocent.

In a way, that is what has always happened. Or don’t you understand how the Criminal Justice system works?

Of course you advocate that very thing with those you disagree with.

Interesting isn’t it? You advocate two very different procedures. For protestors in Seattle and in fact anyone else except RW types, you denounce bail because they are obviously criminals. When it comes to Trump. He has to essentially admit guilt before you will authorize a trial. But only if the trial agrees ahead of time to find him not guilty.

I on the other hand insist that the same Constitutional protections exist for Trump as everyone. I celebrate the Judge dismissing the charges against the flaming asshat Bundy in Nevada. What do you do? Call anyone who thinks Trump should be tried. A Nazi.
That would only work if the jury weren’t pulled from a deep-blue city, like Atlanta or DC. Since the right to a fair trial supersedes all else, what say you it gets moved to Roswell, GA, which is a purple area?

If you’re truly interested in justice as opposed to keeping Trump from the presidency and using these indictments as political persecution, you would agree that is fair.

The Constitution mandates the trial be held where the crime was committed.

Now. I wish you all would make up your minds. In one thread you denounce the election workers for counting millions of fraudulent ballots and stealing Georgia. Claiming that Trump won Forsyth county and the state hugely.

Now when it looks like the jury may be drawn from there, he can’t get a fair trial because it is solid Democrats there.

So which is it? Was the election stolen? Or was Trump just blowing smoke about how popular he was?
In cooperation with the FBI
No official proceeding, personal emails unrelated to govt work
Destroyed with govt permission

Trump's FBI had all this for 4 years but the Republican FBI directors said, no crimes.

You're struggling little one but you won't find a lifeline here.

Don't get mad just because I so easily named a prominent Democrat who conspired to obstruct an official proceeding.

What, you forgot Hills had done that?

Don't give up, try another one!
The Constitution mandates the trial be held where the crime was committed.

The Constitution also mandates a fair and impartial jury.
Now. I wish you all would make up your minds. In one thread you denounce the election workers for counting millions of fraudulent ballots and stealing Georgia. Claiming that Trump won Forsyth county and the state hugely.

Now when it looks like the jury may be drawn from there, he can’t get a fair trial because it is solid Democrats there.

So which is it? Was the election stolen? Or was Trump just blowing smoke about how popular he was?
Yes, the election was stolen, and it shows what the Democrats were willing to do to keep him from winning. Why would it be any different now?
The problem with that is the attorney is on record testifying that Trump didn’t know about the payment and it came out of the attorney’s bank account, not Trump’s or the campaign’s.
No problem with that.
Atty was convicted and is now the primary witness.
Don't get mad just because I so easily named a prominent Democrat who conspired to obstruct an official proceeding.

What, you forgot Hills had done that?

Don't give up, try another one!


Clinton was cleared by the FBI and your creation of some fantasy "official proceeding" is laughable.

In the real world you are simply a liar.


Clinton was cleared by the FBI and your creation of some fantasy "official proceeding" is laughable.

In the real world you are simply a liar.
Yeah, right. Clinton was “cleared” by the FBI after her husband had a secret talk with the head of the DOJ - in the middle of an airport tarmac, in a plane - and then she was “cleared.”

Oh, yeah…..nothing to see there.


Clinton was cleared by the FBI and your creation of some fantasy "official proceeding" is laughable.

In the real world you are simply a liar.
Hills was cleared for doing what Trump is being prosecuted for.

If not for the incompetence of Democratic affirmative action hires he might even be convicted.
The Constitution also mandates a fair and impartial jury.

Yes, the election was stolen, and it shows what the Democrats were willing to do to keep him from winning. Why would it be any different now?

If the County was used to steal the election. Help me out here. Then Trump would have won the county wouldn’t he? So a majority of voters are totally Trump supporters right?

Let’s discuss some of the interesting highlights of the numbers.


Every county showed a drop in support for Republicans. Every county. Republicans run most of those counties. Did the Godless Liberals sneak agents into the other counties and put tens of thousands of fake ballots into the system?

That’s the problem with a theory. It has to explain all the evidence. You can’t just ignore some of the evidence. Two women in Atlanta can’t possibly be responsible for the increase of Biden Voters in every single county. Any conspiracy that big that could have done it wouldn’t leave a subtle trail. It would be as obvious as a tornado in a trailer park.

But here is the kicker. You know Trump is lying. If he was telling the truth then roughly half of the people in that county would be his supporters. At least half.

But proving you don’t know anything let’s move the Trial. You see. The folks in those neighborhoods think most cops are corrupt. They think the Courts are corrupt generally speaking. So Trump’s claims are likely to find a sympathetic ear in the general population.

In a Conservative District, the people believe Cops are honest, and any corrupt cops are just bad apples that slipped into the barrel by mistake. They believe that it is impossible to have an entire system that is corrupt.

To that end, Whites who voted overwhelmingly for Trump in Georgia, only half of the Whites said it was unfair that he was charged with a crime. Half of them. That means the majority thought it was fair, or didn’t know.

But sure. Move the trial. Get one of those rural county hanging judges. Get a jury full of people who believe in America. Let them hear all that Trump did, and then watch as they find him guilty. Because you’ll be asking those Rural Voters to believe that a New Yorker and his many lawyers, most of whom are fellow New Yorkers, are telling the truth but fellow Georgians aren’t.

They’ll find him Guilty just for being a Yankee.

Remember. I’m the one who predicted the McMichaels Verdicts in Brunswick. I even said the only one who had a hope in hell of getting out of Prison alive was Roddy. Sure enough. Roddy is the only one to get possibility of Parole.
Yeah, right. Clinton was “cleared” by the FBI after her husband had a secret talk with the head of the DOJ - in the middle of an airport tarmac, in a plane - and then she was “cleared.”

Oh, yeah…..nothing to see there.
Nothing but your Clinton fantasies.
Hills was cleared for doing what Trump is being prosecuted for.

If not for the incompetence of Democratic affirmative action hires he might even be convicted.
No, she did not obstruct the recovery of classified documents.
She, in fact cooperated when the classified emails were found

But that doesn't fit your Clinton hate, does it?
The Constitution also mandates a fair and impartial jury.

Yes, the election was stolen, and it shows what the Democrats were willing to do to keep him from winning. Why would it be any different now?
How unfair of those mean old Democrats to convince more people that Joe Biden was a better candidate. Quick! Somebody start an investigation!
Which what crime?
One of the crimes Trump was charged with in NY?
The crime he was intending to commit by committing one of the crimes he was charged with?
Or one of his 92 other criminal offenses?

You need to be more specific.
charged isn't a crime. It's a review of an investigation, so which one are you referring to in your previous post I responded to? Stop deflecting liar.
What was said and what Lefties hear is always two different things. I wish I could find the Harry Enfield clip on YouTube to show you how it works.
Again, if you showed a demofk the color blue, they'd swear it was green and deflect and deflect
The only "crimes" Trump committed was to make this country great again. The Leftest filth can't stand it because their agenda to make the US a Socialist Shithole.

Meanwhile Potatohead stole the 2020 election and the filthy ass Moon Bats refuse to accept that fact given the overwhelming evidence.

They also fail to accept the fact that Potatohead is corrupt and the most incompetent President we ever had and that he has really fucked up this country.

Trump is being attack by the leaders of this Banana Republic and it is shame on our country.
Demfks think the US is great, Jeff Daniels speech here will tell them what we all know and think

The Constitution mandates the trial be held where the crime was committed.

Now. I wish you all would make up your minds. In one thread you denounce the election workers for counting millions of fraudulent ballots and stealing Georgia. Claiming that Trump won Forsyth county and the state hugely.

Now when it looks like the jury may be drawn from there, he can’t get a fair trial because it is solid Democrats there.

So which is it? Was the election stolen? Or was Trump just blowing smoke about how popular he was?
no it doesn't, you are confused, change of venue is used regularly. If it's a constitional mandate, then all of the trials that are moved or irrelevant huh?

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