Assuming we don’t get 19 more polls today, here’s the Republican debate stage

Why is it embarrassing?Did you ever consider that the qualities and issues that make a politician an embarrassment in your feeble mind, make that same politician the candidate of choice for a sane person?

Because your own chairman made a decision about who is worthy before a single vote is cast.
No, dummy. Fox limited the panel to 10. The people selected the top 10

I don't know what is more bewildering...that you believe that or that you accept that whatever FOX wants, they get from the PARTY. Suppose Fox just wanted Trump...would Princess had given it to them? If Fox is the reason some serious candidates aren't being heard and the GOP is okay with should be more embarrassed than normal.

Secondly, look at who is on the stage, people with no hope of being elected...

If you're not ashamed to be a republican most days, you should be now.


nothing strange about limiting a field of debaters to TEN
it's hilarious watching left-wing losers so bored with their own slater of riche old white panderers that they try to lecture others on what is the right thing to do and if they should feel embarrased to be who they are

libs are just laughable, irrelevant losers
Be interesting to see how Fox handles the debates. Will they act like a credible news agency or will they throw softballs like Hannity gave to Cruz at CPAC....Why do you love America so much?

Maybe they will handle it like Candy Crowley (CNN) handled the Romney-Obama debates. That is, suck up to Obama. And when Romney accused Obama of being afraid to tell the truth about Benghazi, moderator Ms. Crowley came to Obama's defense and said "he did call it terrorism. At least one time he said that word in the Rose Garden!"

Never mind he and Hillary and their staff lied about it for two solid weeks blaming it on a video. Miss Crowley "the moderator" to the rescue!

She was right in correcting Romney who was spreading misinformation
Be interesting to see how Fox handles the debates. Will they act like a credible news agency or will they throw softballs like Hannity gave to Cruz at CPAC....Why do you love America so much?

Maybe they will handle it like Candy Crowley (CNN) handled the Romney-Obama debates. That is, suck up to Obama. And when Romney accused Obama of being afraid to tell the truth about Benghazi, moderator Ms. Crowley came to Obama's defense and said "he did call it terrorism. At least one time he said that word in the Rose Garden!"

Never mind he and Hillary and their staff lied about it for two solid weeks blaming it on a video. Miss Crowley "the moderator" to the rescue!
Oh...that's right...the RW mantra. "Oh, that Liberal Media is so mean to us! Boo Hoo!"
Dems have 4 white rich Progressive FAILURES each trying to outpander each other

while left-wing losers who lie TO THEMSELVES pretend to be bewildered by things Republican it is truly bewildering that left-wing lemmings think we shold believe hillary was able to conduct business as Secretary of State without use of a govvernment e-mail address, and not using her own private server for official business

libs are losers who lie to themselves
Maybe they should ask Republicans which newspapers they read?

Or is that too tough?
Be interesting to see how Fox handles the debates. Will they act like a credible news agency or will they throw softballs like Hannity gave to Cruz at CPAC....Why do you love America so much?

Maybe they will handle it like Candy Crowley (CNN) handled the Romney-Obama debates. That is, suck up to Obama. And when Romney accused Obama of being afraid to tell the truth about Benghazi, moderator Ms. Crowley came to Obama's defense and said "he did call it terrorism. At least one time he said that word in the Rose Garden!"

Never mind he and Hillary and their staff lied about it for two solid weeks blaming it on a video. Miss Crowley "the moderator" to the rescue!
Oh...that's right...the RW mantra. "Oh, that Liberal Media is so mean to us! Boo Hoo!"

"the Right is mean to my Messiah obama!! OH BOO-HOOO!!"

MAYBE WE SHOULD ASK left-wing nutjobs about their own candidates

or is that too tough?
Independent????? Democrats too conservative for you?

I've yet to see a single thing in all of your posts that would remotely indicate that you are not a Democrat shill.

Better look harder.
Why would I?
On every issue I've seen you discuss, you have been on the left.

Not really on either side in this one. Trump is leading and it should be embarassing for republicans. If trump led as a dem id say same thing.

I'm anti abortion if that is conservative for you. My gun stance is similar to Reagan.
I've seen no evidence of your claim on either issue.

Ronald Reagan on Gun Control
I bet Ronnie carried with one in the pipe.
Why is it embarrassing?Did you ever consider that the qualities and issues that make a politician an embarrassment in your feeble mind, make that same politician the candidate of choice for a sane person?

You support trump, shocking.
Where did I say that?

Let's say, I support him over hillary clinton.

I'd support a roll of toilet paper over Clinton. She's as wacky as Pelosi.
USED toilet paper.

No charge for the fix.
Be interesting to see how Fox handles the debates. Will they act like a credible news agency or will they throw softballs like Hannity gave to Cruz at CPAC....Why do you love America so much?

Maybe they will handle it like Candy Crowley (CNN) handled the Romney-Obama debates. That is, suck up to Obama. And when Romney accused Obama of being afraid to tell the truth about Benghazi, moderator Ms. Crowley came to Obama's defense and said "he did call it terrorism. At least one time he said that word in the Rose Garden!"

Never mind he and Hillary and their staff lied about it for two solid weeks blaming it on a video. Miss Crowley "the moderator" to the rescue!
Oh...that's right...the RW mantra. "Oh, that Liberal Media is so mean to us! Boo Hoo!"

I did not expect an honest and well thought out response from you. And that is what I got.

Keep defending corruption and failure. And feel good about it.
Be interesting to see if Trump attacks fellow Republicans more than he attacks Hillary
why not?...right now those are the ones he has to look better than to get the GOP nomination,right?....clinton has to do the same thing with her parties candidates...
A libtard calling himself "brain" is as wrong as a cub scout eating a brownie.

I'm independant. I like very little of either party.

Trump? That is just hilarious. He can't even act like an adult.
Independent????? Democrats too conservative for you?

I've yet to see a single thing in all of your posts that would remotely indicate that you are not a Democrat shill.

Better look harder.
Why would I?
On every issue I've seen you discuss, you have been on the left.

Not really on either side in this one. Trump is leading and it should be embarassing for republicans. If trump led as a dem id say same thing.

I'm anti abortion if that is conservative for you. My gun stance is similar to Reagan.
if the republicans would start running quality people, people like trump would not even register as a contender...
Be interesting to see how Fox handles the debates. Will they act like a credible news agency or will they throw softballs like Hannity gave to Cruz at CPAC....Why do you love America so much?

Maybe they will handle it like Candy Crowley (CNN) handled the Romney-Obama debates. That is, suck up to Obama. And when Romney accused Obama of being afraid to tell the truth about Benghazi, moderator Ms. Crowley came to Obama's defense and said "he did call it terrorism. At least one time he said that word in the Rose Garden!"

Never mind he and Hillary and their staff lied about it for two solid weeks blaming it on a video. Miss Crowley "the moderator" to the rescue!

She was right in correcting Romney who was spreading misinformation
Are you a ventriloquist doll? And Josh Earnest is speaking through you?
Why is it embarrassing?Did you ever consider that the qualities and issues that make a politician an embarrassment in your feeble mind, make that same politician the candidate of choice for a sane person?

Because your own chairman made a decision about who is worthy before a single vote is cast.
No, dummy. Fox limited the panel to 10. The people selected the top 10

I don't know what is more bewildering...that you believe that or that you accept that whatever FOX wants, they get from the PARTY. Suppose Fox just wanted Trump...would Princess had given it to them? If Fox is the reason some serious candidates aren't being heard and the GOP is okay with should be more embarrassed than normal.

Secondly, look at who is on the stage, people with no hope of being elected...

If you're not ashamed to be a republican most days, you should be now.
9 of the people who will be on stage have no hope of being elected. One of them will be POTUS come January 2017.
I see little point in having 5 more people with no chance at all in the mix, detracting from time spent learning about those that have a far better chance.
I do see your point though. You would love to have 15 people on stage so each gets only 4 minutes of time to make his case. No way you want Ted Cruz, Donald Trump or Marco Rubio to emerge as a star.
Why is it embarrassing?Did you ever consider that the qualities and issues that make a politician an embarrassment in your feeble mind, make that same politician the candidate of choice for a sane person?

You support trump, shocking.
Where did I say that?

Let's say, I support him over hillary clinton.

Not excited about Hilary, but trump will never get my vote. He acts childish and a country can't just file for bankruptcy like he did.
Sure! Trump went bankrupt. hillary clinton is morally bankrupt, but you'll end up supporting her.

Over trump for sure. I think Kasich seems like best option. Need to watch debates though.
if Kasich is like he was when he addressed the postal union years ago i may even consider the guy...
Since the obvious solution to this situation is to randomly divide the group into two parts and have two debates per round, I wonder what Fox is up to here.

Is it just that they like having the power to pick the winners and losers, or could it be something else?


That is the problem with these mass-debates

They climax too early
Why is it embarrassing?Did you ever consider that the qualities and issues that make a politician an embarrassment in your feeble mind, make that same politician the candidate of choice for a sane person?

You support trump, shocking.
Where did I say that?

Let's say, I support him over hillary clinton.

Not excited about Hilary, but trump will never get my vote. He acts childish and a country can't just file for bankruptcy like he did.
Sure! Trump went bankrupt. hillary clinton is morally bankrupt, but you'll end up supporting her.
Let's not forget she was dead broke after getting free room and board for eight years. Lol

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