Asylum seekers are FLOCKING to the border. This is soooo bad.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The local news is covering the recent spike in asylum seekers at the Southern Arizona border. Maybe it's the cooler weather, who knows. They are coming from Mexico, Central America, and some from countries as far away as Russia. Asylum is the what nearly all of them are claiming and the border agents are overwhelmed. It's taking 3 to 4 weeks to process these people in. And once they are processed in, then what? And more and more keep coming. What do you do about this? This is a massive problem getting worse. And don't kid yourself that since it isn't in your backyard it's not your problem. It is every tax paying American's problem and every American that depends on government services. This is B-A-D.
PUT more people and put more judges down there to process them quickly, those who do not meet our legal qualifications for asylum get turned away... the longer it takes to process them, the more it costs us.
The local news is covering the recent spike in asylum seekers at the Southern Arizona border. Maybe it's the cooler weather, who knows. They are coming from Mexico, Central America, and some from countries as far away as Russia. Asylum is the what nearly all of them are claiming and the border agents are overwhelmed. It's taking 3 to 4 weeks to process these people in. And once they are processed in, then what? And more and more keep coming. What do you do about this? This is a massive problem getting worse. And don't kid yourself that since it isn't in your backyard it's not your problem. It is every tax paying American's problem and every American that depends on government services. This is B-A-D.

No doubt about it, it's everyone's problem and it's destroying our nation.

Any HONEST Leftist does not want his/her children's school overrun with illegal immigrants/asylum seekers, I will tell you that. They're the consummate NIMBY's, are liberals.
The local news is covering the recent spike in asylum seekers at the Southern Arizona border. Maybe it's the cooler weather, who knows. They are coming from Mexico, Central America, and some from countries as far away as Russia. Asylum is the what nearly all of them are claiming and the border agents are overwhelmed. It's taking 3 to 4 weeks to process these people in. And once they are processed in, then what? And more and more keep coming. What do you do about this? This is a massive problem getting worse. And don't kid yourself that since it isn't in your backyard it's not your problem. It is every tax paying American's problem and every American that depends on government services. This is B-A-D.
All you can do is store them, deport them, just don't turn them loose.
And there is no media coverage other than the occasional local news crew. Why? They played out the TEARING FAMILIES APART bullshit a couple months ago. They've moved on to the crisis du jour so now OMG our country is collapsing because Kavanaugh got appointed.
The local news is covering the recent spike in asylum seekers at the Southern Arizona border. Maybe it's the cooler weather, who knows. They are coming from Mexico, Central America, and some from countries as far away as Russia. Asylum is the what nearly all of them are claiming and the border agents are overwhelmed. It's taking 3 to 4 weeks to process these people in. And once they are processed in, then what? And more and more keep coming. What do you do about this? This is a massive problem getting worse. And don't kid yourself that since it isn't in your backyard it's not your problem. It is every tax paying American's problem and every American that depends on government services. This is B-A-D.
I think Dean's getting an erection.
Mine the border and put up Messikin pictograms. Problem solved.
The United States is no longer a sovereign nation.

Of course, this means eventually poverty and doing without will be equally shared among all (except the elites like Georges Soros & Bush and HRC who made it happen that is. Their fortunes guarantee their luxury regardless)
The United States is no longer a sovereign nation.

Of course, this means eventually poverty and doing without will be equally shared among all (except the elites like Georges Soros & Bush and HRC who made it happen that is. Their fortunes guarantee their luxury regardless)
Liberals are mentally disturbed!
The local news is covering the recent spike in asylum seekers at the Southern Arizona border. Maybe it's the cooler weather, who knows. They are coming from Mexico, Central America, and some from countries as far away as Russia. Asylum is the what nearly all of them are claiming and the border agents are overwhelmed. It's taking 3 to 4 weeks to process these people in. And once they are processed in, then what? And more and more keep coming. What do you do about this? This is a massive problem getting worse. And don't kid yourself that since it isn't in your backyard it's not your problem. It is every tax paying American's problem and every American that depends on government services. This is B-A-D.
It's only a "problem" to hateful rightwing bigots.

Those seeking asylum should be allowed to do so consistent with immigration law.

America is a Nation of immigrants, they are our greatest asset; they shouldn't be turned away the consequence of conservatives' unwarranted fear of change and diversity.

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