At a casino in north carolina

I am losing my ass off at dollar slots, put a hundred in , I get better odds at putting five bucks in at a car wash..think I will go to black jack.
Any tips to hit on girls?
Just casually walk up and say, "I'm a modern man. I believe that insulting women is wrong and bad. So if I told you, you had a nice body, would you hold it against me?"
Blackjack is a much more sociable game. There are women, mostly older who play for the social interaction not so much for making money.
See one you are interested in at a machine, ask her if she's winning and go from there. Have fun.
Any tips to hit on girls?
Just casually walk up and say, "I'm a modern man. I believe that insulting women is wrong and bad. So if I told you, you had a nice body, would you hold it against me?"

I am just licking my wounds now, going to walk back and play the 25 cent games..god damn those hundreds go by fast..
I do wish you could bet on sports teams at these Indian casinos..
Ask them to come up to your room and watch you shower...

Not at this hell hold $89 dollar a night I picked ( it is just a block away though)

LMFAO looks at this bathroom remodeling job ( just noticed it when I had to take a leak)


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