At every American's expense, Mar-a-Lago is going to show a huge profit boost in 2017


Gold Member
Jan 1, 2017
Since becoming POTUS, Trump has spent about one in three days at a Trump property.



The man has literally spent on 21 of the 66 days he has been in office at a property bearing his name, most often Mar-a-Lago (MAL -- Click to get a sense of MAL finances).

Now, I don't know the exact number of people in Trump's entourage, but I know it's not one or two or even half a dozen. Everywhere the man goes, there are going to easily be 30 people, likely more, who must be at his side, and some of those people have their own retinue of aides and security personnel.
  • Personal attendants -- personnel like the president’s doctor and assistants
  • Secret service -- specially trained security members who are always on hand to protect the president
  • White house staff -- people who help with the business of the president, and who will get important work done during the trip
  • Journalists – professional journalists who regularly report on the president’s activities wherever he or she is going (I don't expect taxpayers foot the bill for these folks, but they may very well stay at the Trump property.)
  • Military personnel -- the guy who carries "The Football" is always present along with other military staff
  • Whoever he's meeting with -- If that is a state actor, that person has their own entourage
If Trump stays the weekend, a significant number of those people will have to be housed on the Trump property at yours and my expense. How much? Anywhere from $1000 to $5000 per room/suite per night. You can do the math. I'll do the math for basic room rooming costs for the bare minimum of just his security detail of some six agents and the "Football" guy.
  • Two "cheap" rooms at MAL (two people per room, no room cost for the last night of each multi-night stay) --> $1000 x 4 persons x 12 nights = $96K
  • One suite at MAL (3 people sharing one suite, no room charge for the last night of each multi-night stay) --> $5000 x 3 persons x 12 = $180K
  • Total minimum room costs --> $96K + $180K = $276,000
That's just for his personal security detail and the "Football" handler and estimating conservatively. It wouldn't surprise me that a doctor and at least two personal assistants are never more than 100 feet from the president.
Then there's the fact that the people in Trump's entourage surely buy food and libations when they are on the property. It's not as though they're going to leave to go to the nearest 7-11 or something. The non-government people quite likely rent rooms there too.

Let me be very clear. I don't necessarily have a problem with Trump going to a non-WH location for the weekend. Just like any other executive role, that of POTUS is 24/7, and execs can work remotely as effectively as they can in their main office. My issue with Trump's travels is that you and I are lining his pockets by having no choice but to foot the bill of his entourage at his pricey properties. I wouldn't nearly as much to say about it were it not that it's his own pockets that we are padding. It's no wonder he's (allegedly) not taking the paltry-by-comparison $400K salary a POTUS is paid.

There is also the fact that whether he uses it or not, American taxpayers pay for a presidential retreat: Camp David. Camp David is already fitted out with everything needed to support the POTUS and his entourage, including a dozen guest cabins located around the property. It even has a golf course.






As a footnote, I'd ask if you remember Trump's speech in which he laments that among the potential downsides of becoming POtUS is that he wouldn't get to play golf because he'd never leave the WH for, in his words, "who would want to?" I just watched on TV the clip of him saying that. I found a printed variation of that remark -- "I would rarely leave the White House because there’s so much work to be done." Once again, Trump's word cannot be relied upon.
You mean like the Clinton Global Initiaitve?
No. I wrote exactly what I meant. Nothing more and nothing less.

Unlike your president's words, you can pretty well be sure that mine mean what they say, and that what they say is what I mean.
And he's accomplished more in those few days than obama in 8 years. Go figure. Cheap at twice the cost.
Trump should take this opportunity to have the federal government expand Mar-a-Lago a bit with some new buildings/pools/etc. He can say it's important for security or some bullshit. The GOP and his voters won't care.
Trump should take this opportunity to have the federal government expand Mar-a-Lago a bit with some new buildings/pools/etc. He can say it's important for security or some bullshit. The GOP and his voters won't care.
With all due haste.... LOL
And he's accomplished more in those few days than obama in 8 years. Go figure. Cheap at twice the cost.
The failed Muslim ban and healthcare plans are not accomplishments
It's not a "Muslim" ban, and a federal judge in Virginia recently affirmed. It doesn't target the vast majority of Muslim nations, just the ones which have been flagged in the past for extra scrutiny as they were haven for Islamist terrorists and radicals.

As to the OP: TL;DR, but the fact of the matter is that taxpayers beefed up a lot of money for Obama's Secret Service and security too. He's the President, he needs protection.
the cost of entourage alone thats following the family will boost sales at Donnie owned establishments like a mf'r ...

how many people actually go with them ? 50-75?

breakfast x50
and thats just food alone for one day .. ALL AT COUNTRY CLUB PRICES

cheeseburger and a coke .. $ 49.95


And he's accomplished more in those few days than obama in 8 years. Go figure. Cheap at twice the cost.
The failed Muslim ban and healthcare plans are not accomplishments
It's not a "Muslim" ban, and a federal judge in Virginia recently affirmed. It doesn't target the vast majority of Muslim nations, just the ones which have been flagged in the past for extra scrutiny as they were haven for Islamist terrorists and radicals.

As to the OP: TL;DR, but the fact of the matter is that taxpayers beefed up a lot of money for Obama's Secret Service and security too. He's the President, he needs protection.
It's not a "Muslim" ban

He didn't mean "Muslim ban." Why do you have to take him so literally? He meant wiretap. LOL
You mean like the Clinton Global Initiaitve?
No. I wrote exactly what I meant. Nothing more and nothing less.

Unlike your president's words, you can pretty well be sure that mine mean what they say, and that what they say is what I mean.

And much of it was lies and assumptions, who would have thunk, LMAO.

GSA Policy
All federal employees function under General Services Administration employee policy that establishes civil service standing and pay scales. According to GSA policy, employees may be reimbursed for each day's expenditure -- a per diem allowance -- up to $83 for lodging and $46 for meals and incidentals. Although $83 might seem insufficient, hotels and motels customarily offer a “government rate” that falls within the GSA per diem limit. The department head or her designated deputy may also adjust per diems for special reasons, such as duty in time of national emergency or natural disaster, up to 300 percent of the department per diem.

Do Secret Service Agents Have to Pay for Hotel & Food on the Job?
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Actually, I am fine with POTUS taking vacation on their dime. Let the DNC or RNC fund their vacations if the POTUS can't afford to pay for their own vacations.

Why should taxpayer money fund POTUS vacations, or those of any elected official?
Actually, I am fine with POTUS taking vacation on their dime. Let the DNC or RNC fund their vacations if the POTUS can't afford to pay for their own vacations.

Why should taxpayer money fund POTUS vacations, or those of any elected official?

To be fair, taxpayers don't pay for the POTUS' vacations, but we do pay for his and his family's security details and accompanying staff when he goes on vacation. For example, taxpayers didn't have to pay for the house Obama rented on The Vineyard when he vacationed there. We did have to pay for whatever meals and accommodations his security team needed.

It may be that Obama chose a vacation rental large enough to accommodate his required security detail and as a result, part of the total rent for the house was paid by the gov't so that the SS and whomever else could be in the same building as the POTUS and his family.

I don't know if that's the case, but I wouldn't be surprised or annoyed if it were. I wouldn't be annoyed about it because (1) the POTUS has to be protected and (2) Obama wasn't forcing the gov't, thus you and me, to pay him rent. The rental was at least an arm's length transaction.
i wonder how many businesses lose money when he visits and they have to close the airport and the roads
i wonder how many businesses lose money when he visits and they have to close the airport and the roads
What I find most telling....the people in neither of his main towns of residence are particularly fond of him. I mean come on. The man grew up in NYC and has a been a major figure there for over 30 years and he couldn't win the votes in NYC. A native son loses to a recent "transplant." After all, Hillary didn't have a thing to do with NY until after leaving the WH -- she didn't grow up there; she didn't go to college or law school there -- yet Trump, the long time local, is so disliked that he couldn't win his home state, or at least his hometown. Where is Hillary's hometown? Illinois.
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Actually, I am fine with POTUS taking vacation on their dime. Let the DNC or RNC fund their vacations if the POTUS can't afford to pay for their own vacations.

Why should taxpayer money fund POTUS vacations, or those of any elected official?

To be fair, taxpayers don't pay for the POTUS' vacations, but we do pay for his and his family's security details and accompanying staff when he goes on vacation. For example, taxpayers didn't have to pay for the house Obama rented on The Vineyard when he vacationed there. We did have to pay for whatever meals and accommodations his security team needed.

It may be that Obama chose a vacation rental large enough to accommodate his required security detail and as a result, part of the total rent for the house was paid by the gov't so that the SS and whomever else could be in the same building as the POTUS and his family.

I don't know if that's the case, but I wouldn't be surprised or annoyed if it were. I wouldn't be annoyed about it because (1) the POTUS has to be protected and (2) Obama wasn't forcing the gov't, thus you and me, to pay him rent. The rental was at least an arm's length transaction.

So tell the rest of the class how many of those "rentals" were owned by big maobama donors?

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