At least 2 Republican DAs want to prosecute Biden

Uh oh.

Look like the gloves are off.

And if this comes to fruition - as usual - the Leftards will only have themselves to blame.

They annihilate norms in this country while crying from the rooftops that said norms are being shredded by the Right; then they supercharge the candidacy of Orange Man Rad by getting way ahead of their skis and indicting him on the flimsiest case imaginable.

Fact: Whether China Joe gets charged or no - this has inexorably opened up a can of worms where local DA's of any party will attempt to advance their own crooked careers by doggedly pursuing enemy scalps based on trumped up bologna.

And if Orange Man strolls back into the White House as a result of the Dems' own panic induced freakout?

To put a ribbon on it: No doubt racism and/or misogyny will be to blame.

With a side serving of transphobia.

Or some such nonsense.

Ya gotta love it.
He'll have to wait.

You mean like the Dems waited to indict ex-President Trump?

Dems have summoned up a new norm-busting slayer of political malpractice, all while hyperventilating about "DEMOOCRACY!!!!" (tm)

That's the entire point, Bart.
Tim and his cadre of millennial hippies are making this all about Biden, but it doesn't have to be.

You really aren't a "big picture" kinda guy, huh?

Color me shocked.
If I visit a video let's say, a hundred times. Am I counted as a hundred views and subsequently conflated into being a hundred people?
No one of any importance or anyone that matters, really cares or pays attention to what some neurotic with a YouTube channel is saying


Considering he's now a millionaire with over a million subscribers - and higher ratings than CNN or MSDNC - that just falls flat on its face.

And I don't even like Tim Pool.
Considering he's now a millionaire with over a million subscribers - and higher ratings than CNN or MSDNC - that just falls flat on its face.

And I don't even like Tim Pool.
and btw, it -- the adoration and envy of people -- it smacks of White Low Class Trailer Trash. Like those folks looking at Trump like the wealthy person they'd want to be. I know a few uber wealthy people. None posses the anger, victimhood, and petty traits of any of the Family Trump -- White trash with Money

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