At Least 25 Percent Of Iowa Republicans Will Not Vote For Trump In The General Election

Said every politician ever.

Well, I would agree with poster Laughat.....that politician's often do say 'fight' in their rhetorical speeches.

However, there are several key components here that cast Don Trump's communication into a different level of responsibility.

  • First, he was a leader. Leader of the United States of America. Not some bloke running for Township Supervisor. Leader's have a greater responsibility in the language and messaging that they publicly announce. And the more important the leader....the more responsibility he bears in his communicating.
  • Second, Don Trump knew the crowd in front of him was angry. He had instigated part of the anger with his repeated announcements to "fight". His warm up acts.....Eastman, Junior Trump, Rudy ('trial by combat') Giuliani, had all urged anger and combativeness. He followed those incitements with his own....and did not attempt to tamp down or mitigate the anger. He exacerbated it. That was irresponsible.
  • And then, knowing many in the crowd were armed with firearms he still......still.....ordered them to march directly at our elected Representatives. He did not tell them to leave their guns behind, or their clubs, knives, Bear sprays.
  • And most damning, is that once the violence began in earnest, with violent combat between uniformed police officers and his supporters widely broadcast on TV.....and even after being informed in the White House that one of his supporters had been shot inside the Capitol.....Don Trump refused to intercede. Refused to send a text or make an announcement that the violence must stop and his fans must stand down. He refused. As he watched it all unfold on the telly for nearly three hours! And stayed silent.

    THAT ........ is not responsible leadership. You know that. I know that. Everybody knows that.
Yep, I bet AntonToo believes Hillary's Russia, Russia, Russia lie too and every other left wing racist conspiracy theory

I bet you don't have any fucking clue what you are talking about and just make up wishful bs as you go.

My posts on this website are public, go search them before opening your mouth about what I do or don't belive.

At Least 25 Percent Of Iowa Republicans Will Not Vote For Trump In The General Election​

In a poll prior to the Iowa caucus, at least 25 percent of likely Republican caucus goers said they will not vote for Trump if he is the nominee.

11 percent said they will vote for Biden, 6 percent for RFK, Jr., 8 percent said they would vote third party, 1 percent would not vote, 3 percent were unsure. Only 71 percent said they would vote for Trump.

lt will be interesting to see how Republicans in other states feel about voting for Trump.

An NBC poll?

That makes it worthless

What the partisan lib Peacock channel is asking us to believe is that 25% of repubs in Iowa prefer joe biden over whoever their party nominates

And I find that hard to believe
An NBC poll?

That makes it worthless

What the partisan lib Peacock channel is asking us to believe is that 25% of repubs in Iowa prefer joe biden over whoever their party nominates

And I find that hard to believe

How about you learn how to critically read first? Thats not what the poll shows.

Just because you say you won't vote for Trump, doesn't mean you prefer Biden.
I bet you don't have any fucking clue what you are talking about and just make up wishful bs as you go.

My posts on this website are public, go search them before opening your mouth about what I do or don't belive.

Gotcha, you pick and choose which racist hate left wing nut job theories you believe, vermin, got it
Gotcha, you pick and choose which racist hate left wing nut job theories you believe, vermin, got it
Thats too many words to say nothing.

If you have something specific that you think I unreasonably believe then quote me, otherwise get lost with your bullshit.
Thats too many words to say nothing.

If you have something specific that you think I unreasonably believe then quote me, otherwise get lost with your bullshit.

I was responding to a specific think you stupid racist fuck. Later, vermin
I was responding to a specific think you stupid racist fuck. Later, vermin

What "specific think"? You just generally accused me of beliving some undefined "racist hate left wing nut job theories".

Does anything ever add up in that silly head of yours?
How about you learn how to critically read first? Thats not what the poll shows.

Just because you say you won't vote for Trump, doesn't mean you prefer Biden.
The implied deal for the alleged 25% is inescapable

No matter who repubs nominate it will be biden or the repub winning the election

No pot smoking third party loser has a chance

So if you wont accept Trump you are choosing biden by default
The implied deal for the alleged 25% is inescapable

No matter who repubs nominate it will be biden or the repub winning the election

No pot smoking third party loser has a chance

So if you wont accept Trump you are choosing biden by default

I'm mostly with you, but I applaud any Democrat who stays home because they can't bring themselves to vote for Trump but won't vote for Biden either. Also Democrats who vote Kennedy for the same reason. Then there are MaryAnn voters voting for the flower child, bless their loony souls, LOL
The implied deal for the alleged 25% is inescapable

No it isn't. Not many people have entirely coherent and consistent set of unchanging beliefs.

Thats why you can get seemingly contradicting answers depending on how you phrase the question.

out of that 25% most will probably not vote for either and some will hold their nose and pull the lever for Trump anyway.
he wants to be a dictator. He has already admitted to it.
Nope, never happened. He did make a joke about being a dictator on day 1. You arent asking us to believe that he was dead serious when he said that, are you? That would be fuckin CRAZY if you were. :dunno:
I'm mostly with you, but I applaud any Democrat who stays home because they can't bring themselves to vote for Trump but won't vote for Biden either. Also Democrats who vote Kennedy for the same reason. Then there are MaryAnn voters voting for the flower child, bless their loony souls, LOL
The anti trump repubs are so impressed with themselves and stuck up with their noses in the air that they could drown in a hard rainstorm

With them its heads they win, and tails we lose

They refuse to vote for trump if he is the nominee, but expect MAGAs to vote for their anti trump candidate if he is the nominee
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