At stake, not JUST the oval office.....

so you are stoked at the idea of the Constitution being completely ignored to the point lawyers no longer have to lie to get bills passed them.

fdr wanted to enlarge the scotus to he could do the same thing.

I sincerely have NO idea of what you're babbling about....
to pass the aca by scotus, the lawyers openly lied about the fine. They called it a tax, which it is not.

best part is, they all knew they were being lied to and that the law was utter tyranny, but one just needed a good lie to pass it.
to pass the aca by scotus, the lawyers openly lied about the fine. They called it a tax, which it is not.

best part is, they all knew they were being lied to and that the law was utter tyranny, but one just needed a good lie to pass it.

So, when my state compels me to purchase car insurance, my state is part of a vast conspiracy that goes al the way up to the SC???
to pass the aca by scotus, the lawyers openly lied about the fine. They called it a tax, which it is not.

best part is, they all knew they were being lied to and that the law was utter tyranny, but one just needed a good lie to pass it.

So, when my state compels me to purchase car insurance, my state is part of a vast conspiracy that goes al the way up to the SC???
No, because you have a choice. You do not have to own a car. We have no choice about obamadon'tcare. Even if you're young, healthy, and want to devote a year's worth of premiums to something you deem more worthwhile, you don't have a choice.
For myself, as a progressive democrat, the prospect of a republican in the oval office is disconcerting, but ultimately it would be a relatively short term for such a GOP presidency.

What is REALLY at stake, however, is the prospect of THREE supreme court judges being appointed in the next couple of years. With the current "stalemate" of the SC 4 to 4 decisions, the possible appointment of 3 new justices may shift the balance to a 6 to 3 majority of more progressive judgments for decades to come.
so you are stoked at the idea of the Constitution being completely ignored to the point lawyers no longer have to lie to get bills passed them.

fdr wanted to enlarge the scotus to he could do the same thing.

They always cheer more power concentrated at the federal level, it removes their pet projects further and further away from the electorate, the people they are trying to "help".
For myself, as a progressive democrat, the prospect of a republican in the oval office is disconcerting, but ultimately it would be a relatively short term for such a GOP presidency.

What is REALLY at stake, however, is the prospect of THREE supreme court judges being appointed in the next couple of years. With the current "stalemate" of the SC 4 to 4 decisions, the possible appointment of 3 new justices may shift the balance to a 6 to 3 majority of more progressive judgments for decades to come.
so you are stoked at the idea of the Constitution being completely ignored to the point lawyers no longer have to lie to get bills passed them.

fdr wanted to enlarge the scotus to he could do the same thing.

They always cheer more power concentrated at the federal level, it removes their pet projects further and further away from the electorate, the people they are trying to "help".
I think you got the wrong four letter word in quotations.
Nitwit, you HAVE HAD a conservative majority for many, many years already....How has that worked out.......LOL
Pretty shitty, however it's better than a gub'mint worshiping, left wing, nut job majority on the court, it's bad enough we've had one in the White House for the last 7 years having 5 out of 9 unelected black robed dictators would be unbearable.

Personally I think we should just abolish SCOTUS and use a coin toss as the final arbiter of legal decisions, the citizenry would get better justice that way.
Oh boy!

Hillary gets to nominated 3 judges!

That's a 7 to 2 leftist edge!

Thank you Trump
Bottom line is this.....the next president will appoint 2 to 3 justices. If Clinton gets in, you know that the SC will turn to more liberal and progressive decisions....If (highly unlikely) Trump gets in, conservatives should keep in mind that Trump's stance of abortion rights, gay/lesbian rights and dislike for Citizen United, will probably ALSO have the SC to be less biased toward right wing causes.......Scalia's reign of terror is over.

Scalia was a great justice. Y'all are so wacked that you don't even know right from wrong anymore.
Oh boy!

Hillary gets to nominated 3 judges!

That's a 7 to 2 leftist edge!

Thank you Trump

Actually, Roberts, Thomas, Alito AND Kennedy (who, at best, is a swing vote....remember that he voted to appoint GWB as president), would make it 5-4 leaning liberal.
Scalia was a great justice. Y'all are so wacked that you don't even know right from wrong anymore.

Would a "great justice" go out hunting and accept "benefits" from the very same people he's supposed to OBJECTIVELY judge?
Exactly and with the absolutely ridiculous ruling yesterday by the SCOTUS allowing Unions to collect fees from workers who decide to NOT join the union is baffling. Ginsburg has been an utter disgrace ever since she has been appointed. Sotomayor and Kagan were so unqualified it is criminal.

Yes this election means a lot. If Trump wins it means he will get to appoint a conservative replacement of Scalia and save us from liberal reign of terror. The. Hopefully Ginsburg crocks and we can replace her with someone who respects the constitution and loves this country.
Have you googled who Trump's sister is? If not, you should. LOL
I am very familiar with her. She was appointed by Reagan and is a Republican. She is considered a smart and tough cookie. The bash on her is the Cruz talking point," she is a hardcore liberal on abortion." Not true! What is true is she ruled on the merits of a case and not her own convictions when coming up with a verdict. Lower court must follow the precedence set by higher courts and that is what did. Little know fact: the most conservative judge on the bench today (Alito) joined in on the decision.

I pro-choice, so this admittedly does not phase me as much

Cruz wrongly says Trump's only Supreme Court pick is his sister, a 'hardcore pro-abortion liberal'
Liberals and progressives will be destroyed once and for all after we pack the court with conservative justices and get back to Constitution based law.

Nitwit, you HAVE HAD a conservative majority for many, many years already....How has that worked out.......LOL
Get a clue. It was 4-4 with 1 swing voter. With Scalia gone it could be 5 libs-3 cons and 1 swing.

That is until they assassin another conservative judge like they did to Scalia!
to pass the aca by scotus, the lawyers openly lied about the fine. They called it a tax, which it is not.

best part is, they all knew they were being lied to and that the law was utter tyranny, but one just needed a good lie to pass it.

So, when my state compels me to purchase car insurance, my state is part of a vast conspiracy that goes al the way up to the SC???
while over stated to force feed me your support of tyranny and unconstitutional values

yes, you should not be forced to buy insurance, and you aren't, you have the option of not getting a car

see how dumb your comeback was? see how it's not even close to the same thing?

you support tyranny, blindly, obediently, and you want more of it.
yes, you should not be forced to buy insurance, and you aren't, you have the option of not getting a car

see how dumb your comeback was? see how it's not even close to the same thing?

So, I can picture morons (like you) going into your usual hissy fit about not being able to drive a car without insurance...heck, you'd be rewriting the 2nd amendment about your right to have all the cars you want.
Liberals and progressives will be destroyed once and for all after we pack the court with conservative justices and get back to Constitution based law.

Nitwit, you HAVE HAD a conservative majority for many, many years already....How has that worked out.......LOL

Oh please don't pretend to be a moron you know damn well there's a moderate on the court and iffy justices like John Roberts. Don't worry about it, with 2-3 more conservatives on the court you people are finished. The liberal filth will be eradicated.

The right will brook no dissent from their visions of the Fourth Reich.
yes, you should not be forced to buy insurance, and you aren't, you have the option of not getting a car

see how dumb your comeback was? see how it's not even close to the same thing?

So, I can picture morons (like you) going into your usual hissy fit about not being able to drive a car without insurance...heck, you'd be rewriting the 2nd amendment about your right to have all the cars you want.
wrong again

what a failure, can't admit he supports tyranny, so he makes up a lie and accuses me of his imagination.
Liberals and progressives will be destroyed once and for all after we pack the court with conservative justices and get back to Constitution based law.

Nitwit, you HAVE HAD a conservative majority for many, many years already....How has that worked out.......LOL

Oh please don't pretend to be a moron you know damn well there's a moderate on the court and iffy justices like John Roberts. Don't worry about it, with 2-3 more conservatives on the court you people are finished. The liberal filth will be eradicated.

The right will brook no dissent from their visions of the Fourth Reich.
the only other party to go in large groups to protest another parties political rallies were nazis and commies (stalin and mao)

that's you pork chop
Bottom line is this.....the next president will appoint 2 to 3 justices. If Clinton gets in, you know that the SC will turn to more liberal and progressive decisions....If (highly unlikely) Trump gets in, conservatives should keep in mind that Trump's stance of abortion rights, gay/lesbian rights and dislike for Citizen United, will probably ALSO have the SC to be less biased toward right wing causes.......Scalia's reign of terror is over.

"Liberal and progressive", decisions will most likely be illegal.

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