At stake, not JUST the oval office.....

So......what will happen when the court goes left?

End of capital punishment
Blocking of right wing attempts to close abortion clinics
Further protections of gay rights
Handgun controls and background checks
Repeal of Citizens United and Hobby Lobby
Gee, progressive democrats found out there's more to the presidency than the Oval Office. Who would have thunk it? Too bad Hillary's husband thought the presidency was just a way to pick up babes.
Gee, progressive democrats found out there's more to the presidency than the Oval Office. Who would have thunk it? Too bad Hillary's husband thought the presidency was just a way to pick up babes.

I bet you actually thought that when writing the above, all other posters would simply "marvel" at your erudite and well researched contribution to this thread, didn't you?
As Bernie says, the system is rigged.

There is no other buffoon organization on the planet that could lose to Hillary other than the GOP.
Even when Republican Presidents appoint judges they usually turn up Progressive like Roberts.

The system is rigged.

You mean like the decision in Bush v. Gore ???


How else could this win the White House?

When I think about it, it really is all Bush's fault. The left was right (HA!), who knew?

It took Bush to completely destroy the GOP with the title "conservative" next to his name in order for people to sell out to the Dims and elect a community organizer to run the world.
It took Bush to completely destroy the GOP with the title "conservative" next to his name in order for people to sell out to the Dims and elect a community organizer to run the world.

Is that like saying that the Trump's "phenomena" is due to Obama's 2-term presidency?
It took Bush to completely destroy the GOP with the title "conservative" next to his name in order for people to sell out to the Dims and elect a community organizer to run the world.

Is that like saying that the Trump's "phenomena" is due to Obama's 2-term presidency?

Yes, but it all leads back to Bush cause that's where life starts I reckon.
Stopped reading here. If you want to debate a libertarian, let me know

"Libertarian"........someone who hates everybody but some more than others (my own definition)
Liberals and progressives will be destroyed once and for all after we pack the court with conservative justices and get back to Constitution based law.

Nitwit, you HAVE HAD a conservative majority for many, many years already....How has that worked out.......LOL

Oh please don't pretend to be a moron you know damn well there's a moderate on the court and iffy justices like John Roberts. Don't worry about it, with 2-3 more conservatives on the court you people are finished. The liberal filth will be eradicated.

The right will brook no dissent from their visions of the Fourth Reich.

Did you read that on the internet?
you are so full of shit. minority and women's rights were put in place by conservatives. Liberals created the KKK and the third reich. Liberals are intolerant of any viewpoints other than theirs, liberals are tyrants who punish anyone who does not spout their bullshit.

A perfect example: obozo and his female puppet Lynch want to punish anyone who dares disagree with the man made global climate change hoax.

Well, fishbreath, NO ONE will ever "accuse" you of having a brain......"Liberals created the KKK".......Now THAT is funny....idiotic, but funny nonetheless.......

The KKK was made up of liberal democrats---------still is.

LBJ, "I'll have them ni66ers voting democrat for the next 200 years".

Robert KKK Byrd-------------democrat

Huey Long-----------democrat

Lester Maddox------------democrat
you are so full of shit. minority and women's rights were put in place by conservatives. Liberals created the KKK and the third reich. Liberals are intolerant of any viewpoints other than theirs, liberals are tyrants who punish anyone who does not spout their bullshit.

A perfect example: obozo and his female puppet Lynch want to punish anyone who dares disagree with the man made global climate change hoax.

Well, fishbreath, NO ONE will ever "accuse" you of having a brain......"Liberals created the KKK".......Now THAT is funny....idiotic, but funny nonetheless.......

The KKK was made up of liberal democrats---------still is.

LBJ, "I'll have them ni66ers voting democrat for the next 200 years".

Robert KKK Byrd-------------democrat

Huey Long-----------democrat

Lester Maddox------------democrat

KKK used to be made up of southern conservative democrats and southern Republicans

but that was 50 years they are loyal conservative Republicans
Stopped reading here. If you want to debate a libertarian, let me know

"Libertarian"........someone who hates everybody but some more than others (my own definition)

Someone who thinks we should be able to do whatever we want, as long as we don't infringe of the right of others to do the same.

Which part of that do you disagree with, totalitarian?
So......what will happen when the court goes left?

End of capital punishment
Blocking of right wing attempts to close abortion clinics
Further protections of gay rights
Handgun controls and background checks
Repeal of Citizens United and Hobby Lobby

What else will a liberal court get us?

Stricter rules on gerrymandering
Curtailment of voter ID laws
The KKK was made up of liberal democrats---------still is.

LBJ, "I'll have them ni66ers voting democrat for the next 200 years".

Robert KKK Byrd-------------democrat

Huey Long-----------democrat

Lester Maddox------------democrat

Dingbat....first you're "confusing" the label "democrat" with "liberal"....For example, did you know that there were several "liberal" republicans before the tea baggers spewed their imbecility?

Second. some democrats were indeed racists because they still harbored resentment over a republican (Lincoln) freeing their "work force".....
For myself, as a progressive democrat, the prospect of a republican in the oval office is disconcerting, but ultimately it would be a relatively short term for such a GOP presidency.

What is REALLY at stake, however, is the prospect of THREE supreme court judges being appointed in the next couple of years. With the current "stalemate" of the SC 4 to 4 decisions, the possible appointment of 3 new justices may shift the balance to a 6 to 3 majority of more progressive judgments for decades to come.

Its all that matters because subsequent Presidents and Congresses can un-do just about anything that the current President and Congress does. Except appointment to the Supreme Court.

This is why I voted for Obama in the GE twice.

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