At stake, not JUST the oval office.....

So those who do not belong to the Union should not benefit from collective bargaining. Those not in the Union should be made to negotiate their own contracts.
Plain and simple.

Exactly and with the absolutely ridiculous ruling yesterday by the SCOTUS allowing Unions to collect fees from workers who decide to NOT join the union is baffling. Ginsburg has been an utter disgrace ever since she has been appointed. Sotomayor and Kagan were so unqualified it is criminal.

Yes this election means a lot. If Trump wins it means he will get to appoint a conservative replacement of Scalia and save us from liberal reign of terror. The. Hopefully Ginsburg crocks and we can replace her with someone who respects the constitution and loves this country.

we have laws today that protect workers from the things that unions were formed for. Unions only exist today as a money laundering function for the dem/lib party, and to keep the union bosses in their Mercedes and BMWs using the members dues.
Well, fishbreath, NO ONE will ever "accuse" you of having a brain......"Liberals created the KKK".......Now THAT is funny....idiotic, but funny nonetheless.......

The KKK was made up of liberal democrats---------still is.

LBJ, "I'll have them ni66ers voting democrat for the next 200 years".

Robert KKK Byrd-------------democrat

Huey Long-----------democrat

Lester Maddox------------democrat

KKK used to be made up of southern conservative democrats and southern Republicans

but that was 50 years they are loyal conservative Republicans

the KKK still exists in some places, and it is still made up of crazy assed racist democrats who pretend to be something else.

No one with any brains, GOP or dem, is a KKK member today. But the fact remains, when the KKK was at its highest membership it was made up mostly of democrats. Spin all you like, that is a fact. BTW Lincoln was a republican and Kennedy was a conservative, while LBJ was a racist pretending to be a liberal.

KKK has reformed as white supremacist groups.......still conservative and still Republican

and what exactly are the black panthers, BLM, Farrakhan, Sharpton, Jackson, the black congressional caucus? Are you really going to claim that they are not racist black supremacist groups?

BLM, Sharpton, Farrakhan, Jackson and the black caucus are not terrorists

White supremacists are
A stake...not just the Oval Office

Trump will lose more than that. The White House is out of reach

But Trump will also cost Republicans the Senate and at least a dozen seats in the House

He will ensure a liberal court for a generation

totally wrong, a Trump victory would remove the establishment of both parties from control. THAT is why both party bosses fear him. They are afraid of losing power and control.

Kicking the establishment assholes out would be good for America. Trump is the only guy who can and will do that.

Trump cannot win
His current odds of winning are around 20%, Hillary is almost 70%

It will get worse before it gets better

Well shit, lets just crown the bitch now and save all that election money!!! As much as you wish for it, the hildebeast will never be president----------book it.

she is not only a corrupt liar and a criminal she has the early signs of alzheimers and dementia.
The KKK was made up of liberal democrats---------still is.

LBJ, "I'll have them ni66ers voting democrat for the next 200 years".

Robert KKK Byrd-------------democrat

Huey Long-----------democrat

Lester Maddox------------democrat

KKK used to be made up of southern conservative democrats and southern Republicans

but that was 50 years they are loyal conservative Republicans

the KKK still exists in some places, and it is still made up of crazy assed racist democrats who pretend to be something else.

No one with any brains, GOP or dem, is a KKK member today. But the fact remains, when the KKK was at its highest membership it was made up mostly of democrats. Spin all you like, that is a fact. BTW Lincoln was a republican and Kennedy was a conservative, while LBJ was a racist pretending to be a liberal.

KKK has reformed as white supremacist groups.......still conservative and still Republican

and what exactly are the black panthers, BLM, Farrakhan, Sharpton, Jackson, the black congressional caucus? Are you really going to claim that they are not racist black supremacist groups?

BLM, Sharpton, Farrakhan, Jackson and the black caucus are not terrorists

White supremacists are

which groups have started riots and called for the murder of police? You dumb fuckhead, everyone knows that the left wingers are the ones rioting and looting. In addition, the far right loser assholes are a tiny fraction of a % of conservatives, they are nothing but a very small group of idiots.
Awww, poor little algore was not allowed to win by cheating--------tough shit.

FACT: Al Gore received more popular votes — about 540,000 more ----than Mr. Bush nationally.

Wow, Al Gore ran for the popular vote? Really? He's dumber than I thought. He didn't know how we elect Presidents in this country and he wanted to be President. LOL, what a dumb ass. As for me, I voted for the only one I'd have wanted to be President in that election. Harry Browne

so you wasted your vote, interesting.
Liberals and progressives will be destroyed once and for all after we pack the court with conservative justices and get back to Constitution based law.
You Raging Righies don't want Constitutional Law --- you want Christaria Law.

If that is your best argument then it doesn't hold water.
When CEO's compensation and pay has increased exponentially in the past 20 to 30 yrs while workers wages has stagnated, then you have to look at why their pay has jumped so much.
Taking away the right to collective bargaining only gives CEO's and corporations more of the upper hand.
Something I dont want to ever see happen.
Also, if you have ever worked in any industry where it manufactures something or in the oil fields or a chemical company, you would know full well that safety is sometimes a second thought.
Refusing to go into an unsafe work area, without Union protection, would have someone fired immediately.
If you think that for one instance, without protection from a Union, that you could not be fired for any little reason, you are mistaken.
Workers need Unions today now more than ever.

So those who do not belong to the Union should not benefit from collective bargaining. Those not in the Union should be made to negotiate their own contracts.
Plain and simple.

Exactly and with the absolutely ridiculous ruling yesterday by the SCOTUS allowing Unions to collect fees from workers who decide to NOT join the union is baffling. Ginsburg has been an utter disgrace ever since she has been appointed. Sotomayor and Kagan were so unqualified it is criminal.

Yes this election means a lot. If Trump wins it means he will get to appoint a conservative replacement of Scalia and save us from liberal reign of terror. The. Hopefully Ginsburg crocks and we can replace her with someone who respects the constitution and loves this country.

we have laws today that protect workers from the things that unions were formed for. Unions only exist today as a money laundering function for the dem/lib party, and to keep the union bosses in their Mercedes and BMWs using the members dues.
If that is your best argument then it doesn't hold water.
When CEO's compensation and pay has increased exponentially in the past 20 to 30 yrs while workers wages has stagnated, then you have to look at why their pay has jumped so much.
Taking away the right to collective bargaining only gives CEO's and corporations more of the upper hand.
Something I dont want to ever see happen.
Also, if you have ever worked in any industry where it manufactures something or in the oil fields or a chemical company, you would know full well that safety is sometimes a second thought.
Refusing to go into an unsafe work area, without Union protection, would have someone fired immediately.
If you think that for one instance, without protection from a Union, that you could not be fired for any little reason, you are mistaken.
Workers need Unions today now more than ever.

Right wingers can be really, really stupid or naive when it comes to their bashing of unions.
They often call for LESS government regulations in the work place and, of course, the abolition of unions, thereby relying solely on the "good will" of CEOs and board members to protect workers' safety and provide livable wages...Good luck with that.
Awww, poor little algore was not allowed to win by cheating--------tough shit.

FACT: Al Gore received more popular votes — about 540,000 more ----than Mr. Bush nationally.

Wow, Al Gore ran for the popular vote? Really? He's dumber than I thought. He didn't know how we elect Presidents in this country and he wanted to be President. LOL, what a dumb ass. As for me, I voted for the only one I'd have wanted to be President in that election. Harry Browne

so you wasted your vote, interesting.

Wasting my vote would have been picking between two people I did not want to be President
Scalia was a great justice. Y'all are so wacked that you don't even know right from wrong anymore.

Would a "great justice" go out hunting and accept "benefits" from the very same people he's supposed to OBJECTIVELY judge?

Who would he be allowed to "accept benefits" from? Issues that affect everyone in the country come before the Supreme Court.
Who would he be allowed to "accept benefits" from? Issues that affect everyone in the country come before the Supreme Court.

Time for a little education of right wingers......

A. The 1978 Ethics in Government Act, passed in the wake of the Watergate scandal, states that all federal judges — up to and including the chief justice and the associate justices — are required to report certain gifts. It also requires them to identify and describe when someone who is not a relative gives them “transportation, lodging, food, or entertainment” worth a certain amount.

B. The luxury ranch where Scalia died is owned by J B Poindexter.

C. Poindexter told The Washington Post that Scalia was not charged for his stay.

D. One of Poindexter’s companies was involved in a case that made it to the high court and the Supreme Court (with a majority led by the powerful Scalia) declined to hear a case involving an age discrimination lawsuit filed against one of these companies.

E. Any nitwit can (or should) be able to connect the dots.
A stake...not just the Oval Office

Trump will lose more than that. The White House is out of reach

But Trump will also cost Republicans the Senate and at least a dozen seats in the House

He will ensure a liberal court for a generation

totally wrong, a Trump victory would remove the establishment of both parties from control. THAT is why both party bosses fear him. They are afraid of losing power and control.

Kicking the establishment assholes out would be good for America. Trump is the only guy who can and will do that.

Trump cannot win
His current odds of winning are around 20%, Hillary is almost 70%

It will get worse before it gets better

Well shit, lets just crown the bitch now and save all that election money!!! As much as you wish for it, the hildebeast will never be president----------book it.

she is not only a corrupt liar and a criminal she has the early signs of alzheimers and dementia.
As soon as you picked Trump, you might as well have
KKK used to be made up of southern conservative democrats and southern Republicans

but that was 50 years they are loyal conservative Republicans

the KKK still exists in some places, and it is still made up of crazy assed racist democrats who pretend to be something else.

No one with any brains, GOP or dem, is a KKK member today. But the fact remains, when the KKK was at its highest membership it was made up mostly of democrats. Spin all you like, that is a fact. BTW Lincoln was a republican and Kennedy was a conservative, while LBJ was a racist pretending to be a liberal.

KKK has reformed as white supremacist groups.......still conservative and still Republican

and what exactly are the black panthers, BLM, Farrakhan, Sharpton, Jackson, the black congressional caucus? Are you really going to claim that they are not racist black supremacist groups?

BLM, Sharpton, Farrakhan, Jackson and the black caucus are not terrorists

White supremacists are

which groups have started riots and called for the murder of police? You dumb fuckhead, everyone knows that the left wingers are the ones rioting and looting. In addition, the far right loser assholes are a tiny fraction of a % of conservatives, they are nothing but a very small group of idiots.

Very small group of idiots that is protected by your party
It seems all they want to do is ridicule and ruin any chance or way for the real workers in this country of ever getting closer to the American dream.
I challenge each and everyone of them to really look into the history of mining and manufacturing and understand the real reason that Unions were and are needed.
The treatment of these workers were nearly next to slavery.
Granted today it isn't as bad but these workers still need a way to protect themselves....immediately on the job and not wait for some bureaucratic intervention.
They are needed too but Unions affords workers the right to safe and healthy working conditions.
It also allows them to make financial gains in the work force.
Its quite ironic that CEO's get a pass when they seek such means but when it is the American worker they are greedy for wanting to earn a livable and substantial wage.
Then the right wingers(teabaggers) say they are all about American values and how they strive to see this country become fiscally on top of the rest of the world.
Maybe for the top 0.01% which is laughable.
Unions forever.!

If that is your best argument then it doesn't hold water.
When CEO's compensation and pay has increased exponentially in the past 20 to 30 yrs while workers wages has stagnated, then you have to look at why their pay has jumped so much.
Taking away the right to collective bargaining only gives CEO's and corporations more of the upper hand.
Something I dont want to ever see happen.
Also, if you have ever worked in any industry where it manufactures something or in the oil fields or a chemical company, you would know full well that safety is sometimes a second thought.
Refusing to go into an unsafe work area, without Union protection, would have someone fired immediately.
If you think that for one instance, without protection from a Union, that you could not be fired for any little reason, you are mistaken.
Workers need Unions today now more than ever.

Right wingers can be really, really stupid or naive when it comes to their bashing of unions.
They often call for LESS government regulations in the work place and, of course, the abolition of unions, thereby relying solely on the "good will" of CEOs and board members to protect workers' safety and provide livable wages...Good luck with that.
Awww, poor little algore was not allowed to win by cheating--------tough shit.

FACT: Al Gore received more popular votes — about 540,000 more ----than Mr. Bush nationally.

Wow, Al Gore ran for the popular vote? Really? He's dumber than I thought. He didn't know how we elect Presidents in this country and he wanted to be President. LOL, what a dumb ass. As for me, I voted for the only one I'd have wanted to be President in that election. Harry Browne

so you wasted your vote, interesting.

Wasting my vote would have been picking between two people I did not want to be President

you voted for someone with no chance of winning rather voting against Obama, YOU wasted your vote.
the KKK still exists in some places, and it is still made up of crazy assed racist democrats who pretend to be something else.

No one with any brains, GOP or dem, is a KKK member today. But the fact remains, when the KKK was at its highest membership it was made up mostly of democrats. Spin all you like, that is a fact. BTW Lincoln was a republican and Kennedy was a conservative, while LBJ was a racist pretending to be a liberal.

KKK has reformed as white supremacist groups.......still conservative and still Republican

and what exactly are the black panthers, BLM, Farrakhan, Sharpton, Jackson, the black congressional caucus? Are you really going to claim that they are not racist black supremacist groups?

BLM, Sharpton, Farrakhan, Jackson and the black caucus are not terrorists

White supremacists are

which groups have started riots and called for the murder of police? You dumb fuckhead, everyone knows that the left wingers are the ones rioting and looting. In addition, the far right loser assholes are a tiny fraction of a % of conservatives, they are nothing but a very small group of idiots.

Very small group of idiots that is protected by your party

A stake...not just the Oval Office

Trump will lose more than that. The White House is out of reach

But Trump will also cost Republicans the Senate and at least a dozen seats in the House

He will ensure a liberal court for a generation

totally wrong, a Trump victory would remove the establishment of both parties from control. THAT is why both party bosses fear him. They are afraid of losing power and control.

Kicking the establishment assholes out would be good for America. Trump is the only guy who can and will do that.

Trump cannot win
His current odds of winning are around 20%, Hillary is almost 70%

It will get worse before it gets better

Well shit, lets just crown the bitch now and save all that election money!!! As much as you wish for it, the hildebeast will never be president----------book it.

she is not only a corrupt liar and a criminal she has the early signs of alzheimers and dementia.
As soon as you picked Trump, you might as well have

wrong again, I will vote against HRC, no matter who the GOP puts up.
It seems all they want to do is ridicule and ruin any chance or way for the real workers in this country of ever getting closer to the American dream.
I challenge each and everyone of them to really look into the history of mining and manufacturing and understand the real reason that Unions were and are needed.
The treatment of these workers were nearly next to slavery.
Granted today it isn't as bad but these workers still need a way to protect themselves....immediately on the job and not wait for some bureaucratic intervention.
They are needed too but Unions affords workers the right to safe and healthy working conditions.
It also allows them to make financial gains in the work force.
Its quite ironic that CEO's get a pass when they seek such means but when it is the American worker they are greedy for wanting to earn a livable and substantial wage.
Then the right wingers(teabaggers) say they are all about American values and how they strive to see this country become fiscally on top of the rest of the world.
Maybe for the top 0.01% which is laughable.
Unions forever.!

If that is your best argument then it doesn't hold water.
When CEO's compensation and pay has increased exponentially in the past 20 to 30 yrs while workers wages has stagnated, then you have to look at why their pay has jumped so much.
Taking away the right to collective bargaining only gives CEO's and corporations more of the upper hand.
Something I dont want to ever see happen.
Also, if you have ever worked in any industry where it manufactures something or in the oil fields or a chemical company, you would know full well that safety is sometimes a second thought.
Refusing to go into an unsafe work area, without Union protection, would have someone fired immediately.
If you think that for one instance, without protection from a Union, that you could not be fired for any little reason, you are mistaken.
Workers need Unions today now more than ever.

Right wingers can be really, really stupid or naive when it comes to their bashing of unions.
They often call for LESS government regulations in the work place and, of course, the abolition of unions, thereby relying solely on the "good will" of CEOs and board members to protect workers' safety and provide livable wages...Good luck with that.

what a moronic post. Unions are your salvation???? are you completely crazy? The union bosses are taking your money and putting it in their pockets and the pockets of corrupt politicians who protect the union bosses.

We have laws to protect workers today, Unions are nothing but a collection agency for the DNC.
A stake...not just the Oval Office

Trump will lose more than that. The White House is out of reach

But Trump will also cost Republicans the Senate and at least a dozen seats in the House

He will ensure a liberal court for a generation

totally wrong, a Trump victory would remove the establishment of both parties from control. THAT is why both party bosses fear him. They are afraid of losing power and control.

Kicking the establishment assholes out would be good for America. Trump is the only guy who can and will do that.

Trump cannot win
His current odds of winning are around 20%, Hillary is almost 70%

It will get worse before it gets better

Well shit, lets just crown the bitch now and save all that election money!!! As much as you wish for it, the hildebeast will never be president----------book it.

she is not only a corrupt liar and a criminal she has the early signs of alzheimers and dementia.
As soon as you picked Trump, you might as well have

wrong again, I will vote against HRC, no matter who the GOP puts up.

You can piss in the wind if you want to

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