At stake, not JUST the oval office.....

Someone who thinks we should be able to do whatever we want, as long as we don't infringe of the right of others to do the same.

Which part of that do you disagree with, totalitarian?

Which part do I disagree with?...Well, the part that you are now NOT allowed to do whatever you want.
The right for a woman to choose what to do with her own body?
The right for an LGBT to marry?
The right to protest?
The right to vote without restrictions?
The right to bitch and moan about the birthplace of a president?

Someone who thinks we should be able to do whatever we want, as long as we don't infringe of the right of others to do the same.

Which part of that do you disagree with, totalitarian?

Which part do I disagree with?...Well, the part that you are now NOT allowed to do whatever you want.

The right for a woman to choose what to do with her own body? - What does that mean? Abortion is legal, Holmes, and it's staying that way, don't know what that's supposed to mean

The right for an LGBT to marry? - Positive rights are an oxymoron You can't do a positive rights without infringing on the rights of others. Gays have the right to be left alone, they don't have the right to demand validation and free shit. BTW, your being stupid and all, I'll remind you I'm against all government marriage

The right to protest? - If you're talking about the anti-Trump thugs, again, they violate the right of others. They have the right to demonstrate, they don't have the right to commit assault

The right to vote without restrictions? - WTF does that mean? Children, felons, illegal aliens, the dead? Those restrictions or what do you mean?

The right to bitch and moan about the birthplace of a president? - You have that right, go ahead. As for me, I mock him for saying he was born in Kenya, but he was born in Hawaii. And even if he was born in Kenya, he was born to an American mother and is a natural born citizen.

As for libertarians, most are pro-choice, most oppose all government marriage, most support protesting but not assault, most believe citizens should be able to vote and I don't hear much from libertarians about the dumb ass Obama who said he was born in Kenya, that's conservatives and not many of those. So I'm not sure what your point is at all here. Just seems like another gnat bitch and moan list of ignorance
Exactly and with the absolutely ridiculous ruling yesterday by the SCOTUS allowing Unions to collect fees from workers who decide to NOT join the union is baffling. Ginsburg has been an utter disgrace ever since she has been appointed. Sotomayor and Kagan were so unqualified it is criminal.

Yes this election means a lot. If Trump wins it means he will get to appoint a conservative replacement of Scalia and save us from liberal reign of terror. The. Hopefully Ginsburg crocks and we can replace her with someone who respects the constitution and loves this country.

Ginsburg is actually one of the finer jurists to ever hold a seat on the Court.

In Texas they have made it to where a woman practically can’t get an abortion. They did this by passing bullshit regulations such as you must have halls wide enough for 2 gurneys to pass through simultaneously, the number of parking spots in the parking lot, and admitting privileges in a nearby hospital. The old white men in the Texas Legislature said they were looking out for women’s health.

So after another jurist asked the old white guy from the State AG to produce a map of the clinics that women could still use, Ginsburg pointed out that women in the west side of the State were several hundred miles from a clinic; the old white guy from the AG office pointed out that they could go to New Mexico.

Ginsburg retorted:

That's -- that's odd that you point to the New Mexico facility. New Mexico doesn't have any surgical ASC requirement, and it doesn't have any admitting requirement. So if your argument is right, then New Mexico is not an available way out for Texas because Texas says to protect our women, we need these things. But send them off to New Mexico where they don't get it either, no admitting privileges, no ASC. And that's perfectly all right.

Well, if that's all right for the women in the El Paso area, why isn't it right for the rest of the women in Texas?

Observers in the court were then treated to what some referred to as 3 minutes of total silence as she stared at the AG who had just been shot, caught, gutted and field dressed by an 84 year old woman. I heard he is still looking for his testicles.

What we really need to do is have a sub-set of the Supreme Court assigned to Texas, Mississippi, Alabama and probably West Virginia and have them go through every BS law like this passed by the State Legislatures and destroy them one by one.
Awww, poor little algore was not allowed to win by cheating--------tough shit.

FACT: Al Gore received more popular votes — about 540,000 more ----than Mr. Bush nationally.

Wow, Al Gore ran for the popular vote? Really? He's dumber than I thought. He didn't know how we elect Presidents in this country and he wanted to be President. LOL, what a dumb ass. As for me, I voted for the only one I'd have wanted to be President in that election. Harry Browne
Dingbat....first you're "confusing" the label "democrat" with "liberal"....For example, did you know that there were several "liberal" republicans before the tea baggers spewed their imbecility?
... and you're confusing the word "liberal" with the gub'mint worshiping, authoritarian left that likes to call themselves "liberal", the American Left in general is about as liberal as Mussolini's black shirts; always looking to degrade individual liberty and steal the fruits of others labor for what THEY SEE as a benefit to the collective and always looking to use government initiated force to get their own way.
Dingbat....first you're "confusing" the label "democrat" with "liberal"....For example, did you know that there were several "liberal" republicans before the tea baggers spewed their imbecility?
... and you're confusing the word "liberal" with the gub'mint worshiping, authoritarian left that likes to call themselves "liberal", the American Left in general is about as liberal as Mussolini's black shirts; always looking to degrade individual liberty and steal the fruits of others labor for what THEY SEE as a benefit to the collective and always looking to use government initiated force to get their own way.

Yep, "liberals" are authoritarian leftists, there is nothing liberal about them. Government guns may protect us from threats, but they sure don't give us liberty. The founding fathers were liberals, today we are called libertarians. Government
The right to vote without restrictions? - WTF does that mean? Children, felons, illegal aliens, the dead? Those restrictions or what do you mean?

Well, the above then explains WHY conservatives did so well in the 2010 and 2014 elections....Thanks !!! (lol)
The right to vote without restrictions? - WTF does that mean? Children, felons, illegal aliens, the dead? Those restrictions or what do you mean?

Well, the above then explains WHY conservatives did so well in the 2010 and 2014 elections....Thanks !!! (lol)

When you can have a lucid discussion, let me know. Are mornings better for you before, you know, you hit the bottle? Or is that the same?
When you can have a lucid discussion, let me know. Are mornings better for you before, you know, you hit the bottle? Or is that the same?

Nahhh, just using your own words to make you seem a bit more foolish. Libertarians are just conservatives who hate to admit to and are rather embarrased of that ideology
... and you're confusing the word "liberal" with the gub'mint worshiping, authoritarian left that likes to call themselves "liberal", the American Left in general is about as liberal as Mussolini's black shirts; always looking to degrade individual liberty and steal the fruits of others labor for what THEY SEE as a benefit to the collective and always looking to use government initiated force to get their own way.

Is the bolded above part WHY, under a "liberal" president the filthy rich have gotten richer??? Just asking.
When you can have a lucid discussion, let me know. Are mornings better for you before, you know, you hit the bottle? Or is that the same?

Nahhh, just using your own words to make you seem a bit more foolish. Libertarians are just conservatives who hate to admit to and are rather embarrased of that ideology

You're not using my own words, nothing you said as anything to do with what I said or my positions. You said things like that I oppose gay marriage when I oppose all government marriage and I oppose protesting, which is just stupid. Then you went on about voting and that was past your ability to make a coherent point.

I asked you where you disagree with the libertarian philosophy and so far you have zilch
So those who do not belong to the Union should not benefit from collective bargaining. Those not in the Union should be made to negotiate their own contracts.
Plain and simple.

Exactly and with the absolutely ridiculous ruling yesterday by the SCOTUS allowing Unions to collect fees from workers who decide to NOT join the union is baffling. Ginsburg has been an utter disgrace ever since she has been appointed. Sotomayor and Kagan were so unqualified it is criminal.

Yes this election means a lot. If Trump wins it means he will get to appoint a conservative replacement of Scalia and save us from liberal reign of terror. The. Hopefully Ginsburg crocks and we can replace her with someone who respects the constitution and loves this country.
A stake...not just the Oval Office

Trump will lose more than that. The White House is out of reach

But Trump will also cost Republicans the Senate and at least a dozen seats in the House

He will ensure a liberal court for a generation
you are so full of shit. minority and women's rights were put in place by conservatives. Liberals created the KKK and the third reich. Liberals are intolerant of any viewpoints other than theirs, liberals are tyrants who punish anyone who does not spout their bullshit.

A perfect example: obozo and his female puppet Lynch want to punish anyone who dares disagree with the man made global climate change hoax.

Well, fishbreath, NO ONE will ever "accuse" you of having a brain......"Liberals created the KKK".......Now THAT is funny....idiotic, but funny nonetheless.......

The KKK was made up of liberal democrats---------still is.

LBJ, "I'll have them ni66ers voting democrat for the next 200 years".

Robert KKK Byrd-------------democrat

Huey Long-----------democrat

Lester Maddox------------democrat

KKK used to be made up of southern conservative democrats and southern Republicans

but that was 50 years they are loyal conservative Republicans

the KKK still exists in some places, and it is still made up of crazy assed racist democrats who pretend to be something else.

No one with any brains, GOP or dem, is a KKK member today. But the fact remains, when the KKK was at its highest membership it was made up mostly of democrats. Spin all you like, that is a fact. BTW Lincoln was a republican and Kennedy was a conservative, while LBJ was a racist pretending to be a liberal.
you are so full of shit. minority and women's rights were put in place by conservatives. Liberals created the KKK and the third reich. Liberals are intolerant of any viewpoints other than theirs, liberals are tyrants who punish anyone who does not spout their bullshit.

A perfect example: obozo and his female puppet Lynch want to punish anyone who dares disagree with the man made global climate change hoax.

Well, fishbreath, NO ONE will ever "accuse" you of having a brain......"Liberals created the KKK".......Now THAT is funny....idiotic, but funny nonetheless.......

The KKK was made up of liberal democrats---------still is.

LBJ, "I'll have them ni66ers voting democrat for the next 200 years".

Robert KKK Byrd-------------democrat

Huey Long-----------democrat

Lester Maddox------------democrat

KKK used to be made up of southern conservative democrats and southern Republicans

but that was 50 years they are loyal conservative Republicans

the KKK still exists in some places, and it is still made up of crazy assed racist democrats who pretend to be something else.

No one with any brains, GOP or dem, is a KKK member today. But the fact remains, when the KKK was at its highest membership it was made up mostly of democrats. Spin all you like, that is a fact. BTW Lincoln was a republican and Kennedy was a conservative, while LBJ was a racist pretending to be a liberal.

KKK has reformed as white supremacist groups.......still conservative and still Republican
... and you're confusing the word "liberal" with the gub'mint worshiping, authoritarian left that likes to call themselves "liberal", the American Left in general is about as liberal as Mussolini's black shirts; always looking to degrade individual liberty and steal the fruits of others labor for what THEY SEE as a benefit to the collective and always looking to use government initiated force to get their own way.

Is the bolded above part WHY, under a "liberal" president the filthy rich have gotten richer??? Just asking.
Probably because he's a corrupt corporatist and a statist not a "liberal" ..... next silly question.
A stake...not just the Oval Office

Trump will lose more than that. The White House is out of reach

But Trump will also cost Republicans the Senate and at least a dozen seats in the House

He will ensure a liberal court for a generation

totally wrong, a Trump victory would remove the establishment of both parties from control. THAT is why both party bosses fear him. They are afraid of losing power and control.

Kicking the establishment assholes out would be good for America. Trump is the only guy who can and will do that.
you are so full of shit. minority and women's rights were put in place by conservatives. Liberals created the KKK and the third reich. Liberals are intolerant of any viewpoints other than theirs, liberals are tyrants who punish anyone who does not spout their bullshit.

A perfect example: obozo and his female puppet Lynch want to punish anyone who dares disagree with the man made global climate change hoax.

Well, fishbreath, NO ONE will ever "accuse" you of having a brain......"Liberals created the KKK".......Now THAT is funny....idiotic, but funny nonetheless.......

The KKK was made up of liberal democrats---------still is.

LBJ, "I'll have them ni66ers voting democrat for the next 200 years".

Robert KKK Byrd-------------democrat

Huey Long-----------democrat

Lester Maddox------------democrat

KKK used to be made up of southern conservative democrats and southern Republicans

but that was 50 years they are loyal conservative Republicans

the KKK still exists in some places, and it is still made up of crazy assed racist democrats who pretend to be something else.

No one with any brains, GOP or dem, is a KKK member today. But the fact remains, when the KKK was at its highest membership it was made up mostly of democrats. Spin all you like, that is a fact. BTW Lincoln was a republican and Kennedy was a conservative, while LBJ was a racist pretending to be a liberal.

KKK has reformed as white supremacist groups.......still conservative and still Republican

and what exactly are the black panthers, BLM, Farrakhan, Sharpton, Jackson, the black congressional caucus? Are you really going to claim that they are not racist black supremacist groups?
A stake...not just the Oval Office

Trump will lose more than that. The White House is out of reach

But Trump will also cost Republicans the Senate and at least a dozen seats in the House

He will ensure a liberal court for a generation

totally wrong, a Trump victory would remove the establishment of both parties from control. THAT is why both party bosses fear him. They are afraid of losing power and control.

Kicking the establishment assholes out would be good for America. Trump is the only guy who can and will do that.

Trump cannot win
His current odds of winning are around 20%, Hillary is almost 70%

It will get worse before it gets better

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