At The Coldest.It's 37 Below In Minnesota,Aside From The Frozen Rust Belt.Hello Al Gore&John Kerry!

well if anyone dies cause of the cold, we will have a pelosi/schumer press conference
This is called weather not climate. The last three years have been the hottest 3 years in the history of the world and nobody is arguing but GOP dupes. California now has a fire season all year long...

Provably a stupid statement, but we all know you silly people don't do facts. I do find it amusing that when you are asked a straightforward question, you all run from it. Science is simple, it is not based on belief, or on computer models, it is based on OBSERVABLE data. So, once again, show us the mechanism for "warm" arctic air, suddenly getting super dooper cold, and migrating south...
Now Mr. Westwall, you are really showing yourself to be a rather dumb fuck. Nome has been about an even ten degrees warmer than normal for the whole month of December.

Nome December Weather 2017 - AccuWeather Forecast for AK 99762

Yes, just as Dr. Francis predicted in 2012, we are now seeing the slowing of the jet stream, and the extension of the loops north and south, bringing extreme cold spells to the temperate areas, and unusual warmth to the arctic.
:2up: Yes, I did make a thread earlier regarding the early/real cold winter for Mid-December. Fox just did the story of how viciously cold it is now throughout the northern half of the country. So Again, can anyone here explain how "Global Warming" is cause all of this near record cold in many of the 57 states? And where is Al Gore as we speak? Florida?

Love it. The people who come on here and say "GLOBAL warming" and then talk about how cold it is where they are.

Did you not get the GLOBAL part at all?
:2up: Yes, I did make a thread earlier regarding the early/real cold winter for Mid-December. Fox just did the story of how viciously cold it is now throughout the northern half of the country. So Again, can anyone here explain how "Global Warming" is cause all of this near record cold in many of the 57 states? And where is Al Gore as we speak? Florida?

Love it. The people who come on here and say "GLOBAL warming" and then talk about how cold it is where they are.

Did you not get the GLOBAL part at all?

Ok so list all these global weather station's in the year 1900?

So we can compare them too and what we have now

List them please and thank you

:2up: Yes, I did make a thread earlier regarding the early/real cold winter for Mid-December. Fox just did the story of how viciously cold it is now throughout the northern half of the country. So Again, can anyone here explain how "Global Warming" is cause all of this near record cold in many of the 57 states? And where is Al Gore as we speak? Florida?
Gore etc talk of Global warming, not Minnesota warming. The arctic is warming fastest and is sending it's cold air down to freeze your state.

View attachment 168402
As it turns out, p
well if anyone dies cause of the cold, we will have a pelosi/schumer press conference
This is called weather not climate. The last three years have been the hottest 3 years in the history of the world and nobody is arguing but GOP dupes. California now has a fire season all year long...

Provably a stupid statement, but we all know you silly people don't do facts. I do find it amusing that when you are asked a straightforward question, you all run from it. Science is simple, it is not based on belief, or on computer models, it is based on OBSERVABLE data. So, once again, show us the mechanism for "warm" arctic air, suddenly getting super dooper cold, and migrating south...
Why are you demanding he show it to you? You can literally find a gaggle of recent studies on precisely this with a .5 second google search.

Because I want to see what sort of nonsense you trot out to try and support your statement. That is after the rule of this Board. If you make a statement you are supposed to back it up with something other than "I told you so!".
Really? Then you routinely break that rule, now don't you. I claim that Dr. Francis predicted this type of weather in 2012.

At this time, you were predicting cooling, and no increase in weather extremes.


world natural catastrophes, 1980-2014 - Yahoo Image Search Results
:2up: Yes, I did make a thread earlier regarding the early/real cold winter for Mid-December. Fox just did the story of how viciously cold it is now throughout the northern half of the country. So Again, can anyone here explain how "Global Warming" is cause all of this near record cold in many of the 57 states? And where is Al Gore as we speak? Florida?
Gore etc talk of Global warming, not Minnesota warming. The arctic is warming fastest and is sending it's cold air down to freeze your state.

View attachment 168402
As it turns out, p
well if anyone dies cause of the cold, we will have a pelosi/schumer press conference
This is called weather not climate. The last three years have been the hottest 3 years in the history of the world and nobody is arguing but GOP dupes. California now has a fire season all year long...

Provably a stupid statement, but we all know you silly people don't do facts. I do find it amusing that when you are asked a straightforward question, you all run from it. Science is simple, it is not based on belief, or on computer models, it is based on OBSERVABLE data. So, once again, show us the mechanism for "warm" arctic air, suddenly getting super dooper cold, and migrating south...
Why are you demanding he show it to you? You can literally find a gaggle of recent studies on precisely this with a .5 second google search.

Because I want to see what sort of nonsense you trot out to try and support your statement. That is after the rule of this Board. If you make a statement you are supposed to back it up with something other than "I told you so!".
Really? Then you routinely break that rule, now don't you. I claim that Dr. Francis predicted this type of weather in 2012.

At this time, you were predicting cooling, and no increase in weather extremes.


world natural catastrophes, 1980-2014 - Yahoo Image Search Results

He looks like a fruit loops like you
so will al gore be holding his annual global warming summit in Chicago next week? taking any candid questions?
:2up: Yes, I did make a thread earlier regarding the early/real cold winter for Mid-December. Fox just did the story of how viciously cold it is now throughout the northern half of the country. So Again, can anyone here explain how "Global Warming" is cause all of this near record cold in many of the 57 states? And where is Al Gore as we speak? Florida?

one spot hit -40 in minnesota
:argue: :bang3: :hellno: This is the follow up to my popular thread here regarding the polar vortex that has arrived all over the northern half of the country. Have you guys looked at your one and two week forecast? They did on Fox News. They didnt see any warm up for at least two weeks. So maybe the loony left would like to explain what is happening now and why its going to be a very very cold January? {at least},,and dont expect the average "Global Warming Temperature" to be about 75 in February!
:poke: :slap: :tongue-44:
:2up: Yes, I did make a thread earlier regarding the early/real cold winter for Mid-December. Fox just did the story of how viciously cold it is now throughout the northern half of the country. So Again, can anyone here explain how "Global Warming" is cause all of this near record cold in many of the 57 states? And where is Al Gore as we speak? Florida?

one spot hit -40 in minnesota
oh god! please tell me that no squirrels have died !! :crybaby:
:2up: Yes, I did make a thread earlier regarding the early/real cold winter for Mid-December. Fox just did the story of how viciously cold it is now throughout the northern half of the country. So Again, can anyone here explain how "Global Warming" is cause all of this near record cold in many of the 57 states? And where is Al Gore as we speak? Florida?

one spot hit -40 in minnesota
oh god! please tell me that no squirrels have died !! :crybaby:

only the ones that have ended up in someones crock pot --LOL
well if anyone dies cause of the cold, we will have a pelosi/schumer press conference
This is called weather not climate. The last three years have been the hottest 3 years in the history of the world and nobody is arguing but GOP dupes. California now has a fire season all year long...
Climate change happens... its just not man made. Fact
Only the GOP in the world denies it. So duped...


No, real scientists do too, moron. Here is a single paper (of dozens) that prove your statement to be ridiculous. You're just the typical anti science hater dupe dipshit who has no idea how to think. You can only parrot what your masters tell you to...

"To investigate the Holocene climate and treeline dynamics in the European Russian Arctic, we analysed sediment pollen, conifer stomata, and plant macrofossils from Lake Kharinei, a tundra lake near the treeline in the Pechora area. We present quantitative summer temperature reconstructions from Lake Kharinei and Lake Tumbulovaty, a previously studied lake in the same region, using a pollen–climate transfer function based on a new calibration set from northern European Russia. Our records suggest that the early-Holocene summer temperatures from 11,500 cal yr BP onwards were already slightly higher than at present, followed by a stable Holocene Thermal Maximum (HTM) at 8000–3500 cal yr BP when summer temperatures in the tundra were ca. 3°C above present-day values. A Picea forest surrounded Lake Kharinei during the HTM, reaching 150 km north of the present taiga limit. The HTM ended with a temperature drop at 3500–2500 cal yr BP associated with permafrost initiation in the region. Mixed spruce forest began to disappear around Lake Kharinei at ca. 3500 cal yr BP, with the last tree macrofossils recorded at ca. 2500 cal yr BP, suggesting that the present wide tundra zone in the Pechora region formed during the last ca. 3500 yr."

The Holocene thermal maximum and late-Holocene cooling in the tundra of NE European Russia | Quaternary Research | Cambridge Core
Now how is that denial of the present warming? That was one place, and even if the whole world were slightly warmer at that time, it has been cooling since, and now, in the space of about 150 years, it is rapidly warming, and will exceed any temperatures we have seen since before the ice ages that started about 2.5 million years ago. Not in my lifetime, but in my grandsons lifetimes.
This is called weather not climate. The last three years have been the hottest 3 years in the history of the world and nobody is arguing but GOP dupes. California now has a fire season all year long...
Climate change happens... its just not man made. Fact
Only the GOP in the world denies it. So duped...

There is no "GOP in the world". The Republican Party is exclusively an American political organization.
Don't tell me you are so ignorant what he said was beyond your capacity for understanding?

If you're such a smart little fucker, maybe you'd like to tell me all about the GOP in the UK, Germany, or France?
Asshole, almost everyone in those nations accept man's role in global warming. It is only in our nation with willfully ignorant fucks like that there is a percentage that are anti-science like you.
well if anyone dies cause of the cold, we will have a pelosi/schumer press conference
This is called weather not climate. The last three years have been the hottest 3 years in the history of the world and nobody is arguing but GOP dupes. California now has a fire season all year long...

Provably a stupid statement, but we all know you silly people don't do facts. I do find it amusing that when you are asked a straightforward question, you all run from it. Science is simple, it is not based on belief, or on computer models, it is based on OBSERVABLE data. So, once again, show us the mechanism for "warm" arctic air, suddenly getting super dooper cold, and migrating south...
2017 set to be one of top three hottest years on record

Ever heard of a thermometer?

The NIST don't certify / calibrate them no more so it's not reliable data

What do you think it's funny prove me wrong you two shit for brains

Again the NIST stopped certifying mercury thermometer's
This is called weather not climate. The last three years have been the hottest 3 years in the history of the world and nobody is arguing but GOP dupes. California now has a fire season all year long...
Climate change happens... its just not man made. Fact
Only the GOP in the world denies it. So duped...

There is no "GOP in the world". The Republican Party is exclusively an American political organization.
Don't tell me you are so ignorant what he said was beyond your capacity for understanding?

Ya do know the entire world doesn't believe that man is causing all of it right? Only government officials who want money from the rich nation's
And you are full of shit.

All the Scientific Societies in the world, all the National Academies of Science, and all the major Universities in the world have policy statements that say that AGW is real and a clear and present danger. You know this, and purposely lie in support of your demented political beliefs.
well if anyone dies cause of the cold, we will have a pelosi/schumer press conference
This is called weather not climate. The last three years have been the hottest 3 years in the history of the world and nobody is arguing but GOP dupes. California now has a fire season all year long...

Provably a stupid statement, but we all know you silly people don't do facts. I do find it amusing that when you are asked a straightforward question, you all run from it. Science is simple, it is not based on belief, or on computer models, it is based on OBSERVABLE data. So, once again, show us the mechanism for "warm" arctic air, suddenly getting super dooper cold, and migrating south...
2017 set to be one of top three hottest years on record

Ever heard of a thermometer?

The NIST don't certify / calibrate them no more so it's not reliable data

What do you think it's funny prove me wrong you two shit for brains

Again the NIST stopped certifying mercury thermometer's
And? The satellites records are verifying what the ground stations and mercury thermometer's are telling us. And that is that it is warming, and doing so more rapidly than any time in the last 800,000 years.
well if anyone dies cause of the cold, we will have a pelosi/schumer press conference
This is called weather not climate. The last three years have been the hottest 3 years in the history of the world and nobody is arguing but GOP dupes. California now has a fire season all year long...
Climate change happens... its just not man made. Fact
Only the GOP in the world denies it. So duped...


No, real scientists do too, moron. Here is a single paper (of dozens) that prove your statement to be ridiculous. You're just the typical anti science hater dupe dipshit who has no idea how to think. You can only parrot what your masters tell you to...

"To investigate the Holocene climate and treeline dynamics in the European Russian Arctic, we analysed sediment pollen, conifer stomata, and plant macrofossils from Lake Kharinei, a tundra lake near the treeline in the Pechora area. We present quantitative summer temperature reconstructions from Lake Kharinei and Lake Tumbulovaty, a previously studied lake in the same region, using a pollen–climate transfer function based on a new calibration set from northern European Russia. Our records suggest that the early-Holocene summer temperatures from 11,500 cal yr BP onwards were already slightly higher than at present, followed by a stable Holocene Thermal Maximum (HTM) at 8000–3500 cal yr BP when summer temperatures in the tundra were ca. 3°C above present-day values. A Picea forest surrounded Lake Kharinei during the HTM, reaching 150 km north of the present taiga limit. The HTM ended with a temperature drop at 3500–2500 cal yr BP associated with permafrost initiation in the region. Mixed spruce forest began to disappear around Lake Kharinei at ca. 3500 cal yr BP, with the last tree macrofossils recorded at ca. 2500 cal yr BP, suggesting that the present wide tundra zone in the Pechora region formed during the last ca. 3500 yr."

The Holocene thermal maximum and late-Holocene cooling in the tundra of NE European Russia | Quaternary Research | Cambridge Core
Now how is that denial of the present warming? That was one place, and even if the whole world were slightly warmer at that time, it has been cooling since, and now, in the space of about 150 years, it is rapidly warming, and will exceed any temperatures we have seen since before the ice ages that started about 2.5 million years ago. Not in my lifetime, but in my grandsons lifetimes.

So you want your grand kids being so good damn poor they can't afford to pay their Electric bills from your assnine wind Mills and solar panels and instead have to heat their tents with a barrel of wood

And die of indoor smoke inhalation?

What a life you left them fruit loops
Climate change happens... its just not man made. Fact
Only the GOP in the world denies it. So duped...

There is no "GOP in the world". The Republican Party is exclusively an American political organization.
Don't tell me you are so ignorant what he said was beyond your capacity for understanding?

If you're such a smart little fucker, maybe you'd like to tell me all about the GOP in the UK, Germany, or France?
Asshole, almost everyone in those nations accept man's role in global warming. It is only in our nation with willfully ignorant fucks like that there is a percentage that are anti-science like you.

Once again no you asshole they want money from the rich nation's

Who the fuck you trying to fool?
This is called weather not climate. The last three years have been the hottest 3 years in the history of the world and nobody is arguing but GOP dupes. California now has a fire season all year long...

Provably a stupid statement, but we all know you silly people don't do facts. I do find it amusing that when you are asked a straightforward question, you all run from it. Science is simple, it is not based on belief, or on computer models, it is based on OBSERVABLE data. So, once again, show us the mechanism for "warm" arctic air, suddenly getting super dooper cold, and migrating south...
2017 set to be one of top three hottest years on record

Ever heard of a thermometer?

The NIST don't certify / calibrate them no more so it's not reliable data

What do you think it's funny prove me wrong you two shit for brains

Again the NIST stopped certifying mercury thermometer's
And? The satellites records are verifying what the ground stations and mercury thermometer's are telling us. And that is that it is warming, and doing so more rapidly than any time in the last 800,000 years.

Silly boy ..all you are is a propaganda tool on here along with mamooth

You act like the glaciers was not melting before the god damn industrial revolution..

Who the fuck are you trying to fool?

I am still waiting for the 37 below 0 weather in Minnesota is evidence that 2017 is the hottest year ever. Please esplain

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