At this moment, this Presidency is not going well

Much to your dismay right comrade?
Go fuck yourself you leftist bigot. Trump is doing a good job, and if that sociopath hag you supported had won, we'd be in the 11th year of the longest recession ever.
Powerful, impressive stuff there.

Perhaps you can point out some specific areas of disagreement.
There ya go. If you had written anything powerful to begin with instead of just inviting a game of footsie with the haters here.. who knows? It's not that your OP is bad or terribly boring, it's just so fucking lame.. and deliberately so it seems. You MUST know by now that the unemployment rate has been a phony, completely political, gauge of the economy for your entire life. Yet you go there. Begin there. WTF?
You've kinda got that backwards. I mean yes, something similar to that was said, but you got the order backwards. That sentiment was expressed after years of republican obstructionism and leaks about how they determined to block every single Obama initiative even if they thought it was a good idea and secret back room meetings on inauguration night.

bullshit, Newt and the GOP worked with clinton and got things done, the dems refused to work with Bush and are refusing to work with Trump.

the only obama ideas that were blocked were his stupid socialist attempts to destroy this country.
Oh please. They had a meeting on the night of the inauguration and determined they would "stand on the sidelines and bitch" I believe was the quote.
Link? Video? Com'on, you are lying-answer the man Crapitus
It's common knowledge, but since you seem somewhat incapable I'll help you out this once.

Let me Google that for you

Click that, it will take you to dozens of links confirming my statement.
Indeed you did. Now, have you learned your lesson?
Much to your dismay right comrade?
Go fuck yourself you leftist bigot. Trump is doing a good job, and if that sociopath hag you supported had won, we'd be in the 11th year of the longest recession ever.
Powerful, impressive stuff there.

Perhaps you can point out some specific areas of disagreement.
There ya go. If you had written anything powerful to begin with instead of just inviting a game of footsie with the haters here.. who knows? It's not that your OP is bad or terribly boring, it's just so fucking lame.. and deliberately so it seems. You MUST know by now that the unemployment rate has been a phony, completely political, gauge of the economy for your entire life. Yet you go there. Begin there. WTF?
He won't, he'll throw a thank you or smiley face, he doesn't debate, he deviates and runs.
Much to your dismay right comrade?
Go fuck yourself you leftist bigot. Trump is doing a good job, and if that sociopath hag you supported had won, we'd be in the 11th year of the longest recession ever.
Powerful, impressive stuff there.

Perhaps you can point out some specific areas of disagreement.
There ya go. If you had written anything powerful to begin with instead of just inviting a game of footsie with the haters here.. who knows? It's not that your OP is bad or terribly boring, it's just so fucking lame.. and deliberately so it seems. You MUST know by now that the unemployment rate has been a phony, completely political, gauge of the economy for your entire life. Yet you go there. Begin there. WTF?
You certainly have a lot to say about my posts.

I'm afraid I don't have much to say about yours. Sorry.
bullshit, Newt and the GOP worked with clinton and got things done, the dems refused to work with Bush and are refusing to work with Trump.

the only obama ideas that were blocked were his stupid socialist attempts to destroy this country.
Oh please. They had a meeting on the night of the inauguration and determined they would "stand on the sidelines and bitch" I believe was the quote.
Link? Video? Com'on, you are lying-answer the man Crapitus
It's common knowledge, but since you seem somewhat incapable I'll help you out this once.

Let me Google that for you

Click that, it will take you to dozens of links confirming my statement.
Indeed you did. Now, have you learned your lesson?
your report card given.
Much to your dismay right comrade?
Go fuck yourself you leftist bigot. Trump is doing a good job, and if that sociopath hag you supported had won, we'd be in the 11th year of the longest recession ever.
Powerful, impressive stuff there.

Perhaps you can point out some specific areas of disagreement.
There ya go. If you had written anything powerful to begin with instead of just inviting a game of footsie with the haters here.. who knows? It's not that your OP is bad or terribly boring, it's just so fucking lame.. and deliberately so it seems. You MUST know by now that the unemployment rate has been a phony, completely political, gauge of the economy for your entire life. Yet you go there. Begin there. WTF?
You certainly have a lot to say about my posts.

I'm afraid I don't have much to say about yours. Sorry.
Grumblenuts See, he ain't got a spine.
Oh please. They had a meeting on the night of the inauguration and determined they would "stand on the sidelines and bitch" I believe was the quote.
Link? Video? Com'on, you are lying-answer the man Crapitus
It's common knowledge, but since you seem somewhat incapable I'll help you out this once.

Let me Google that for you

Click that, it will take you to dozens of links confirming my statement.
Indeed you did. Now, have you learned your lesson?
your report card given.
I'm forced to conclude you have not. Back to detention.
Link? Video? Com'on, you are lying-answer the man Crapitus
It's common knowledge, but since you seem somewhat incapable I'll help you out this once.

Let me Google that for you

Click that, it will take you to dozens of links confirming my statement.
Indeed you did. Now, have you learned your lesson?
your report card given.
I'm forced to conclude you have not. Back to detention.
you're a lot of things, that's for fking sure. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
you want to talk about the Democrats
Giving Republicans a pass while declaring Democrats "generally nasty" and blaming them for Trump on that basis is truly nuts. "It's about the FUNDAMENTALISTS on BOTH ends vs. a MAJORITY of America." Oh, sure, sure... Wake the fuck up. You've been nastilly attacked by Republican fundies from page 1 here. How much longer do you plan trying this Obama-like appeasement strategy in order to win them over? More importantly, why do you even bother? Who do you think you're kidding other than yourself?
You clearly don't understand my politics, but you're more than welcome to keep making stuff up about them.

I'm used to that here, from both whacked-out ends.
Easy denial. Regardless of quote usage. Just tell yourself I made something up. Quick add some smear of the messenger for kicks and giggles. Done. Yes, you are simply a victim of misunderstanding. Now get back to sleep. Keep counting those flying "both ends" sheep. Never worry about confronting power with truth.
Yikes. Okay, well, thanks.
Truth to power-what the Hell does that even mean?
you want to talk about the Democrats
Giving Republicans a pass while declaring Democrats "generally nasty" and blaming them for Trump on that basis is truly nuts. "It's about the FUNDAMENTALISTS on BOTH ends vs. a MAJORITY of America." Oh, sure, sure... Wake the fuck up. You've been nastilly attacked by Republican fundies from page 1 here. How much longer do you plan trying this Obama-like appeasement strategy in order to win them over? More importantly, why do you even bother? Who do you think you're kidding other than yourself?
You clearly don't understand my politics, but you're more than welcome to keep making stuff up about them.

I'm used to that here, from both whacked-out ends.
Easy denial. Regardless of quote usage. Just tell yourself I made something up. Quick add some smear of the messenger for kicks and giggles. Done. Yes, you are simply a victim of misunderstanding. Now get back to sleep. Keep counting those flying "both ends" sheep. Never worry about confronting power with truth.
Yikes. Okay, well, thanks.
Truth to power-what the Hell does that even mean?
"Stuff I agree with", pretty much.
Link? Video? Com'on, you are lying-answer the man Crapitus
It's common knowledge, but since you seem somewhat incapable I'll help you out this once.

Let me Google that for you

Click that, it will take you to dozens of links confirming my statement.
Indeed you did. Now, have you learned your lesson?
your report card given.
I'm forced to conclude you have not. Back to detention.
Are you still in High School? That would explain a lot.
Actually it's a strong retort. Comparing the two administrations tends to cancel out alot of complaints being made against the current one. Especially when you take into consideration that Congress refuses to cooperate in any shape or form with Trump. Most of the problems begin with this refusal to do what is best for the people of THIS country in favor of generating a new constituency thru human - trafficking.
And the GOP Congress refused to cooperate with Obama.

My examples are all Trump-specific, all of them. We can pretend they are not, we can try to change the subject, but that would be lying.

totally wrong, obama shut them out, refused to talk with them, remember "we won" and "republicans need to go to the back of the bus" ?

the refusal to negotiate and compromise was coming from the dictator wannabe obozo the great.

your grasp of recent history is amazingly lacking.
You've kinda got that backwards. I mean yes, something similar to that was said, but you got the order backwards. That sentiment was expressed after years of republican obstructionism and leaks about how they determined to block every single Obama initiative even if they thought it was a good idea and secret back room meetings on inauguration night.

bullshit, Newt and the GOP worked with clinton and got things done, the dems refused to work with Bush and are refusing to work with Trump.

the only obama ideas that were blocked were his stupid socialist attempts to destroy this country.
THE Dems worked with Bush the last 2 years of his 8 years, when they got control back of both houses in Congress.... why are you saying they didn't?

Dems alone passed Bill Clinton's financial plan to get the USA back on track, including the tax hike on the top level.
2 years later when Gingrich became speaker and repubs won the house, Clinton had the line item veto, so Gingrich worked with Clinton on cutting the spending legislation.

its funny how every o
Actually it's a strong retort. Comparing the two administrations tends to cancel out alot of complaints being made against the current one. Especially when you take into consideration that Congress refuses to cooperate in any shape or form with Trump. Most of the problems begin with this refusal to do what is best for the people of THIS country in favor of generating a new constituency thru human - trafficking.
And the GOP Congress refused to cooperate with Obama.

My examples are all Trump-specific, all of them. We can pretend they are not, we can try to change the subject, but that would be lying.

totally wrong, obama shut them out, refused to talk with them, remember "we won" and "republicans need to go to the back of the bus" ?

the refusal to negotiate and compromise was coming from the dictator wannabe obozo the great.

your grasp of recent history is amazingly lacking.
You've kinda got that backwards. I mean yes, something similar to that was said, but you got the order backwards. That sentiment was expressed after years of republican obstructionism and leaks about how they determined to block every single Obama initiative even if they thought it was a good idea and secret back room meetings on inauguration night.

bullshit, Newt and the GOP worked with clinton and got things done, the dems refused to work with Bush and are refusing to work with Trump.

the only obama ideas that were blocked were his stupid socialist attempts to destroy this country.
THE Dems worked with Bush the last 2 years of his 8 years, when they got control back of both houses in Congress.... why are you saying they didn't?

Dems alone passed Bill Clinton's financial plan to get the USA back on track, including the tax hike on the top level.
2 years later when Gingrich became speaker and repubs won the house, Clinton had the line item veto, so Gingrich worked with Clinton on cutting the spending legislatio

its funny how every one of you libs want higher taxes on the "evil" rich, unless of course those rich are members of the dem party, the media, or the hollyloony cult. The top income earners are already paying the bulk of the tax burden, the lower half is paying nothing. What you fools dont get is that if you tax the rich and corporations, they will simply move out of the country and take their money and businesses with them.

the ignorance of the left has no limits.
And the GOP Congress refused to cooperate with Obama.

My examples are all Trump-specific, all of them. We can pretend they are not, we can try to change the subject, but that would be lying.

totally wrong, obama shut them out, refused to talk with them, remember "we won" and "republicans need to go to the back of the bus" ?

the refusal to negotiate and compromise was coming from the dictator wannabe obozo the great.

your grasp of recent history is amazingly lacking.
You've kinda got that backwards. I mean yes, something similar to that was said, but you got the order backwards. That sentiment was expressed after years of republican obstructionism and leaks about how they determined to block every single Obama initiative even if they thought it was a good idea and secret back room meetings on inauguration night.

bullshit, Newt and the GOP worked with clinton and got things done, the dems refused to work with Bush and are refusing to work with Trump.

the only obama ideas that were blocked were his stupid socialist attempts to destroy this country.
THE Dems worked with Bush the last 2 years of his 8 years, when they got control back of both houses in Congress.... why are you saying they didn't?

Dems alone passed Bill Clinton's financial plan to get the USA back on track, including the tax hike on the top level.
2 years later when Gingrich became speaker and repubs won the house, Clinton had the line item veto, so Gingrich worked with Clinton on cutting the spending legislation.

its funny how every o
And the GOP Congress refused to cooperate with Obama.

My examples are all Trump-specific, all of them. We can pretend they are not, we can try to change the subject, but that would be lying.

totally wrong, obama shut them out, refused to talk with them, remember "we won" and "republicans need to go to the back of the bus" ?

the refusal to negotiate and compromise was coming from the dictator wannabe obozo the great.

your grasp of recent history is amazingly lacking.
You've kinda got that backwards. I mean yes, something similar to that was said, but you got the order backwards. That sentiment was expressed after years of republican obstructionism and leaks about how they determined to block every single Obama initiative even if they thought it was a good idea and secret back room meetings on inauguration night.

bullshit, Newt and the GOP worked with clinton and got things done, the dems refused to work with Bush and are refusing to work with Trump.

the only obama ideas that were blocked were his stupid socialist attempts to destroy this country.
THE Dems worked with Bush the last 2 years of his 8 years, when they got control back of both houses in Congress.... why are you saying they didn't?

Dems alone passed Bill Clinton's financial plan to get the USA back on track, including the tax hike on the top level.
2 years later when Gingrich became speaker and repubs won the house, Clinton had the line item veto, so Gingrich worked with Clinton on cutting the spending legislatio

its funny how every one of you libs want higher taxes on the "evil" rich, unless of course those rich are members of the dem party, the media, or the hollyloony cult. The top income earners are already paying the bulk of the tax burden, the lower half is paying nothing. What you fools dont get is that if you tax the rich and corporations, they will simply move out of the country and take their money and businesses with them.

the ignorance of the left has no limits.
totally wrong, obama shut them out, refused to talk with them, remember "we won" and "republicans need to go to the back of the bus" ?

the refusal to negotiate and compromise was coming from the dictator wannabe obozo the great.

your grasp of recent history is amazingly lacking.
You've kinda got that backwards. I mean yes, something similar to that was said, but you got the order backwards. That sentiment was expressed after years of republican obstructionism and leaks about how they determined to block every single Obama initiative even if they thought it was a good idea and secret back room meetings on inauguration night.

bullshit, Newt and the GOP worked with clinton and got things done, the dems refused to work with Bush and are refusing to work with Trump.

the only obama ideas that were blocked were his stupid socialist attempts to destroy this country.
THE Dems worked with Bush the last 2 years of his 8 years, when they got control back of both houses in Congress.... why are you saying they didn't?

Dems alone passed Bill Clinton's financial plan to get the USA back on track, including the tax hike on the top level.
2 years later when Gingrich became speaker and repubs won the house, Clinton had the line item veto, so Gingrich worked with Clinton on cutting the spending legislation.

its funny how every o
totally wrong, obama shut them out, refused to talk with them, remember "we won" and "republicans need to go to the back of the bus" ?

the refusal to negotiate and compromise was coming from the dictator wannabe obozo the great.

your grasp of recent history is amazingly lacking.
You've kinda got that backwards. I mean yes, something similar to that was said, but you got the order backwards. That sentiment was expressed after years of republican obstructionism and leaks about how they determined to block every single Obama initiative even if they thought it was a good idea and secret back room meetings on inauguration night.

bullshit, Newt and the GOP worked with clinton and got things done, the dems refused to work with Bush and are refusing to work with Trump.

the only obama ideas that were blocked were his stupid socialist attempts to destroy this country.
THE Dems worked with Bush the last 2 years of his 8 years, when they got control back of both houses in Congress.... why are you saying they didn't?

Dems alone passed Bill Clinton's financial plan to get the USA back on track, including the tax hike on the top level.
2 years later when Gingrich became speaker and repubs won the house, Clinton had the line item veto, so Gingrich worked with Clinton on cutting the spending legislatio

its funny how every one of you libs want higher taxes on the "evil" rich, unless of course those rich are members of the dem party, the media, or the hollyloony cult. The top income earners are already paying the bulk of the tax burden, the lower half is paying nothing. What you fools dont get is that if you tax the rich and corporations, they will simply move out of the country and take their money and businesses with them.

the ignorance of the left has no limits.

its funny how every one of you libs want higher taxes on the "evil" rich, unless of course those rich are members of the dem party, the media, or the hollyloony cult. The top income earners are already paying the bulk of the tax burden, the lower half is paying nothing. What you fools dont get is that if you tax the rich and corporations, they will simply move out of the country and take their money and businesses with them.

the ignorance of the left has no limits.
to the OP

at this moment this presidency is going extremely well, and thats what the lefties and the crooked media cannot stand and must continue to lie about. But the people of the USA know better, they understand the lying media and the lying dems.
to the OP

at this moment this presidency is going extremely well, and thats what the lefties and the crooked media cannot stand and must continue to lie about. But the people of the USA know better, they understand the lying media and the lying dems.
yes, the ploy is over.
Clinton admitted she's for 'open borders' in paid, private speech: WikiLeaks I can't do links so I copy and paste.

So, unless you were one of those banksters at that paid, private speech, you lied to us:

Sorry, I SAW and HEARD her-that's when I changed my vote!
BS-I saw her on video-read the GOD DAMN post I put out! You wanted proof you got it! Now SHUT UP!

No one so much as claims there is video of the speech. All there is are transcripts.

And you are lying again, and lying about your lying.

BTW, dummy, do you think putting your lies in bigger fonts makes them more appealing, or true, somehow?
You and that guy Dave Hunt need to find yourself a girl or each other, so you stop bothering me with your stupid, petty bullshit. And the fonts are for my fading eyesight butt munch. If I do run across that video in the future-I expect a BIG apology!

Yeah, you know, dummy, you owe the forum an apology for lying. Also one for being so horribly bad and transparent about it. What you may have seen is a debate when the question of a dream of open borders was brought up, and that had your tiny brain confused about what you saw.

Some, you dolt, have memories long enough actually to remember when these things unfolded. You don't, and that's the main reason why you really, really should not lie, because if you do, you regularly fall on your red, honking nose.
By the way,
Clinton admitted she's for 'open borders' in paid, private speech: WikiLeaks I can't do links so I copy and paste.

So, unless you were one of those banksters at that paid, private speech, you lied to us:

Sorry, I SAW and HEARD her-that's when I changed my vote!
BS-I saw her on video-read the GOD DAMN post I put out! You wanted proof you got it! Now SHUT UP!

No one so much as claims there is video of the speech. All there is are transcripts.

And you are lying again, and lying about your lying.

BTW, dummy, do you think putting your lies in bigger fonts makes them more appealing, or true, somehow?
You and that guy Dave Hunt need to find yourself a girl or each other, so you stop bothering me with your stupid, petty bullshit. And the fonts are for my fading eyesight butt munch. If I do run across that video in the future-I expect a BIG apology!

Yeah, you know, dummy, you owe the forum an apology for lying. Also one for being so horribly bad and transparent about it. What you may have seen is a debate when the question of a dream of open borders was brought up, and that had your tiny brain confused about what you saw.

Some, you dolt, have memories long enough actually to remember when these things unfolded. You don't, and that's the main reason why you really, really should not lie, because if you do, you regularly fall on your red, honking nose.
you are right i owe you an apology-just give me your address so i can deliver it in person

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