At this moment, this Presidency is not going well

its funny how every one of you libs want higher taxes on the "evil" rich, unless of course those rich are members of the dem party, the media, or the hollyloony cult. The top income earners are already paying the bulk of the tax burden, the lower half is paying nothing. What you fools dont get is that if you tax the rich and corporations, they will simply move out of the country and take their money and businesses with them.

the ignorance of the left has no limits.
the corporate tax rate was 35%, cngress was going to give them a tax break down to 28%, but the corporations were lobbying hard to bring the rate down to a magical 25%, that's what they wanted.... that was their Heaven on Earth....

but Trump, and the GOP brought the corporate tax rate down to 21%....AND MADE THEIR TAX BREAK PERMANENT.

WHY DID THEY DO THAT? Why oh why oh why did they give them a tax break even lower than what they considered UTOPIA?

Trump said we would have 4% gdp growth from it..... how's that working out? This would pay for the tax cuts.... how is that working out?
One of the first things we need to undo in 2021.
Are you going to continue whining and crying when he wins another term? :)
Deflecting already? I haven't even really started yet.
then why do the parents drag through deserts and starve them, and keep water from them? that seems fking awful extreme conditions to take a child in. And you give them the break. that makes you stupid.

Fuck you.

So let’s see if I follow your moronic logic. Because the parents break the law and mistreat their kids, it’s acceptable for the authorities to do so?

You’re a fucking idiot.
How about this-choose to support a Russian child or an American soldier. Which is it? I choose the American soldier-he is from MY country. The Democrats belittle our soldiers especially when they are near the border and support the foreign child- that's wrong-I don't care if they ARE kids-I choose the soldier.
So, by "supporting" a kid (I assume that mens shelter, healthcare, education), I am neglecting a soldier?

Wha? We can't do both?

Strange people, these blob supporters
I don't support blobs or invaders-that should be clear-there is a law against aiding criminals-are you a criminal enabler?

What is clear is that you’re a dumbass.

The kids had no say-so in coming here shit-brains!

So now that they are here and are being detained….I think we should supply them with soap and toothpaste. It is what a human being would do.

Clearly you’re not human…what the fuck are you?
Truth to power-what the Hell does that even mean?
To me? Short version: GWB once said "Sometimes ya just gotta catapult the propaganda." A rare moment of truth from the oligarchy (power). He was admitting to repeating big lies knowing that they simply gain credence with each retelling, especially when taken seriously, challenged, and/or reported as "news" by major media. Power lying to the public, regularly and deliberately. The opposite of truth to power. Confronting the corrupt and powerful, deliberately, repeatedly, publicly with truth. However possible revealing their shameless lies with embarrassing, brilliant, disinfecting sunshine.
Fuck you.

So let’s see if I follow your moronic logic. Because the parents break the law and mistreat their kids, it’s acceptable for the authorities to do so?

You’re a fucking idiot.
How about this-choose to support a Russian child or an American soldier. Which is it? I choose the American soldier-he is from MY country. The Democrats belittle our soldiers especially when they are near the border and support the foreign child- that's wrong-I don't care if they ARE kids-I choose the soldier.
So, by "supporting" a kid (I assume that mens shelter, healthcare, education), I am neglecting a soldier?

Wha? We can't do both?

Strange people, these blob supporters
I don't support blobs or invaders-that should be clear-there is a law against aiding criminals-are you a criminal enabler?

What is clear is that you’re a dumbass.

The kids had no say-so in coming here shit-brains!

So now that they are here and are being detained….I think we should supply them with soap and toothpaste. It is what a human being would do.

Clearly you’re not human…what the fuck are you?
I am a logical taxpayer who knows giving those slime anything will attract more. You are very upset about this aren't you? Well tuck your vagina back under your dress and go deliver the toilet paper to them yourself-if they know how to use it.
Truth to power-what the Hell does that even mean?
To me? Short version: GWB once said "Sometimes ya just gotta catapult the propaganda." A rare moment of truth from the oligarchy (power). He was admitting to repeating big lies knowing that they simply gain credence with each retelling, especially when taken seriously, challenged, and/or reported as "news" by major media. Power lying to the public, regularly and deliberately. The opposite of truth to power. Confronting the corrupt and powerful, deliberately, repeatedly, publicly with truth. However possible revealing their shameless lies with embarrassing, brilliant, disinfecting sunshine.
Was that ever done?
Fuck you.

So let’s see if I follow your moronic logic. Because the parents break the law and mistreat their kids, it’s acceptable for the authorities to do so?

You’re a fucking idiot.
How about this-choose to support a Russian child or an American soldier. Which is it? I choose the American soldier-he is from MY country. The Democrats belittle our soldiers especially when they are near the border and support the foreign child- that's wrong-I don't care if they ARE kids-I choose the soldier.
So, by "supporting" a kid (I assume that mens shelter, healthcare, education), I am neglecting a soldier?

Wha? We can't do both?

Strange people, these blob supporters
I don't support blobs or invaders-that should be clear-there is a law against aiding criminals-are you a criminal enabler?

What is clear is that you’re a dumbass.

The kids had no say-so in coming here shit-brains!

So now that they are here and are being detained….I think we should supply them with soap and toothpaste. It is what a human being would do.

Clearly you’re not human…what the fuck are you?
Who cares? you’re mad at the wrong people. But you really don’t care about them. If you did you would be bitching for asylum charges so the kids don’t get hijacked through deserts by sex offenders. But you’re not, you’re for killing babies in the womb
Was that ever done?
Of course. Not often, but enough to keep people like me from giving up in despair. Many others work quietly with tremendous concentration and persistence, then report their findings with little fanfare until enough notice and begin making a din.
Why couldn't you have said "you sat and saw it'? instead of you are LYING-nothing worse than being called a Liar in my experience-grounds to start fighting. Learn to ask before you accuse.

Look, you raised the impression-no, you fooled yourself, that's YOUR belief Hillary had argued for millions of refugees flooding over the borders unhampered-never said that - to a bunch of bankers. That's the meaning of "open borders" in these days-according to you You raised the impression-no, I SAID it you've seen and heard her make that speech-not a speech, just she SAID "OPEN BORDERS".-don't mislead people. You've based your electoral decision-you mean vote-don't try to sound smart-you can't pull it off or so you say-I did say-pay attention on that single bit of information. So that was somewhat important.

And you, somehow, inexplicably, got it mostly wrong-in your humble opinion?

Learn to keep it truthful-you mean keep it in your view of how things should be Learn to be precise, and to be honest about what you know (or don't know), and try not to overstate things to make a point-is this a writing course you are handing down from on high to the rest of us?. Or otherwise, grow a chin that isn't out of glass, and learn to live with being called on the nonsense you perpetrate-your opinion only, which is worth nothing-go scold your dog-nobody else on this board wants to hear your condescending bullshit.

And yep, you may be a 280 pound prize fighter, and able to beat me to a pulp-sounds like you have been beat up a lot Still wouldn't change the fact you lied-not a fact-an unsubstantiated mind fart you dreamed while thinking how much better you are than everybody else-NOT. You materially misstated the facts for deceptive purposes-does this come from the bubble gum wrapper where you get your philosophy of life? You've been called on it, and, to your merit, you corrected yourself.-I chose to be a bigger man and give you an out-that was my only mistake, treating you like an equal.

Now, get over it already.
-You write this slam against someone and expect to be worshiped afterwards? You are a poor judge of people if you think your words carry any weight with me or anyone else.
Fellow posters, beware this asshole- Olde Europe(notice the fancy spelling-he needs you to)-if you get in a back and forth with him, you will be the only one listening. And, use a 5 font-he hates it and you may catch him crying about it during the post.
How about this-choose to support a Russian child or an American soldier. Which is it? I choose the American soldier-he is from MY country. The Democrats belittle our soldiers especially when they are near the border and support the foreign child- that's wrong-I don't care if they ARE kids-I choose the soldier.
So, by "supporting" a kid (I assume that mens shelter, healthcare, education), I am neglecting a soldier?

Wha? We can't do both?

Strange people, these blob supporters
I don't support blobs or invaders-that should be clear-there is a law against aiding criminals-are you a criminal enabler?

What is clear is that you’re a dumbass.

The kids had no say-so in coming here shit-brains!

So now that they are here and are being detained….I think we should supply them with soap and toothpaste. It is what a human being would do.

Clearly you’re not human…what the fuck are you?
I am a logical taxpayer who knows giving those slime anything will attract more. You are very upset about this aren't you? Well tuck your vagina back under your dress and go deliver the toilet paper to them yourself-if they know how to use it.


Now that’s funny.

No, you’re just a cruel piece of shit pretending to be a patriot. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.
How about this-choose to support a Russian child or an American soldier. Which is it? I choose the American soldier-he is from MY country. The Democrats belittle our soldiers especially when they are near the border and support the foreign child- that's wrong-I don't care if they ARE kids-I choose the soldier.
So, by "supporting" a kid (I assume that mens shelter, healthcare, education), I am neglecting a soldier?

Wha? We can't do both?

Strange people, these blob supporters
I don't support blobs or invaders-that should be clear-there is a law against aiding criminals-are you a criminal enabler?

What is clear is that you’re a dumbass.

The kids had no say-so in coming here shit-brains!

So now that they are here and are being detained….I think we should supply them with soap and toothpaste. It is what a human being would do.

Clearly you’re not human…what the fuck are you?
Who cares? you’re mad at the wrong people. But you really don’t care about them. If you did you would be bitching for asylum charges so the kids don’t get hijacked through deserts by sex offenders. But you’re not, you’re for killing babies in the womb

You’re against giving a kid soap and toothpaste.
How you’ll explain your bizarre inhumanity to your family is a mystery.
So, by "supporting" a kid (I assume that mens shelter, healthcare, education), I am neglecting a soldier?

Wha? We can't do both?

Strange people, these blob supporters
I don't support blobs or invaders-that should be clear-there is a law against aiding criminals-are you a criminal enabler?

What is clear is that you’re a dumbass.

The kids had no say-so in coming here shit-brains!

So now that they are here and are being detained….I think we should supply them with soap and toothpaste. It is what a human being would do.

Clearly you’re not human…what the fuck are you?
I am a logical taxpayer who knows giving those slime anything will attract more. You are very upset about this aren't you? Well tuck your vagina back under your dress and go deliver the toilet paper to them yourself-if they know how to use it.


Now that’s funny.

No, you’re just a cruel piece of shit pretending to be a patriot. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.
See, I don't blame that horse any more than the kids. And the parents are entitled to plead their case for asylum. That's our law and it's logical.. unlike your typical, panty bunched, gas blowing hater here.
The United States is obliged to recognize valid claims for asylum under the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol. As defined by these agreements, a refugee is a person who is outside their country of nationality (or place of habitual residence if stateless) who, owing to a fear of persecution on account of a protected ground, is unable or unwilling to avail himself of the protection of the state. Protected grounds include race, nationality, religion, political opinion and membership of a particular social group. The signatories to these agreements are further obliged not to return or "refoul" refugees to the place where they would face persecution.

This commitment was codified and expanded with the passing of the Refugee Act of 1980 by the United States Congress. Besides reiterating the definitions of the 1951 Convention and its Protocol, the Refugee Act provided for the establishment of an Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to help refugees begin their lives in the U.S. The structure and procedures evolved and by 2004, federal handling of refugee affairs was led by the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) of the U.S. Department of State, working with the ORR at HHS. Asylum claims are mainly the responsibility of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
So, by "supporting" a kid (I assume that mens shelter, healthcare, education), I am neglecting a soldier?

Wha? We can't do both?

Strange people, these blob supporters
I don't support blobs or invaders-that should be clear-there is a law against aiding criminals-are you a criminal enabler?

What is clear is that you’re a dumbass.

The kids had no say-so in coming here shit-brains!

So now that they are here and are being detained….I think we should supply them with soap and toothpaste. It is what a human being would do.

Clearly you’re not human…what the fuck are you?
I am a logical taxpayer who knows giving those slime anything will attract more. You are very upset about this aren't you? Well tuck your vagina back under your dress and go deliver the toilet paper to them yourself-if they know how to use it.


Now that’s funny.

No, you’re just a cruel piece of shit pretending to be a patriot. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.
Great comeback-did mommy write that for you? What you describe as cruel is nature's way-survival of the fittest.
So, by "supporting" a kid (I assume that mens shelter, healthcare, education), I am neglecting a soldier?

Wha? We can't do both?

Strange people, these blob supporters
I don't support blobs or invaders-that should be clear-there is a law against aiding criminals-are you a criminal enabler?

What is clear is that you’re a dumbass.

The kids had no say-so in coming here shit-brains!

So now that they are here and are being detained….I think we should supply them with soap and toothpaste. It is what a human being would do.

Clearly you’re not human…what the fuck are you?
Who cares? you’re mad at the wrong people. But you really don’t care about them. If you did you would be bitching for asylum charges so the kids don’t get hijacked through deserts by sex offenders. But you’re not, you’re for killing babies in the womb

You’re against giving a kid soap and toothpaste.
How you’ll explain your bizarre inhumanity to your family is a mystery.
They are not his family-the kids' real family is treating them cruelly by bringing them here.
Strange people, these blob supporters
I don't support blobs or invaders-that should be clear-there is a law against aiding criminals-are you a criminal enabler?

What is clear is that you’re a dumbass.

The kids had no say-so in coming here shit-brains!

So now that they are here and are being detained….I think we should supply them with soap and toothpaste. It is what a human being would do.

Clearly you’re not human…what the fuck are you?
I am a logical taxpayer who knows giving those slime anything will attract more. You are very upset about this aren't you? Well tuck your vagina back under your dress and go deliver the toilet paper to them yourself-if they know how to use it.


Now that’s funny.

No, you’re just a cruel piece of shit pretending to be a patriot. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.
See, I don't blame that horse any more than the kids. And the parents are entitled to plead their case for asylum. That's our law and it's logical.. unlike your typical, panty bunched, gas blowing hater here.
The United States is obliged to recognize valid claims for asylum under the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol. As defined by these agreements, a refugee is a person who is outside their country of nationality (or place of habitual residence if stateless) who, owing to a fear of persecution on account of a protected ground, is unable or unwilling to avail himself of the protection of the state. Protected grounds include race, nationality, religion, political opinion and membership of a particular social group. The signatories to these agreements are further obliged not to return or "refoul" refugees to the place where they would face persecution.

This commitment was codified and expanded with the passing of the Refugee Act of 1980 by the United States Congress. Besides reiterating the definitions of the 1951 Convention and its Protocol, the Refugee Act provided for the establishment of an Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to help refugees begin their lives in the U.S. The structure and procedures evolved and by 2004, federal handling of refugee affairs was led by the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) of the U.S. Department of State, working with the ORR at HHS. Asylum claims are mainly the responsibility of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
Aren't they supposed to apply for asylum in the first country? BY law? Instead they risk their kids lives to come here for a free and easy life so they think. All I'm saying is pop that balloon so they do things the right way. I would like to see that crying potty mouth explain to other applicants why they have to wait in line and the criminals get in-then you will see gas blowing hate on the part of their families. He never answered my question about enabling-your're so smart, do you want to answer?
Aren't they supposed to apply for asylum in the first country? BY law? Instead they risk their kids lives to come here for a free and easy life so they think.
Presuming "a free and easy life" here and that "their kids lives" weren't at serious risk to begin with are all on you. Your Social Darwinist appeal to "Survival of the Fittest" makes your laissez faire capitalist agenda ("cruelty") plain.
callous indifference to or pleasure in causing pain and suffering.
So, by "supporting" a kid (I assume that mens shelter, healthcare, education), I am neglecting a soldier?

Wha? We can't do both?

Strange people, these blob supporters
I don't support blobs or invaders-that should be clear-there is a law against aiding criminals-are you a criminal enabler?

What is clear is that you’re a dumbass.

The kids had no say-so in coming here shit-brains!

So now that they are here and are being detained….I think we should supply them with soap and toothpaste. It is what a human being would do.

Clearly you’re not human…what the fuck are you?
I am a logical taxpayer who knows giving those slime anything will attract more. You are very upset about this aren't you? Well tuck your vagina back under your dress and go deliver the toilet paper to them yourself-if they know how to use it.


Now that’s funny.

No, you’re just a cruel piece of shit pretending to be a patriot. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.
they are criminals. they violated our law. I didn't violate theirs. So let's see, you are for illegal rights over americans, you're rooting for China over america, look at you, an anti american fkwad. You have no weight in the discussion traitor.
So, by "supporting" a kid (I assume that mens shelter, healthcare, education), I am neglecting a soldier?

Wha? We can't do both?

Strange people, these blob supporters
I don't support blobs or invaders-that should be clear-there is a law against aiding criminals-are you a criminal enabler?

What is clear is that you’re a dumbass.

The kids had no say-so in coming here shit-brains!

So now that they are here and are being detained….I think we should supply them with soap and toothpaste. It is what a human being would do.

Clearly you’re not human…what the fuck are you?
Who cares? you’re mad at the wrong people. But you really don’t care about them. If you did you would be bitching for asylum charges so the kids don’t get hijacked through deserts by sex offenders. But you’re not, you’re for killing babies in the womb

You’re against giving a kid soap and toothpaste.
How you’ll explain your bizarre inhumanity to your family is a mystery.
where's your evidence they aren't getting those items?

BTW, I don't play your shame game, so take that aspect of your post and shove it up the bottom hole.
So, by "supporting" a kid (I assume that mens shelter, healthcare, education), I am neglecting a soldier?

Wha? We can't do both?

Strange people, these blob supporters
I don't support blobs or invaders-that should be clear-there is a law against aiding criminals-are you a criminal enabler?

What is clear is that you’re a dumbass.

The kids had no say-so in coming here shit-brains!

So now that they are here and are being detained….I think we should supply them with soap and toothpaste. It is what a human being would do.

Clearly you’re not human…what the fuck are you?
Who cares? you’re mad at the wrong people. But you really don’t care about them. If you did you would be bitching for asylum charges so the kids don’t get hijacked through deserts by sex offenders. But you’re not, you’re for killing babies in the womb

You’re against giving a kid soap and toothpaste.
How you’ll explain your bizarre inhumanity to your family is a mystery.
why do I have to do anything. I'm not there, your shame game is overplayed all the time. Go save them yourself big guy,
Strange people, these blob supporters
I don't support blobs or invaders-that should be clear-there is a law against aiding criminals-are you a criminal enabler?

What is clear is that you’re a dumbass.

The kids had no say-so in coming here shit-brains!

So now that they are here and are being detained….I think we should supply them with soap and toothpaste. It is what a human being would do.

Clearly you’re not human…what the fuck are you?
Who cares? you’re mad at the wrong people. But you really don’t care about them. If you did you would be bitching for asylum charges so the kids don’t get hijacked through deserts by sex offenders. But you’re not, you’re for killing babies in the womb

You’re against giving a kid soap and toothpaste.
How you’ll explain your bizarre inhumanity to your family is a mystery.
where's your evidence they aren't getting those items?

BTW, I don't play your shame game, so take that aspect of your post and shove it up the bottom hole.
I thought the problem was cages, not toothpaste-could the media be distorting things?
Not that it really matters to some, but we're not really in a good place at the moment. Things could turn, and most of us continue to hope for the best. But, as of early morning, August 24, here we are:

The Economy
While the unemployment figures look very good on their face, they are clearly not translating to growth, especially at the cost of the exploding deficit that temporarily goosed the economy. GDP is currently at 2.1%, but we can certainly remain hopeful that it will reverse course and increase. There have been spotty signs that growth-push inflation may be ticking up, but the trade war is clearly effecting sentiment (not to mention data) at a terribly delicate moment. Right now, this is a decent economy, at best, with consumers lacking the resources to push it and their household debt above 2008 levels.

Trade With China
Our President doesn't appear to understand that China is paying attention. They realize quite well that he's trying to bully them into a trade deal, like an eight-year old boy trying to bully another child out of their lunch at the playground. Meanwhile, Trump exhibits zero (0) understanding of the fact that China can theoretically out-wait us here, since they don't have those pesky elections to worry about all that much if the populace gets pissed off. While anything is certainly possible, it's tough to imagine China making any long term commitments until after they see who they're dealing with in January of 2021.

International Relations
Our President has not only isolated himself and his country from the rest of the world with his actions, but also with his petulant behaviors. Even for those of us who have done all we can to lower our standards and expectations of his child-like behavior, the thought of this goofy, pointless dust-up with Denmark (Denmark!) makes us wonder if this man can get along with anyone outside his base. Meanwhile, the crazy fat kid in North Korea is shooting off rockets like he's in charge of the Fourth of July celebration at the park. Like China, the world is clearly looking ahead, with hope, to November 2020.

The Wall
Trump's signature, paranoid, shallow, hyper-simplistic election issue piece isn't exactly flying up with checks to pay for it coming in from Mexico. Even with the White House, House and Senate, this President wasn't able to do much more than slap up a few new two by fours to fix some areas of our existing wall. Any completely "new" wall is spotty at best, and now he's ready to steal cash from one place to placate his base with a few miles of a much less Trumpish wall here and there. Gee, great, so much for that idea. I guess "Build! The! Wall!" could still serve as a standby rally chant when needed.

Well, examining this topic is most likely a waste of time here, since there are many on this board who are telling us that racism no longer exists, or it's fake news, or that if you don't show up to work wearing a white hood you can't be a racist. What a disaster. And minorities are supposed to ignore all of it, because the unemployment rate is down at the moment. While the sycophants continue to run interference for the President Who Doesn't Know Who David Duke is, the rest of the country and the rest of the world are simply not buying the bullshit. But it sure sounds good on talk radio.

The silver lining? By far the most "successful" component of the Trump years will probably turn out to be the courts. The SC is in good shape for them, and they now have the added bonus of hoping that Ruth is quickly ravaged by cancer and dies soon. Ditto (no pun intended) for the lower courts, the nominations of which don't make much news but sure look like Sean Hannity picked 'em.

Could the economy turn back up? Yes, definitely, hopefully, but some kind of GOOD trade deal with China is now pretty much mandatory for that to happen. The Courts are the Courts. They'll probably be able to gather enough Lego™ blocks to build enough of a wall somewhere to keep talk radio and the base happy. International Relations? Race Relations? Pffffft. Who cares. Fake news.

Sounds like Mac needs a hug.

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