At this point, I find the "liberal butthurt" theme from the RW fascinating

Look, I'll admit that if Trump had lost, I would have gloated and rubbed it in Trump supporters faces. Not because I particularly like Hillary or the DNC, but because I know how terrible of an idea it would have been in electing Trump.

Here's the difference though. I would rub it in, but I would also make it clear why Hillary is the lesser of two evils. I could easily compare and contrast the two and explain why we would all be fortunate in not having Trump as president even if Hillary is still a buzz kill in some respects.

But here we are with Trump officially becoming elected. Since Election Day, Trump has lied; flip flopped on all of his core policy positions, and has ranted like an insecure little girl on Twitter. Despite this, the RW refuses to acknowledge how pathetic this behavior is. When any sort of criticism is raised about Trump, the Rightwing's ONLY response is the "liberal butt hurt" theme. They make no effort to defend Trump. Why? Because they secretly know they can't.

Deep down conservatives know electing Trump was a god awful idea but they cant admit that to themselves let alone anyone else.

Really? I am, as politically astute as they come. I have made it my mission to learn how this corporate entity that claims it is a legitimate governmental body and how it has worked since the international bankers took control of our monetary system in 1913. It's not even close to say that Trump wasn't a better choice than the Hildebeast and for a litany of reasons. This election wasn't jujst about Trump, it was an idea that Trump benefited from which is the fact that a vast majority of Americans have awoken to this debt slavery system that is ran by the deep state i.e "the military industrial complex" and if there is anyone that can make some much needed changes? It's Trump......with Hitlery it would be the same ol, same ol......,wake up or STFU....your whining is useless and you show that you don't know diddly squat.
View attachment 103015
Hope you're right about Trump. But a giant tax cut for the rich and giant corps hasn't any good history. It's the NONRICH and small business and ed/training that need help.

Yes, the amount of total bs RW misinformation you dupes extraordinary.
Nothing as usual.

Travel gate, bengahzi gate, trooper gate and Jennifer flowers..
North Korea, South Korea,
Naomi Robson, Markie Post, and
Maria Furtwängler
Asia fund raising scandal, white water and Monica Lewinsky
We didn't start the fire
It was always burning
Since the Clintons been turning
We didn't start the fire
No we didn't light it
But we tried to fight it
Bengahzi gate, email gate and hillary stealing white house furniture..
Hillary don't want to do an interview. for 263 days now.. And the corrupt clinton foundation..

We didn't start the fire
Nor did we light it
But we tried to fight it
Since the clintons been turning

Hillary got off a rapist and laughed about it, ruby ridge, Waco, hillary got fired, Vince foster, Hubble trouble, hillary emails, Jillian assage, the Pentagon didn't trust hillary in lybia,the reset button with Putin and the many of Hillary's lesbo affairs..

We didn't start the fire
Nor did we light it
But we tried to fight it
Since the clintons been turning

Hillary's fake head injury before congress, she lied about classified emails, Putin, iran has ballastic missiles, japan don't trust us , north Korea firing missiles at japan.

We didn't start the fire
Nor did we light it
But we tried to fight it
Since the clintons been turning

All total bs, dupe.

Facts suck for you huh?

Look into any one. Total bs. The guy she "got off" went to prison, She laughed at how dumb lie detectors can be, because he PASSED. etc etc, dupe.

And what? You big fat fibber he didn't go to prison he got time served in county jail... He couldn't bond out before trial..

You do know the difference between county jail and prison right?

And another year in the hoosgow.
Travel gate, bengahzi gate, trooper gate and Jennifer flowers..
North Korea, South Korea,
Naomi Robson, Markie Post, and
Maria Furtwängler
Asia fund raising scandal, white water and Monica Lewinsky
We didn't start the fire
It was always burning
Since the Clintons been turning
We didn't start the fire
No we didn't light it
But we tried to fight it
Bengahzi gate, email gate and hillary stealing white house furniture..
Hillary don't want to do an interview. for 263 days now.. And the corrupt clinton foundation..

We didn't start the fire
Nor did we light it
But we tried to fight it
Since the clintons been turning

Hillary got off a rapist and laughed about it, ruby ridge, Waco, hillary got fired, Vince foster, Hubble trouble, hillary emails, Jillian assage, the Pentagon didn't trust hillary in lybia,the reset button with Putin and the many of Hillary's lesbo affairs..

We didn't start the fire
Nor did we light it
But we tried to fight it
Since the clintons been turning

Hillary's fake head injury before congress, she lied about classified emails, Putin, iran has ballastic missiles, japan don't trust us , north Korea firing missiles at japan.

We didn't start the fire
Nor did we light it
But we tried to fight it
Since the clintons been turning

All total bs, dupe.

Facts suck for you huh?

Look into any one. Total bs. The guy she "got off" went to prison, She laughed at how dumb lie detectors can be, because he PASSED. etc etc, dupe.

And what? You big fat fibber he didn't go to prison he got time served in county jail... He couldn't bond out before trial..

You do know the difference between county jail and prison right?

And another year in the hoosgow.
And Hillary laughing at him getting off is total BS. LIE. Just like everything you "know" about BENGAZEEEEE!!!! and the VIDEO!!!!!, etc etc etc, DUPE.
Travel gate, bengahzi gate, trooper gate and Jennifer flowers..
North Korea, South Korea,
Naomi Robson, Markie Post, and
Maria Furtwängler
Asia fund raising scandal, white water and Monica Lewinsky
We didn't start the fire
It was always burning
Since the Clintons been turning
We didn't start the fire
No we didn't light it
But we tried to fight it
Bengahzi gate, email gate and hillary stealing white house furniture..
Hillary don't want to do an interview. for 263 days now.. And the corrupt clinton foundation..

We didn't start the fire
Nor did we light it
But we tried to fight it
Since the clintons been turning

Hillary got off a rapist and laughed about it, ruby ridge, Waco, hillary got fired, Vince foster, Hubble trouble, hillary emails, Jillian assage, the Pentagon didn't trust hillary in lybia,the reset button with Putin and the many of Hillary's lesbo affairs..

We didn't start the fire
Nor did we light it
But we tried to fight it
Since the clintons been turning

Hillary's fake head injury before congress, she lied about classified emails, Putin, iran has ballastic missiles, japan don't trust us , north Korea firing missiles at japan.

We didn't start the fire
Nor did we light it
But we tried to fight it
Since the clintons been turning

All total bs, dupe.

Facts suck for you huh?

Look into any one. Total bs. The guy she "got off" went to prison, She laughed at how dumb lie detectors can be, because he PASSED. etc etc, dupe.

oh lookie breaking news...

FBI warrant released in Clinton email case

access a laptop used by disgraced ex-Rep. Anthony Weiner and his estranged wife, Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin, revealing new details about why the bureau revisited the email case just days before the presidential election.

The FBI’s earlier investigation found “27 email chains containing classified information” that were exchanged between Clinton and Abedin, and investigators wanted to see what was also on the Abedin-Weiner laptop, according to the government affidavit unsealed Tuesday. That laptop, the FBI noted, “was never authorized for the storage or transmission of classified or national defense information,” according to the application for the warrant, which was partially redacted.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Feq the New BS GOP FBI and BS propaganda sevice Faux Noise. lol. And Putin and Comey. Their BS never ends. When they indict they should tell us about that, not malevolent gossip, superdupe.

How can they indict her or Louis with Obozo in charge super duper dupe?

Travel gate, bengahzi gate, trooper gate and Jennifer flowers..
North Korea, South Korea,
Naomi Robson, Markie Post, and
Maria Furtwängler
Asia fund raising scandal, white water and Monica Lewinsky
We didn't start the fire
It was always burning
Since the Clintons been turning
We didn't start the fire
No we didn't light it
But we tried to fight it
Bengahzi gate, email gate and hillary stealing white house furniture..
Hillary don't want to do an interview. for 263 days now.. And the corrupt clinton foundation..

We didn't start the fire
Nor did we light it
But we tried to fight it
Since the clintons been turning

Hillary got off a rapist and laughed about it, ruby ridge, Waco, hillary got fired, Vince foster, Hubble trouble, hillary emails, Jillian assage, the Pentagon didn't trust hillary in lybia,the reset button with Putin and the many of Hillary's lesbo affairs..

We didn't start the fire
Nor did we light it
But we tried to fight it
Since the clintons been turning

Hillary's fake head injury before congress, she lied about classified emails, Putin, iran has ballastic missiles, japan don't trust us , north Korea firing missiles at japan.

We didn't start the fire
Nor did we light it
But we tried to fight it
Since the clintons been turning

All total bs, dupe.

Facts suck for you huh?

Look into any one. Total bs. The guy she "got off" went to prison, She laughed at how dumb lie detectors can be, because he PASSED. etc etc, dupe.

And what? You big fat fibber he didn't go to prison he got time served in county jail... He couldn't bond out before trial..

You do know the difference between county jail and prison right?

And another year in the hoosgow.

Nope it was Time served, he never stepped foot in prison

Look, I'll admit that if Trump had lost, I would have gloated and rubbed it in Trump supporters faces. Not because I particularly like Hillary or the DNC, but because I know how terrible of an idea it would have been in electing Trump.

Here's the difference though. I would rub it in, but I would also make it clear why Hillary is the lesser of two evils. I could easily compare and contrast the two and explain why we would all be fortunate in not having Trump as president even if Hillary is still a buzz kill in some respects.

But here we are with Trump officially becoming elected. Since Election Day, Trump has lied; flip flopped on all of his core policy positions, and has ranted like an insecure little girl on Twitter. Despite this, the RW refuses to acknowledge how pathetic this behavior is. When any sort of criticism is raised about Trump, the Rightwing's ONLY response is the "liberal butt hurt" theme. They make no effort to defend Trump. Why? Because they secretly know they can't.

Deep down conservatives know electing Trump was a god awful idea but they cant admit that to themselves let alone anyone else.

Really? I am, as politically astute as they come. I have made it my mission to learn how this corporate entity that claims it is a legitimate governmental body and how it has worked since the international bankers took control of our monetary system in 1913. It's not even close to say that Trump wasn't a better choice than the Hildebeast and for a litany of reasons. This election wasn't jujst about Trump, it was an idea that Trump benefited from which is the fact that a vast majority of Americans have awoken to this debt slavery system that is ran by the deep state i.e "the military industrial complex" and if there is anyone that can make some much needed changes? It's Trump......with Hitlery it would be the same ol, same ol......,wake up or STFU....your whining is useless and you show that you don't know diddly squat.
View attachment 103015
Hope you're right about Trump. But a giant tax cut for the rich and giant corps hasn't any good history. It's the NONRICH and small business and ed/training that need help.

Yes, the amount of total bs RW misinformation you dupes extraordinary.

If Trump turns out to be a chump? I will be making my feelings known about that as well....but the fact of the matter is that he hasn't spent one day in office yet but here people are speculating on moves that have yet to be made. My suggestion is to enjoy the holiday season and let's see what transpires after January 20th and deal with it then.
Here's the difference though. I would rub it in, but I would also make it clear why Hillary is the lesser of two evils. I could easily compare and contrast the two and explain why we would all be fortunate in not having Trump as president even if Hillary is still a buzz kill in some respects.
I've seen all that a thousand times. You must be too butt hurt to see straight. You assholes were prancing around in victory and still haven't stopped your smears enjoy the butt hurt.
All total bs, dupe.

Facts suck for you huh?

Look into any one. Total bs. The guy she "got off" went to prison, She laughed at how dumb lie detectors can be, because he PASSED. etc etc, dupe.

And what? You big fat fibber he didn't go to prison he got time served in county jail... He couldn't bond out before trial..

You do know the difference between county jail and prison right?

And another year in the hoosgow.

Nope it was Time served, he never stepped foot in prison

All total bs, dupe.

Facts suck for you huh?

Look into any one. Total bs. The guy she "got off" went to prison, She laughed at how dumb lie detectors can be, because he PASSED. etc etc, dupe.

And what? You big fat fibber he didn't go to prison he got time served in county jail... He couldn't bond out before trial..

You do know the difference between county jail and prison right?

And another year in the hoosgow.

Nope it was Time served, he never stepped foot in prison

Clinton's 1975 Rape Case -
Jun 17, 2016 - Q: Did Hillary Clinton volunteer in 1975 to defend a rapist, who was found not guilty, and ... I don't want to get involved. Can you get me off?”.
Donald Trump wrongly says Hillary Clinton laughed at a 12 ... - PolitiFact
Oct 10, 2016 - Says after Hillary Clinton helped a man accused of raping a ... Her client she represented gothim off, and she's seen laughing on two separate ...
Hillary Clinton Freed Child Rapist :
May 2, 2016 - Claim: Hillary Clinton successfully defended an accused child rapist ... about older men, that Clinton "got [the] rapist freed," and that Clinton ... As Newsday observed, the case was a "hopelessly convoluted" one in which the facts were far ... defendant was guilty" or "getting a guilty guy off" (which makes little ...
Look, I'll admit that if Trump had lost, I would have gloated and rubbed it in Trump supporters faces. Not because I particularly like Hillary or the DNC, but because I know how terrible of an idea it would have been in electing Trump.

Here's the difference though. I would rub it in, but I would also make it clear why Hillary is the lesser of two evils. I could easily compare and contrast the two and explain why we would all be fortunate in not having Trump as president even if Hillary is still a buzz kill in some respects.

But here we are with Trump officially becoming elected. Since Election Day, Trump has lied; flip flopped on all of his core policy positions, and has ranted like an insecure little girl on Twitter. Despite this, the RW refuses to acknowledge how pathetic this behavior is. When any sort of criticism is raised about Trump, the Rightwing's ONLY response is the "liberal butt hurt" theme. They make no effort to defend Trump. Why? Because they secretly know they can't.

Deep down conservatives know electing Trump was a god awful idea but they cant admit that to themselves let alone anyone else.

Really? I am, as politically astute as they come. I have made it my mission to learn how this corporate entity that claims it is a legitimate governmental body and how it has worked since the international bankers took control of our monetary system in 1913. It's not even close to say that Trump wasn't a better choice than the Hildebeast and for a litany of reasons. This election wasn't jujst about Trump, it was an idea that Trump benefited from which is the fact that a vast majority of Americans have awoken to this debt slavery system that is ran by the deep state i.e "the military industrial complex" and if there is anyone that can make some much needed changes? It's Trump......with Hitlery it would be the same ol, same ol......,wake up or STFU....your whining is useless and you show that you don't know diddly squat.
View attachment 103015
Hope you're right about Trump. But a giant tax cut for the rich and giant corps hasn't any good history. It's the NONRICH and small business and ed/training that need help.

Yes, the amount of total bs RW misinformation you dupes extraordinary.

Let me leave you with this much as well. I am about the truth and I don't care how ugly it can be. I have kicked partisanship to the curb because it accomplishes nothing. If Trump turns out to be a "snake in the grass"/ globalist? I will be shouting it from every cyber-mountain top that I can. The more people that are awake to this globalist control, the better chance we have of changing it. Knowledge is power.....
Here's the difference though. I would rub it in, but I would also make it clear why Hillary is the lesser of two evils. I could easily compare and contrast the two and explain why we would all be fortunate in not having Trump as president even if Hillary is still a buzz kill in some respects.
I've seen all that a thousand times. You must be too butt hurt to see straight. You assholes were prancing around in victory and still haven't stopped your smears enjoy the butt hurt.


I recommend that the Prog Butthurtees console themselves with an Epic USMB Inane Clown Posse Butt Cuddle!

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Look, I'll admit that if Trump had lost, I would have gloated and rubbed it in Trump supporters faces. Not because I particularly like Hillary or the DNC, but because I know how terrible of an idea it would have been in electing Trump.

Here's the difference though. I would rub it in, but I would also make it clear why Hillary is the lesser of two evils. I could easily compare and contrast the two and explain why we would all be fortunate in not having Trump as president even if Hillary is still a buzz kill in some respects.

But here we are with Trump officially becoming elected. Since Election Day, Trump has lied; flip flopped on all of his core policy positions, and has ranted like an insecure little girl on Twitter. Despite this, the RW refuses to acknowledge how pathetic this behavior is. When any sort of criticism is raised about Trump, the Rightwing's ONLY response is the "liberal butt hurt" theme. They make no effort to defend Trump. Why? Because they secretly know they can't.

Deep down conservatives know electing Trump was a god awful idea but they cant admit that to themselves let alone anyone else.
Are you by any chance living in a State that recently legalized recreational weed?

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app
Here's the difference though. I would rub it in, but I would also make it clear why Hillary is the lesser of two evils. I could easily compare and contrast the two and explain why we would all be fortunate in not having Trump as president even if Hillary is still a buzz kill in some respects.
I've seen all that a thousand times. You must be too butt hurt to see straight. You assholes were prancing around in victory and still haven't stopped your smears enjoy the butt hurt.


I recommend that the Prog Butthurtees console themselves with an Epic USMB Inane Clown Posse Butt Cuddle!

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
The board needs to set up a safe space, that's as good a name as any. No conservatives allowed, you have to register and flunk and IQ test to join.
Look, I'll admit that if Trump had lost, I would have gloated and rubbed it in Trump supporters faces. Not because I particularly like Hillary or the DNC, but because I know how terrible of an idea it would have been in electing Trump.

Here's the difference though. I would rub it in, but I would also make it clear why Hillary is the lesser of two evils. I could easily compare and contrast the two and explain why we would all be fortunate in not having Trump as president even if Hillary is still a buzz kill in some respects.

But here we are with Trump officially becoming elected. Since Election Day, Trump has lied; flip flopped on all of his core policy positions, and has ranted like an insecure little girl on Twitter. Despite this, the RW refuses to acknowledge how pathetic this behavior is. When any sort of criticism is raised about Trump, the Rightwing's ONLY response is the "liberal butt hurt" theme. They make no effort to defend Trump. Why? Because they secretly know they can't.

Deep down conservatives know electing Trump was a god awful idea but they cant admit that to themselves let alone anyone else.

Really? I am, as politically astute as they come. I have made it my mission to learn how this corporate entity that claims it is a legitimate governmental body and how it has worked since the international bankers took control of our monetary system in 1913. It's not even close to say that Trump wasn't a better choice than the Hildebeast and for a litany of reasons. This election wasn't jujst about Trump, it was an idea that Trump benefited from which is the fact that a vast majority of Americans have awoken to this debt slavery system that is ran by the deep state i.e "the military industrial complex" and if there is anyone that can make some much needed changes? It's Trump......with Hitlery it would be the same ol, same ol......,wake up or STFU....your whining is useless and you show that you don't know diddly squat.
View attachment 103015
Hope you're right about Trump. But a giant tax cut for the rich and giant corps hasn't any good history. It's the NONRICH and small business and ed/training that need help.

Yes, the amount of total bs RW misinformation you dupes extraordinary.

Let me leave you with this much as well. I am about the truth and I don't care how ugly it can be. I have kicked partisanship to the curb because it accomplishes nothing. If Trump turns out to be a "snake in the grass"/ globalist? I will be shouting it from every cyber-mountain top that I can. The more people that are awake to this globalist control, the better chance we have of changing it. Knowledge is power.....
Globalism is not a conspiracy, just the way things are naturally going. The question is whether taxes are fair and enough investment in our country is happening. Not under the New BS GOP.
All total bs, dupe.

Facts suck for you huh?

Look into any one. Total bs. The guy she "got off" went to prison, She laughed at how dumb lie detectors can be, because he PASSED. etc etc, dupe.

oh lookie breaking news...

FBI warrant released in Clinton email case

access a laptop used by disgraced ex-Rep. Anthony Weiner and his estranged wife, Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin, revealing new details about why the bureau revisited the email case just days before the presidential election.

The FBI’s earlier investigation found “27 email chains containing classified information” that were exchanged between Clinton and Abedin, and investigators wanted to see what was also on the Abedin-Weiner laptop, according to the government affidavit unsealed Tuesday. That laptop, the FBI noted, “was never authorized for the storage or transmission of classified or national defense information,” according to the application for the warrant, which was partially redacted.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Feq the New BS GOP FBI and BS propaganda sevice Faux Noise. lol. And Putin and Comey. Their BS never ends. When they indict they should tell us about that, not malevolent gossip, superdupe.

How can they indict her or Louis with Obozo in charge super duper dupe?

Easy. The GOP FBI is on the job. For years now, and NADA. Because the Clintons aren't stupid, just the dupes.
Here's the difference though. I would rub it in, but I would also make it clear why Hillary is the lesser of two evils. I could easily compare and contrast the two and explain why we would all be fortunate in not having Trump as president even if Hillary is still a buzz kill in some respects.
I've seen all that a thousand times. You must be too butt hurt to see straight. You assholes were prancing around in victory and still haven't stopped your smears enjoy the butt hurt.


I recommend that the Prog Butthurtees console themselves with an Epic USMB Inane Clown Posse Butt Cuddle!

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
The board needs to set up a safe space, that's as good a name as any. No conservatives allowed, you have to register and flunk and IQ test to join.
We're fine, and you believe a giant pile of crap, dupe.

Clinton's 1975 Rape Case -
Jun 17, 2016 - Q: Did Hillary Clinton volunteer in 1975 to defend a rapist, who was found not guilty, and ... I don't want to get involved. Can you get me off?”.
Donald Trump wrongly says Hillary Clinton laughed at a 12 ... - PolitiFact
Oct 10, 2016 - Says after Hillary Clinton helped a man accused of raping a ... Her client she represented gothim off, and she's seen laughing on two separate ...
Hillary Clinton Freed Child Rapist :
May 2, 2016 - Claim: Hillary Clinton successfully defended an accused child rapist ... about older men, that Clinton "got [the] rapist freed," and that Clinton ... As Newsday observed, the case was a "hopelessly convoluted" one in which the facts were far ... defendant was guilty" or "getting a guilty guy off" (which makes little ...
Look, I'll admit that if Trump had lost, I would have gloated and rubbed it in Trump supporters faces. Not because I particularly like Hillary or the DNC, but because I know how terrible of an idea it would have been in electing Trump.

Here's the difference though. I would rub it in, but I would also make it clear why Hillary is the lesser of two evils. I could easily compare and contrast the two and explain why we would all be fortunate in not having Trump as president even if Hillary is still a buzz kill in some respects.

But here we are with Trump officially becoming elected. Since Election Day, Trump has lied; flip flopped on all of his core policy positions, and has ranted like an insecure little girl on Twitter. Despite this, the RW refuses to acknowledge how pathetic this behavior is. When any sort of criticism is raised about Trump, the Rightwing's ONLY response is the "liberal butt hurt" theme. They make no effort to defend Trump. Why? Because they secretly know they can't.

Deep down conservatives know electing Trump was a god awful idea but they cant admit that to themselves let alone anyone else.
Look, I'll admit that if Trump had lost, I would have gloated and rubbed it in Trump supporters faces. Not because I particularly like Hillary or the DNC, but because I know how terrible of an idea it would have been in electing Trump.

Here's the difference though. I would rub it in, but I would also make it clear why Hillary is the lesser of two evils. I could easily compare and contrast the two and explain why we would all be fortunate in not having Trump as president even if Hillary is still a buzz kill in some respects.

But here we are with Trump officially becoming elected. Since Election Day, Trump has lied; flip flopped on all of his core policy positions, and has ranted like an insecure little girl on Twitter. Despite this, the RW refuses to acknowledge how pathetic this behavior is. When any sort of criticism is raised about Trump, the Rightwing's ONLY response is the "liberal butt hurt" theme. They make no effort to defend Trump. Why? Because they secretly know they can't.

Deep down conservatives know electing Trump was a god awful idea but they cant admit that to themselves let alone anyone else.
Good grief, the moonbats STILL can't admit to themselves that Hillary is a flat out criminal, let alone less likeable than a Charles Manson.

"Buzz kill". Just stop it. :talk2hand:
Hillary has a shady record no doubt, but there's a reason for her not being prosecuted. Of course as you may have noticed, the email scandal has all but disappeared since the end of the election. Hmm why is that?

The reason is that a sleazy fucking Democrat is President and AG, and that's the only reason.
Look, I'll admit that if Trump had lost, I would have gloated and rubbed it in Trump supporters faces. Not because I particularly like Hillary or the DNC, but because I know how terrible of an idea it would have been in electing Trump. There's nothing here but an erratic emotional response. Change your avatar to something appropriate, like a

Here's the difference though. I can't wait.

I would rub it in, but I would also make it clear why Hillary is the lesser of two evils. Heck yeah you would. In fact, you've done an excellent job doing exactly that. No but really, speaking of critical thought, couldn't you do that regardless of who won? Let's hear your championship rhetoric for why Hillary is the lessor of two evils.

I could easily compare and contrast the two and explain why we would all be fortunate in not having Trump as president even if Hillary is still a buzz kill in some respects. Golly, doesn't seem that easy to me. You've written two sentences already and not one word to support your lips. Perhaps it's not so easy and you're talking BS. Say, that sounds like critical thought to me. My formal education reaches the 4th grade. Any chance you have a liberal arts degree?

But here we are with Trump officially becoming elected. Since Election Day, Trump has lied; flip flopped on all of his core policy positions, and has ranted like an insecure little girl on Twitter. I read you exaggerate the truth because you're butthurt.

Despite this, the RW refuses to acknowledge how pathetic this behavior is. You mean like the conservative butthurt behavior? You're doing what liberals do best, projecting.

When any sort of criticism is raised about Trump, the Rightwing's ONLY response is the "liberal butt hurt" theme. Their ONLY response huh? Remember how I suggested you should change you avatar? Yeah, you really need to change your avatar. Get one of those hairless
Chihuahuas, one that shakes a lot. There's a lot to be said for consistency, symbolism and accuracy.

They make no effort to defend Trump. Why? Because they secretly know they can't. Ooooooooooooooo, "SECRETLY"..........Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Deep down conservatives know electing Trump was a god awful idea but they cant admit that to themselves let alone anyone else. Question for the audience: You figure this response was motivated by critical thought or emotions?
Last edited:
Look, I'll admit that if Trump had lost, I would have gloated and rubbed it in Trump supporters faces. Not because I particularly like Hillary or the DNC, but because I know how terrible of an idea it would have been in electing Trump.

Here's the difference though. I would rub it in, but I would also make it clear why Hillary is the lesser of two evils. I could easily compare and contrast the two and explain why we would all be fortunate in not having Trump as president even if Hillary is still a buzz kill in some respects.

But here we are with Trump officially becoming elected. Since Election Day, Trump has lied; flip flopped on all of his core policy positions, and has ranted like an insecure little girl on Twitter. Despite this, the RW refuses to acknowledge how pathetic this behavior is. When any sort of criticism is raised about Trump, the Rightwing's ONLY response is the "liberal butt hurt" theme. They make no effort to defend Trump. Why? Because they secretly know they can't.

Deep down conservatives know electing Trump was a god awful idea but they cant admit that to themselves let alone anyone else.

Really? I am, as politically astute as they come. I have made it my mission to learn how this corporate entity that claims it is a legitimate governmental body and how it has worked since the international bankers took control of our monetary system in 1913. It's not even close to say that Trump wasn't a better choice than the Hildebeast and for a litany of reasons. This election wasn't jujst about Trump, it was an idea that Trump benefited from which is the fact that a vast majority of Americans have awoken to this debt slavery system that is ran by the deep state i.e "the military industrial complex" and if there is anyone that can make some much needed changes? It's Trump......with Hitlery it would be the same ol, same ol......,wake up or STFU....your whining is useless and you show that you don't know diddly squat.
View attachment 103015
Hope you're right about Trump. But a giant tax cut for the rich and giant corps hasn't any good history. It's the NONRICH and small business and ed/training that need help.

Yes, the amount of total bs RW misinformation you dupes extraordinary.

Let me leave you with this much as well. I am about the truth and I don't care how ugly it can be. I have kicked partisanship to the curb because it accomplishes nothing. If Trump turns out to be a "snake in the grass"/ globalist? I will be shouting it from every cyber-mountain top that I can. The more people that are awake to this globalist control, the better chance we have of changing it. Knowledge is power.....
Globalism is not a conspiracy, just the way things are naturally going. The question is whether taxes are fair and enough investment in our country is happening. Not under the New BS GOP.

You are 100 percent wrong about that. Taking away a country's sovereignty while using the banks like the BIS and IMF to rob them of their natural resources isn't "natural" by any stretch.

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