At this point, I find the "liberal butthurt" theme from the RW fascinating

The truth is no one here knows what kind of President Trump will be good, bad, or in between everyone is just speculating based on their own political ideology and personal feelings about the man. I know this is a radical idea but how about waiting till the man is actually sworn in and starts doing the job before deciding how good a President he is?
Liberals on this board declaring they would not have gloated had Hillary won is like Barry declaring 'If you like your plan you can keep your plan'. :p
The gloating has only just begun, you people made us suffer through 8 years of Obama now its payback time. THIS is what it was all about. Not doing what is good for the country. Gotcha! Just so we all understand the real reasons.

Are you mad whitey is back in charge? :itsok:
Just so we all understand the real reasons.

If you want the real reason you need to ask Democrats in MI, PA, and WI why they voted for Trump. OUCH that's gotta hurt :laugh::laugh::laugh:
Look, I'll admit that if Trump had lost, I would have gloated and rubbed it in Trump supporters faces. Not because I particularly like Hillary or the DNC, but because I know how terrible of an idea it would have been in electing Trump.

Here's the difference though. I would rub it in, but I would also make it clear why Hillary is the lesser of two evils. I could easily compare and contrast the two and explain why we would all be fortunate in not having Trump as president even if Hillary is still a buzz kill in some respects.

But here we are with Trump officially becoming elected. Since Election Day, Trump has lied; flip flopped on all of his core policy positions, and has ranted like an insecure little girl on Twitter. Despite this, the RW refuses to acknowledge how pathetic this behavior is. When any sort of criticism is raised about Trump, the Rightwing's ONLY response is the "liberal butt hurt" theme. They make no effort to defend Trump. Why? Because they secretly know they can't.

Deep down conservatives know electing Trump was a god awful idea but they cant admit that to themselves let alone anyone else.

Swish, you once again get nothing. The 'butt hurt' is not about rubbing it in, it's about your hysterical overreaction and inability to deal with reality which is being accurately called 'butt hurt.' You're blaming everyone but yourselves and your shitty candidate for losing, going on about the PV which no one ran for, the raging butt hurt in you people is just endless
The gloating has only just begun, you people made us suffer through 8 years of Obama now its payback time.
You ever heard the old saying, "The best revenge is living well?"
You should try it.
That might be part of their motivation.....not learning to get by in the 21st century. I mean.....look at the areas that predominantly voted for Drumplethinskin.......and, of course.....why they did it.
The gloating has only just begun, you people made us suffer through 8 years of Obama now its payback time. THIS is what it was all about. Not doing what is good for the country. Gotcha! Just so we all understand the real reasons.

Are you mad whitey is back in charge? :itsok:
Just so we all understand the real reasons.

If you want the real reason you need to ask Democrats in MI, PA, and WI why they voted for Trump. OUCH that's gotta hurt :laugh::laugh::laugh:
You told us the real reason....and I appreciate your honesty. It's all about revenge. A hallmark of the RW world.
The gloating has only just begun, you people made us suffer through 8 years of Obama now its payback time.
You ever heard the old saying, "The best revenge is living well?"
You should try it.

Ahahaha what do you think happened last month fool. lmao!
Ummm....the point is, focus on what is constructive, not destructive, and work hard to achieve your goals. Leave the "losers" behind. Continuing to worry at them like a dog with a sock does not actually show leadership.
Liberals on this board declaring they would not have gloated had Hillary won is like Barry declaring 'If you like your plan you can keep your plan'. :p
Of course we would have....but we're better at it. Much more tasteful.
The gloating has only just begun, you people made us suffer through 8 years of Obama now its payback time.
You ever heard the old saying, "The best revenge is living well?"
You should try it.

Ahahaha what do you think happened last month fool. lmao!
Ummm....the point is, focus on what is constructive, not destructive, and work hard to achieve your goals. Leave the "losers" behind. Continuing to worry at them like a dog with a sock does not actually show leadership.

My goal was to destroy the left, mission accomplished. Time to ice up a tall cold one and enjoy watching the libs flail about writhing in pain. Good times!

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