At this point, I find the "liberal butthurt" theme from the RW fascinating

Look, I'll admit that if Trump had lost, I would have gloated and rubbed it in Trump supporters faces. Not because I particularly like Hillary or the DNC, but because I know how terrible of an idea it would have been in electing Trump.

Here's the difference though. I would rub it in, but I would also make it clear why Hillary is the lesser of two evils. I could easily compare and contrast the two and explain why we would all be fortunate in not having Trump as president even if Hillary is still a buzz kill in some respects.

But here we are with Trump officially becoming elected. Since Election Day, Trump has lied; flip flopped on all of his core policy positions, and has ranted like an insecure little girl on Twitter. Despite this, the RW refuses to acknowledge how pathetic this behavior is. When any sort of criticism is raised about Trump, the Rightwing's ONLY response is the "liberal butt hurt" theme. They make no effort to defend Trump. Why? Because they secretly know they can't.

Deep down conservatives know electing Trump was a god awful idea but they cant admit that to themselves let alone anyone else.

Really? I am, as politically astute as they come. I have made it my mission to learn how this corporate entity that claims it is a legitimate governmental body and how it has worked since the international bankers took control of our monetary system in 1913. It's not even close to say that Trump wasn't a better choice than the Hildebeast and for a litany of reasons. This election wasn't jujst about Trump, it was an idea that Trump benefited from which is the fact that a vast majority of Americans have awoken to this debt slavery system that is ran by the deep state i.e "the military industrial complex" and if there is anyone that can make some much needed changes? It's Trump......with Hitlery it would be the same ol, same ol......,wake up or STFU....your whining is useless and you show that you don't know diddly squat.
View attachment 103015
Lol you people are so lame. Why are you so concerned about my butthurt? My feelings seem way too important to you.

All you have to do to not be a pussy is 1) admit Trump is a worthless sack of shit or 2) Defend his actions since he's been elected. Explain why you think he isn't a lying, flip flopping sack of garbage.[/QUOTE

Seriously? You think that you define what a "pussy" is or isn't? The man hasn't spent one day in office but yet you are laying down the narratives and challenging those that defied the Hitlery klunt that you wholeheartedly supported? I don't owe you diddly squat nor do I have to prove anything to you. I can't think of one single situation that would make me seek the warm fuzzies of the likes of you....get it???

View attachment 103048
Oh really? So him flip flopping on his campaign promises don't matter huh? How about his lies? How about him acting like a whiney little bitch on Twitter over SNL skits?
Look, I'll admit that if Trump had lost, I would have gloated and rubbed it in Trump supporters faces. Not because I particularly like Hillary or the DNC, but because I know how terrible of an idea it would have been in electing Trump.

Here's the difference though. I would rub it in, but I would also make it clear why Hillary is the lesser of two evils. I could easily compare and contrast the two and explain why we would all be fortunate in not having Trump as president even if Hillary is still a buzz kill in some respects.

But here we are with Trump officially becoming elected. Since Election Day, Trump has lied; flip flopped on all of his core policy positions, and has ranted like an insecure little girl on Twitter. Despite this, the RW refuses to acknowledge how pathetic this behavior is. When any sort of criticism is raised about Trump, the Rightwing's ONLY response is the "liberal butt hurt" theme. They make no effort to defend Trump. Why? Because they secretly know they can't.

Deep down conservatives know electing Trump was a god awful idea but they cant admit that to themselves let alone anyone else.

Really? I am, as politically astute as they come. I have made it my mission to learn how this corporate entity that claims it is a legitimate governmental body and how it has worked since the international bankers took control of our monetary system in 1913. It's not even close to say that Trump wasn't a better choice than the Hildebeast and for a litany of reasons. This election wasn't jujst about Trump, it was an idea that Trump benefited from which is the fact that a vast majority of Americans have awoken to this debt slavery system that is ran by the deep state i.e "the military industrial complex" and if there is anyone that can make some much needed changes? It's Trump......with Hitlery it would be the same ol, same ol......,wake up or STFU....your whining is useless and you show that you don't know diddly squat.
View attachment 103015
Lol you people are so lame. Why are you so concerned about my butthurt? My feelings seem way too important to you.

All you have to do to not be a pussy is 1) admit Trump is a worthless sack of shit or 2) Defend his actions since he's been elected. Explain why you think he isn't a lying, flip flopping sack of garbage.[/QUOTE

Seriously? You think that you define what a "pussy" is or isn't? The man hasn't spent one day in office but yet you are laying down the narratives and challenging those that defied the Hitlery klunt that you wholeheartedly supported? I don't owe you diddly squat nor do I have to prove anything to you. I can't think of one single situation that would make me seek the warm fuzzies of the likes of you....get it???

View attachment 103048
Oh really? So him flip flopping on his campaign promises don't matter huh? How about his lies? How about him acting like a whiney little bitch on Twitter over SNL skits?

You libs don't get it, the ONLY thing that mattered was defeating Hillary. Trump on his worst day is still better than being stuck with that harpy lying corrupted idiot.

Plus we are enjoying how Trump kicked your arrogant elitist ass, hell yeah good times.
Look, I'll admit that if Trump had lost, I would have gloated and rubbed it in Trump supporters faces. Not because I particularly like Hillary or the DNC, but because I know how terrible of an idea it would have been in electing Trump.

Here's the difference though. I would rub it in, but I would also make it clear why Hillary is the lesser of two evils. I could easily compare and contrast the two and explain why we would all be fortunate in not having Trump as president even if Hillary is still a buzz kill in some respects.

But here we are with Trump officially becoming elected. Since Election Day, Trump has lied; flip flopped on all of his core policy positions, and has ranted like an insecure little girl on Twitter. Despite this, the RW refuses to acknowledge how pathetic this behavior is. When any sort of criticism is raised about Trump, the Rightwing's ONLY response is the "liberal butt hurt" theme. They make no effort to defend Trump. Why? Because they secretly know they can't.

Deep down conservatives know electing Trump was a god awful idea but they cant admit that to themselves let alone anyone else.

Look, I'll admit that if Trump had lost, I would have gloated and rubbed it in Trump supporters faces. Not because I particularly like Hillary or the DNC, but because I know how terrible of an idea it would have been in electing Trump.

Here's the difference though. I would rub it in, but I would also make it clear why Hillary is the lesser of two evils. I could easily compare and contrast the two and explain why we would all be fortunate in not having Trump as president even if Hillary is still a buzz kill in some respects.

But here we are with Trump officially becoming elected. Since Election Day, Trump has lied; flip flopped on all of his core policy positions, and has ranted like an insecure little girl on Twitter. Despite this, the RW refuses to acknowledge how pathetic this behavior is. When any sort of criticism is raised about Trump, the Rightwing's ONLY response is the "liberal butt hurt" theme. They make no effort to defend Trump. Why? Because they secretly know they can't.

Deep down conservatives know electing Trump was a god awful idea but they cant admit that to themselves let alone anyone else.

Yeah, they should have elected Hillary.

That is soooooooooooooooooo obvious.
Look, I'll admit that if Trump had lost, I would have gloated and rubbed it in Trump supporters faces. Not because I particularly like Hillary or the DNC, but because I know how terrible of an idea it would have been in electing Trump.

Here's the difference though. I would rub it in, but I would also make it clear why Hillary is the lesser of two evils. I could easily compare and contrast the two and explain why we would all be fortunate in not having Trump as president even if Hillary is still a buzz kill in some respects.

But here we are with Trump officially becoming elected. Since Election Day, Trump has lied; flip flopped on all of his core policy positions, and has ranted like an insecure little girl on Twitter. Despite this, the RW refuses to acknowledge how pathetic this behavior is. When any sort of criticism is raised about Trump, the Rightwing's ONLY response is the "liberal butt hurt" theme. They make no effort to defend Trump. Why? Because they secretly know they can't.

Deep down conservatives know electing Trump was a god awful idea but they cant admit that to themselves let alone anyone else.

Really? I am, as politically astute as they come. I have made it my mission to learn how this corporate entity that claims it is a legitimate governmental body and how it has worked since the international bankers took control of our monetary system in 1913. It's not even close to say that Trump wasn't a better choice than the Hildebeast and for a litany of reasons. This election wasn't jujst about Trump, it was an idea that Trump benefited from which is the fact that a vast majority of Americans have awoken to this debt slavery system that is ran by the deep state i.e "the military industrial complex" and if there is anyone that can make some much needed changes? It's Trump......with Hitlery it would be the same ol, same ol......,wake up or STFU....your whining is useless and you show that you don't know diddly squat.
View attachment 103015
Lol you people are so lame. Why are you so concerned about my butthurt? My feelings seem way too important to you.

All you have to do to not be a pussy is 1) admit Trump is a worthless sack of shit or 2) Defend his actions since he's been elected. Explain why you think he isn't a lying, flip flopping sack of garbage.[/QUOTE

Seriously? You think that you define what a "pussy" is or isn't? The man hasn't spent one day in office but yet you are laying down the narratives and challenging those that defied the Hitlery klunt that you wholeheartedly supported? I don't owe you diddly squat nor do I have to prove anything to you. I can't think of one single situation that would make me seek the warm fuzzies of the likes of you....get it???

View attachment 103048
Oh really? So him flip flopping on his campaign promises don't matter huh? How about his lies? How about him acting like a whiney little bitch on Twitter over SNL skits?

You libs don't get it, the ONLY thing that mattered was defeating Hillary. Trump on his worst day is still better than being stuck with that harpy lying corrupted idiot.

Plus we are enjoying how Trump kicked your arrogant elitist ass, hell yeah good times.
Okay compare and contrast Hillary and Trump. Explain, with examples, why Hillary is worse.
Really? I am, as politically astute as they come. I have made it my mission to learn how this corporate entity that claims it is a legitimate governmental body and how it has worked since the international bankers took control of our monetary system in 1913. It's not even close to say that Trump wasn't a better choice than the Hildebeast and for a litany of reasons. This election wasn't jujst about Trump, it was an idea that Trump benefited from which is the fact that a vast majority of Americans have awoken to this debt slavery system that is ran by the deep state i.e "the military industrial complex" and if there is anyone that can make some much needed changes? It's Trump......with Hitlery it would be the same ol, same ol......,wake up or STFU....your whining is useless and you show that you don't know diddly squat.
View attachment 103015
Lol you people are so lame. Why are you so concerned about my butthurt? My feelings seem way too important to you.

All you have to do to not be a pussy is 1) admit Trump is a worthless sack of shit or 2) Defend his actions since he's been elected. Explain why you think he isn't a lying, flip flopping sack of garbage.[/QUOTE

Seriously? You think that you define what a "pussy" is or isn't? The man hasn't spent one day in office but yet you are laying down the narratives and challenging those that defied the Hitlery klunt that you wholeheartedly supported? I don't owe you diddly squat nor do I have to prove anything to you. I can't think of one single situation that would make me seek the warm fuzzies of the likes of you....get it???

View attachment 103048
Oh really? So him flip flopping on his campaign promises don't matter huh? How about his lies? How about him acting like a whiney little bitch on Twitter over SNL skits?

You libs don't get it, the ONLY thing that mattered was defeating Hillary. Trump on his worst day is still better than being stuck with that harpy lying corrupted idiot.

Plus we are enjoying how Trump kicked your arrogant elitist ass, hell yeah good times.
Okay compare and contrast Hillary and Trump. Explain, with examples, why Hillary is worse.

She called my entire family deplorable, Trump didn't.
Lol you people are so lame. Why are you so concerned about my butthurt? My feelings seem way too important to you.

All you have to do to not be a pussy is 1) admit Trump is a worthless sack of shit or 2) Defend his actions since he's been elected. Explain why you think he isn't a lying, flip flopping sack of garbage.[/QUOTE

Seriously? You think that you define what a "pussy" is or isn't? The man hasn't spent one day in office but yet you are laying down the narratives and challenging those that defied the Hitlery klunt that you wholeheartedly supported? I don't owe you diddly squat nor do I have to prove anything to you. I can't think of one single situation that would make me seek the warm fuzzies of the likes of you....get it???

View attachment 103048
Oh really? So him flip flopping on his campaign promises don't matter huh? How about his lies? How about him acting like a whiney little bitch on Twitter over SNL skits?

You libs don't get it, the ONLY thing that mattered was defeating Hillary. Trump on his worst day is still better than being stuck with that harpy lying corrupted idiot.

Plus we are enjoying how Trump kicked your arrogant elitist ass, hell yeah good times.
Okay compare and contrast Hillary and Trump. Explain, with examples, why Hillary is worse.

She called my entire family deplorable, Trump didn't.
She called half of them deplorables and she was definitely right. Trump openly mocked a reporter with a disability. Of course I'm guessing you found that funny.
The gloating has only just begun, you people made us suffer through 8 years of Obama now its payback time.
Yeah, I don't know how you survive with 4.6% unemployment, low inflation and record high stock market... :dunno: That's some suffering.
Oh really? So him flip flopping on his campaign promises don't matter huh? How about his lies? How about him acting like a whiney little bitch on Twitter over SNL skits?

You libs don't get it, the ONLY thing that mattered was defeating Hillary. Trump on his worst day is still better than being stuck with that harpy lying corrupted idiot.

Plus we are enjoying how Trump kicked your arrogant elitist ass, hell yeah good times.
Okay compare and contrast Hillary and Trump. Explain, with examples, why Hillary is worse.

She called my entire family deplorable, Trump didn't.
She called half of them deplorables and she was definitely right. Trump openly mocked a reporter with a disability. Of course I'm guessing you found that funny.

I find your butthurt over losing the election funny. Anything else?:laugh:
The gloating has only just begun, you people made us suffer through 8 years of Obama now its payback time.
Yeah, I don't know how you survive with 4.6% unemployment, low inflation and record high stock market... :dunno: That's some suffering.

With Trump in charge the able bodied losers will finally have to get a job and stop mooching off me. I'm not paying off your student loans or giving you any of the other hand outs Hillary promised either. Tissue? lol
The gloating has only just begun, you people made us suffer through 8 years of Obama now its payback time.
Yeah, I don't know how you survive with 4.6% unemployment, low inflation and record high stock market... :dunno: That's some suffering.

With Trump in charge the able bodied losers will finally have to get a job and stop mooching off me. I'm not paying off your student loans or giving you any of the other hand outs Hillary promised either. Tissue? lol
Oh? Welfare's going away? Food stamps too? When?
The gloating has only just begun, you people made us suffer through 8 years of Obama now its payback time.
Yeah, I don't know how you survive with 4.6% unemployment, low inflation and record high stock market... :dunno: That's some suffering.

With Trump in charge the able bodied losers will finally have to get a job and stop mooching off me. I'm not paying off your student loans or giving you any of the other hand outs Hillary promised either. Tissue? lol
Oh? Welfare's going away? Food stamps too? When?

Ask your momma fool.
The gloating has only just begun, you people made us suffer through 8 years of Obama now its payback time.
Yeah, I don't know how you survive with 4.6% unemployment, low inflation and record high stock market... :dunno: That's some suffering.

With Trump in charge the able bodied losers will finally have to get a job and stop mooching off me. I'm not paying off your student loans or giving you any of the other hand outs Hillary promised either. Tissue? lol
Oh? Welfare's going away? Food stamps too? When?

Ask your momma fool.
Sorry, didn't realize you're a moronic troll with the mentality of a 4 year old. Never mind.
The gloating has only just begun, you people made us suffer through 8 years of Obama now its payback time.
Yeah, I don't know how you survive with 4.6% unemployment, low inflation and record high stock market... :dunno: That's some suffering.

With Trump in charge the able bodied losers will finally have to get a job and stop mooching off me. I'm not paying off your student loans or giving you any of the other hand outs Hillary promised either. Tissue? lol
Oh? Welfare's going away? Food stamps too? When?

Ask your momma fool.
Sorry, didn't realize you're a moronic troll with the mentality of a 4 year old. Never mind.

Anger management classes not working for you I see. lol
Really? I am, as politically astute as they come. I have made it my mission to learn how this corporate entity that claims it is a legitimate governmental body and how it has worked since the international bankers took control of our monetary system in 1913. It's not even close to say that Trump wasn't a better choice than the Hildebeast and for a litany of reasons. This election wasn't jujst about Trump, it was an idea that Trump benefited from which is the fact that a vast majority of Americans have awoken to this debt slavery system that is ran by the deep state i.e "the military industrial complex" and if there is anyone that can make some much needed changes? It's Trump......with Hitlery it would be the same ol, same ol......,wake up or STFU....your whining is useless and you show that you don't know diddly squat.
View attachment 103015
Lol you people are so lame. Why are you so concerned about my butthurt? My feelings seem way too important to you.

All you have to do to not be a pussy is 1) admit Trump is a worthless sack of shit or 2) Defend his actions since he's been elected. Explain why you think he isn't a lying, flip flopping sack of garbage.[/QUOTE

Seriously? You think that you define what a "pussy" is or isn't? The man hasn't spent one day in office but yet you are laying down the narratives and challenging those that defied the Hitlery klunt that you wholeheartedly supported? I don't owe you diddly squat nor do I have to prove anything to you. I can't think of one single situation that would make me seek the warm fuzzies of the likes of you....get it???

View attachment 103048
Oh really? So him flip flopping on his campaign promises don't matter huh? How about his lies? How about him acting like a whiney little bitch on Twitter over SNL skits?

You libs don't get it, the ONLY thing that mattered was defeating Hillary. Trump on his worst day is still better than being stuck with that harpy lying corrupted idiot.

Plus we are enjoying how Trump kicked your arrogant elitist ass, hell yeah good times.
Okay compare and contrast Hillary and Trump. Explain, with examples, why Hillary is worse.
This has been done thousands of times already in this forum. Weren't you paying attention?
Oh really? So him flip flopping on his campaign promises don't matter huh? How about his lies? How about him acting like a whiney little bitch on Twitter over SNL skits?

You libs don't get it, the ONLY thing that mattered was defeating Hillary. Trump on his worst day is still better than being stuck with that harpy lying corrupted idiot.

Plus we are enjoying how Trump kicked your arrogant elitist ass, hell yeah good times.
Okay compare and contrast Hillary and Trump. Explain, with examples, why Hillary is worse.

She called my entire family deplorable, Trump didn't.
She called half of them deplorables and she was definitely right. Trump openly mocked a reporter with a disability. Of course I'm guessing you found that funny.
You just gave a big reason not to vote for Hillary.
Oh really? So him flip flopping on his campaign promises don't matter huh? How about his lies? How about him acting like a whiney little bitch on Twitter over SNL skits?

You libs don't get it, the ONLY thing that mattered was defeating Hillary. Trump on his worst day is still better than being stuck with that harpy lying corrupted idiot.

Plus we are enjoying how Trump kicked your arrogant elitist ass, hell yeah good times.
Okay compare and contrast Hillary and Trump. Explain, with examples, why Hillary is worse.

She called my entire family deplorable, Trump didn't.
She called half of them deplorables and she was definitely right. Trump openly mocked a reporter with a disability. Of course I'm guessing you found that funny.
I find it amusing when hillary mocks blacks with her poorly done black dialect. Or when obama referred to his bowling skills being equal to something on the special olympics? priceless. Nothing funner than a retard bowling right obama?
Of course, if not for the fact that all blacks are just natural born preditors, hillary might not have to make fun of the way they talk.
But good thing she is at least for gay rights, now... since she was so openly against them before. Some might call that a flip, but then some might just see only the "D" behind her name and forget about her ignorance.
Hard to compare her to Trump however, Trump has no political background to judge, hillary has years of lying and cheating and flip flopping and getting people killed and mis handling classified documents, and having security details talk about how ignorant she was, to the point of them talking about quitting before being assigned to a detail to protect her. She is just one ignorant self absorbed piece of shit that has proven herself to care about nobody but herself.
The fact that you even have to question her ignorance is proof to most that this was most likely the first election you have been old enough to vote in. You obviously have not been around long enough to know the corruption that is the clintons through their entire political career.
Look, I'll admit that if Trump had lost, I would have gloated and rubbed it in Trump supporters faces. Not because I particularly like Hillary or the DNC, but because I know how terrible of an idea it would have been in electing Trump.

Here's the difference though. I would rub it in, but I would also make it clear why Hillary is the lesser of two evils. I could easily compare and contrast the two and explain why we would all be fortunate in not having Trump as president even if Hillary is still a buzz kill in some respects.

But here we are with Trump officially becoming elected. Since Election Day, Trump has lied; flip flopped on all of his core policy positions, and has ranted like an insecure little girl on Twitter. Despite this, the RW refuses to acknowledge how pathetic this behavior is. When any sort of criticism is raised about Trump, the Rightwing's ONLY response is the "liberal butt hurt" theme. They make no effort to defend Trump. Why? Because they secretly know they can't.

Deep down conservatives know electing Trump was a god awful idea but they cant admit that to themselves let alone anyone else.
I really don't see what the big deal is. "Butthurt" is a standard attack term used by both ends of the political spectrum as a mocking mechanism when someone from the other "side" expresses any level of displeasure over, uh, pretty much anything. No more so, of course, than after an election. Yes, it's essentially the behavior of your average, petulant 15-year old boy, but that is essentially the maturity level to which hardcore partisan ideologues tend to default.

Further, this point of yours that "they can't admit that to themselves let alone anyone else" is simply another example of how the behaviors on both "sides" are so similar. The last thing a hardcore partisan ideologue wants to do is admit even the slightest weakness or doubt, even to themselves, because in the binary thought processes of hardcore partisan ideologues on both "sides", weakness and doubt are equated with abject capitulation. So they are loathe to admit pretty much anything that does not specifically advance/support their agenda.

To understand and recognize the behaviors of the "other side", simply look at your own "side" for clues. They are remarkably and consistently similar.
Last edited:
Look, I'll admit that if Trump had lost, I would have gloated and rubbed it in Trump supporters faces. Not because I particularly like Hillary or the DNC, but because I know how terrible of an idea it would have been in electing Trump.

Here's the difference though. I would rub it in, but I would also make it clear why Hillary is the lesser of two evils. I could easily compare and contrast the two and explain why we would all be fortunate in not having Trump as president even if Hillary is still a buzz kill in some respects.

But here we are with Trump officially becoming elected. Since Election Day, Trump has lied; flip flopped on all of his core policy positions, and has ranted like an insecure little girl on Twitter. Despite this, the RW refuses to acknowledge how pathetic this behavior is. When any sort of criticism is raised about Trump, the Rightwing's ONLY response is the "liberal butt hurt" theme. They make no effort to defend Trump. Why? Because they secretly know they can't.

Deep down conservatives know electing Trump was a god awful idea but they cant admit that to themselves let alone anyone else.

Really? I am, as politically astute as they come. I have made it my mission to learn how this corporate entity that claims it is a legitimate governmental body and how it has worked since the international bankers took control of our monetary system in 1913. It's not even close to say that Trump wasn't a better choice than the Hildebeast and for a litany of reasons. This election wasn't jujst about Trump, it was an idea that Trump benefited from which is the fact that a vast majority of Americans have awoken to this debt slavery system that is ran by the deep state i.e "the military industrial complex" and if there is anyone that can make some much needed changes? It's Trump......with Hitlery it would be the same ol, same ol......,wake up or STFU....your whining is useless and you show that you don't know diddly squat.
View attachment 103015
Lol you people are so lame. Why are you so concerned about my butthurt? My feelings seem way too important to you.

All you have to do to not be a pussy is 1) admit Trump is a worthless sack of shit or 2) Defend his actions since he's been elected. Explain why you think he isn't a lying, flip flopping sack of garbage.[/QUOTE

Seriously? You think that you define what a "pussy" is or isn't? The man hasn't spent one day in office but yet you are laying down the narratives and challenging those that defied the Hitlery klunt that you wholeheartedly supported? I don't owe you diddly squat nor do I have to prove anything to you. I can't think of one single situation that would make me seek the warm fuzzies of the likes of you....get it???

View attachment 103048
Oh really? So him flip flopping on his campaign promises don't matter huh? How about his lies? How about him acting like a whiney little bitch on Twitter over SNL skits?
Awwww....befuttled snowflake....l

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