At this point, I find the "liberal butthurt" theme from the RW fascinating

Look, I'll admit that if Trump had lost, I would have gloated and rubbed it in Trump supporters faces. Not because I particularly like Hillary or the DNC, but because I know how terrible of an idea it would have been in electing Trump.

Here's the difference though. I would rub it in, but I would also make it clear why Hillary is the lesser of two evils. I could easily compare and contrast the two and explain why we would all be fortunate in not having Trump as president even if Hillary is still a buzz kill in some respects.

But here we are with Trump officially becoming elected. Since Election Day, Trump has lied; flip flopped on all of his core policy positions, and has ranted like an insecure little girl on Twitter. Despite this, the RW refuses to acknowledge how pathetic this behavior is. When any sort of criticism is raised about Trump, the Rightwing's ONLY response is the "liberal butt hurt" theme. They make no effort to defend Trump. Why? Because they secretly know they can't.

Deep down conservatives know electing Trump was a god awful idea but they cant admit that to themselves let alone anyone else.
I really don't see what the big deal is. "Butthurt" is a standard attack term used by both ends of the political spectrum as a mocking mechanism when someone from the other "side" expresses any level of displeasure over, uh, pretty much anything. No more so, of course, than after an election. Yes, it's essentially the behavior of your average, petulant 15-year old boy, but that is essentially the maturity level to which hardcore partisan ideologues tend to default.

Further, this point of yours that "they can't admit that to themselves let alone anyone else" is simply another example of how the behaviors on both "sides" are so similar. The last thing a hardcore partisan ideologue wants to do is admit even the slightest weakness or doubt, even to themselves, because in the binary thought processes of hardcore partisan ideologues on both "sides", weakness and doubt are equated with abject capitulation. So they are loathe to admit pretty much anything.

To understand and recognize the behaviors of the "other side", simply look at your own "side" for clues. They are remarkably similar.

If some thug goes up to a guy minding his own business and takes a swing at him, then the victim defends himself by taking a swing at the thug, someone like you will interpret that as "both sides" behaving the same way. You deliberately ignore the fact that one side instigated the behavior. The left has instigated all the behaviors you dislike. Why would the right "look for clues" by looking at itself? All we are doing is dishing out to the left the shit they've been dishing out for decades.
Look, I'll admit that if Trump had lost, I would have gloated and rubbed it in Trump supporters faces. Not because I particularly like Hillary or the DNC, but because I know how terrible of an idea it would have been in electing Trump.

Here's the difference though. I would rub it in, but I would also make it clear why Hillary is the lesser of two evils. I could easily compare and contrast the two and explain why we would all be fortunate in not having Trump as president even if Hillary is still a buzz kill in some respects.

But here we are with Trump officially becoming elected. Since Election Day, Trump has lied; flip flopped on all of his core policy positions, and has ranted like an insecure little girl on Twitter. Despite this, the RW refuses to acknowledge how pathetic this behavior is. When any sort of criticism is raised about Trump, the Rightwing's ONLY response is the "liberal butt hurt" theme. They make no effort to defend Trump. Why? Because they secretly know they can't.

Deep down conservatives know electing Trump was a god awful idea but they cant admit that to themselves let alone anyone else.
I really don't see what the big deal is. "Butthurt" is a standard attack term used by both ends of the political spectrum as a mocking mechanism when someone from the other "side" expresses any level of displeasure over, uh, pretty much anything. No more so, of course, than after an election. Yes, it's essentially the behavior of your average, petulant 15-year old boy, but that is essentially the maturity level to which hardcore partisan ideologues tend to default.

Further, this point of yours that "they can't admit that to themselves let alone anyone else" is simply another example of how the behaviors on both "sides" are so similar. The last thing a hardcore partisan ideologue wants to do is admit even the slightest weakness or doubt, even to themselves, because in the binary thought processes of hardcore partisan ideologues on both "sides", weakness and doubt are equated with abject capitulation. So they are loathe to admit pretty much anything that does not specifically advance/support their agenda.

To understand and recognize the behaviors of the "other side", simply look at your own "side" for clues. They are remarkably and consistently similar.
We saw your vote for Hillary as a clue...:lol:
Look, I'll admit that if Trump had lost, I would have gloated and rubbed it in Trump supporters faces. Not because I particularly like Hillary or the DNC, but because I know how terrible of an idea it would have been in electing Trump.

Here's the difference though. I would rub it in, but I would also make it clear why Hillary is the lesser of two evils. I could easily compare and contrast the two and explain why we would all be fortunate in not having Trump as president even if Hillary is still a buzz kill in some respects.

But here we are with Trump officially becoming elected. Since Election Day, Trump has lied; flip flopped on all of his core policy positions, and has ranted like an insecure little girl on Twitter. Despite this, the RW refuses to acknowledge how pathetic this behavior is. When any sort of criticism is raised about Trump, the Rightwing's ONLY response is the "liberal butt hurt" theme. They make no effort to defend Trump. Why? Because they secretly know they can't.

Deep down conservatives know electing Trump was a god awful idea but they cant admit that to themselves let alone anyone else.
I really don't see what the big deal is. "Butthurt" is a standard attack term used by both ends of the political spectrum as a mocking mechanism when someone from the other "side" expresses any level of displeasure over, uh, pretty much anything. No more so, of course, than after an election. Yes, it's essentially the behavior of your average, petulant 15-year old boy, but that is essentially the maturity level to which hardcore partisan ideologues tend to default.

Further, this point of yours that "they can't admit that to themselves let alone anyone else" is simply another example of how the behaviors on both "sides" are so similar. The last thing a hardcore partisan ideologue wants to do is admit even the slightest weakness or doubt, even to themselves, because in the binary thought processes of hardcore partisan ideologues on both "sides", weakness and doubt are equated with abject capitulation. So they are loathe to admit pretty much anything.

To understand and recognize the behaviors of the "other side", simply look at your own "side" for clues. They are remarkably similar.

If some thug goes up to a guy minding his own business and takes a swing at him, then the victim defends himself by taking a swing at the thug, someone like you will interpret that as "both sides" behaving the same way. You deliberately ignore the fact that one side instigated the behavior. The left has instigated all the behaviors you dislike. Why would the right "look for clues" by looking at itself? All we are doing is dishing out to the left the shit they've been dishing out for decades.
Since your entire premise is a straw man, maybe try another premise.
Look, I'll admit that if Trump had lost, I would have gloated and rubbed it in Trump supporters faces. Not because I particularly like Hillary or the DNC, but because I know how terrible of an idea it would have been in electing Trump.

Here's the difference though. I would rub it in, but I would also make it clear why Hillary is the lesser of two evils. I could easily compare and contrast the two and explain why we would all be fortunate in not having Trump as president even if Hillary is still a buzz kill in some respects.

But here we are with Trump officially becoming elected. Since Election Day, Trump has lied; flip flopped on all of his core policy positions, and has ranted like an insecure little girl on Twitter. Despite this, the RW refuses to acknowledge how pathetic this behavior is. When any sort of criticism is raised about Trump, the Rightwing's ONLY response is the "liberal butt hurt" theme. They make no effort to defend Trump. Why? Because they secretly know they can't.

Deep down conservatives know electing Trump was a god awful idea but they cant admit that to themselves let alone anyone else.
I really don't see what the big deal is. "Butthurt" is a standard attack term used by both ends of the political spectrum as a mocking mechanism when someone from the other "side" expresses any level of displeasure over, uh, pretty much anything. No more so, of course, than after an election. Yes, it's essentially the behavior of your average, petulant 15-year old boy, but that is essentially the maturity level to which hardcore partisan ideologues tend to default.

Further, this point of yours that "they can't admit that to themselves let alone anyone else" is simply another example of how the behaviors on both "sides" are so similar. The last thing a hardcore partisan ideologue wants to do is admit even the slightest weakness or doubt, even to themselves, because in the binary thought processes of hardcore partisan ideologues on both "sides", weakness and doubt are equated with abject capitulation. So they are loathe to admit pretty much anything.

To understand and recognize the behaviors of the "other side", simply look at your own "side" for clues. They are remarkably similar.

If some thug goes up to a guy minding his own business and takes a swing at him, then the victim defends himself by taking a swing at the thug, someone like you will interpret that as "both sides" behaving the same way. You deliberately ignore the fact that one side instigated the behavior. The left has instigated all the behaviors you dislike. Why would the right "look for clues" by looking at itself? All we are doing is dishing out to the left the shit they've been dishing out for decades.
Since your entire premise is a straw man, maybe try another premise.
Hmmmm, no it's not. You deliberately ignore the fact that the left has been playing dirty pool for decades.
Look, I'll admit that if Trump had lost, I would have gloated and rubbed it in Trump supporters faces. Not because I particularly like Hillary or the DNC, but because I know how terrible of an idea it would have been in electing Trump.

Here's the difference though. I would rub it in, but I would also make it clear why Hillary is the lesser of two evils. I could easily compare and contrast the two and explain why we would all be fortunate in not having Trump as president even if Hillary is still a buzz kill in some respects.

But here we are with Trump officially becoming elected. Since Election Day, Trump has lied; flip flopped on all of his core policy positions, and has ranted like an insecure little girl on Twitter. Despite this, the RW refuses to acknowledge how pathetic this behavior is. When any sort of criticism is raised about Trump, the Rightwing's ONLY response is the "liberal butt hurt" theme. They make no effort to defend Trump. Why? Because they secretly know they can't.

Deep down conservatives know electing Trump was a god awful idea but they cant admit that to themselves let alone anyone else.
I really don't see what the big deal is. "Butthurt" is a standard attack term used by both ends of the political spectrum as a mocking mechanism when someone from the other "side" expresses any level of displeasure over, uh, pretty much anything. No more so, of course, than after an election. Yes, it's essentially the behavior of your average, petulant 15-year old boy, but that is essentially the maturity level to which hardcore partisan ideologues tend to default.

Further, this point of yours that "they can't admit that to themselves let alone anyone else" is simply another example of how the behaviors on both "sides" are so similar. The last thing a hardcore partisan ideologue wants to do is admit even the slightest weakness or doubt, even to themselves, because in the binary thought processes of hardcore partisan ideologues on both "sides", weakness and doubt are equated with abject capitulation. So they are loathe to admit pretty much anything.

To understand and recognize the behaviors of the "other side", simply look at your own "side" for clues. They are remarkably similar.

If some thug goes up to a guy minding his own business and takes a swing at him, then the victim defends himself by taking a swing at the thug, someone like you will interpret that as "both sides" behaving the same way. You deliberately ignore the fact that one side instigated the behavior. The left has instigated all the behaviors you dislike. Why would the right "look for clues" by looking at itself? All we are doing is dishing out to the left the shit they've been dishing out for decades.
Since your entire premise is a straw man, maybe try another premise.
Hmmmm, no it's not. You deliberately ignore the fact that the left has been playing dirty pool for decades.
He voted more really need be said....
Look, I'll admit that if Trump had lost, I would have gloated and rubbed it in Trump supporters faces. Not because I particularly like Hillary or the DNC, but because I know how terrible of an idea it would have been in electing Trump.

Here's the difference though. I would rub it in, but I would also make it clear why Hillary is the lesser of two evils. I could easily compare and contrast the two and explain why we would all be fortunate in not having Trump as president even if Hillary is still a buzz kill in some respects.

But here we are with Trump officially becoming elected. Since Election Day, Trump has lied; flip flopped on all of his core policy positions, and has ranted like an insecure little girl on Twitter. Despite this, the RW refuses to acknowledge how pathetic this behavior is. When any sort of criticism is raised about Trump, the Rightwing's ONLY response is the "liberal butt hurt" theme. They make no effort to defend Trump. Why? Because they secretly know they can't.

Deep down conservatives know electing Trump was a god awful idea but they cant admit that to themselves let alone anyone else.
I really don't see what the big deal is. "Butthurt" is a standard attack term used by both ends of the political spectrum as a mocking mechanism when someone from the other "side" expresses any level of displeasure over, uh, pretty much anything. No more so, of course, than after an election. Yes, it's essentially the behavior of your average, petulant 15-year old boy, but that is essentially the maturity level to which hardcore partisan ideologues tend to default.

Further, this point of yours that "they can't admit that to themselves let alone anyone else" is simply another example of how the behaviors on both "sides" are so similar. The last thing a hardcore partisan ideologue wants to do is admit even the slightest weakness or doubt, even to themselves, because in the binary thought processes of hardcore partisan ideologues on both "sides", weakness and doubt are equated with abject capitulation. So they are loathe to admit pretty much anything.

To understand and recognize the behaviors of the "other side", simply look at your own "side" for clues. They are remarkably similar.

If some thug goes up to a guy minding his own business and takes a swing at him, then the victim defends himself by taking a swing at the thug, someone like you will interpret that as "both sides" behaving the same way. You deliberately ignore the fact that one side instigated the behavior. The left has instigated all the behaviors you dislike. Why would the right "look for clues" by looking at itself? All we are doing is dishing out to the left the shit they've been dishing out for decades.
Since your entire premise is a straw man, maybe try another premise.
Hmmmm, no it's not. You deliberately ignore the fact that the left has been playing dirty pool for decades.
More of the binary thinking described in my post.

I make it absolutely clear that both ends of the spectrum do something, yet all you perceive is an attack on your end.

How would you have me respond to something like that?
Look, I'll admit that if Trump had lost, I would have gloated and rubbed it in Trump supporters faces. Not because I particularly like Hillary or the DNC, but because I know how terrible of an idea it would have been in electing Trump.

Here's the difference though. I would rub it in, but I would also make it clear why Hillary is the lesser of two evils. I could easily compare and contrast the two and explain why we would all be fortunate in not having Trump as president even if Hillary is still a buzz kill in some respects.

But here we are with Trump officially becoming elected. Since Election Day, Trump has lied; flip flopped on all of his core policy positions, and has ranted like an insecure little girl on Twitter. Despite this, the RW refuses to acknowledge how pathetic this behavior is. When any sort of criticism is raised about Trump, the Rightwing's ONLY response is the "liberal butt hurt" theme. They make no effort to defend Trump. Why? Because they secretly know they can't.

Deep down conservatives know electing Trump was a god awful idea but they cant admit that to themselves let alone anyone else.
I really don't see what the big deal is. "Butthurt" is a standard attack term used by both ends of the political spectrum as a mocking mechanism when someone from the other "side" expresses any level of displeasure over, uh, pretty much anything. No more so, of course, than after an election. Yes, it's essentially the behavior of your average, petulant 15-year old boy, but that is essentially the maturity level to which hardcore partisan ideologues tend to default.

Further, this point of yours that "they can't admit that to themselves let alone anyone else" is simply another example of how the behaviors on both "sides" are so similar. The last thing a hardcore partisan ideologue wants to do is admit even the slightest weakness or doubt, even to themselves, because in the binary thought processes of hardcore partisan ideologues on both "sides", weakness and doubt are equated with abject capitulation. So they are loathe to admit pretty much anything.

To understand and recognize the behaviors of the "other side", simply look at your own "side" for clues. They are remarkably similar.

If some thug goes up to a guy minding his own business and takes a swing at him, then the victim defends himself by taking a swing at the thug, someone like you will interpret that as "both sides" behaving the same way. You deliberately ignore the fact that one side instigated the behavior. The left has instigated all the behaviors you dislike. Why would the right "look for clues" by looking at itself? All we are doing is dishing out to the left the shit they've been dishing out for decades.
Since your entire premise is a straw man, maybe try another premise.
Hmmmm, no it's not. You deliberately ignore the fact that the left has been playing dirty pool for decades.
More of the binary thinking described in my post.

I make it absolutely clear that both ends of the spectrum do something, yet all you perceive is an attack on your end.

How would you have me respond to something like that?
You attack the other side to deflect from your side.....

We get the binary thinking.....
Look, I'll admit that if Trump had lost, I would have gloated and rubbed it in Trump supporters faces. Not because I particularly like Hillary or the DNC, but because I know how terrible of an idea it would have been in electing Trump.

Here's the difference though. I would rub it in, but I would also make it clear why Hillary is the lesser of two evils. I could easily compare and contrast the two and explain why we would all be fortunate in not having Trump as president even if Hillary is still a buzz kill in some respects.

But here we are with Trump officially becoming elected. Since Election Day, Trump has lied; flip flopped on all of his core policy positions, and has ranted like an insecure little girl on Twitter. Despite this, the RW refuses to acknowledge how pathetic this behavior is. When any sort of criticism is raised about Trump, the Rightwing's ONLY response is the "liberal butt hurt" theme. They make no effort to defend Trump. Why? Because they secretly know they can't.

Deep down conservatives know electing Trump was a god awful idea but they cant admit that to themselves let alone anyone else.
I really don't see what the big deal is. "Butthurt" is a standard attack term used by both ends of the political spectrum as a mocking mechanism when someone from the other "side" expresses any level of displeasure over, uh, pretty much anything. No more so, of course, than after an election. Yes, it's essentially the behavior of your average, petulant 15-year old boy, but that is essentially the maturity level to which hardcore partisan ideologues tend to default.

Further, this point of yours that "they can't admit that to themselves let alone anyone else" is simply another example of how the behaviors on both "sides" are so similar. The last thing a hardcore partisan ideologue wants to do is admit even the slightest weakness or doubt, even to themselves, because in the binary thought processes of hardcore partisan ideologues on both "sides", weakness and doubt are equated with abject capitulation. So they are loathe to admit pretty much anything.

To understand and recognize the behaviors of the "other side", simply look at your own "side" for clues. They are remarkably similar.

If some thug goes up to a guy minding his own business and takes a swing at him, then the victim defends himself by taking a swing at the thug, someone like you will interpret that as "both sides" behaving the same way. You deliberately ignore the fact that one side instigated the behavior. The left has instigated all the behaviors you dislike. Why would the right "look for clues" by looking at itself? All we are doing is dishing out to the left the shit they've been dishing out for decades.
Since your entire premise is a straw man, maybe try another premise.
Actually he is being fairly accurate when he points out the lefts habit of starting things then claiming victim when someone fights back, or even just responds.
roll through here and just look at some of the vile comments made to other posters, the name calling etc... and take note that it is usually the left instigating this. Then consider the "violence" from the Trump supporters when those on the left went to a Trump rally with the intention of starting trouble. The left generally as a rule takes no responsibility in those things that they are in fact responsible for, and that attitude can be seen in most aspects of their life, all the way down to demanding a living wage when they have done nothing in their life to request such a thing.
But I will have to agree with you, there is no real need for anyone on the right to continue with the Butthurt theme, but damn,, it really is fun and since it seems to piss little Billy off so much, how are we, or anyone for that matter expected to resist.
One day he will understand that some of us looked at the two candidates and realized, neither one is any good, I personally think Trump is a better choice than clinton, but still, not a good thing. We are in for what is most likely going to be 4 years of either trouble or nonstop jokes. The best part of voting for Trump? he pisses off the left and trust me when I say Im being honest here, I want revenge for the last 8 years of that socialist piece of shit that the left put in office to destroy this country.
For the first time ever voting, I cast a revenge vote, a vindictive vote. I dont think I am the only one that did that. You just wont find many that will admit it.
Look, I'll admit that if Trump had lost, I would have gloated and rubbed it in Trump supporters faces. Not because I particularly like Hillary or the DNC, but because I know how terrible of an idea it would have been in electing Trump.

Here's the difference though. I would rub it in, but I would also make it clear why Hillary is the lesser of two evils. I could easily compare and contrast the two and explain why we would all be fortunate in not having Trump as president even if Hillary is still a buzz kill in some respects.

But here we are with Trump officially becoming elected. Since Election Day, Trump has lied; flip flopped on all of his core policy positions, and has ranted like an insecure little girl on Twitter. Despite this, the RW refuses to acknowledge how pathetic this behavior is. When any sort of criticism is raised about Trump, the Rightwing's ONLY response is the "liberal butt hurt" theme. They make no effort to defend Trump. Why? Because they secretly know they can't.

Deep down conservatives know electing Trump was a god awful idea but they cant admit that to themselves let alone anyone else.
I really don't see what the big deal is. "Butthurt" is a standard attack term used by both ends of the political spectrum as a mocking mechanism when someone from the other "side" expresses any level of displeasure over, uh, pretty much anything. No more so, of course, than after an election. Yes, it's essentially the behavior of your average, petulant 15-year old boy, but that is essentially the maturity level to which hardcore partisan ideologues tend to default.

Further, this point of yours that "they can't admit that to themselves let alone anyone else" is simply another example of how the behaviors on both "sides" are so similar. The last thing a hardcore partisan ideologue wants to do is admit even the slightest weakness or doubt, even to themselves, because in the binary thought processes of hardcore partisan ideologues on both "sides", weakness and doubt are equated with abject capitulation. So they are loathe to admit pretty much anything.

To understand and recognize the behaviors of the "other side", simply look at your own "side" for clues. They are remarkably similar.

If some thug goes up to a guy minding his own business and takes a swing at him, then the victim defends himself by taking a swing at the thug, someone like you will interpret that as "both sides" behaving the same way. You deliberately ignore the fact that one side instigated the behavior. The left has instigated all the behaviors you dislike. Why would the right "look for clues" by looking at itself? All we are doing is dishing out to the left the shit they've been dishing out for decades.
Since your entire premise is a straw man, maybe try another premise.
Hmmmm, no it's not. You deliberately ignore the fact that the left has been playing dirty pool for decades.
More of the binary thinking described in my post.

I make it absolutely clear that both ends of the spectrum do something, yet all you perceive is an attack on your end.

How would you have me respond to something like that?
You see two guys fighting and ignore the fact that one of them started it, not both.
I really don't see what the big deal is. "Butthurt" is a standard attack term used by both ends of the political spectrum as a mocking mechanism when someone from the other "side" expresses any level of displeasure over, uh, pretty much anything. No more so, of course, than after an election. Yes, it's essentially the behavior of your average, petulant 15-year old boy, but that is essentially the maturity level to which hardcore partisan ideologues tend to default.

Further, this point of yours that "they can't admit that to themselves let alone anyone else" is simply another example of how the behaviors on both "sides" are so similar. The last thing a hardcore partisan ideologue wants to do is admit even the slightest weakness or doubt, even to themselves, because in the binary thought processes of hardcore partisan ideologues on both "sides", weakness and doubt are equated with abject capitulation. So they are loathe to admit pretty much anything.

To understand and recognize the behaviors of the "other side", simply look at your own "side" for clues. They are remarkably similar.

If some thug goes up to a guy minding his own business and takes a swing at him, then the victim defends himself by taking a swing at the thug, someone like you will interpret that as "both sides" behaving the same way. You deliberately ignore the fact that one side instigated the behavior. The left has instigated all the behaviors you dislike. Why would the right "look for clues" by looking at itself? All we are doing is dishing out to the left the shit they've been dishing out for decades.
Since your entire premise is a straw man, maybe try another premise.
Hmmmm, no it's not. You deliberately ignore the fact that the left has been playing dirty pool for decades.
More of the binary thinking described in my post.

I make it absolutely clear that both ends of the spectrum do something, yet all you perceive is an attack on your end.

How would you have me respond to something like that?
You see two guys fighting and ignore the fact that one of them started it, not both.
I do?

How would I not notice something so obvious?
If some thug goes up to a guy minding his own business and takes a swing at him, then the victim defends himself by taking a swing at the thug, someone like you will interpret that as "both sides" behaving the same way. You deliberately ignore the fact that one side instigated the behavior. The left has instigated all the behaviors you dislike. Why would the right "look for clues" by looking at itself? All we are doing is dishing out to the left the shit they've been dishing out for decades.
Since your entire premise is a straw man, maybe try another premise.
Hmmmm, no it's not. You deliberately ignore the fact that the left has been playing dirty pool for decades.
More of the binary thinking described in my post.

I make it absolutely clear that both ends of the spectrum do something, yet all you perceive is an attack on your end.

How would you have me respond to something like that?
You see two guys fighting and ignore the fact that one of them started it, not both.
I do?

How would I not notice something so obvious?
I don't know. I can't explain your deliberate blindness.
Look, I'll admit that if Trump had lost, I would have gloated and rubbed it in Trump supporters faces. Not because I particularly like Hillary or the DNC, but because I know how terrible of an idea it would have been in electing Trump.

Here's the difference though. I would rub it in, but I would also make it clear why Hillary is the lesser of two evils. I could easily compare and contrast the two and explain why we would all be fortunate in not having Trump as president even if Hillary is still a buzz kill in some respects.

But here we are with Trump officially becoming elected. Since Election Day, Trump has lied; flip flopped on all of his core policy positions, and has ranted like an insecure little girl on Twitter. Despite this, the RW refuses to acknowledge how pathetic this behavior is. When any sort of criticism is raised about Trump, the Rightwing's ONLY response is the "liberal butt hurt" theme. They make no effort to defend Trump. Why? Because they secretly know they can't.

Deep down conservatives know electing Trump was a god awful idea but they cant admit that to themselves let alone anyone else.
I really don't see what the big deal is. "Butthurt" is a standard attack term used by both ends of the political spectrum as a mocking mechanism when someone from the other "side" expresses any level of displeasure over, uh, pretty much anything. No more so, of course, than after an election. Yes, it's essentially the behavior of your average, petulant 15-year old boy, but that is essentially the maturity level to which hardcore partisan ideologues tend to default.

Further, this point of yours that "they can't admit that to themselves let alone anyone else" is simply another example of how the behaviors on both "sides" are so similar. The last thing a hardcore partisan ideologue wants to do is admit even the slightest weakness or doubt, even to themselves, because in the binary thought processes of hardcore partisan ideologues on both "sides", weakness and doubt are equated with abject capitulation. So they are loathe to admit pretty much anything.

To understand and recognize the behaviors of the "other side", simply look at your own "side" for clues. They are remarkably similar.

If some thug goes up to a guy minding his own business and takes a swing at him, then the victim defends himself by taking a swing at the thug, someone like you will interpret that as "both sides" behaving the same way. You deliberately ignore the fact that one side instigated the behavior. The left has instigated all the behaviors you dislike. Why would the right "look for clues" by looking at itself? All we are doing is dishing out to the left the shit they've been dishing out for decades.
Since your entire premise is a straw man, maybe try another premise.
Actually he is being fairly accurate when he points out the lefts habit of starting things then claiming victim when someone fights back, or even just responds.
roll through here and just look at some of the vile comments made to other posters, the name calling etc... and take note that it is usually the left instigating this. Then consider the "violence" from the Trump supporters when those on the left went to a Trump rally with the intention of starting trouble. The left generally as a rule takes no responsibility in those things that they are in fact responsible for, and that attitude can be seen in most aspects of their life, all the way down to demanding a living wage when they have done nothing in their life to request such a thing.
But I will have to agree with you, there is no real need for anyone on the right to continue with the Butthurt theme, but damn,, it really is fun and since it seems to piss little Billy off so much, how are we, or anyone for that matter expected to resist.
One day he will understand that some of us looked at the two candidates and realized, neither one is any good, I personally think Trump is a better choice than clinton, but still, not a good thing. We are in for what is most likely going to be 4 years of either trouble or nonstop jokes. The best part of voting for Trump? he pisses off the left and trust me when I say Im being honest here, I want revenge for the last 8 years of that socialist piece of shit that the left put in office to destroy this country.
For the first time ever voting, I cast a revenge vote, a vindictive vote. I dont think I am the only one that did that. You just wont find many that will admit it.
The two "sides" are obviously very different in many ways, but they do share many behaviors. And one of the behaviors they share is that they absolutely hate being compared or equated in any way, to any degree, with the other "side" - people they loathe so much. Hence my sig.
Since your entire premise is a straw man, maybe try another premise.
Hmmmm, no it's not. You deliberately ignore the fact that the left has been playing dirty pool for decades.
More of the binary thinking described in my post.

I make it absolutely clear that both ends of the spectrum do something, yet all you perceive is an attack on your end.

How would you have me respond to something like that?
You see two guys fighting and ignore the fact that one of them started it, not both.
I do?

How would I not notice something so obvious?
I don't know. I can't explain your deliberate blindness.
I still don't know what your point is.

What is it about my original post, specifically, that you're disagreeing with?
Look, I'll admit that if Trump had lost, I would have gloated and rubbed it in Trump supporters faces. Not because I particularly like Hillary or the DNC, but because I know how terrible of an idea it would have been in electing Trump.

Here's the difference though. I would rub it in, but I would also make it clear why Hillary is the lesser of two evils. I could easily compare and contrast the two and explain why we would all be fortunate in not having Trump as president even if Hillary is still a buzz kill in some respects.

But here we are with Trump officially becoming elected. Since Election Day, Trump has lied; flip flopped on all of his core policy positions, and has ranted like an insecure little girl on Twitter. Despite this, the RW refuses to acknowledge how pathetic this behavior is. When any sort of criticism is raised about Trump, the Rightwing's ONLY response is the "liberal butt hurt" theme. They make no effort to defend Trump. Why? Because they secretly know they can't.

Deep down conservatives know electing Trump was a god awful idea but they cant admit that to themselves let alone anyone else.
I really don't see what the big deal is. "Butthurt" is a standard attack term used by both ends of the political spectrum as a mocking mechanism when someone from the other "side" expresses any level of displeasure over, uh, pretty much anything. No more so, of course, than after an election. Yes, it's essentially the behavior of your average, petulant 15-year old boy, but that is essentially the maturity level to which hardcore partisan ideologues tend to default.

Further, this point of yours that "they can't admit that to themselves let alone anyone else" is simply another example of how the behaviors on both "sides" are so similar. The last thing a hardcore partisan ideologue wants to do is admit even the slightest weakness or doubt, even to themselves, because in the binary thought processes of hardcore partisan ideologues on both "sides", weakness and doubt are equated with abject capitulation. So they are loathe to admit pretty much anything.

To understand and recognize the behaviors of the "other side", simply look at your own "side" for clues. They are remarkably similar.

If some thug goes up to a guy minding his own business and takes a swing at him, then the victim defends himself by taking a swing at the thug, someone like you will interpret that as "both sides" behaving the same way. You deliberately ignore the fact that one side instigated the behavior. The left has instigated all the behaviors you dislike. Why would the right "look for clues" by looking at itself? All we are doing is dishing out to the left the shit they've been dishing out for decades.
Since your entire premise is a straw man, maybe try another premise.
Actually he is being fairly accurate when he points out the lefts habit of starting things then claiming victim when someone fights back, or even just responds.
roll through here and just look at some of the vile comments made to other posters, the name calling etc... and take note that it is usually the left instigating this. Then consider the "violence" from the Trump supporters when those on the left went to a Trump rally with the intention of starting trouble. The left generally as a rule takes no responsibility in those things that they are in fact responsible for, and that attitude can be seen in most aspects of their life, all the way down to demanding a living wage when they have done nothing in their life to request such a thing.
But I will have to agree with you, there is no real need for anyone on the right to continue with the Butthurt theme, but damn,, it really is fun and since it seems to piss little Billy off so much, how are we, or anyone for that matter expected to resist.
One day he will understand that some of us looked at the two candidates and realized, neither one is any good, I personally think Trump is a better choice than clinton, but still, not a good thing. We are in for what is most likely going to be 4 years of either trouble or nonstop jokes. The best part of voting for Trump? he pisses off the left and trust me when I say Im being honest here, I want revenge for the last 8 years of that socialist piece of shit that the left put in office to destroy this country.
For the first time ever voting, I cast a revenge vote, a vindictive vote. I dont think I am the only one that did that. You just wont find many that will admit it.
The two "sides" are obviously very different in many ways, but they do share many behaviors. And one of the behaviors they share is that they absolutely hate being compared or equated in any way, to any degree, with the other "side" - people they loathe so much. Hence my sig.
Yeah? So what? Nazis hated being equated with Americans and Russians.
Look, I'll admit that if Trump had lost, I would have gloated and rubbed it in Trump supporters faces. Not because I particularly like Hillary or the DNC, but because I know how terrible of an idea it would have been in electing Trump.

Here's the difference though. I would rub it in, but I would also make it clear why Hillary is the lesser of two evils. I could easily compare and contrast the two and explain why we would all be fortunate in not having Trump as president even if Hillary is still a buzz kill in some respects.

But here we are with Trump officially becoming elected. Since Election Day, Trump has lied; flip flopped on all of his core policy positions, and has ranted like an insecure little girl on Twitter. Despite this, the RW refuses to acknowledge how pathetic this behavior is. When any sort of criticism is raised about Trump, the Rightwing's ONLY response is the "liberal butt hurt" theme. They make no effort to defend Trump. Why? Because they secretly know they can't.

Deep down conservatives know electing Trump was a god awful idea but they cant admit that to themselves let alone anyone else.
I really don't see what the big deal is. "Butthurt" is a standard attack term used by both ends of the political spectrum as a mocking mechanism when someone from the other "side" expresses any level of displeasure over, uh, pretty much anything. No more so, of course, than after an election. Yes, it's essentially the behavior of your average, petulant 15-year old boy, but that is essentially the maturity level to which hardcore partisan ideologues tend to default.

Further, this point of yours that "they can't admit that to themselves let alone anyone else" is simply another example of how the behaviors on both "sides" are so similar. The last thing a hardcore partisan ideologue wants to do is admit even the slightest weakness or doubt, even to themselves, because in the binary thought processes of hardcore partisan ideologues on both "sides", weakness and doubt are equated with abject capitulation. So they are loathe to admit pretty much anything.

To understand and recognize the behaviors of the "other side", simply look at your own "side" for clues. They are remarkably similar.

If some thug goes up to a guy minding his own business and takes a swing at him, then the victim defends himself by taking a swing at the thug, someone like you will interpret that as "both sides" behaving the same way. You deliberately ignore the fact that one side instigated the behavior. The left has instigated all the behaviors you dislike. Why would the right "look for clues" by looking at itself? All we are doing is dishing out to the left the shit they've been dishing out for decades.
Since your entire premise is a straw man, maybe try another premise.
Actually he is being fairly accurate when he points out the lefts habit of starting things then claiming victim when someone fights back, or even just responds.
roll through here and just look at some of the vile comments made to other posters, the name calling etc... and take note that it is usually the left instigating this. Then consider the "violence" from the Trump supporters when those on the left went to a Trump rally with the intention of starting trouble. The left generally as a rule takes no responsibility in those things that they are in fact responsible for, and that attitude can be seen in most aspects of their life, all the way down to demanding a living wage when they have done nothing in their life to request such a thing.
But I will have to agree with you, there is no real need for anyone on the right to continue with the Butthurt theme, but damn,, it really is fun and since it seems to piss little Billy off so much, how are we, or anyone for that matter expected to resist.
One day he will understand that some of us looked at the two candidates and realized, neither one is any good, I personally think Trump is a better choice than clinton, but still, not a good thing. We are in for what is most likely going to be 4 years of either trouble or nonstop jokes. The best part of voting for Trump? he pisses off the left and trust me when I say Im being honest here, I want revenge for the last 8 years of that socialist piece of shit that the left put in office to destroy this country.
For the first time ever voting, I cast a revenge vote, a vindictive vote. I dont think I am the only one that did that. You just wont find many that will admit it.
The two "sides" are obviously very different in many ways, but they do share many behaviors. And one of the behaviors they share is that they absolutely hate being compared or equated in any way, to any degree, with the other "side" - people they loathe so much. Hence my sig.
You fence sitters are more dangerous than either side...combined....

Thus our singling you out, and making an example of you for all to see....
Hmmmm, no it's not. You deliberately ignore the fact that the left has been playing dirty pool for decades.
More of the binary thinking described in my post.

I make it absolutely clear that both ends of the spectrum do something, yet all you perceive is an attack on your end.

How would you have me respond to something like that?
You see two guys fighting and ignore the fact that one of them started it, not both.
I do?

How would I not notice something so obvious?
I don't know. I can't explain your deliberate blindness.
I still don't know what your point is.

What is it about my original post, specifically, that you're disagreeing with?
I disagree with your theory that "both sides are guilty of the same behavior." Both sides are not equally culpable since both sides didn't instigate the mud slinging.
More of the binary thinking described in my post.

I make it absolutely clear that both ends of the spectrum do something, yet all you perceive is an attack on your end.

How would you have me respond to something like that?
You see two guys fighting and ignore the fact that one of them started it, not both.
I do?

How would I not notice something so obvious?
I don't know. I can't explain your deliberate blindness.
I still don't know what your point is.

What is it about my original post, specifically, that you're disagreeing with?
I disagree with your theory that "both sides are guilty of the same behavior." Both sides are not equally culpable since both sides didn't instigate the mud slinging.
Try to actually read and absorb what I'm actually saying - which is: The sides share many behaviors.

Not "the same behavior", not "equally culpable".

Do you see the difference?
I really don't see what the big deal is. "Butthurt" is a standard attack term used by both ends of the political spectrum as a mocking mechanism when someone from the other "side" expresses any level of displeasure over, uh, pretty much anything. No more so, of course, than after an election. Yes, it's essentially the behavior of your average, petulant 15-year old boy, but that is essentially the maturity level to which hardcore partisan ideologues tend to default.

Further, this point of yours that "they can't admit that to themselves let alone anyone else" is simply another example of how the behaviors on both "sides" are so similar. The last thing a hardcore partisan ideologue wants to do is admit even the slightest weakness or doubt, even to themselves, because in the binary thought processes of hardcore partisan ideologues on both "sides", weakness and doubt are equated with abject capitulation. So they are loathe to admit pretty much anything.

To understand and recognize the behaviors of the "other side", simply look at your own "side" for clues. They are remarkably similar.

If some thug goes up to a guy minding his own business and takes a swing at him, then the victim defends himself by taking a swing at the thug, someone like you will interpret that as "both sides" behaving the same way. You deliberately ignore the fact that one side instigated the behavior. The left has instigated all the behaviors you dislike. Why would the right "look for clues" by looking at itself? All we are doing is dishing out to the left the shit they've been dishing out for decades.
Since your entire premise is a straw man, maybe try another premise.
Actually he is being fairly accurate when he points out the lefts habit of starting things then claiming victim when someone fights back, or even just responds.
roll through here and just look at some of the vile comments made to other posters, the name calling etc... and take note that it is usually the left instigating this. Then consider the "violence" from the Trump supporters when those on the left went to a Trump rally with the intention of starting trouble. The left generally as a rule takes no responsibility in those things that they are in fact responsible for, and that attitude can be seen in most aspects of their life, all the way down to demanding a living wage when they have done nothing in their life to request such a thing.
But I will have to agree with you, there is no real need for anyone on the right to continue with the Butthurt theme, but damn,, it really is fun and since it seems to piss little Billy off so much, how are we, or anyone for that matter expected to resist.
One day he will understand that some of us looked at the two candidates and realized, neither one is any good, I personally think Trump is a better choice than clinton, but still, not a good thing. We are in for what is most likely going to be 4 years of either trouble or nonstop jokes. The best part of voting for Trump? he pisses off the left and trust me when I say Im being honest here, I want revenge for the last 8 years of that socialist piece of shit that the left put in office to destroy this country.
For the first time ever voting, I cast a revenge vote, a vindictive vote. I dont think I am the only one that did that. You just wont find many that will admit it.
The two "sides" are obviously very different in many ways, but they do share many behaviors. And one of the behaviors they share is that they absolutely hate being compared or equated in any way, to any degree, with the other "side" - people they loathe so much. Hence my sig.
You fence sitters are more dangerous than either side...combined....

Thus our singling you out, and making an example of you for all to see....
I know you're trying. But you just don't have the depth.


Keep trying if you'd like, but I'm under no obligation to respond.
You see two guys fighting and ignore the fact that one of them started it, not both.
I do?

How would I not notice something so obvious?
I don't know. I can't explain your deliberate blindness.
I still don't know what your point is.

What is it about my original post, specifically, that you're disagreeing with?
I disagree with your theory that "both sides are guilty of the same behavior." Both sides are not equally culpable since both sides didn't instigate the mud slinging.
Try to actually read and absorb what I'm actually saying - which is: The sides share many behaviors.

Not "the same behavior", not "equally culpable".

Do you see the difference?
Yes, the wind direction is variable today...we all see you spinning in place..
If some thug goes up to a guy minding his own business and takes a swing at him, then the victim defends himself by taking a swing at the thug, someone like you will interpret that as "both sides" behaving the same way. You deliberately ignore the fact that one side instigated the behavior. The left has instigated all the behaviors you dislike. Why would the right "look for clues" by looking at itself? All we are doing is dishing out to the left the shit they've been dishing out for decades.
Since your entire premise is a straw man, maybe try another premise.
Actually he is being fairly accurate when he points out the lefts habit of starting things then claiming victim when someone fights back, or even just responds.
roll through here and just look at some of the vile comments made to other posters, the name calling etc... and take note that it is usually the left instigating this. Then consider the "violence" from the Trump supporters when those on the left went to a Trump rally with the intention of starting trouble. The left generally as a rule takes no responsibility in those things that they are in fact responsible for, and that attitude can be seen in most aspects of their life, all the way down to demanding a living wage when they have done nothing in their life to request such a thing.
But I will have to agree with you, there is no real need for anyone on the right to continue with the Butthurt theme, but damn,, it really is fun and since it seems to piss little Billy off so much, how are we, or anyone for that matter expected to resist.
One day he will understand that some of us looked at the two candidates and realized, neither one is any good, I personally think Trump is a better choice than clinton, but still, not a good thing. We are in for what is most likely going to be 4 years of either trouble or nonstop jokes. The best part of voting for Trump? he pisses off the left and trust me when I say Im being honest here, I want revenge for the last 8 years of that socialist piece of shit that the left put in office to destroy this country.
For the first time ever voting, I cast a revenge vote, a vindictive vote. I dont think I am the only one that did that. You just wont find many that will admit it.
The two "sides" are obviously very different in many ways, but they do share many behaviors. And one of the behaviors they share is that they absolutely hate being compared or equated in any way, to any degree, with the other "side" - people they loathe so much. Hence my sig.
You fence sitters are more dangerous than either side...combined....

Thus our singling you out, and making an example of you for all to see....
I know you're trying. But you just don't have the depth.


Keep trying if you'd like, but I'm under no obligation to respond.
It's hard to communicate down to your level....

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