At this rate, eventually Trumpleton's will run out of people to blame.

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Actually a good lesson from the empty shelves is, this is what socialism looks like.
Horseshit. Socialist democracies are thriving.........which is not to say I'm advocating for socialism.........but get real.
Say that to the Cubans they will laugh at you. No, I think this stunt politicizing this flu. Is actually gonna hurt you. This fall Trump has Russiagate, Kavanaugh, a fake impeachment, and now this to go against liberals and Biden. Thank you!
Lol, yep you got him this time. The fact is you're giddy even if it cost American lives to do it. So after this thing blows over, the economy roars back and you are exposed for wishing death on your fellow Americans. Cause your butt hurt over the election. Trump wins the presidency and both houses in a landslide.

You boys are getting delirious... Trump's presidency was over last week.

Dow Futures are down by 1000 again this morning. Crash and Burn, bitches.

Yesterday I went to the store and there were EMPTY shelves... I'm 58 years old, I think the last time I saw something like that was during the winter of 79.

Yes, in a few weeks, we'll be over this.

Eventually, the snow melted in Chicago, but people still threw Mayor Bilandic out on his can.
#1) You’re old.

#2) Did you just equate a pandemic to a snowstorm?

He is hoping death on his fellow Americans to hopefully get rid of Trump. I hate to tell him, it ain't happening.

Of course you ignore the truth you moronic uneducated drunk. Keep your head firmly in your rectum like a good little ignorant sheep.

lol... 2nd most ironic post of the day.

No irony here you stupid drunk. You couldn’t refute ONE FACT I posted, so you just ignore it and keep your head in your ass. The only people laughing are those laughing at you you uneducated uninformed drunk. Now drink more Dim piss you grade school dropout.

do you have tourettes?

:ahole-1: :fu::lame2: So you can’t refute any of my FACTS. No surprise. Proving you a lying drunk is too easy.

you can't debate worth a damn. so why bother tourettes boy?
lol.... asshole troll who can't debate facts. i'm not 'old' & i am healthy ... but your parents are 'old' ; do they have siblings? your grandparents are 'old' if they are still alive. & chances are they have underlying conditions. best you stay clean so you don't risk infecting them.
Grandparents killed by Nazis in WW2. Parents are a little older than you. I won’t be seeing them for at least two months just in case. They have siblings. Won’t be seeing them either. Social distancing is key. But my parents are not politicizing this. You are.

donny politicized this by wearing a fucking MAGA hat to the CDC. donny politicized this by wanting to keep our people in that petri dish cruise liner so the numbers wouldn't go up & make him look bad; he even admitted it.

deplorables are just little assholes who can't stand when facts show how incompetent their dear leader really is.

go lick a subway rail.

Hey drunk asswipe, had he let those people off the ship, you’d be crying that he’s infecting the country. You are an uninformed, ignorant, drunk liar who can’t face reality that Trump has handled this well. Now eat more shit like a good little lemming.

wow - what a little snowflake you are....
Ha he called you drunk as well. Awesome.

because that's all trolling assholes are capable of.
Grandparents killed by Nazis in WW2. Parents are a little older than you. I won’t be seeing them for at least two months just in case. They have siblings. Won’t be seeing them either. Social distancing is key. But my parents are not politicizing this. You are.

donny politicized this by wearing a fucking MAGA hat to the CDC. donny politicized this by wanting to keep our people in that petri dish cruise liner so the numbers wouldn't go up & make him look bad; he even admitted it.

deplorables are just little assholes who can't stand when facts show how incompetent their dear leader really is.

go lick a subway rail.

Hey drunk asswipe, had he let those people off the ship, you’d be crying that he’s infecting the country. You are an uninformed, ignorant, drunk liar who can’t face reality that Trump has handled this well. Now eat more shit like a good little lemming.

wow - what a little snowflake you are....
Ha he called you drunk as well. Awesome.

because that's all trolling assholes are capable of.

Truth hurts eh?
donny politicized this by wearing a fucking MAGA hat to the CDC. donny politicized this by wanting to keep our people in that petri dish cruise liner so the numbers wouldn't go up & make him look bad; he even admitted it.

deplorables are just little assholes who can't stand when facts show how incompetent their dear leader really is.

go lick a subway rail.

Hey drunk asswipe, had he let those people off the ship, you’d be crying that he’s infecting the country. You are an uninformed, ignorant, drunk liar who can’t face reality that Trump has handled this well. Now eat more shit like a good little lemming.

wow - what a little snowflake you are....
Ha he called you drunk as well. Awesome.

because that's all trolling assholes are capable of.

Truth hurts eh?

you tell me since you're the trolling asshole.
Hey drunk asswipe, had he let those people off the ship, you’d be crying that he’s infecting the country. You are an uninformed, ignorant, drunk liar who can’t face reality that Trump has handled this well. Now eat more shit like a good little lemming.

wow - what a little snowflake you are....
Ha he called you drunk as well. Awesome.

because that's all trolling assholes are capable of.

Truth hurts eh?

you tell me since you're the trolling asshole.

Me? You've been lying your entire time on this board.
wow - what a little snowflake you are....
Ha he called you drunk as well. Awesome.

because that's all trolling assholes are capable of.

Truth hurts eh?

you tell me since you're the trolling asshole.

Me? You've been lying your entire time on this board.

lol ... there's that failure in critical thinking again.

oh, & i never lie. i have no reason to. but you do, & you fail at that too.

It's China's fault, Obama's fault, Bolton's fault, the CDC's fault, the media's fault, the Dem's fault. I actually have no quarrel with faulting China for allowing the conditions under which the virus got started, then trying to keep it quiet, which caused the initial exponential spread inside Wuhan.

But speciously blaming Obama for setting up protocols that could have easily been changed, or claiming Bolton's dismissal of experts employed to handle this kind of viral outbreak was done without Don's knowledge (that is damning in and of itself even if it were true), or the media for stoking fear when many states and the federal government just declared a state of's pathetic.

Not only pathetic, but both transparent and typical of this prez and his cult followers.

The truth is, this admin has been two steps behind the curve since the world became aware of the outbreak in China months ago. There is no need to repeat the many ways in which it failed to prepare the nation for the inevitable. They are well understood. It was folly to think, as Trump obviously did, that travel restrictions were going to be enough to contain this in the US. Ironically, it was the admin's failure to properly handle US citizens returning from China that lead to the community transmission of the virus on the west coast.
HHS whistleblower: US workers received coronavirus evacuees without training or protection - CNNPolitics

Trump's culpability for our lack of preparation is exactly the reason time and effort are now being spent to lay the blame at the feet of others. It is manifestly evident by his own statements he did not take this matter seriously......and in many ways still doesn't. Yesterday's dog and pony show, while providing a measure of reassurance the government is finally mobilizing in a significant way, is further proof of the tardiness of the response. It's not leadership, it's being reactionary.

I am reminded of Richard Clarke's congressional testimony in the wake of 9/11. It was a moment of rare honesty and the assumption of responsibility for failure by a government official. He admitted to the public he personally let America down and so did our government. History has repeated itself.

Blaming anyone for a pandemic, a unique never-before-seen virus, sweeping the face of the globe is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard, the last gasps of partisan desperation.

Focusing on / looking for someone to blame is a manifestation of fear and hate. The reaction should be unified cooperation and collaboration to address the existing 'force of nature', not seeking personal / partisan boon from pointing fingers.

Never before has the media engaged in such 'end-of-days' fear-mongering over the spread of the FLU, attempting to manufacture the 2nd coming of the 'Black Plague', and - as they have shown for the last 4 years - partisans so willing to blame anything and everything on a President who they can not defeat in the up-coming election unless, perhaps, without help from the Lord Almighty himself....

Enter the Coronavirus.

THOUSANDS of Americans die EVERY year due to the Flu...but it is never reported or pushed by the media like it is being now. I am not making light of the 'creation of nature' (maybe wit ha little help in China) - it is a highly infectious disease, but the most vulnerable are the elderly and ones with certain pre-existing conditions.

The assault on populations has resulted in global supply chains being disrupted / slowed.....fear-mongering / fear world-wide has the stock market 'gamblers' spooked causing the free fall. The 'big players' investing in the market are like a larger herd of cattle....when night falls / when it gets dark they start getting spooked....and a crack of lighting or cooing pans rattled on the back of a chuck wagon can spook them enough into stampeding...and they can run for miles until they are finally stopped, rounded back up, and re-assured.

The doomsday predictions have also have people running to the stores, cleaning off the shelves - hoarding sanitizer, wipes, toiled paper, if there is a shortage of any of it and they may never see it again. (This weekend the CEOs for Target, Wal Mart, and other chains joined the President in trying to restore calm by urging people not to hoard, to buy their normal weekly supplies so there will be enough for everyone, that they are keeping the stores open, the trucks running, and the shelves being stocked....but it is hard to keep the shelves stocked when people are unnecessarily buying large quantities and hoarding.

So 'you' want to blame someone for the global pandemic somehow breaching our 'invisible shield on invulnerability'....with its open / porous borders, millions of people traveling on flights in and out of the country, millions of visitors already here....?!
-- Do the math: 1 health care worker catches the Corona Virus at a conference out of the country and flies back into the US, showing no signs of the virus. To make the math easier (and you know the doc would interact with more on the trip)...if the doc just spread the virus to 2 people...and each one of those spread it to 2 people, and each one of them spread it to 2 people.....yeah, you get the picture.

Thinking the virus would NOT make it to the US - no matter what was done by whom to try to prevent it from happening, is stupid.

So 'you' want to blame someone for NOT BEING READY FOR AN UNEXPECTED, UNFORSEEN, 'ACT OF GOD' virus?


A global viral 'hurricane'.....a global viral 'earthquake'...a global viral 'tsunami'....just an election year...and partisans are pointing fingers and telling us we need to blame someone .... and who to blame.

I have no time for people like that. to them I say, 'F* off'....

Instead of focusing on 'who is to blame', try focusing on what you can do to stay healthy, to avoid catching it , and / or to avoid spreading it:

Don't touch your face while out.

If the hoarders haven't taking it all, use hand sanitizers.

Wash your hands thoroughly, often. Wash them briskly for approx. 20 seconds.

When you get back home, wash your hands AND YOUR FACE.

Find alternate ways to say hello: Elbow bumps, nods - just say 'Hi'

Social Distance: Stay several feet away from others.

'ELMO' - cough into your elbow...cough/ sneeze into a tissue and dispose of the tissue

If you feel sick, don't go to work / school / go to large gatherings

If you feel sick don't visit elderly (parents / grand parents.....
Ha he called you drunk as well. Awesome.

because that's all trolling assholes are capable of.

Truth hurts eh?

you tell me since you're the trolling asshole.

Me? You've been lying your entire time on this board.

lol ... there's that failure in critical thinking again.

oh, & i never lie. i have no reason to. but you do, & you fail at that too.


#1) You lie that you're an Indy. You're not. You're a Leftist that has one or two leans to the right.

#2) You lie that you don't have TDS. You do.

#3) You lie that you call me a Trump sycophant. I have proven you wrong how many times?

3 for 3 makes you a liar.
Ha he called you drunk as well. Awesome.

because that's all trolling assholes are capable of.

Truth hurts eh?

you tell me since you're the trolling asshole.

Me? You've been lying your entire time on this board.

lol ... there's that failure in critical thinking again.

oh, & i never lie. i have no reason to. but you do, & you fail at that too.

You lie all the time, jackass.
because that's all trolling assholes are capable of.

Truth hurts eh?

you tell me since you're the trolling asshole.

Me? You've been lying your entire time on this board.

lol ... there's that failure in critical thinking again.

oh, & i never lie. i have no reason to. but you do, & you fail at that too.


#1) You lie that you're an Indy. You're not. You're a Leftist that has one or two leans to the right.

#2) You lie that you don't have TDS. You do.

#3) You lie that you call me a Trump sycophant. I have proven you wrong how many times?

3 for 3 makes you a liar.


Truth hurts eh?

you tell me since you're the trolling asshole.

Me? You've been lying your entire time on this board.

lol ... there's that failure in critical thinking again.

oh, & i never lie. i have no reason to. but you do, & you fail at that too.


#1) You lie that you're an Indy. You're not. You're a Leftist that has one or two leans to the right.

#2) You lie that you don't have TDS. You do.

#3) You lie that you call me a Trump sycophant. I have proven you wrong how many times?

3 for 3 makes you a liar.



Memes = I win.

Thanks for playing.

Have another
because that's all trolling assholes are capable of.

Truth hurts eh?

you tell me since you're the trolling asshole.

Me? You've been lying your entire time on this board.

lol ... there's that failure in critical thinking again.

oh, & i never lie. i have no reason to. but you do, & you fail at that too.

You lie all the time, jackass.

^ liar. ever get to read that article you said was written by a man & behind a paywall that was actually a woman & totally accessible, yet?
you tell me since you're the trolling asshole.

Me? You've been lying your entire time on this board.

lol ... there's that failure in critical thinking again.

oh, & i never lie. i have no reason to. but you do, & you fail at that too.


#1) You lie that you're an Indy. You're not. You're a Leftist that has one or two leans to the right.

#2) You lie that you don't have TDS. You do.

#3) You lie that you call me a Trump sycophant. I have proven you wrong how many times?

3 for 3 makes you a liar.



Memes = I win.

Thanks for playing.

Have another

^ another trump inspired delusional self proclaimed 'win'.

you learned real good from yer master, grasshoppa; but never mistake mockery & having fun for anything else than that.
Trump’s Failing Coronavirus Response is Standard Issue Republicanism in 2020
Trump’s Failing Coronavirus Response is Standard Issue Republicanism in 2020

“He’s got a certain talent for this,” President Donald Trump said of Vice President Mike Pence when entrusting him with the response to the COVID-19 coronavirus crisis. Pence’s perpetual grimace is the new face of the U.S. response to the coronavirus, after a chaotic week when the White House health team’s internecine squabbles and revolving-door corruption got a bit too public for Trump’s comfort. GOP operatives are likely relieved that their “adult in the room” has taken over. After all, Pence may be a fundamentalist zealot, but he is at least an actual “normal” policy-maker.

But a Pence-led response is dangerous, not in spite of, but precisely because he is a typical Republican. His coronavirus task force — which includes several Pence loyalists — is not particularly Trumpian. Its members are long-time political operatives, some of whom even have medical degrees. For the most part, their problem is not incompetence. It’s that they apply their competence and considerable resources in exactly the way a “normal” Republican administration would: protection for the powerful, callousness for the afflicted, and a special disdain for the “other.” In the Pence coronavirus task force, we have a clear window into what a Pence presidency would look like. The answer should scare you.

For the last few days, reporters have granted an overdue spotlight to Pence’s foot-dragging response to an HIV outbreak in Scott County, Indiana while he was governor. Dirty needles drove the outbreak, but Pence’s refusal to set up a needle exchange led almost 10 percent of the county to be infected before any government action was taken. Pence’s current coronavirus response team includes long-time allies who had their own roles in the Indiana crisis, like Surgeon General Jerome Adams. He was appointed Indiana State Health Commissioner in October 2014, just before the outbreak. Though he rebranded himself as “a strong advocate of needle exchanges” after his appointment, during the crisis, Adams dodged repeated questions about whether he’d stand up to Pence on the issue. He showed the same loyalty on Sunday, when he told a panicked nation on CNN that President Trump “sleeps less than I do and he’s healthier than I am.” Perhaps his doctor should test him for sycophancy.
The virus IS China's fault. What the fuck?
To the extent the government allowed those open, wild animal markets to exist, which is where the virus started,'s China's fault that the virus got started. They are not, however, responsible for the admin's failed response.
Biden was screaming his fucking senile head off that Trump was a "xenophobe' for stopping flights into the US from China.
It pleases me to see you have a worse virus than Corona. It's called 'TDS'.
Me? You've been lying your entire time on this board.

lol ... there's that failure in critical thinking again.

oh, & i never lie. i have no reason to. but you do, & you fail at that too.


#1) You lie that you're an Indy. You're not. You're a Leftist that has one or two leans to the right.

#2) You lie that you don't have TDS. You do.

#3) You lie that you call me a Trump sycophant. I have proven you wrong how many times?

3 for 3 makes you a liar.



Memes = I win.

Thanks for playing.

Have another

^ another trump inspired delusional self proclaimed 'win'.

you learned real good from yer master, grasshoppa; but never mistake mockery & having fun for anything else than that.

More Lies. Case in point. You're a failure on this board as you are at life. Tell me again how you're debt free. LOL.
lol ... there's that failure in critical thinking again.

oh, & i never lie. i have no reason to. but you do, & you fail at that too.


#1) You lie that you're an Indy. You're not. You're a Leftist that has one or two leans to the right.

#2) You lie that you don't have TDS. You do.

#3) You lie that you call me a Trump sycophant. I have proven you wrong how many times?

3 for 3 makes you a liar.



Memes = I win.

Thanks for playing.

Have another

^ another trump inspired delusional self proclaimed 'win'.

you learned real good from yer master, grasshoppa; but never mistake mockery & having fun for anything else than that.

More Lies. Case in point. You're a failure on this board as you are at life. Tell me again how you're debt free. LOL.

lol... please do go on....
It's China's fault, Obama's fault, Bolton's fault, the CDC's fault, the media's fault, the Dem's fault. I actually have no quarrel with faulting China for allowing the conditions under which the virus got started, then trying to keep it quiet, which caused the initial exponential spread inside Wuhan.

But speciously blaming Obama for setting up protocols that could have easily been changed, or claiming Bolton's dismissal of experts employed to handle this kind of viral outbreak was done without Don's knowledge (that is damning in and of itself even if it were true), or the media for stoking fear when many states and the federal government just declared a state of's pathetic.

Not only pathetic, but both transparent and typical of this prez and his cult followers.

The truth is, this admin has been two steps behind the curve since the world became aware of the outbreak in China months ago. There is no need to repeat the many ways in which it failed to prepare the nation for the inevitable. They are well understood. It was folly to think, as Trump obviously did, that travel restrictions were going to be enough to contain this in the US. Ironically, it was the admin's failure to properly handle US citizens returning from China that lead to the community transmission of the virus on the west coast.
HHS whistleblower: US workers received coronavirus evacuees without training or protection - CNNPolitics

Trump's culpability for our lack of preparation is exactly the reason time and effort are now being spent to lay the blame at the feet of others. It is manifestly evident by his own statements he did not take this matter seriously......and in many ways still doesn't. Yesterday's dog and pony show, while providing a measure of reassurance the government is finally mobilizing in a significant way, is further proof of the tardiness of the response. It's not leadership, it's being reactionary.

I am reminded of Richard Clarke's congressional testimony in the wake of 9/11. It was a moment of rare honesty and the assumption of responsibility for failure by a government official. He admitted to the public he personally let America down and so did our government. History has repeated itself.

LMAO Well nothing was ever Barry's fault. Everything was Bush's fault.

You really are one dumb fuck.
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