At this rate, eventually Trumpleton's will run out of people to blame.

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Stop lying you stinking TDS suffering drunk. Trump was working on this in January. Closed travel from China. You idiots cried RACiST! Set aside billions for the CDC. Pisslosi your fellow drunk SAT ON IT for a month. Then you cried he didn’t restrict travel enough. Showing your total idiocy. Even governors of the most liberal states have PRAISED Trump’s quick response to this. The DIMS fear mongering and blatant lying has been the biggest problem. But you lap it up like a good sheep.


Of course you ignore the truth you moronic uneducated drunk. Keep your head firmly in your rectum like a good little ignorant sheep.

lol... 2nd most ironic post of the day.

No irony here you stupid drunk. You couldn’t refute ONE FACT I posted, so you just ignore it and keep your head in your ass. The only people laughing are those laughing at you you uneducated uninformed drunk. Now drink more Dim piss you grade school dropout.

do you have tourettes?

:ahole-1: :fu::lame2: So you can’t refute any of my FACTS. No surprise. Proving you a lying drunk is too easy.
You’re old. Better be careful, witch. The virus is coming. Only assholes would politicize a pandemic. You’re case in point.

lol.... asshole troll who can't debate facts. i'm not 'old' & i am healthy ... but your parents are 'old' ; do they have siblings? your grandparents are 'old' if they are still alive. & chances are they have underlying conditions. best you stay clean so you don't risk infecting them.
Grandparents killed by Nazis in WW2. Parents are a little older than you. I won’t be seeing them for at least two months just in case. They have siblings. Won’t be seeing them either. Social distancing is key. But my parents are not politicizing this. You are.

donny politicized this by wearing a fucking MAGA hat to the CDC. donny politicized this by wanting to keep our people in that petri dish cruise liner so the numbers wouldn't go up & make him look bad; he even admitted it.

deplorables are just little assholes who can't stand when facts show how incompetent their dear leader really is.

go lick a subway rail.

Hey drunk asswipe, had he let those people off the ship, you’d be crying that he’s infecting the country. You are an uninformed, ignorant, drunk liar who can’t face reality that Trump has handled this well. Now eat more shit like a good little lemming.

wow - what a little snowflake you are....
Ha he called you drunk as well. Awesome.
Hey drunk asswipe, had he let those people off the ship, you’d be crying that he’s infecting the country. You are an uninformed, ignorant, drunk liar who can’t face reality that Trump has handled this well. Now eat more shit like a good little lemming.

A quarantine is a restriction on the movement of people and goods which is intended to prevent the spread of disease or pests. It is often used in connection to disease and illness, preventing the movement of those who may have been exposed to a communicable disease, but do not have a confirmed medical diagnosis. The term is often used synonymously with medical isolation, in which those confirmed to be infected with a communicable disease are isolated from the healthy population.

You couldn’t refute ONE FACT I posted, so you just ignore it and keep your head in your ass.

See above.
It's China's fault, Obama's fault, Bolton's fault, the CDC's fault, the media's fault, the Dem's fault. I actually have no quarrel with faulting China for allowing the conditions under which the virus got started, then trying to keep it quiet, which caused the initial exponential spread inside Wuhan.

But speciously blaming Obama for setting up protocols that could have easily been changed, or claiming Bolton's dismissal of experts employed to handle this kind of viral outbreak was done without Don's knowledge (that is damning in and of itself even if it were true), or the media for stoking fear when many states and the federal government just declared a state of's pathetic.

Not only pathetic, but both transparent and typical of this prez and his cult followers.

The truth is, this admin has been two steps behind the curve since the world became aware of the outbreak in China months ago. There is no need to repeat the many ways in which it failed to prepare the nation for the inevitable. They are well understood. It was folly to think, as Trump obviously did, that travel restrictions were going to be enough to contain this in the US. Ironically, it was the admin's failure to properly handle US citizens returning from China that lead to the community transmission of the virus on the west coast.
HHS whistleblower: US workers received coronavirus evacuees without training or protection - CNNPolitics

Trump's culpability for our lack of preparation is exactly the reason time and effort are now being spent to lay the blame at the feet of others. It is manifestly evident by his own statements he did not take this matter seriously......and in many ways still doesn't. Yesterday's dog and pony show, while providing a measure of reassurance the government is finally mobilizing in a significant way, is further proof of the tardiness of the response. It's not leadership, it's being reactionary.

I am reminded of Richard Clarke's congressional testimony in the wake of 9/11. It was a moment of rare honesty and the assumption of responsibility for failure by a government official. He admitted to the public he personally let America down and so did our government. History has repeated itself.
and in the meantime our hospitals are not overrun ..and the private sector a much more efficient sector than big gov has been empowered to fight the outbreak ..... and so far about 16950 fewer deaths than Swine flu and 10s of millions less infected and hundreds of thousands less hospitalized than were by the swine flu .....a less contagious less deadly disease ! please tell us oh wise commie why that is .
We are enroute to quarantining the earth! The space station people are making a huge sign.....CLOSED! We don't want the invading aliens to catch anything.
But speciously blaming Obama for setting up protocols that could have easily been changed, or claiming Bolton's dismissal of experts employed to handle this kind of viral outbreak was done without Don's knowledge (that is damning in and of itself even if it were true), or the media for stoking fear when many states and the federal government just declared a state of's pathetic.

Simple question:

Can you prove to anyone in this thread that any of those actions you described led to the current situation we're in?


Then what is the reasoning behind this thread?

Did blaming Obama for setting up flawed protocols cause COVID-19?
Did blaming John Bolton (what?) cause COVID-19?
Did blaming the sensationalist media cause COVID-19?


In fact, the media made it worse by sensationalizing this virus. Why? Because Trump.

John Bolton has nothing to do with the virus response.

And Obama lacked enough foresight to understand that there are more virulent diseases that could arise and overwhelm the current protocols. You don't just plan for the present, you plan for the present and future.
You brain dead TDS morons keep making claims that you are unwilling to defend. My research shows he did nothing.

I'm referring to Obama, moron. Note the previous post refers to what Obama did on April 26th, 2009.

I shouldn't have to do this, but you are just too much fun to prove WRONG on most ALL of your claims.

On April 26, 2009, the Secretary of Health and Human Services (the "Secretary") first declared a public health emergency under section 319 of the Public Health Service Act,42 U.S.C. 247d, in response to the 2009 H1N1 influenza virus. The Secretary has renewed that declaration twice, on July 24,2009, and October 1, 2009. In addition, by rapidly identifying the virus, implementing public health measures, providing guidance for health professionals and the general public, and developing an effective vaccine, we have taken proactive steps to reduce the impact of the pandemic and protect the health of our citizens. As a Nation, we have prepared at all levels of government, and as individuals and communities, taking unprecedented steps to counter the emerging pandemic. Nevertheless, the 2009 H1N1 pandemic continues to evolve. The rates of illness continue to rise rapidly within many communities across the Nation, and the potential exists for the pandemic to overburden health care resources in some localities. Thus, in recognition of the continuing progression of the pandemic, and in further preparation as a Nation, we are taking additional steps to facilitate our response.

Just because you delete or omit it from your FAKE news, doesn't mean that Obama actually "Did Nothing."

CDC Novel H1N1 Flu | The 2009 H1N1 Pandemic: Summary Highlights, April 2009-April 2010

(During December 2005 – January 2009, 12 cases of human infection with swine influenza were reported;

So Obama's CDC did nothing for 4 years.

(During December 2005 – January 2009, 12 cases of human infection with swine influenza were reported;

So Obama's CDC did nothing for 4 years.

The first inauguration of Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States took place on Tuesday, January 20, 2009.

Where is bripat9643 and his response?
only a poorly educated asshole believes trump's hunch over scientific experts.

"Well, I think the 3.4% is really a false number," Trump told Sean Hannity on Fox News. "Now, this is just my hunch, and — but based on a lot of conversations with a lot of people that do this, because a lot of people will have this, and it's very mild. They will get better very rapidly. They don't even see a doctor."

"Personally, I would say, the number is way under 1%," Trump said.

Coronavirus 10 times more lethal than seasonal flu, top health official says

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said the outbreak will get worse and warned the U.S. must take serious mitigation efforts.

Coronavirus 10 times more lethal than seasonal flu, top health official says
You’re old. Better be careful, witch. The virus is coming. Only assholes would politicize a pandemic. You’re case in point.

lol.... asshole troll who can't debate facts. i'm not 'old' & i am healthy ... but your parents are 'old' ; do they have siblings? your grandparents are 'old' if they are still alive. & chances are they have underlying conditions. best you stay clean so you don't risk infecting them.
Grandparents killed by Nazis in WW2. Parents are a little older than you. I won’t be seeing them for at least two months just in case. They have siblings. Won’t be seeing them either. Social distancing is key. But my parents are not politicizing this. You are.

donny politicized this by wearing a fucking MAGA hat to the CDC. donny politicized this by wanting to keep our people in that petri dish cruise liner so the numbers wouldn't go up & make him look bad; he even admitted it.

deplorables are just little assholes who can't stand when facts show how incompetent their dear leader really is.

go lick a subway rail.

Hey drunk asswipe, had he let those people off the ship, you’d be crying that he’s infecting the country. You are an uninformed, ignorant, drunk liar who can’t face reality that Trump has handled this well. Now eat more shit like a good little lemming.
Be careful how you talk to your betters
i straight up showed you. you didn't even read it... i know - cause you are proud to be a poorly educated deplorable that trump loves long time.

So much truth.

Did you know that Obama did absolutely NOTHING for 6 months about H1N1.
All he did was golf.

It's the NEW talking point.
I don't get their special memos, but it becomes clear real soon when they repeat the SAME LIE over and over.

that is just too funny given how donny has golfed way more in his short 3 years than obama did for his entire 8 yr two term gig. AND obama didn't double dip into us taxpayers pocket by going to his home to play.
Did Obama charge the Secret Service guarding him, 650 a day that went into his pocket?
You’re old. Better be careful, witch. The virus is coming. Only assholes would politicize a pandemic. You’re case in point.

lol.... asshole troll who can't debate facts. i'm not 'old' & i am healthy ... but your parents are 'old' ; do they have siblings? your grandparents are 'old' if they are still alive. & chances are they have underlying conditions. best you stay clean so you don't risk infecting them.
Grandparents killed by Nazis in WW2. Parents are a little older than you. I won’t be seeing them for at least two months just in case. They have siblings. Won’t be seeing them either. Social distancing is key. But my parents are not politicizing this. You are.

donny politicized this by wearing a fucking MAGA hat to the CDC. donny politicized this by wanting to keep our people in that petri dish cruise liner so the numbers wouldn't go up & make him look bad; he even admitted it.

deplorables are just little assholes who can't stand when facts show how incompetent their dear leader really is.

go lick a subway rail.

Hey drunk asswipe, had he let those people off the ship, you’d be crying that he’s infecting the country. You are an uninformed, ignorant, drunk liar who can’t face reality that Trump has handled this well. Now eat more shit like a good little lemming.
Be careful how you talk to your betters
We are all equals little
lol.... asshole troll who can't debate facts. i'm not 'old' & i am healthy ... but your parents are 'old' ; do they have siblings? your grandparents are 'old' if they are still alive. & chances are they have underlying conditions. best you stay clean so you don't risk infecting them.
Grandparents killed by Nazis in WW2. Parents are a little older than you. I won’t be seeing them for at least two months just in case. They have siblings. Won’t be seeing them either. Social distancing is key. But my parents are not politicizing this. You are.

donny politicized this by wearing a fucking MAGA hat to the CDC. donny politicized this by wanting to keep our people in that petri dish cruise liner so the numbers wouldn't go up & make him look bad; he even admitted it.

deplorables are just little assholes who can't stand when facts show how incompetent their dear leader really is.

go lick a subway rail.

Hey drunk asswipe, had he let those people off the ship, you’d be crying that he’s infecting the country. You are an uninformed, ignorant, drunk liar who can’t face reality that Trump has handled this well. Now eat more shit like a good little lemming.
Be careful how you talk to your betters
We are all equals little
Some are more equal than others Bri is not either is trump
Lol, yep you got him this time. The fact is you're giddy even if it cost American lives to do it. So after this thing blows over, the economy roars back and you are exposed for wishing death on your fellow Americans. Cause your butt hurt over the election. Trump wins the presidency and both houses in a landslide.

You boys are getting delirious... Trump's presidency was over last week.

Dow Futures are down by 1000 again this morning. Crash and Burn, bitches.

Yesterday I went to the store and there were EMPTY shelves... I'm 58 years old, I think the last time I saw something like that was during the winter of 79.

Yes, in a few weeks, we'll be over this.

Eventually, the snow melted in Chicago, but people still threw Mayor Bilandic out on his can.
I suspect Trump and the Trumpsters will adopt the "Golden Gate Bridge" approach to blaming others.

As I understand it, by the time those who paint that beautiful structure get to the end, it's essentially time for them to go back to the other side and start painting again.

So, in this context, when Trump and the Trumpsters run out of people to blame, they'll similarly just go back to the people they first blamed and start over again.
I suspect Trump and the Trumpsters will adopt the "Golden Gate Bridge" approach to blaming others.

As I understand it, by the time those who paint that beautiful structure get to the end, it's essentially time for them to go back to the other side and start painting again.

So, in this context, when Trump and the Trumpsters run out of people to blame, they'll similarly just go back to the people they first blamed and start over again.

And you'll keep making excuses for him and saying the other side is just as bad.

Any else notice that Vichy Mac is a lot more vocal about Trump now that he's losing his shirt in the market?
Lol, yep you got him this time. The fact is you're giddy even if it cost American lives to do it. So after this thing blows over, the economy roars back and you are exposed for wishing death on your fellow Americans. Cause your butt hurt over the election. Trump wins the presidency and both houses in a landslide.

You boys are getting delirious... Trump's presidency was over last week.

Dow Futures are down by 1000 again this morning. Crash and Burn, bitches.

Yesterday I went to the store and there were EMPTY shelves... I'm 58 years old, I think the last time I saw something like that was during the winter of 79.

Yes, in a few weeks, we'll be over this.

Eventually, the snow melted in Chicago, but people still threw Mayor Bilandic out on his can.
Actually a good lesson from the empty shelves is, this is what socialism looks like. If you want the shelves to look like that 24/7, vote Bernie or Biden. This thing will be over with shortly and the economy will come back. Sucks for you.
Dow Futures are down by 1000 again this morning. Crash and Burn, bitches.
Futures are limit down. According by the way the SPY is trading in the pre-market the circuit breakers will be triggered at the open. But right now the Dow is indicated down by 2,400 points.

Damn that media!!!

I guess Trumpleton's are going to have to add the CDC to the list of things to blame after they recommended no gatherings of over 50 people. Those traitors!!!!!!!!!!!!
Actually a good lesson from the empty shelves is, this is what socialism looks like.
Horseshit. Socialist democracies are thriving.........which is not to say I'm advocating for socialism.........but get real.
Lol, yep you got him this time. The fact is you're giddy even if it cost American lives to do it. So after this thing blows over, the economy roars back and you are exposed for wishing death on your fellow Americans. Cause your butt hurt over the election. Trump wins the presidency and both houses in a landslide.

You boys are getting delirious... Trump's presidency was over last week.

Dow Futures are down by 1000 again this morning. Crash and Burn, bitches.

Yesterday I went to the store and there were EMPTY shelves... I'm 58 years old, I think the last time I saw something like that was during the winter of 79.

Yes, in a few weeks, we'll be over this.

Eventually, the snow melted in Chicago, but people still threw Mayor Bilandic out on his can.
#1) You’re old.

#2) Did you just equate a pandemic to a snowstorm?

Actually a good lesson from the empty shelves is, this is what socialism looks like.
Horseshit. Socialist democracies are thriving.........which is not to say I'm advocating for socialism.........but get real.
“Thriving”? LMaO!!! Europe is a dumpster fire. “Berg” is it time for lunch at your Russian Troll farm? Loser.
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