At this rate, eventually Trumpleton's will run out of people to blame.

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testing is just one tool in recovering from this virus that threatens the world Don't you think its about time trump was listening to the scientists? A little late No?
The scientists have been saying they only need to test people who are showing symptoms, dumbass.

because we don't have enough test kits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you gotta ration what you don't have in ample supply. as the kits beome more widely available - those that have no symptoms but know they have been around those who are ill will get tested.


Tests are worthless in the long run. Oh boy you tested negative, but then you went home and caught it on the way. Oops. The the libs will say the test was bad and blame Trump as usual. In a few months, sane people will look at the panic and laugh at how people fell for the media’s overblown fear mongering,
His hunch was accurate. Only a selfish witch would politicize this pandemic.

only a poorly educated asshole believes trump's hunch over scientific experts.

"Well, I think the 3.4% is really a false number," Trump told Sean Hannity on Fox News. "Now, this is just my hunch, and — but based on a lot of conversations with a lot of people that do this, because a lot of people will have this, and it's very mild. They will get better very rapidly. They don't even see a doctor."

"Personally, I would say, the number is way under 1%," Trump said.

Coronavirus 10 times more lethal than seasonal flu, top health official says

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said the outbreak will get worse and warned the U.S. must take serious mitigation efforts.

Coronavirus 10 times more lethal than seasonal flu, top health official says
You’re old. Better be careful, witch. The virus is coming. Only assholes would politicize a pandemic. You’re case in point.

lol.... asshole troll who can't debate facts. i'm not 'old' & i am healthy ... but your parents are 'old' ; do they have siblings? your grandparents are 'old' if they are still alive. & chances are they have underlying conditions. best you stay clean so you don't risk infecting them.
Grandparents killed by Nazis in WW2. Parents are a little older than you. I won’t be seeing them for at least two months just in case. They have siblings. Won’t be seeing them either. Social distancing is key. But my parents are not politicizing this. You are.

donny politicized this by wearing a fucking MAGA hat to the CDC. donny politicized this by wanting to keep our people in that petri dish cruise liner so the numbers wouldn't go up & make him look bad; he even admitted it.

deplorables are just little assholes who can't stand when facts show how incompetent their dear leader really is.

go lick a subway rail.

Hey drunk asswipe, had he let those people off the ship, you’d be crying that he’s infecting the country. You are an uninformed, ignorant, drunk liar who can’t face reality that Trump has handled this well. Now eat more shit like a good little lemming.
Again, all we have to do is look at Obama's record to see that Trump is doing a much better job.

Oh please.
Just Stop with the idiotic claims.

Firing the Pandemic Team constitutes 'doing a much better job' ?
With that team still in place, you could easily conclude that we would be much better prepared for testing.
That's on trump, even though he denies it and weakly claims, "I didn't do it, we have an administration team."

USA is weak on testing, and that is on TRUMP.
Hmmm, what did the pandemic team accomplish before Trump fired them? . . . . . . . . . .

That's right: nothing.

i straight up showed you. you didn't even read it... i know - cause you are proud to be a poorly educated deplorable that trump loves long time.
I see, you believe she'd have shitcanned Obama's Pandemic Task Force in 2018 leaving us vulnerable and unprepared?

Sorry, I don't
What did this task force do before it was "shit canned?" Trump eliminated it only a few weeks ago.

I ran the White House pandemic office. Trump closed it.
The federal government is moving too slowly, due to a lack of leadership.
By Beth Cameron
Beth Cameron is vice president for global biological policy and programs at the Nuclear Threat Initiative. She previously served as the senior director for global health security and biodefense on the White House National Security Council.

March 13, 2020 at 9:32 AM EDT
The U.S. government worked hard to fight the 2014 Ebola epidemic. Unlike Central Africa, Ebola was not a usual occurrence in West Africa; the necessary elements of community trust and public health decision-making weren’t in place to detect and stop it. Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone were blind spots for disease surveillance. The cost was thousands of lives, billions of dollars and years of economic recovery for countries already torn by decades of war.

So in 2016, after the formidable U.S.-led Ebola response, the Obama White House established the global health security office at the National Security Council and asked me to lead the team. We were to prepare for and, if possible, prevent the next outbreak from becoming an epidemic or pandemic.

yer welcome & happy reading!
An Obama appointed hack: precisely the kind Trump wants to get out of the NSC.

noun: imbecile; plural noun: imbeciles
  1. a stupid person.

vulgar slang

  1. h
adjective: imbecile
  1. stupid; idiotic.
    "try not to make imbecile remarks"
Thanks for all the synonyms, but we already know what to call you.

Again, all we have to do is look at Obama's record to see that Trump is doing a much better job.

Oh please.
Just Stop with the idiotic claims.

Firing the Pandemic Team constitutes 'doing a much better job' ?
With that team still in place, you could easily conclude that we would be much better prepared for testing.
That's on trump, even though he denies it and weakly claims, "I didn't do it, we have an administration team."

USA is weak on testing, and that is on TRUMP.
Hmmm, what did the pandemic team accomplish before Trump fired them? . . . . . . . . . .

That's right: nothing.

i straight up showed you. you didn't even read it... i know - cause you are proud to be a poorly educated deplorable that trump loves long time.
Your article is behind a paywall. I can't read it.
i straight up showed you. you didn't even read it... i know - cause you are proud to be a poorly educated deplorable that trump loves long time.

So much truth.

Did you know that Obama did absolutely NOTHING for 6 months about H1N1.
All he did was golf.

It's the NEW talking point.
I don't get their special memos, but it becomes clear real soon when they repeat the SAME LIE over and over.
China could have handled this better. No doubt about that.

By the time people knew what was going on it was likely too late to stop this due to its epidemiology.

china gave the world the genome & the WHO along with other nations were able to produce test kits toot sweet - allowing for as early detection as possible.... south korea was testing 10K a week starting with week 1 & are up to 100k per week.

but nooooooo not us - we had to make our OWN test kits - turning out to be contaminated & put us way behind. we are now just starting to play catch up with will start to see just how widespread it is here.

Yep, the boondoggle with the test kits was a colossal error. I don't get that whole thing.

So was trying to prevent the world from knowing the truth when it appeared in Wuhan a colossal error. That cost time, some reports are now saying this first appeared there in mid November, and allowed it to disperse more widely than it otherwise would have.

i actually would expect that from china. but not from us. we were kept in the dark as far as the severity of this until it was too late.

Stop lying you stinking TDS suffering drunk. Trump was working on this in January. Closed travel from China. You idiots cried RACiST! Set aside billions for the CDC. Pisslosi your fellow drunk SAT ON IT for a month. Then you cried he didn’t restrict travel enough. Showing your total idiocy. Even governors of the most liberal states have PRAISED Trump’s quick response to this. The DIMS fear mongering and blatant lying has been the biggest problem. But you lap it up like a good sheep.

Last edited:
i straight up showed you. you didn't even read it... i know - cause you are proud to be a poorly educated deplorable that trump loves long time.
What post number?

Find it yourself you lazy Bastard.
All you want is free stuff.
Again, all we have to do is look at Obama's record to see that Trump is doing a much better job.

Oh please.
Just Stop with the idiotic claims.

Firing the Pandemic Team constitutes 'doing a much better job' ?
With that team still in place, you could easily conclude that we would be much better prepared for testing.
That's on trump, even though he denies it and weakly claims, "I didn't do it, we have an administration team."

USA is weak on testing, and that is on TRUMP.
Hmmm, what did the pandemic team accomplish before Trump fired them? . . . . . . . . . .

That's right: nothing.

i straight up showed you. you didn't even read it... i know - cause you are proud to be a poorly educated deplorable that trump loves long time.
What post number?

you replied with an ignorant response per usual. you go find it.
What did this task force do before it was "shit canned?" Trump eliminated it only a few weeks ago.

I ran the White House pandemic office. Trump closed it.
The federal government is moving too slowly, due to a lack of leadership.
By Beth Cameron
Beth Cameron is vice president for global biological policy and programs at the Nuclear Threat Initiative. She previously served as the senior director for global health security and biodefense on the White House National Security Council.

March 13, 2020 at 9:32 AM EDT
The U.S. government worked hard to fight the 2014 Ebola epidemic. Unlike Central Africa, Ebola was not a usual occurrence in West Africa; the necessary elements of community trust and public health decision-making weren’t in place to detect and stop it. Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone were blind spots for disease surveillance. The cost was thousands of lives, billions of dollars and years of economic recovery for countries already torn by decades of war.

So in 2016, after the formidable U.S.-led Ebola response, the Obama White House established the global health security office at the National Security Council and asked me to lead the team. We were to prepare for and, if possible, prevent the next outbreak from becoming an epidemic or pandemic.

yer welcome & happy reading!
An Obama appointed hack: precisely the kind Trump wants to get out of the NSC.

noun: imbecile; plural noun: imbeciles
  1. a stupid person.

vulgar slang

  1. h
adjective: imbecile
  1. stupid; idiotic.
    "try not to make imbecile remarks"
Thanks for all the synonyms, but we already know what to call you.

i straight up showed you. you didn't even read it... i know - cause you are proud to be a poorly educated deplorable that trump loves long time.

So much truth.

Did you know that Obama did absolutely NOTHING for 6 months about H1N1.
All he did was golf.

It's the NEW talking point.
I don't get their special memos, but it becomes clear real soon when they repeat the SAME LIE over and over.
What did he do?
Again, all we have to do is look at Obama's record to see that Trump is doing a much better job.

Oh please.
Just Stop with the idiotic claims.

Firing the Pandemic Team constitutes 'doing a much better job' ?
With that team still in place, you could easily conclude that we would be much better prepared for testing.
That's on trump, even though he denies it and weakly claims, "I didn't do it, we have an administration team."

USA is weak on testing, and that is on TRUMP.
Hmmm, what did the pandemic team accomplish before Trump fired them? . . . . . . . . . .

That's right: nothing.

i straight up showed you. you didn't even read it... i know - cause you are proud to be a poorly educated deplorable that trump loves long time.
What post number?

you replied with an ignorant response per usual. you go find it.
I found it. It's behind a paywall. That's the same as no evidence.
i straight up showed you. you didn't even read it... i know - cause you are proud to be a poorly educated deplorable that trump loves long time.

So much truth.

Did you know that Obama did absolutely NOTHING for 6 months about H1N1.
All he did was golf.

It's the NEW talking point.
I don't get their special memos, but it becomes clear real soon when they repeat the SAME LIE over and over.

that is just too funny given how donny has golfed way more in his short 3 years than obama did for his entire 8 yr two term gig. AND obama didn't double dip into us taxpayers pocket by going to his home to play.
Oh please.
Just Stop with the idiotic claims.

Firing the Pandemic Team constitutes 'doing a much better job' ?
With that team still in place, you could easily conclude that we would be much better prepared for testing.
That's on trump, even though he denies it and weakly claims, "I didn't do it, we have an administration team."

USA is weak on testing, and that is on TRUMP.
Hmmm, what did the pandemic team accomplish before Trump fired them? . . . . . . . . . .

That's right: nothing.

i straight up showed you. you didn't even read it... i know - cause you are proud to be a poorly educated deplorable that trump loves long time.
What post number?

you replied with an ignorant response per usual. you go find it.
I found it. It's behind a paywall. That's the same as no evidence.

liar. there's no paywall. i don't post what can't be seen or read by all.
Hmmm, what did the pandemic team accomplish before Trump fired them? . . . . . . . . . .

That's right: nothing.

i straight up showed you. you didn't even read it... i know - cause you are proud to be a poorly educated deplorable that trump loves long time.
What post number?

you replied with an ignorant response per usual. you go find it.
I found it. It's behind a paywall. That's the same as no evidence.

liar. there's no paywall. i don't post what can't be seen or read by all.
It's the Washington Post, dumbass.
only a poorly educated asshole believes trump's hunch over scientific experts.

"Well, I think the 3.4% is really a false number," Trump told Sean Hannity on Fox News. "Now, this is just my hunch, and — but based on a lot of conversations with a lot of people that do this, because a lot of people will have this, and it's very mild. They will get better very rapidly. They don't even see a doctor."

"Personally, I would say, the number is way under 1%," Trump said.

Coronavirus 10 times more lethal than seasonal flu, top health official says

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said the outbreak will get worse and warned the U.S. must take serious mitigation efforts.

Coronavirus 10 times more lethal than seasonal flu, top health official says
You’re old. Better be careful, witch. The virus is coming. Only assholes would politicize a pandemic. You’re case in point.

lol.... asshole troll who can't debate facts. i'm not 'old' & i am healthy ... but your parents are 'old' ; do they have siblings? your grandparents are 'old' if they are still alive. & chances are they have underlying conditions. best you stay clean so you don't risk infecting them.
Grandparents killed by Nazis in WW2. Parents are a little older than you. I won’t be seeing them for at least two months just in case. They have siblings. Won’t be seeing them either. Social distancing is key. But my parents are not politicizing this. You are.

donny politicized this by wearing a fucking MAGA hat to the CDC. donny politicized this by wanting to keep our people in that petri dish cruise liner so the numbers wouldn't go up & make him look bad; he even admitted it.

deplorables are just little assholes who can't stand when facts show how incompetent their dear leader really is.

go lick a subway rail.

Hey drunk asswipe, had he let those people off the ship, you’d be crying that he’s infecting the country. You are an uninformed, ignorant, drunk liar who can’t face reality that Trump has handled this well. Now eat more shit like a good little lemming.

wow - what a little snowflake you are....
i straight up showed you. you didn't even read it... i know - cause you are proud to be a poorly educated deplorable that trump loves long time.
What post number?

you replied with an ignorant response per usual. you go find it.
I found it. It's behind a paywall. That's the same as no evidence.

liar. there's no paywall. i don't post what can't be seen or read by all.
It's the Washington Post, dumbass.

there's no paywall - so you lied. liar liar little imbecile's pants are on fire. not only did you lie - but you didn't read it. you should be ashamed of yerself, but basket dwelling deplorables have no shame.
Hmmm, what did the pandemic team accomplish before Trump fired them? . . . . . . . . . .

That's right: nothing.

i straight up showed you. you didn't even read it... i know - cause you are proud to be a poorly educated deplorable that trump loves long time.
What post number?

you replied with an ignorant response per usual. you go find it.
I found it. It's behind a paywall. That's the same as no evidence.

liar. there's no paywall. i don't post what can't be seen or read by all.
The woman admits she did nothing for the Wuhan flu epidemic.
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