At this rate, eventually Trumpleton's will run out of people to blame.

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I'm not down playing anything. You loons are over hyping this big time. I heard that no one under 50 has died from it.

So since you’re under 50, this isn’t really a problem for you then is it?
Lol, the regular flu will kill you also. I'll be 50 in a couple months, but I'm living my life the same way as I always do.

For the 10,267th time - COVID-19 is 10-15 times more deadly and we have NO vaccine and NO widespread testing. You clowns don't seem to care as long as it's old and/or compromised folk who die.
So was the swine flu, but Obama was president so the media left it alone. If Hillary would've won, we wouldn't hear anything like we are now.

I've never been a Hillary fan, but can promise you her response would have been reasonably capable and coherent by comparison.
Lol, she would've funneled millions into the Clinton foundation and thousands would've died.
So since you’re under 50, this isn’t really a problem for you then is it?
Lol, the regular flu will kill you also. I'll be 50 in a couple months, but I'm living my life the same way as I always do.

For the 10,267th time - COVID-19 is 10-15 times more deadly and we have NO vaccine and NO widespread testing. You clowns don't seem to care as long as it's old and/or compromised folk who die.
So was the swine flu, but Obama was president so the media left it alone. If Hillary would've won, we wouldn't hear anything like we are now.

I've never been a Hillary fan, but can promise you her response would have been reasonably capable and coherent by comparison.
Lol, she would've funneled millions into the Clinton foundation and thousands would've died.

I see, you believe she'd have shitcanned Obama's Pandemic Task Force in 2018 leaving us vulnerable and unprepared?

Sorry, I don't
I'm not down playing anything. You loons are over hyping this big time. I heard that no one under 50 has died from it.

So since you’re under 50, this isn’t really a problem for you then is it?
Lol, the regular flu will kill you also. I'll be 50 in a couple months, but I'm living my life the same way as I always do.

For the 10,267th time - COVID-19 is 10-15 times more deadly and we have NO vaccine and NO widespread testing. You clowns don't seem to care as long as it's old and/or compromised folk who die.
So was the swine flu, but Obama was president so the media left it alone. If Hillary would've won, we wouldn't hear anything like we are now.

I've never been a Hillary fan, but can promise you her response would have been reasonably capable and coherent by comparison.
And we can all laugh at your "promise." One thing we can be sure of is that the fake news outlets would have praised everything she did, no matter how callous or inept.
Lol, the regular flu will kill you also. I'll be 50 in a couple months, but I'm living my life the same way as I always do.

For the 10,267th time - COVID-19 is 10-15 times more deadly and we have NO vaccine and NO widespread testing. You clowns don't seem to care as long as it's old and/or compromised folk who die.
So was the swine flu, but Obama was president so the media left it alone. If Hillary would've won, we wouldn't hear anything like we are now.

I've never been a Hillary fan, but can promise you her response would have been reasonably capable and coherent by comparison.
Lol, she would've funneled millions into the Clinton foundation and thousands would've died.

I see, you believe she'd have shitcanned Obama's Pandemic Task Force in 2018 leaving us vulnerable and unprepared?

Sorry, I don't
What did this task force do before it was "shit canned?" Trump eliminated it only a few weeks ago.

Plus I heard no mention of anything like this anywhere from anyone.

I gave you the link. You can see the headline through the paywall.

That’s the newspaper of record. Every good lefty like you should have a subscription to the NYT.
As previously noted, I never heard anything like that from anyone anywhere. If you have a source that can be read, I'll read it. Otherwise you've got nothing but the title of an article that is most likely and opinion piece.

Text Joe to Trump is a germaphobe and will overreact.
WTF are you babbling about?

Wait! Never mind, I don't care.

The media and the Dimms will always bash Trump no matter what he does. They are the boy who cried wolf. It’s just noise.

Maybe you should ask Donny why Democrats doesn’t like your boy no matter what he does.
Let me gave you a hint.

When he goes on his rallies. The DEMOCRATS the DEMOCRATS the DEMOCRATS bad bad bad. You might think it’s funny or doesn’t mean anything. But it’s a big deal for us.

Since when you see any leader in this world that a president talk bad against his own people? That’s Trump.

Of course we will bash this little boy ass. What do you expect?
Digest this Bri
I read that the head of the CDC wanted to tell all Americans over age 60 to stay in their homes, as much as they can. But it was overruled by the Trump group, and watered down to a recommendation that older adults with underlying conditions not fly. <<

So what was the CDC reccomendation during the Swine Flu epidemic? . . . .

Yeah, that's right. Nothing.

It's going to get a lot worse before it gets better. .

Trump has stumbled badly through this ... denying the problem, dragging his feet, not listening to health experts. And it will almost certainly result in Joe Biden being elected -- if he's not dead of the virus by then. ;-)

That's a load. The problem all you brain damaged TDS morons have is that the Dims have a record on handling epidemics, and it contradicts everything you've been saying Trump should do.

You're a herd of buffoons.
Well, everyone would know what the CDC recommends if you would just Shut The Fuck Up Online. You are a miserable human being. Go ahead and Kiss Rumps Orange Ass.

Start a new Orange Bible. Trump Tweets.

Go do it.

The Book of Orange, Verse One.....
You have no idea how it warms my heart to know that you believe I'm a miserable human being.

Nothing stings like the truth, eh?
Bri ,you're known by the friends you have Since supporting a miserable human being like the POS trump ,that makes you a miserable human being too.
There's nothing "miserable" about Trump. That word better describes the pieces of shit who are trying to make the Wuhan flu into a political issue.
Failure In Chief. Get used to it, bri Beotch.
more than what we had. we had a couple months to acquire more. & by not following their guidelines - we now have the problem we do.
"More" is not an answer. Give us a number.

ask donny.
You're the one claiming to be the expert on testing. Demonstrate your expertise, Dr. Livingston, or shut your fucking yap.

i never claimed any such thing - so there's that.

also, a real leader would follow the advise from the experts & not CONtradict it. & excluding those experts from meetings held at HHS back in january would have been the first step.

duh duh duh doy doy doy.
You're claiming superior knowledge to Trump, asshole, so yes you did claim any such thing.

Expert opinion is all over the map, moron. What you really mean is that he should kow tow to the experts who spout your biases on the subject.

i claim you are an imbecile. & donny is a moron. it's not me saying that, dolt - it's what scientists & medical experts have been saying... , a carnival barker's hunch who not only claims that he knows more than his generals, but has a natural ability at this medicine stuff & is a stable genius is who you believe?

you have proven yerself bigley just how far up donny's ass you are. if fauci was wrong & is wrong & will be wrong - - - why isn't he gone yet?
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Trump will be POTUS until he decides to leave. Suck it libs.

So, tell me honestly. Do you say things like this because you think Trump is that good, or because you know it pisses of libs to see an incompetent douchebag at the helm? It seems like the latter. It seems like you people know he's a shit stain, but he's pissing off your enemies so that makes it ok. That's idiotic, obviously, but is that really how Trumpsters think?

bingo. although, granted - some are so attached to donny's colon, they will never see him for what he is, so all they will ever have is complete deplorable devotion.
The virus IS China's fault. What the fuck?
The US response, or rather lack of one, is dOnald tRump's fault.

That fact that China allowed the conditions that lead to.the virus was acknowledged in the OP. That's not what this is about.

Reading is fundamental my undereducated friend.

The administrations response has been spot on, and you democrats know it....

This politicizing of this health crisis, and blame game that you liberal liars are perpetuating, along with daily stirring up panic in the liberal media is just criminal if you ask me.

The virus IS China's fault. What the fuck?
The US response, or rather lack of one, is dOnald tRump's fault.

That fact that China allowed the conditions that lead to.the virus was acknowledged in the OP. That's not what this is about.

Reading is fundamental my undereducated friend.

The administrations response has been spot on, and you democrats know it....

This politicizing of this health crisis, and blame game that you liberal liars are perpetuating, along with daily stirring up panic in the liberal media is just criminal if you ask me.

The virus IS China's fault. What the fuck?
The US response, or rather lack of one, is dOnald tRump's fault.

That fact that China allowed the conditions that lead to.the virus was acknowledged in the OP. That's not what this is about.

Reading is fundamental my undereducated friend.

The administrations response has been spot on, and you democrats know it....

This politicizing of this health crisis, and blame game that you liberal liars are perpetuating, along with daily stirring up panic in the liberal media is just criminal if you ask me.

NO it’s not. Big time.

Read post #17? The purpose of that department is similar to FEMA preparations of hurricane or any natural disaster. It’s called NSC Global Health Unit. Created by Obama.

Designed to handle pandemic. That includes advance thinking and proactive warnings and action. In May 2018 Trump ordered to close NSC.

When coronavirus hit US. We are scrambling and start from scratch. Trump only reacted when it hit US. At time he is calling this a hoax and very busy pointing fingers.

Trump actions is very poor.
LoL - I though it was Borowitz too! :D

Bronx Colors suggests its bright-orange makeup has a "flawless and brightening effect" that gives "beautiful, natural-looking coverage" to users.

That's Photoshop, dumbass.

are you saying he doesn't wear spray tan? are you saying he naturally is that color? are you saying those aren't obvious goggle whites he sporting either?
I'm saying that pic is photo-shopped, dumbass. It looks like he's covered in Cheeto dust.

He IS covered in Cheeto dust dumbass :D

I'm not surprised that you believe your own propaganda.

^^^ MOST IRONIC POST OF THE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

we have a winner!
Trump is now blaming President Obama for the lack of coronavirus testing - even after Trump fired the Pandemic Response Team in 2018 that President Obama had created. Holy shit...

If Obama done it - Our retarded POTUS had to UNdo it. It's a continuing obsession that sadly has had butt-tons of negative domestic and international consequences.

the night of the correspondence diner when obama ripped into donny & his worst nightmare came true: everybody was looking & laughing 'at him'. that was the start of that obsession.

as a side note, a real leader & commander in chief showed how he can roast like the best of 'em & get our #1 enemy hunted down & killed at the same time.
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It's China's fault, Obama's fault, Bolton's fault, the CDC's fault, the media's fault, the Dem's fault. I actually have no quarrel with faulting China for allowing the conditions under which the virus got started, then trying to keep it quiet, which caused the initial exponential spread inside Wuhan.

But speciously blaming Obama for setting up protocols that could have easily been changed, or claiming Bolton's dismissal of experts employed to handle this kind of viral outbreak was done without Don's knowledge (that is damning in and of itself even if it were true), or the media for stoking fear when many states and the federal government just declared a state of's pathetic.

Not only pathetic, but both transparent and typical of this prez and his cult followers.

The truth is, this admin has been two steps behind the curve since the world became aware of the outbreak in China months ago. There is no need to repeat the many ways in which it failed to prepare the nation for the inevitable. They are well understood. It was folly to think, as Trump obviously did, that travel restrictions were going to be enough to contain this in the US. Ironically, it was the admin's failure to properly handle US citizens returning from China that lead to the community transmission of the virus on the west coast.
HHS whistleblower: US workers received coronavirus evacuees without training or protection - CNNPolitics

Trump's culpability for our lack of preparation is exactly the reason time and effort are now being spent to lay the blame at the feet of others. It is manifestly evident by his own statements he did not take this matter seriously......and in many ways still doesn't. Yesterday's dog and pony show, while providing a measure of reassurance the government is finally mobilizing in a significant way, is further proof of the tardiness of the response. It's not leadership, it's being reactionary.

I am reminded of Richard Clarke's congressional testimony in the wake of 9/11. It was a moment of rare honesty and the assumption of responsibility for failure by a government official. He admitted to the public he personally let America down and so did our government. History has repeated itself.
They'll never stop blaming Hillary and Obama.
Yeah downplay it ,like your leader did
I'm not down playing anything. You loons are over hyping this big time. I heard that no one under 50 has died from it.

So since you’re under 50, this isn’t really a problem for you then is it?
Lol, the regular flu will kill you also. I'll be 50 in a couple months, but I'm living my life the same way as I always do.

For the 10,267th time - COVID-19 is 10-15 times more deadly and we have NO vaccine and NO widespread testing. You clowns don't seem to care as long as it's old and/or compromised folk who die.
Ebola is 600 times deadlier, but your favored "expert" allowed people infected with Ebola to enter the country, and you're still defending him!

under the strictest of protocols. your fucking leader allowed untrained unequipped people to go get our sick fellow americans & fly them back totally unprotected on commercial flights you fucking imbecile.
It's China's fault, Obama's fault, Bolton's fault, the CDC's fault, the media's fault, the Dem's fault. I actually have no quarrel with faulting China for allowing the conditions under which the virus got started, then trying to keep it quiet, which caused the initial exponential spread inside Wuhan.

But speciously blaming Obama for setting up protocols that could have easily been changed, or claiming Bolton's dismissal of experts employed to handle this kind of viral outbreak was done without Don's knowledge (that is damning in and of itself even if it were true), or the media for stoking fear when many states and the federal government just declared a state of's pathetic.

Not only pathetic, but both transparent and typical of this prez and his cult followers.

The truth is, this admin has been two steps behind the curve since the world became aware of the outbreak in China months ago. There is no need to repeat the many ways in which it failed to prepare the nation for the inevitable. They are well understood. It was folly to think, as Trump obviously did, that travel restrictions were going to be enough to contain this in the US. Ironically, it was the admin's failure to properly handle US citizens returning from China that lead to the community transmission of the virus on the west coast.
HHS whistleblower: US workers received coronavirus evacuees without training or protection - CNNPolitics

Trump's culpability for our lack of preparation is exactly the reason time and effort are now being spent to lay the blame at the feet of others. It is manifestly evident by his own statements he did not take this matter seriously......and in many ways still doesn't. Yesterday's dog and pony show, while providing a measure of reassurance the government is finally mobilizing in a significant way, is further proof of the tardiness of the response. It's not leadership, it's being reactionary.

I am reminded of Richard Clarke's congressional testimony in the wake of 9/11. It was a moment of rare honesty and the assumption of responsibility for failure by a government official. He admitted to the public he personally let America down and so did our government. History has repeated itself.
They'll never stop blaming Hillary and Obama.
Dayum if that ain't true.
I'm not down playing anything. You loons are over hyping this big time. I heard that no one under 50 has died from it.

So since you’re under 50, this isn’t really a problem for you then is it?
Lol, the regular flu will kill you also. I'll be 50 in a couple months, but I'm living my life the same way as I always do.

For the 10,267th time - COVID-19 is 10-15 times more deadly and we have NO vaccine and NO widespread testing. You clowns don't seem to care as long as it's old and/or compromised folk who die.
So was the swine flu, but Obama was president so the media left it alone. If Hillary would've won, we wouldn't hear anything like we are now.

I've never been a Hillary fan, but can promise you her response would have been reasonably capable and coherent by comparison.

no doubt step one from hillary:

follow the experts' advice & don't go with your hunch.
I'm not down playing anything. You loons are over hyping this big time. I heard that no one under 50 has died from it.

So since you’re under 50, this isn’t really a problem for you then is it?
Lol, the regular flu will kill you also. I'll be 50 in a couple months, but I'm living my life the same way as I always do.

For the 10,267th time - COVID-19 is 10-15 times more deadly and we have NO vaccine and NO widespread testing. You clowns don't seem to care as long as it's old and/or compromised folk who die.
Ebola is 600 times deadlier, but your favored "expert" allowed people infected with Ebola to enter the country, and you're still defending him!

under the strictest of protocols. your fucking leader allowed untrained unequipped people to go get our sick fellow americans & fly them back totally unprotected on commercial flights you fucking imbecile.
Ebola has a mortality rate of 60-90%, you fucking dumbass, and your piece-of-shit hero imported it into our country.

I don't care how "strict" his protocols were. The strictest protocol is to not allow it into the country. That's what a rational president would have done.

What kind of "protection" is required, other than not having contact with them? They don't have Ebola. They have a virus that has a mortality of less than 1.0%
So since you’re under 50, this isn’t really a problem for you then is it?
Lol, the regular flu will kill you also. I'll be 50 in a couple months, but I'm living my life the same way as I always do.

For the 10,267th time - COVID-19 is 10-15 times more deadly and we have NO vaccine and NO widespread testing. You clowns don't seem to care as long as it's old and/or compromised folk who die.
So was the swine flu, but Obama was president so the media left it alone. If Hillary would've won, we wouldn't hear anything like we are now.

I've never been a Hillary fan, but can promise you her response would have been reasonably capable and coherent by comparison.

no doubt step one from hillary:

follow the experts' advice & don't go with your hunch.
Which "experts'" advice should he follow, the ones who say that only those showing symptoms should be tested?

You're a fucking dumbass, of course.
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Trump is now blaming President Obama for the lack of coronavirus testing - even after Trump fired the Pandemic Response Team in 2018 that President Obama had created. Holy shit...

If Obama done it - Our retarded POTUS had to UNdo it. It's a continuing obsession that sadly has had butt-tons of negative domestic and international consequences.

the night of the correspondence diner when obama ripped into donny & his worst nightmare came true: everybody was looking & laughing 'at him'. that was the start of that obsession.

as a side note, a real leader & commander in chief showed how he can roast like the best of 'em & get our #1 enemy hunted down & killed.
What "obsession" is that?

Your Trump hatred has made you delusional.
For the 10,267th time - COVID-19 is 10-15 times more deadly and we have NO vaccine and NO widespread testing. You clowns don't seem to care as long as it's old and/or compromised folk who die.
So was the swine flu, but Obama was president so the media left it alone. If Hillary would've won, we wouldn't hear anything like we are now.

I've never been a Hillary fan, but can promise you her response would have been reasonably capable and coherent by comparison.
Lol, she would've funneled millions into the Clinton foundation and thousands would've died.

I see, you believe she'd have shitcanned Obama's Pandemic Task Force in 2018 leaving us vulnerable and unprepared?

Sorry, I don't
What did this task force do before it was "shit canned?" Trump eliminated it only a few weeks ago.

I ran the White House pandemic office. Trump closed it.
The federal government is moving too slowly, due to a lack of leadership.
By Beth Cameron

Beth Cameron is vice president for global biological policy and programs at the Nuclear Threat Initiative. She previously served as the senior director for global health security and biodefense on the White House National Security Council.
March 13, 2020 at 9:32 AM EDT
The U.S. government worked hard to fight the 2014 Ebola epidemic. Unlike Central Africa, Ebola was not a usual occurrence in West Africa; the necessary elements of community trust and public health decision-making weren’t in place to detect and stop it. Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone were blind spots for disease surveillance. The cost was thousands of lives, billions of dollars and years of economic recovery for countries already torn by decades of war.

So in 2016, after the formidable U.S.-led Ebola response, the Obama White House established the global health security office at the National Security Council and asked me to lead the team. We were to prepare for and, if possible, prevent the next outbreak from becoming an epidemic or pandemic.

yer welcome & happy reading!
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