At this rate, eventually Trumpleton's will run out of people to blame.

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China could have handled this better. No doubt about that.

By the time people knew what was going on it was likely too late to stop this due to its epidemiology.

china gave the world the genome & the WHO along with other nations were able to produce test kits toot sweet - allowing for as early detection as possible.... south korea was testing 10K a week starting with week 1 & are up to 100k per week.

but nooooooo not us - we had to make our OWN test kits - turning out to be contaminated & put us way behind. we are now just starting to play catch up with will start to see just how widespread it is here.
S Korea has had 8000 cases and 72 deaths in a country with a population of 50 million, so who's record do you think is better, dumbass?

EVERY first, second and third world country handled it better than the Dithering Dotard has.
Really? Then why does S Korea have 50,000 cases? Why does Italy have 20,000 cases and 1500 deaths?

You're a fucking moron.

China and SoKo took immediate measures and were prepared - They're curve has flattened almost completely - Ours is off the chain at present. Your Orange Clown dithered, denied and misinformed idiots such as yourself for the past two months.

Nice job on the airports in the UK and Ireland BTW. I know people trying to get back have been thrilled with their 8 hour waits thanks to the barrage of stupidity from the Oval Office which they didn't even run by the airlines first.

Chaos is about all Donnie is worth.
Last edited:
China could have handled this better. No doubt about that.

By the time people knew what was going on it was likely too late to stop this due to its epidemiology.

china gave the world the genome & the WHO along with other nations were able to produce test kits toot sweet - allowing for as early detection as possible.... south korea was testing 10K a week starting with week 1 & are up to 100k per week.

but nooooooo not us - we had to make our OWN test kits - turning out to be contaminated & put us way behind. we are now just starting to play catch up with will start to see just how widespread it is here.
S Korea has had 8000 cases and 72 deaths in a country with a population of 50 million, so who's record do you think is better, dumbass?

EVERY first, second and third world country handled it better than the Dithering Dotard has.
Really? Then why does S Korea have 50,000 cases? Why does Italy have 20,000 cases and 1500 deaths?

You're a fucking moron.

China and SoKo took immediate measures and were prepared - They're curve has flattened almost completely - Ours is off the chain at present. Your Orange Clown dithered, denied and misinformed idiots such as yourself for the past two months.

Nice job on the airports in England and Ireland BTW. I know people trying to get back have been thrilled with their 8 hour waits thanks to the barrage of stupidity from the Oval Office which they didn't even run by the airlines first.

Chaos is about all Donnie is worth.
Despite their "measures," S. Korea has 50,000 cases, dumbass.

If Trump was dithering, denying and misinforming, then what were the Dims doing?

Oh yeah . . . . they were trying to impeach him.

What a bunch of colossal douchebags. Every time you post, you only incriminate yourself and your filthy party.
So since you’re under 50, this isn’t really a problem for you then is it?
Lol, the regular flu will kill you also. I'll be 50 in a couple months, but I'm living my life the same way as I always do.

For the 10,267th time - COVID-19 is 10-15 times more deadly and we have NO vaccine and NO widespread testing. You clowns don't seem to care as long as it's old and/or compromised folk who die.
Ebola is 600 times deadlier, but your favored "expert" allowed people infected with Ebola to enter the country, and you're still defending him!

Do you have a link on that Angry Lil Boy or did you yank it outta yer butt?

Ebola Virus Disease

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Total cases: 3,444
- Confirmed cases: 3,310
- Probable cases: 134

Deaths: 2,264
-2,130 confirmed
- 134 probable

Obama and his Ebola Czar Ron Klain did a yeoman's job with Ebola. There were TWO deaths in the US.
china gave the world the genome & the WHO along with other nations were able to produce test kits toot sweet - allowing for as early detection as possible.... south korea was testing 10K a week starting with week 1 & are up to 100k per week.

but nooooooo not us - we had to make our OWN test kits - turning out to be contaminated & put us way behind. we are now just starting to play catch up with will start to see just how widespread it is here.
S Korea has had 8000 cases and 72 deaths in a country with a population of 50 million, so who's record do you think is better, dumbass?

EVERY first, second and third world country handled it better than the Dithering Dotard has.
Really? Then why does S Korea have 50,000 cases? Why does Italy have 20,000 cases and 1500 deaths?

You're a fucking moron.

China and SoKo took immediate measures and were prepared - They're curve has flattened almost completely - Ours is off the chain at present. Your Orange Clown dithered, denied and misinformed idiots such as yourself for the past two months.

Nice job on the airports in England and Ireland BTW. I know people trying to get back have been thrilled with their 8 hour waits thanks to the barrage of stupidity from the Oval Office which they didn't even run by the airlines first.

Chaos is about all Donnie is worth.
Despite their "measures," S. Korea has 50,000 cases, dumbass.

If Trump was dithering, denying and misinforming, then what were the Dims doing?

Oh yeah . . . . they were trying to impeach him.

What a bunch of colossal douchebags. Every time you post, you only incriminate yourself and your filthy party.

Time for the Angry Lil Boy to go Buh Bye. Same dumb responses to every post.

Lol, the regular flu will kill you also. I'll be 50 in a couple months, but I'm living my life the same way as I always do.

For the 10,267th time - COVID-19 is 10-15 times more deadly and we have NO vaccine and NO widespread testing. You clowns don't seem to care as long as it's old and/or compromised folk who die.
Ebola is 600 times deadlier, but your favored "expert" allowed people infected with Ebola to enter the country, and you're still defending him!

Do you have a link on that Angry Lil Boy or did you yank it outta yer butt?

Ebola Virus Disease

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Total cases: 3,444
- Confirmed cases: 3,310
- Probable cases: 134

Deaths: 2,264
-2,130 confirmed
- 134 probable

Obama and his Ebola Czar Ron Klain did a yeoman's job with Ebola. There were TWO deaths in the US.
There could have been 200 million deaths. That's what they were playing with when they rolled the Ebola dice.
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S Korea has had 8000 cases and 72 deaths in a country with a population of 50 million, so who's record do you think is better, dumbass?

EVERY first, second and third world country handled it better than the Dithering Dotard has.
Really? Then why does S Korea have 50,000 cases? Why does Italy have 20,000 cases and 1500 deaths?

You're a fucking moron.

China and SoKo took immediate measures and were prepared - They're curve has flattened almost completely - Ours is off the chain at present. Your Orange Clown dithered, denied and misinformed idiots such as yourself for the past two months.

Nice job on the airports in England and Ireland BTW. I know people trying to get back have been thrilled with their 8 hour waits thanks to the barrage of stupidity from the Oval Office which they didn't even run by the airlines first.

Chaos is about all Donnie is worth.
Despite their "measures," S. Korea has 50,000 cases, dumbass.

If Trump was dithering, denying and misinforming, then what were the Dims doing?

Oh yeah . . . . they were trying to impeach him.

What a bunch of colossal douchebags. Every time you post, you only incriminate yourself and your filthy party.

Time for the Angry Lil Boy to go Buh Bye. Same dumb responses to every post.

There's nothing "dumb" about it. Those are facts that you can't spin or get around.
Fired response staff, no central coordination of response, contradictory messages, under playing the risk, not providing for enough protective equipment for medical staff, not making sure enough test kits were available, not forming a plan for hospitals to be overwhelmed, prioritizing a politically oriented rather than health expert oriented message from the admin, setting a poor example with reckless personal that enough?

Two of the farthest left-wing governors in the country would disagree with you. If they can get over their TDS, maybe you can too

NY Gov. Cuomo Becomes the Second Democrat to Praise President Trump's Efforts to Fight the Coronavirus

California's Democrat governor praises Trump's response to Coronavirus on cruise ship
FINALLY!! What took trump so long to do the right thing? I read our 1st case was discovered Jan 20 and on Jan 26th Trump said ,in other words ,,no big deal.
"finally?" it's only been a week since brain damaged TDS morons like you started whining about it. You keep forgetting that Obama waited until 2000 people died from Swine flu before he declared a national emergency.
Perhaps you should consider the value of the specious claims Trump makes is of a political nature by duping the minions in to focusing on the past rather than Don's present failures. It's called politicizing the crisis. I'm so sorry the facts keep getting in the way of the bullshit you are peddling.
Did Obama Declare Swine Flu an Emergency Only After 'Millions' Were Infected?

The way you identify hypocrites is comparing their past words and deeds with their present words and deeds. All the brain dead TDS morons fail by that measure.
WTH? I like you better when you are coherent, posting in the Religion forum.
"I didn't do it. We have other people in the administration." djt

Total Lack of Leadership.
Total Cowardice.
China could have handled this better. No doubt about that.

By the time people knew what was going on it was likely too late to stop this due to its epidemiology.

china gave the world the genome & the WHO along with other nations were able to produce test kits toot sweet - allowing for as early detection as possible.... south korea was testing 10K a week starting with week 1 & are up to 100k per week.

but nooooooo not us - we had to make our OWN test kits - turning out to be contaminated & put us way behind. we are now just starting to play catch up with will start to see just how widespread it is here.
S Korea has had 8000 cases and 72 deaths in a country with a population of 50 million, so who's record do you think is better, dumbass?

EVERY first, second and third world country handled it better than the Dithering Dotard has.
Really? Then why does S Korea have 50,000 cases? Why does Italy have 20,000 cases and 1500 deaths?

You're a fucking moron.

China and SoKo took immediate measures and were prepared - They're curve has flattened almost completely - Ours is off the chain at present. Your Orange Clown dithered, denied and misinformed idiots such as yourself for the past two months.

Nice job on the airports in the UK and Ireland BTW. I know people trying to get back have been thrilled with their 8 hour waits thanks to the barrage of stupidity from the Oval Office which they didn't even run by the airlines first.

Chaos is about all Donnie is worth.

The "immediate measures" taken by China are what foisted this pandemic on the world. Their initial response was denial. Next, they accused those who raised the alarm of fear mongering, of trying to create a panic. They were so preoccupied with saving face and keeping the economy going that they failed to contain this when they had the opportunity.

Sound familiar?
FINALLY!! What took trump so long to do the right thing? I read our 1st case was discovered Jan 20 and on Jan 26th Trump said ,in other words ,,no big deal.
"finally?" it's only been a week since brain damaged TDS morons like you started whining about it. You keep forgetting that Obama waited until 2000 people died from Swine flu before he declared a national emergency.
Perhaps you should consider the value of the specious claims Trump makes is of a political nature by duping the minions in to focusing on the past rather than Don's present failures. It's called politicizing the crisis. I'm so sorry the facts keep getting in the way of the bullshit you are peddling.
Did Obama Declare Swine Flu an Emergency Only After 'Millions' Were Infected?

The way you identify hypocrites is comparing their past words and deeds with their present words and deeds. All the brain dead TDS morons fail by that measure.
WTH? I like you better when you are coherent, posting in the Religion forum.
I've never posted in the Religion forum, dumbass. My post was entirely coherent and easily understood by anyone with a brain.
"I didn't do it. We have other people in the administration." djt

Total Lack of Leadership.
Total Cowardice.
I love the way TDS douchebags always try to get Republican politicians to confess their sins. Stalin had a mania about getting the people he persecuted to do likewise.
china gave the world the genome & the WHO along with other nations were able to produce test kits toot sweet - allowing for as early detection as possible.... south korea was testing 10K a week starting with week 1 & are up to 100k per week.

but nooooooo not us - we had to make our OWN test kits - turning out to be contaminated & put us way behind. we are now just starting to play catch up with will start to see just how widespread it is here.
S Korea has had 8000 cases and 72 deaths in a country with a population of 50 million, so who's record do you think is better, dumbass?

EVERY first, second and third world country handled it better than the Dithering Dotard has.
Really? Then why does S Korea have 50,000 cases? Why does Italy have 20,000 cases and 1500 deaths?

You're a fucking moron.

China and SoKo took immediate measures and were prepared - They're curve has flattened almost completely - Ours is off the chain at present. Your Orange Clown dithered, denied and misinformed idiots such as yourself for the past two months.

Nice job on the airports in the UK and Ireland BTW. I know people trying to get back have been thrilled with their 8 hour waits thanks to the barrage of stupidity from the Oval Office which they didn't even run by the airlines first.

Chaos is about all Donnie is worth.

The "immediate measures" taken by China are what foisted this pandemic on the world. Their initial response was denial. Next, they accused those who raised the alarm of fear mongering, of trying to create a panic. They were so preoccupied with saving face and keeping the economy going that they failed to contain this when they had the opportunity.

Sound familiar?

They were less than forthcoming to the rest of us. Not the point. They handled it with Draconian isolation measures, closures and TESTING.

Their curve is FLAT at present and business like multiple Apple locations have reopened.

China took the extraordinary step of locking down tens of millions of people days in advance of the Lunar New Year, to prevent the virus from spreading around the country from Wuhan, the city where the outbreak appears to have started. Many experts at the time said it would have been impossible to slow a rapidly transmitting respiratory infection by effectively shutting down enormous cities — and possibly counterproductive.

But the quarantines, unprecedented in modern times, appear to have prevented explosive outbreaks from occurring in cities outside of Hubei province, where Wuhan is located.

Since then, spread of the virus in China has slowed to a trickle; the country reported only 19 cases on Monday. And South Korea, which has had the third largest outbreak outside of China, also appears to be beating back transmission through aggressive actions. But other places, notably Italy and Iran, are struggling.​

'Flattening the curve’ may be the world’s best bet to slow the coronavirus
You got him this time! This will pass and the economy will come back and you will standing there looking stupid. For the hundredth time.

We do have him this time... The only question is, does the GOP go down with the ship.

Time to cut your losses, boys.
S Korea has had 8000 cases and 72 deaths in a country with a population of 50 million, so who's record do you think is better, dumbass?

EVERY first, second and third world country handled it better than the Dithering Dotard has.
Really? Then why does S Korea have 50,000 cases? Why does Italy have 20,000 cases and 1500 deaths?

You're a fucking moron.

China and SoKo took immediate measures and were prepared - They're curve has flattened almost completely - Ours is off the chain at present. Your Orange Clown dithered, denied and misinformed idiots such as yourself for the past two months.

Nice job on the airports in the UK and Ireland BTW. I know people trying to get back have been thrilled with their 8 hour waits thanks to the barrage of stupidity from the Oval Office which they didn't even run by the airlines first.

Chaos is about all Donnie is worth.

The "immediate measures" taken by China are what foisted this pandemic on the world. Their initial response was denial. Next, they accused those who raised the alarm of fear mongering, of trying to create a panic. They were so preoccupied with saving face and keeping the economy going that they failed to contain this when they had the opportunity.

Sound familiar?

They were less than forthcoming to the rest of us. Not the point. They handled it with Draconian isolation measures, closures and TESTING.

Their curve is FLAT at present and business like multiple Apple locations have reopened.

China took the extraordinary step of locking down tens of millions of people days in advance of the Lunar New Year, to prevent the virus from spreading around the country from Wuhan, the city where the outbreak appears to have started. Many experts at the time said it would have been impossible to slow a rapidly transmitting respiratory infection by effectively shutting down enormous cities — and possibly counterproductive.

But the quarantines, unprecedented in modern times, appear to have prevented explosive outbreaks from occurring in cities outside of Hubei province, where Wuhan is located.

Since then, spread of the virus in China has slowed to a trickle; the country reported only 19 cases on Monday. And South Korea, which has had the third largest outbreak outside of China, also appears to be beating back transmission through aggressive actions. But other places, notably Italy and Iran, are struggling.​

'Flattening the curve’ may be the world’s best bet to slow the coronavirus
Why are you comparing the USA to countries that have demonstrably done a far worse job of controlling the Wuhan flu?
The Moon Bats are confused.

We are blaming the goddamn commies while at the same time exposing that is largely a media hyped problem and reminding everybody that the worthless piece of lay Negro shit President let thousands of Americans die of the H1N1 virus before getting off his sorry Black ass and doing something.

It counteracts the uneducated Trump Derangement Syndrome hate we are seeing from the dumbass moon Bats. Trump is doing a great job..
I'm not down playing anything. You loons are over hyping this big time. I heard that no one under 50 has died from it.

So since you’re under 50, this isn’t really a problem for you then is it?
Lol, the regular flu will kill you also. I'll be 50 in a couple months, but I'm living my life the same way as I always do.

For the 10,267th time - COVID-19 is 10-15 times more deadly and we have NO vaccine and NO widespread testing. You clowns don't seem to care as long as it's old and/or compromised folk who die.
Ebola is 600 times deadlier, but your favored "expert" allowed people infected with Ebola to enter the country, and you're still defending him!

Do you have a link on that Angry Lil Boy or did you yank it outta yer butt?
I remember when Obama let a person infected with Ebola in the United States and silence from liberals.
Lol, it's not the bogey man you want it to be. People who survived it says it's just like a bad cold.
Yeah downplay it ,like your leader did
I'm not down playing anything. You loons are over hyping this big time. I heard that no one under 50 has died from it.

So since you’re under 50, this isn’t really a problem for you then is it?
Lol, the regular flu will kill you also. I'll be 50 in a couple months, but I'm living my life the same way as I always do.

For the 10,267th time - COVID-19 is 10-15 times more deadly and we have NO vaccine and NO widespread testing. You clowns don't seem to care as long as it's old and/or compromised folk who die.
So was the swine flu, but Obama was president so the media left it alone. If Hillary would've won, we wouldn't hear anything like we are now.
Yeah downplay it ,like your leader did
I'm not down playing anything. You loons are over hyping this big time. I heard that no one under 50 has died from it.

So since you’re under 50, this isn’t really a problem for you then is it?
Lol, the regular flu will kill you also. I'll be 50 in a couple months, but I'm living my life the same way as I always do.

For the 10,267th time - COVID-19 is 10-15 times more deadly and we have NO vaccine and NO widespread testing. You clowns don't seem to care as long as it's old and/or compromised folk who die.
So was the swine flu, but Obama was president so the media left it alone. If Hillary would've won, we wouldn't hear anything like we are now.

I've never been a Hillary fan, but can promise you her response would have been reasonably capable and coherent by comparison.
The Moon Bats are confused.

We are blaming the goddamn commies while at the same time exposing that is largely a media hyped problem and reminding everybody that the worthless piece of lay Negro shit President let thousands of Americans die of the H1N1 virus before getting off his sorry Black ass and doing something.

It counteracts the uneducated Trump Derangement Syndrome hate we are seeing from the dumbass moon Bats. Trump is doing a great job..

The dry cleaner called. You're tidy whities are ready for pickup ;)

You got him this time! This will pass and the economy will come back and you will standing there looking stupid. For the hundredth time.

We do have him this time... The only question is, does the GOP go down with the ship.

Time to cut your losses, boys.
Lol, yep you got him this time. The fact is you're giddy even if it cost American lives to do it. So after this thing blows over, the economy roars back and you are exposed for wishing death on your fellow Americans. Cause your butt hurt over the election. Trump wins the presidency and both houses in a landslide.
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