At this rate, eventually Trumpleton's will run out of people to blame.

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They've also had 200,000 tests given How many under the dump administration?
If testing is so effective, then why do they have 8000 cases for a population of 50 million? If the US had a similar record, we would have 50,000 cases and 450 deaths.

because we started out with not nearly enough.... & the guidelines for those deemed worthy were way more restrictive here than other countries who followed the WHO recommendations & instead of using the test kits that the WHO recommended weren't used & the kits we did have were CONtaminated.
How much is "enough," dumbass? Give us a number. That's one thing I've noticed you hacks don't want to do.

The WHO is a communist organization. We have never followed their guidelines.

more than what we had. we had a couple months to acquire more. & by not following their guidelines - we now have the problem we do.
"More" is not an answer. Give us a number.

ask donny.
You're an idiot. Turn off CNN.

Dr. Anthony Fauci At Coronavirus Briefing: ‘We Will See More Suffering And Death’
By Tommy ChristopherMar 14th, 2020, 1:16 pm

Leading coronavirus task force expert Dr. Anthony Fauci told reporters at a coronavirus briefing that “We will see more cases and we will see more suffering and death” from the disease, particularly “among the vulnerables in our society.”

On Saturday afternoon, Fauci spoke at a White House Coronavirus Task Force briefing, minutes after President Trump announced that he has been tested for the disease.

Fauci began by updated global infection and mortality figures for the outbreak, then said “if you look at the domestic cases, there are about 2,226 including the repatriations, 50 deaths, 532 new cases, and 9 new deaths. Which means we have not reached our peak.”
Anthony Fauci on Coronavirus: Will See More Suffering And Death

stop watching FOX.
Fauci is a leftwing hack who approved allowing Ebola patients to enter the country. That's why the left loves him.

HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fauci has worked under both (R) & (D) administrations. did anybody get infected here?

did donny tell people who only have mild symptoms to go to work? did he say his 'hunch' based on zero scientific evidence, was irresponsible or do you think that was a wise move? did he go days & days in close contact with others, shaking hands etc because he refused to be tested until he was shamed into it?

it matters not that he tested negative - if he was positive, all those people he put at risk & their contacts too was a cowardly act.

Fauci has been doing HIV/AIDs research. I doubt you'll find many Republican doctors doing that. He's been head of NIAID since 1984, so, yeah, he would naturally have worked under both Republican and Democrat administrations, so that means nothing.

lol........ you continually surprise me with the ignorant brain you possess. he actually performs real science; so maybe you are right about 'republican' doctors.

i guess they all just pray, like mike pence - to solve societies' diseases.
You failed to mention anything "ignorant" that I posted.

What a shock!
If testing is so effective, then why do they have 8000 cases for a population of 50 million? If the US had a similar record, we would have 50,000 cases and 450 deaths.

because we started out with not nearly enough.... & the guidelines for those deemed worthy were way more restrictive here than other countries who followed the WHO recommendations & instead of using the test kits that the WHO recommended weren't used & the kits we did have were CONtaminated.
How much is "enough," dumbass? Give us a number. That's one thing I've noticed you hacks don't want to do.

The WHO is a communist organization. We have never followed their guidelines.

more than what we had. we had a couple months to acquire more. & by not following their guidelines - we now have the problem we do.
"More" is not an answer. Give us a number.

ask donny.
You're the one claiming to be the expert on testing. Demonstrate your expertise, Dr. Livingston, or shut your fucking yap.
Dr. Anthony Fauci At Coronavirus Briefing: ‘We Will See More Suffering And Death’
By Tommy ChristopherMar 14th, 2020, 1:16 pm

Leading coronavirus task force expert Dr. Anthony Fauci told reporters at a coronavirus briefing that “We will see more cases and we will see more suffering and death” from the disease, particularly “among the vulnerables in our society.”

On Saturday afternoon, Fauci spoke at a White House Coronavirus Task Force briefing, minutes after President Trump announced that he has been tested for the disease.

Fauci began by updated global infection and mortality figures for the outbreak, then said “if you look at the domestic cases, there are about 2,226 including the repatriations, 50 deaths, 532 new cases, and 9 new deaths. Which means we have not reached our peak.”
Anthony Fauci on Coronavirus: Will See More Suffering And Death

stop watching FOX.
Fauci is a leftwing hack who approved allowing Ebola patients to enter the country. That's why the left loves him.

HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fauci has worked under both (R) & (D) administrations. did anybody get infected here?

did donny tell people who only have mild symptoms to go to work? did he say his 'hunch' based on zero scientific evidence, was irresponsible or do you think that was a wise move? did he go days & days in close contact with others, shaking hands etc because he refused to be tested until he was shamed into it?

it matters not that he tested negative - if he was positive, all those people he put at risk & their contacts too was a cowardly act.

Fauci has been doing HIV/AIDs research. I doubt you'll find many Republican doctors doing that. He's been head of NIAID since 1984, so, yeah, he would naturally have worked under both Republican and Democrat administrations, so that means nothing.

lol........ you continually surprise me with the ignorant brain you possess. he actually performs real science; so maybe you are right about 'republican' doctors.

i guess they all just pray, like mike pence - to solve societies' diseases.
You failed to mention anything "ignorant" that I posted.

What a shock!

lol... i didn't think i had to since the entire post was ignorant. oh dear - when i said you were right, you thought i WASN'T being sarcastic?

what a shock.
because we started out with not nearly enough.... & the guidelines for those deemed worthy were way more restrictive here than other countries who followed the WHO recommendations & instead of using the test kits that the WHO recommended weren't used & the kits we did have were CONtaminated.
How much is "enough," dumbass? Give us a number. That's one thing I've noticed you hacks don't want to do.

The WHO is a communist organization. We have never followed their guidelines.

more than what we had. we had a couple months to acquire more. & by not following their guidelines - we now have the problem we do.
"More" is not an answer. Give us a number.

ask donny.
You're the one claiming to be the expert on testing. Demonstrate your expertise, Dr. Livingston, or shut your fucking yap.

i never claimed any such thing - so there's that.

also, a real leader would follow the advise from the experts & not CONtradict it. & excluding those experts from meetings held at HHS back in january would have been the first step.

duh duh duh doy doy doy.
Fauci is a leftwing hack who approved allowing Ebola patients to enter the country. That's why the left loves him.

HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fauci has worked under both (R) & (D) administrations. did anybody get infected here?

did donny tell people who only have mild symptoms to go to work? did he say his 'hunch' based on zero scientific evidence, was irresponsible or do you think that was a wise move? did he go days & days in close contact with others, shaking hands etc because he refused to be tested until he was shamed into it?

it matters not that he tested negative - if he was positive, all those people he put at risk & their contacts too was a cowardly act.

Fauci has been doing HIV/AIDs research. I doubt you'll find many Republican doctors doing that. He's been head of NIAID since 1984, so, yeah, he would naturally have worked under both Republican and Democrat administrations, so that means nothing.

lol........ you continually surprise me with the ignorant brain you possess. he actually performs real science; so maybe you are right about 'republican' doctors.

i guess they all just pray, like mike pence - to solve societies' diseases.
You failed to mention anything "ignorant" that I posted.

What a shock!

lol... i didn't think i had to since the entire post was ignorant. oh dear - when i said you were right, you thought i WASN'T being sarcastic?

what a shock.
How was it "ignorant?" I posted facts. You posted horseshit.
How much is "enough," dumbass? Give us a number. That's one thing I've noticed you hacks don't want to do.

The WHO is a communist organization. We have never followed their guidelines.

more than what we had. we had a couple months to acquire more. & by not following their guidelines - we now have the problem we do.
"More" is not an answer. Give us a number.

ask donny.
You're the one claiming to be the expert on testing. Demonstrate your expertise, Dr. Livingston, or shut your fucking yap.

i never claimed any such thing - so there's that.

also, a real leader would follow the advise from the experts & not CONtradict it. & excluding those experts from meetings held at HHS back in january would have been the first step.

duh duh duh doy doy doy.
You're claiming superior knowledge to Trump, asshole, so yes you did claim any such thing.

Expert opinion is all over the map, moron. What you really mean is that he should kow tow to the experts who spout your biases on the subject.
What did you say you fat fuck? Stop politicizing this plague.
Temper, temper my man..........I mean orc.

Since imploring his opponents not to politicize coronavirus, Trump has repeatedly politicized it

Trump’s vision of unity is not the one shared by most people. He has repeatedly demonstrated that he understands unity to primarily mean that his opponents should stop being critical of the things he does and, instead, accept him as their unerring leader.

It took only a few hours for Trump to demonstrate how seriously he took his own admonition about not making the coronavirus issue political.

First, there was his retweet of this, using Gallup polling data from a month ago that he has repeatedly embraced.

Ryan Fournier


77% of Americans are confident in the Trump Administration’s ability to handle the coronavirus.

Just 58% of Americans were confident in the Obama Administration’s ability to handle the Ebola virus.

Funny how the media doesn’t report this fact!
3:17 PM - Mar 8, 2020
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22.6K people are talking about this

Trump, of course, is very aware that his most likely opponent in this year’s presidential election is former vice president Joe Biden, meaning that any contrast between his handling of the coronavirus and actions taken by the administration of President Barack Obama are tacit attacks on the other guy on the ballot in November.

By Thursday evening, Trump was attacking Biden directly.

Donald J. Trump


Sleepy Joe Biden was in charge of the H1N1 Swine Flu epidemic which killed thousands of people. The response was one of the worst on record. Our response is one of the best, with fast action of border closings & a 78% Approval Rating, the highest on record. His was lowest!
8:20 PM - Mar 12, 2020
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93.5K people are talking about this
This, again, is using that Gallup data from before the outbreak began to spread exponentially in the United States. More recent data from Quinnipiac University
determined that less than half the country approves of Trump’s response to the coronavirus.
In another tweet, Trump quoted inaccurate information from Fox Business host Lou Dobbs aimed at disparaging the Obama administration and Biden in particular. Dobbs made a now common claim about it taking months for a national emergency to be declared after the outbreak of swine flu early in Obama’s administration, which is misleading; Obama declared a public health emergency before any deaths had occurred.

Dobbs also highlighted the fact that the swine-flu outbreak killed 12,000 Americans, a figure he included to contrast with the 40 deaths to-date in the United States from the coronavirus. But experts expect that number to increase dramatically. Under some scenarios, the death toll from the coronavirus in the United States could exceed 1 million.
Thanks for wasting your time. I said the exact same thing in my own words earlier in the thread. You’re a fat antisemite.
Grandparents killed by Nazis in WW2. Parents are a little older than you. I won’t be seeing them for at least two months just in case. They have siblings. Won’t be seeing them either. Social distancing is key. But my parents are not politicizing this. You are.
These certainly are sobering times. Allow me to ask, of what value to the country is Trump making up lies about Obama's handling of the Ebola outbreak? Perhaps you should consider the value is of a political nature for Trump by duping the minions in to focusing on the past rather than his present failures. It's called politicizing the crisis. I'm so sorry the facts keep getting in the way of the bullshit you are peddling.
Did you just politicize this again you fat fuck? You are right about one thing. You are sorry.
His hunch was accurate. Only a selfish witch would politicize this pandemic.

only a poorly educated asshole believes trump's hunch over scientific experts.

"Well, I think the 3.4% is really a false number," Trump told Sean Hannity on Fox News. "Now, this is just my hunch, and — but based on a lot of conversations with a lot of people that do this, because a lot of people will have this, and it's very mild. They will get better very rapidly. They don't even see a doctor."

"Personally, I would say, the number is way under 1%," Trump said.

Coronavirus 10 times more lethal than seasonal flu, top health official says

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said the outbreak will get worse and warned the U.S. must take serious mitigation efforts.

Coronavirus 10 times more lethal than seasonal flu, top health official says
You’re old. Better be careful, witch. The virus is coming. Only assholes would politicize a pandemic. You’re case in point.

lol.... asshole troll who can't debate facts. i'm not 'old' & i am healthy ... but your parents are 'old' ; do they have siblings? your grandparents are 'old' if they are still alive. & chances are they have underlying conditions. best you stay clean so you don't risk infecting them.
Grandparents killed by Nazis in WW2. Parents are a little older than you. I won’t be seeing them for at least two months just in case. They have siblings. Won’t be seeing them either. Social distancing is key. But my parents are not politicizing this. You are.

donny politicized this by wearing a fucking MAGA hat to the CDC. donny politicized this by wanting to keep our people in that petri dish cruise liner so the numbers wouldn't go up & make him look bad; he even admitted it.

deplorables are just little assholes who can't stand when facts show how incompetent their dear leader really is.

go lick a subway rail.
You think he made those decisions unilaterally? You re such a deranged psycho and you’re old. Be very careful out there.
The WHO says Cuba has better medical care than the United States.
Have you considered trying to factually dispute their assertion? Do you ever possess enough intellectual curiosity to prove something wrong rather than dismissing it solely because you disagree with the assertion? Perhaps this explains why you are wrong about so very many things.
Here's your proof:

Superior Cuban medical care:

Cuba Does It. Why Can’t the U.S. Provide Healthcare for Its Poor?
The island nation scores better than the United States when it comes to infant mortality and life expectancy. Part of the reason is healthcare is a right there.
Health Services for Poor: U.S. vs. Cuba

Doing More with Less: Lessons from Cuba's Health Care System
Trump will be POTUS until he decides to leave. Suck it libs.

So, tell me honestly. Do you say things like this because you think Trump is that good, or because you know it pisses of libs to see an incompetent douchebag at the helm? It seems like the latter. It seems like you people know he's a shit stain, but he's pissing off your enemies so that makes it ok. That's idiotic, obviously, but is that really how Trumpsters think?
Is it too much to ask that these clowns get something right once in a while?

WH Continues Confusion Over Google’s Role In COVID-19 Testing Website

WH Continues Confusion Over Google's Role In COVID-19 Testing Website

Google is making a national coronavirus testing website — or, it’s not, actually. Who can say?

That was essentially the word from the White House Saturday as confusion reigned over what kind of role the tech giant had agreed to play in the federal government’s fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

On Friday, President Donald Trump portrayed Google as the central player in a website to screen for people who ought to get tested for the disease. He added that the website would be “very quickly done.”

But Google’s sister company Verily, the Alphabet subsidiary actually making the site, responded by painting a much smaller picture of their work, saying the site’s use would be confined to the Bay Area, at least at first.
Trump will be POTUS until he decides to leave. Suck it libs.

So, tell me honestly. Do you say things like this because you think Trump is that good, or because you know it pisses of libs to see an incompetent douchebag at the helm? It seems like the latter. It seems like you people know he's a shit stain, but he's pissing off your enemies so that makes it ok. That's idiotic, obviously, but is that really how Trumpsters think?

I like to stoke their stupid inane hysteria because they are mindless sheep.
Trump will be POTUS until he decides to leave. Suck it libs.

So, tell me honestly. Do you say things like this because you think Trump is that good, or because you know it pisses of libs to see an incompetent douchebag at the helm? It seems like the latter. It seems like you people know he's a shit stain, but he's pissing off your enemies so that makes it ok. That's idiotic, obviously, but is that really how Trumpsters think?

I like to stoke their stupid inane hysteria because they are mindless sheep.

That doesn't really answer the question. I guess I can understand why you'd rather avoid it.
The WHO says Cuba has better medical care than the United States.
Have you considered trying to factually dispute their assertion? Do you ever possess enough intellectual curiosity to prove something wrong rather than dismissing it solely because you disagree with the assertion? Perhaps this explains why you are wrong about so very many things.
Here's your proof:

Superior Cuban medical care:

Cuba Does It. Why Can’t the U.S. Provide Healthcare for Its Poor?
The island nation scores better than the United States when it comes to infant mortality and life expectancy. Part of the reason is healthcare is a right there.
Health Services for Poor: U.S. vs. Cuba

Doing More with Less: Lessons from Cuba's Health Care System
If you call lying in your own filth "healthcare."

One reason the U.S. has higher infant mortality is that we measure it differently. Another reason is that we have 13 year old illegal aliens giving birth.
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